Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 735 Raise my royal flag

In Beijing, after Li Xuan personally sent Yuan Taiwei out of the Fenyang Palace, he turned around and told Dugu Biluo: "Inform the two departments of household workers and ask them to try to print an additional 30 million silver coins within a month. This is considered as my private loan." , The monthly interest rate is eight cents! No! Seven cents is enough."

As far as Li Xuan knows, the mint machine at the Ministry of Industry still has a huge surplus.

The Ministry of Finance also has tens of millions of taels of silver, enough to mint these silver coins.

"Eh?" Huang Jun was surprised: "Don't you have money yourself? Can't you just lend it to her?"

Li Xuan thought to himself, of course not. It lasted for a year, and it was as high as 30 million taels. Who knows whether he will need this money in the future?

According to his current rate of spending money, it is better to keep this money in his own hands.

Borrowing 30 million taels from the Household Labor Department, and then reselling it, the net profit is more than 10 million taels in one year.

Yuan Taiwei is involved in high-end trade. The mere 30 million in her hands will not have an impact on the market, and it is impossible to cause inflation of the new currency.

This is something that Yuan Taiwei, the court and Li Xuan can all benefit from. Li Xuan couldn't help but secretly praise his business acumen...

Then Li Xuan turned his attention to a token in his hand that was similar to the shape of a dagger.

Considering Li Xuan's city, he couldn't help but feel a bit of confusion in his eyes.

This 'immortal-killing order' can be regarded as obtained. Li Xuan has been plotting this thing, but has never found a suitable opportunity.

Speaking hastily will only be counterproductive.

He let out a long breath: "Senior Green, how should I use this thing?"

"It's very simple."

Green Qiluo's figure appeared next to Li Xuan: "You only need to hold this object in your hand, and then use the Haotian Divine Seal to sense it with all your heart. The 'God-killing Order' and 'Death of the Immortal' of the Golden Que Tiangong The Ling' is actually made from some fragments of the Haotian Divine Seal. Together, they are the sacred treasure 'Haotian Divine Seal' that suppresses the Thirty-six Days of Heavenly Palace in the Three Generations and the Five Directions and Four Poles.

However, the key to activating the 'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Grand Formation' is the formation diagram inside that is in opposition to the Star Dou Grand Formation, which has nothing to do with the ultimate method in the 'Haotian Divine Seal'. You can find a skilled craftsman to imitate it. "

In this way, even if Li Xuan returns the 'Immortal Killing Order' to Yuan Taiwei a year later, he can still use some functions of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

If Li Xuan wants to imitate the 'Immortal Killing Order', he can only look for the Le family and his wife.

There is also a second 'Sun Furnace' that also needs help from these two.

Mr. and Mrs. Cokes have had a lot of opinions about him since the last time he opened his mouth and made a serious blow.

Li Xuan didn't expect that he would ask these two people again so quickly.

Li Xuan foresaw that he would definitely bleed heavily this time

However, Lu Qiluo's next words made him make up his mind: "Aren't you short of money? It is said that the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation, in addition to calculations, also has a function, which is to sacrifice and refine the 'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Shen Iron'. This is the cheapest immortal weapon material before the pre-Qin Dynasty. It is also one of the largest incomes of the three generations of heaven. It will be no problem for you to earn 20 to 30 million taels of silver a year."

Li Xuan was happy, thinking, so what if he could endure his anger for a while?

In the future, as long as he has this kind of material in hand, what the Les and his wife took from him will be returned sooner or later.


On the way to Xuan Mansion, Li Xuan simply sat on the Earthly Dragon and devoted himself to studying how to use the 'Zhoutian Xingdou Formation'.

It was quite simple. When Li Xuan held the two things in his hands, he felt that he had a close connection with Zhou Tianxingchen.

The ‘Sky Star Flags’ are countless tens of millions of feet near and tens of thousands of miles far away. They are dotted like a vast sea of ​​smoke and densely packed in the void.

When Li Xuan's mind shines from a distance, these Zhoutian star banners start to move together, inducing the Zhoutian star power to weave and intersect, a bit like the feeling of a large computer starting up.

However, although the 'Sky Star Array' claims to have 365 large star banners and 14,800 small star banners, the actual number is far lower than this, only 10,000. Get ahead.

Li Xuan guessed that it was due to lack of maintenance that the Zhoutian Star Flags were damaged.

At this time, a look of surprise flashed in Li Xuan's eyes, and then he calmed down.

However, the word 'reason' in his mind shook violently, showing the color of red gold, and actually had a vague artistic conception close to the 'law of the sky'.

He glimpsed a huge secret about this world from the 'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Grand Formation', but this 'secret', except that it can help him condense the ultimate method, has nothing to do with him for the time being.

The method of using the 'Zhoutian Xingdou Formation' is also very simple. At this time, Li Xuan conveyed his thoughts with a thought.

The Zhoutian Starry Formation has an extremely high level of intelligence. As soon as Li Xuang wanted to perfect the "Fusion Nuclear Reactor" skill, the Zhoutian Starry Formation illuminated a group of stars in the sky that were difficult to see with the naked eye.

Li Xuan waited for a moment, and just as he guessed that the formation seemed to be receiving data, the 'Zhoutian Star Flags' began to rotate at high speed, weaving more and more star power threads in the boundless void, crisscrossing them.

The final calculation results will definitely have to wait for a while, and Li Xuan began to study other uses of Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

He discovered that the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation had a total of five levels of authority, and Li Xuan's current authority was at the third level.

I can only use this formation to calculate something, and then use the Zhoutian star power to do some simple things, such as the "Zhoutian Star Divine Iron" mentioned by Green Qiluo.

As for the fourth and fifth levels below, Haotian grants the 'Marshal' and 'Divine General' below, which allow them to use some of the power of the 'Zhoutian Xingdou Formation'.

However, this requires Li Xuan to obtain a higher level of authority before he can authorize it to others.

Just when Li Xuan barely managed to explore the twists and turns of this ancient heavenly formation, he and his five thousand personal guard battalion had arrived at Xuan Mansion.

This guard battalion is an all-cavalry unit. It is composed of elite members who are well versed in riding skills. All members are at level 4 or above, and are equipped with breastplates.

Li Xuan's purpose in forming them was, on the one hand, to fight in the direction of Meng Yuan. As the commander, he must have a direct mobile force around him.

Especially in that vast grassland, such a powerful cavalry force was of great significance.

On the one hand, he was preparing for his future as the 'Emperor of Heaven', and was rushing to poach the corners of the Jin Dynasty.

When it was first established, there were many disturbances from the DPRK and China. Many officials worried that Li Xuan would use this name to gain more military power in the capital.

However, as the Commander-in-Chief of the Five Armies, General Zhenji, Prince of Fenyang County, and General Zhengbei, Li Xuan should have had a personal army, so it was logical to build a personal guard camp.

Coupled with the currency reform after the New Year, the imperial court had abundant financial resources, and the guard camp was initially completed in just a few months.

Li Xuan did not stay longer in Xuan Mansion. After inspecting the many granaries and military warehouses here, Li Xuan and his guard battalion left the city early the next morning and headed for Zhangjiakou.

Along the way, you can see the smoke from the military forts on both sides of the road, and a large number of bamboo poles erected outside, covered with strips of 'black cloth'.

The smoke is caused by the large-scale production of fried noodles, pot helmets, dry rice, etc. in these military forts; the 'black cloth' outside is not really black cloth, it is 'kelp', which is kelp. Soaked in salt, it can be eaten raw or soaked in soup.

Although they were fighting outside the Great Wall this time, these military fortresses were not idle. All women and children were mobilized to make military rations that were easy to carry.

According to Li Xuan's military order, a large amount of salted fish will be sent from Shandong, which can not only be used as meat, but also supplement the salt content of the soldiers.

By the time Li Xuan arrived in Zhangjiakou, Yu Jie, the young master who joined the army to supervise the war as an "envoy to observe the army", had been waiting here for a long time.

The minister of the Ministry of War of the current dynasty was standing on the city wall of Zhangjiakou, with his men behind his back, looking at the endless Jin army and horses, one by one, driving out of the Great Wall pass.

Looking further into the distance, you can see thousands of horses galloping, mountains of helmets and seas of armor, and forests of military flags.

When Li Xuan flew to the city, Yu Jie turned his head and looked at Li Xuan with a slightly dissatisfied look.

"The prince has been late for nearly two days. Does he know that the army is guilty of missing the deadline?"

According to their plan, the army began to go out to fight on the third day of June.

Li Xuan, the coach, did not arrive in Zhangjiakou until two days later, on the early morning of the fifth day of June.

Li Xuan was in the wrong and could only smile bitterly: "On the occasion of the expedition, chaos arose in the court, and there was a lot of noise. On the first day of June, there were hundreds of memorials to impeach you and me, and there were even dozens of Hanlin scholars surrounding the chief minister. Chen Xun, Mr. Chen, said something rude. I can only stay in the capital for a few more days to deal with it."

At this time, all the officials in the capital responded with anger, mixed with uneasiness and fear to Li Xuan leading his army out of the fortress and the Northern Expedition to Mengwu.

In mid-May, when Yu Hongshang worshiped Li Xuan as the "General of the Northern Conquest", most of the ministers and officials thought that the court would focus on defense as before.

But as time entered the end of May, more and more people gained insight into the true intentions of Yu Jie and Li Xuan through clues, and public sentiment arose between the government and the public.

At the end of May, many officials and dignitaries in the DPRK were trying their best to obstruct the Northern Expedition.

However, at this time, the two leaders of the Jin army, Shao Fu Yujie and Fenyang King Li Xuan, both had the same ambition, and they also had the strong support of the Princess Supervisor.

The efforts of these people ultimately failed to work.

They had nothing to do with these people, so they shifted the pressure to several other auxiliary ministers,

UU Reading can understand Li Xuan’s thoughts on these people.

Just because the Jin Dynasty has had no good results since Taizong's third eastern expedition.

During his lifetime, Taizong conducted five northern expeditions, each involving millions of troops. But only the first and second times had outstanding results, first defeating the Tatars and then defeating Oara.

In the next three times, although countless military and financial resources were used, the biggest result was to behead a thousand people, and then appease the Mongol tribes who continued to surrender and rebel along the way.

It was these three expeditions to the north that led to financial difficulties in the Jin Dynasty. The credibility of Jin Baochao was ruined and Jiaozhi had to be abandoned.

In the end, Taizong himself died of illness on the way to the Fifth Northern Expedition.

After that, the Zhengtong Emperor went out to march north of the Great Wall, retreating from Maoerzhuang outside the Great Wall to Tumubao. The Jin Dynasty lost nearly 800,000 troops and an emperor.

Therefore, it is reasonable to have doubts and fears about Li Xuan's northern expedition both inside and outside the imperial court.

These people did not know the situation, so they naturally worried that the good situation of the imperial court would be ruined by Li Xuan's reckless use of troops.

After hearing this, Young Master Yu Jie's expression softened slightly: "The group of arrogant people in the court are lacking in strategy! How could Yu agree to the Northern Expedition if he was not more than 80% sure?"

A few months ago, Yu Jie was also a staunch conservative.

Since the early years of Jingtai, there have been several attempts by the DPRK to send troops outside the Great Wall to avenge their humiliation, but Yu Jie suppressed them all.

This is because Yu Jie knew that the Jin army at that time had more than enough defense but not enough offense, and it was not enough to compete with the Mengwu outside the wall.

Li Xuan smiled slightly and turned to look back at the many guards behind him: "Put up my royal flag!"

When the royal flag of "Prince Li of Fenyang County" was erected at the top of Zhangjiakou City, nearly 700,000 Jin troops and horses near the pass instantly roared like thunder.

Therefore, when the soldiers saw this royal flag, their morale was high and their hearts were filled with excitement.

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