Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 732 Can’t look directly

The middle-class layman has the important task of sitting in Shaanxi and checking and balancing the great commander, and cannot stay in heaven for a long time.

He browsed around Li Xuan's 'Heaven' for a while and left in a hurry.

Before leaving, the middle-class layman left 47 million taels of silver and various materials to Li Xuan.

This was all his savings, which he used to order three thousand sets of 'Black Gold Heavenly Armor' and fifty sets of 'Black Gold Divine Armor' from the Artifact Alliance.

The Zhongliu layman maintains a 3,000-strong "Zhongliu Divine Refining Army" all year round. They are powerful Tao soldiers refined using special secret methods and drug-tempering sacrifices. All members are at the level of a five-story building. And they all voluntarily sacrificed their life span to gain a strong body.

This gave them extremely powerful combat power, allowing them to confront 30,000 Mongol cavalry head-on on the battlefield...

It is said that at its peak, there were 9,000 people. Hundreds of years ago, when the Mongols invaded the south, they helped defend Xiangyang and inflicted heavy losses on the Mongolians.

Unfortunately, the financial resources of the middle-class laymen became increasingly difficult, and the number of the "mid-stream god-refining army" became smaller and smaller, and they have never been able to restore their old outlook.

The meaning of being a middle-class layman is to 'dedicate' this army to Li Xuan's heaven. As a direct soldier of him, the marshal of heaven, it also means to bring capital and invest in it.

The God-Refining Army are all living people, but in the future they can be transformed into heavenly weapons after they die in battle or die of old age.

Moreover, the armor like the 'Wujin Heavenly Armor' is large enough and can be used by living people, so it doesn't have to be a Yin spirit.

Li Xuan naturally wants it, and now he just wants to make the cake bigger.

The strength of the Heavenly Court directly determines the authority of Li Xuan, and also determines the strength of the "divine power" of the Supreme Heavenly Law.

Moreover, the middle-class layman paid a huge price. After receiving his sacred urn, his magic power was greatly increased and he attained the status of "Ji Tian".

But correspondingly, this person's future status as a god, and even life, death, honor and disgrace will also depend on him.

For people like middle-class lay people who brought their own dry food, Li Xuan wished he could get more.

Just like in the Three Dynasties of Heaven, the three official emperors, the six imperial emperors and the five emperors of the five directions each set up separate mountains to separate one side, which is another situation.

Li Xuan personally sent this man outside the capital to show his respect for the middle-class layman. Then while waving goodbye, he was thinking that the second solar furnace should be put on the agenda.

At this time, only a middle-class layman occupies 45% of the power generation capacity of the 'Sun God Furnace'. His 'Sun God Furnace' only has 35% power redundancy. He must build it as soon as possible. The second 'Sun Furnace' serves as a backup power source.

But when he thought of the fifty million taels of the 'Sun God Furnace', Li Xuan felt his head hurt.

It shouldn't cost as much as 50 million taels. After Leng Yurou has her first experience, the cost will definitely drop significantly.

It is conceivable that it will not be less than 40 million, and many materials must be purchased outsourced.

Many of the natural materials and treasures that Li Xuan snatched from Dongdao have been used up and are no longer in stock.

After Li Xuan returned to Heaven, he took inventory of his warehouse and found that the total amount of various materials and money was only 380 million.

Then he sat on his throne and did not say a word or move for a long time.

Li Xuan wondered how long it had been since he plundered the East Island? It seems like just over half a year, right? The wallet that I had finally bulged was half deflated.

With the little money left, I wonder if I can survive until the day when I can break even?

But after Li Xuan thought about it, he felt desperate and his scalp was numb.

The only thing that can bring him pure income now is the two thousand hectares of farmland given to him by the imperial court and the share given to him by the Chengyi Mansion.

Adding these two items together, the annual harvest is about 520,000 taels. The sale of seeds of corn, potatoes and sweet potatoes this year is expected to bring in an extra 7 million taels.

The factory he jointly owned with the Artifact Alliance also started construction a few months ago. Whether it is a cotton weaving factory, a silk reeling factory, or a wool weaving factory, business is booming. It is estimated that it can bring eight million taels of silver to Li Xuan a year. income.

But compared to his annual expenditure of hundreds of millions of taels, this is simply a drop in the bucket.

The situation may get better in the future, but now he needs money in all aspects of his "Heavenly" start-up.

The three generations of Heaven once had millions of soldiers, twelve marshals, and more than a hundred divine generals. If Li Xuan wants to secure the position of 'Emperor of Heaven' in the future, he can't be worse than Haotian, right?

This means at least twelve ‘Sun God Furnaces’ and one million sets of ‘Ujin Heavenly Armor’

And the source of belief in ‘Xuanhuang Emperor’ will be a bottomless pit for a long time in the future.

He is learning from and Taobao, and is investing money to cultivate consumption habits. He cannot stop now.

Li Xuan thought for a long time, but he didn't think of a way to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, so he could only sigh secretly, turned his attention to his buttocks a little autistically, and began to deal with some of the backlogged problems of the 'Throne of the Emperor of Heaven'.

This thing is similar to an automatic question and answer robot, with only simple intelligence. He could only respond to some simple questions according to Li Xuan's preset procedures.

However, there are some more complicated and not very urgent situations that the ‘Celestial Emperor’s Throne’ cannot handle, so they will be postponed and handed over to Li Xuan to handle personally.

There is a set of criteria and screening methods set by Li Xuan himself within the throne of the Emperor of Heaven. He will not send the wishes of just any cat or dog to Li Xuan.

Those who are qualified for Li Xuan to personally intervene are either his temple masters, extremely devout believers, or people with good status and a certain influence among the people.

But after Li Xuan felt it, he couldn't help but smile.

"Want to ask for marriage? Is the neighbor girl Xiaoqing very good? Damn it, you are already in your thirties and you are still thinking about someone else's twelve-year-old girl. You deserve to be punished!"

"Want to get rich? It would be better if a big box of money falls from the sky. I want such a good thing too. Why doesn't the sky drop money for me?"

"Tonight I'm going to meet Miss Yunluo from the brothel. Do you want to fight fiercely all night long without losing? This is difficult to do. You are already fifty or sixty years old and have no cultivation skills. You'd better take it easy. .”

These believers were extremely pious, but their prayers were more bizarre than the last, and were directly ignored by Li Xuan.

However, Li Xuan made a note of this in his mind, thinking that it would not be difficult to develop this kind of "invincible" magic.

But Li Xuan still had some hesitation in his heart. This magical skill had great promise, and its future was almost similar to that of the 'God of Wealth', but Li Xuan felt that it didn't fit in with his 'Emperor of Heaven' style.

Don’t let people mention the ‘Xuanhuang Emperor’ in the future and say, ‘Oh, he’s the one who can make people undefeated at night’.

Li Xuan continued browsing.

"The dog next door is too noisy and you want it to die? You've got the wrong person."

"Want to get rich? Get out"

"My wife is bedridden. It may be caused by evil spirits. The family has no money, so I want to ask the gods to exorcise the evil spirits? This can be taken care of."

By the way, Li Xuan added a program to his Heavenly Emperor's Throne to deal with this situation.

Although it was not the believer who was harmed by evil spirits, he could not stand idly by when faced with such a situation.

It is nothing more than a purifying spell. The incense and incense aspiration provided by this person in one year is enough to repay this spell three times.

Li Xuan regards himself as an insurance company, and the willingness provided by believers is the insurance premium.

Insurance companies are guaranteed to make money, but they need to have enough credibility to continue doing business.

"Want a child? You have been childless for three years and have been criticized by your family. You want to conceive a boy, but I don't care about the child."

Li Xuan was thinking this, but suddenly he felt something in his heart.

This female believer seems to have a cold body?

Li Xuan did not hesitate and directly used the Shaoyang Curse. This method can temporarily relieve palace cold, but it can only last for three months.

Whether this girl can get pregnant during this period depends on God's will.

Then he added a program to his 'Celestial Emperor's Throne'. In the future, if someone asks him for a child and has a cold constitution, he can use the 'Shaoyang Curse' or similar techniques to deal with it.

Li Xuan fell into meditation again. He thought that his "undefeated" technique seemed to be combined with Qiuzi.

The most widely believed gods in his world, which have remained strong until modern times, are the 'God of Wealth', the other of 'Marriage', the one of 'Wenchang', and the other of 'Sending Children'.

Advertisements for infertility treatment are plastered all over the streets.

It would be too low if the treatment is not carried out, but if it is 'giving a child', that is a high-level statement.

Just as Li Xuan was thinking this, his mind suddenly moved, and he sensed a stream of blue smoke rising into the sky from the direction of Tubo. They finally gathered into a strong divine power and poured into the space of the Heavenly Punishment Platform.

Li Xuan was secretly confused, thinking that he had never sent temple blessings or magicians to Tubo.

That is the territory of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, and Li Xuan does not intend to compete with the living Buddhas for believers in Tubo.

Li Xuan was puzzled, so he directly projected a ray of his own soul.

The next moment, Li Xuan found himself in a magnificent temple.

His soul cannot move and should be attached to his statue. UU Reading There was a large group of lamas and common people outside, leading thousands of people to pay homage to him.

Li Xuan sensed the surroundings again and discovered that these people were not worshiping Emperor Xuanhuang, but the 'Champion Bodhisattva'.

Li Xuan Yuanshen is also attached to a Buddha statue, and his facial features are similar to his.

So this is still within the Tibetan Tantric system?

But Li Xuan still couldn't figure it out. Those living Buddhas did respect him very much, even in awe, but they were far from the point of erecting a statue with Buddha's name in his honor.

The next moment, Li Xuan felt suffocated. He saw a familiar 'woman' in the crowd. That was Chang Yingying, the Queen of Ba Snake.

Li Xuan's mood at this moment is indescribable.

In June last year, around the time Li Xuan led his army to attack Xiangyang, the Luchuan Chieftain officially launched his army.

Since the Ba Snake Royal Court was very close to Luchuan, the Ba Snake Queen had to return to Tubo to take charge of the overall situation.

Li Xuan originally thought that this bad relationship was finally over, but he didn't expect that Queen Ba Snake would contact him again in this way.

This woman is really thoughtful

Just as Li Xuan was sighing secretly, he saw the Naba Snake Queen suddenly wave her sleeves.

The lamas and the worshipers immediately filed out. In the end, there was no one in the hall except Queen Ba Snake, and the door was tightly closed by several lamas.

Li Xuan couldn't help but feel a little strange, thinking what did she want to do with this snake? Why are you driving people out?

Then he saw Queen Ba Snake biting her fingertips, looking at him dreamily, with a hint of spring on her face.

Li Xuan immediately had a bad premonition, and in the next moment, he saw the snake queen suddenly appear as a half-human, half-snake demon body, and then the snake body swam directly in front of Li Xuan's Buddha statue.

When Li Xuan saw this, he knew what Queen Ba She wanted.

He couldn't bear to look directly at the scene that followed, and he immediately withdrew his soul.

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