Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 737 1 Battle at Keding Grassland

Shang Hong returned to Erenhot an hour and a half later.

The straight-line distance between the Oyu Tolgoi Mine and Erenhot is less than 200 miles. With Shang Hong's cultivation level, it only takes two or three quarters to go back and forth.

Shang Hong spent the extra hour or so searching for copper veins.

Shang Hong, who returned to Li Xuan, not only looked solemn, but also had a few pieces of colorful copper ore in his hand.

"I randomly searched seven places there, more than ten miles apart from each other. Finally, I discovered copper mines in four places. The shallowest one is less than two feet above the ground and can be mined in the open."

The waves in Shang Hong's eyes still cannot be calmed down...

From his rough inspection results, he could tell that the scale of this copper mine was astonishing, and it could be said to be the best in the world!

Copper mines are usually accompanied by gold and silver, and there are all kinds of natural and earthly treasures and rare treasures around them.

Li Xuan sat on an earth dragon and nodded indifferently: "According to the magician in the palace, this mine is only one foot or two feet from the ground. It is still very easy to mine. What is rare is that these copper mines The purity is also very high, and they said they can use the spiral mining method.”

"His Royal Highness the County King!"

Shang Hong wondered why he wanted to discuss copper mining with Li Xuan? He failed to calm down and took the initiative to interrupt Li Xuan: "I believe that Erlianhot cannot fall into the hands of Mengwu no matter what! The scale of your military fortress seems to be insufficient."

Just an hour ago, Shang Hong felt that Li Xuan building a fortress here was a waste of national funds.

But at this time, Shang Hong felt that Li Xuan didn't pay enough attention to this aspect.

Shang Hong didn't even realize that his words were a slap in the face.

In the face of an annual income of up to 30 million silver dollars, what does face mean? What's more, considering the scale of this copper mine, 30 million silver dollars may be the most conservative estimate.

He thought that if the Mongols obtained this source of wealth, the threat to the Jin Dynasty would only double in the future.

Li Xuan couldn't help but laugh: "So how much does the Bachelor of Commerce think we should pay attention to?"

Shang Hong ignored Li Xuan's teasing, and said without hesitation: "From here to that Copper Mountain, there must be five military forts more than three miles long and wide, forming horns with each other, and stationing 150,000 people here. Army, ensure the mining of ore. And the south."

Shang Hong pointed in the south direction: "There are also seven military forts, large and small, along the route from Datong to Erenhot in the Jin Dynasty to protect the grain road."

Li Xuan couldn't help but shake his head. He knew that the Minister of War still looked at Mengwu in the same way as before.

But with the emergence of the 'Rune Flintlock Rifled Gun', the form of war has long been different.

The afterglow of the Mengwu Iron Cavalry is about to come to an end

He built the military fortress here not only for the copper mountain, but also for the salt pond near Erenhot.

The "hote" in Erlianhot refers to "a place where a large number of people live" in Mongolian language, and Erlian is derived from the word "Eren" in "Erendabusannaoer".

Erendabusannaoer is one of the largest salt ponds on the grassland. Controlling this place would control most of the salt sources in Monan Mengwu.

Otherwise, he would be reluctant to build a bastion here no matter what.

However, Li Xuan had no intention of arguing with Shang Hong. He shook his head: "Good guy, this construction is thirteen military fortresses. How much money does it cost? How much people power? Bachelor of Shang, the ancients said that you should eat one bite at a time. , let’s take our time.

After the fortress was built, the Jin Dynasty had a stronghold in Erenhot. It won’t be too late to expand other fortresses in the future.”

Shang Hong frowned immediately. He wanted to build thirteen military fortresses at once, which was obviously unrealistic.

It is more than enough to use the current civilian power of Datong and mobilize some tribesmen on the grassland to build two large military forts more than four miles long and wide, and three small military forts two miles long and wide.

Although this move is to squeeze people's power, in the long run, it can bring long-term peace and stability to the north of Datong.

However, Shang Hong also did not intend to argue with Li Xuan. He planned to write several letters to Princess Jian and several auxiliary ministers. Bypass the Fenyang County Prince and directly implement this matter.

Just after this, Shang Hong finally turned his attention to the front of Li Xuan.

He found a small valley on the left side of the hillside, where groups of Jin troops were driving the herdsmen they captured. The total number had reached 120,000. Among them are 30,000 young adults and 90,000 women, children, old and young.

On the right side of the hillside, there is a group of people with their heads bare, worshiping towards the hillside.

There were also many strong Mongol people, as well as numerous households of ten, hundreds, or even thousands of Nayans, who were detained at the foot of the hillside, and were all firmly trapped on wooden pillars.

Shang Hong was secretly wondering, wondering what Li Xuan wanted?

Li Xuan asked Zhang Yue, who had been promoted to deputy general: "Have all the Han slaves been screened out?"

"It's over there!"

Zhang Yue pointed to the right side of the hillside: "It's easy to identify them. The Mongols tattooed their faces to prevent them from escaping. However, there are not many Jin people who were captured during the Tumubao Incident left here." .

Originally, the 70,000 households on the Tatar left wing were allocated 40,000 young men, but now there are only more than 10,000. The rest either died of exhaustion, starvation, or were beaten to death. There are also some that they have snatched away over the years, totaling over 20,000 yuan. "

He sighed slightly when he said this: "They asked me where the Prince of Fenyang was? I said you are here, and then they all went to worship here. I tried to persuade them, but they refused to listen, saying that they wanted to kowtow to Xie Fen. Prince Yang’s grace to survive. He also asked us for swords and guns, and wanted to accompany us in the Northern Expedition. I didn’t agree. Most of these people’s physical health has collapsed.”

Shang Hong couldn't help but feel silent for a while. The Tumu Fort Incident can be said to be an eternal scar of the Jin Dynasty.

Although Prince Fenyang's Northern Expedition was reckless and impulsive, it actually gave these Han slaves a way to survive.

The military households of the Jin Dynasty sacrificed their lives for the imperial court, but the imperial court of the Jin Dynasty really could not tolerate these warriors who came from military households.

This is what Shang Hong is most worried about. If there is anyone in the world who can make millions of guardsmen sacrifice their lives to serve, it can only be the Fenyang County Prince in front of them.

Shang Hong once visited the Northern Zhili and Jizhou Guards and knew very well how far Li Xuan's reputation in the guard army had reached.

In the eyes of those military households, Prince Fenyang was like their reborn parent.

Li Xuan nodded expressionlessly: "Let's get started. Where is the interpreter?"

He seemed to have no reaction, but his eyes were filled with fluctuations.

Li Xuan's mood was obviously not as calm as he appeared.

When Shang Hong heard this, he couldn't help being surprised: "Is Prince Fenyang planning to kill prisoners? Your Highness, no, please rest your thunderous rage! Killing prisoners is ominous, and the government and the public will be in a state of public opinion if they hear about it. Your Highness, please think twice!" "

Li Xuan rolled his eyes at him. He thought that there was no need to be angry with these herdsmen because the wrongdoers had their own owners.

All Han slaves were in the hands of the Mongolian nobles, and this blood debt could only be recorded on these Mongolian nobles.

As for these herdsmen, more accurately, they should be herd slaves. They are like tenants in the Central Plains, and their situation is even worse.

The system of the Mongol people is based on ten or one hundred households controlling the grassroots level. These Nayans of ten households and Nayans of hundreds of households each support some warriors with bows and swords under their command, and the rest are slaves.

Most of the 70,000 left-wing Tatar families were thrown here.

Li Xuan didn't even bother to talk to Shang Hong anymore and simply asked the interpreter to do the work.

The interpreter chosen by Honglu Temple next to Li Xuan immediately rode forward and glanced coldly at the Mongols in front.

His voice was loud and he spoke in skilled Mongol: "All the Malaqin herdsmen, all the Aduqin herdsmen, and the people of Changsheng World, all of you, please listen to me!

You should all know your situation. According to the rules of your prairie people, all men here who are taller than a wheel should be beheaded and executed, or you should be driven like cattle and horses, so that you can die of exhaustion and starvation like those Han slaves. Use your lives to repay the blood debt you caused in the Central Plains! "

When the interpreter said this, the herdsmen suddenly became commotion.

But as the Jin soldiers guarding nearby drew their swords to threaten, the valley gradually returned to silence.

The interpreter waited until the noise around him subsided before speaking again: "But I, Prince Fenyang of the Jin Dynasty, the most powerful warrior and the wisest commander in the world, Changsheng, believes that Changshengtian has the virtue of good life, and he I am willing to give you a chance to change your destiny."

At this time, some sergeants had inserted daggers in front of the Mongol nobles and warriors who were tied to wooden pillars.

At this time, the interpreter's voice revealed a chill: "Pick up these daggers and stab them. Then I, Da Jin, will treat you as Jin people. Da Jin will give each of you twenty sheep." cubs, ten ewes, two cows, two horses, and a tent! And you will be exempted from taxes for three years."

In an instant, the entire valley was filled with deathly silence, and you could hear a needle drop.

All the Mongolian herdsmen, as well as the Mongolian nobles who were tied to wooden posts, looked towards Li Xuan in disbelief.

Shang Hong could actually understand the Mongolian language, and his pupils shrank slightly: "What is the intention of His Highness?"

Li Xuan raised the corners of his lips slightly with a meaningful smile: "Of course I want to sweep away the desert in the south and the north, kill all the Mongol nobles, divide their cattle, sheep and pastures, and organize these herdsmen into households. The people should be governed by counties and counties. In order to treat the symptoms and root causes, and achieve long-term peace and stability, what do you think of the Shang University?"

In fact, a more accurate word can be used to describe the grassland version of fighting local tyrants and dividing their fields.

It is a pity that Li Xuan does not have a powerful organizational party in his hands, otherwise he would not use such crude methods.

Shang Hong pondered for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: "If the county king can really do it, he can make the Mongolian grassland stable for decades. But if this happens, those Mongolian nobles will definitely resist."

He thought that this was completely opposite to the strategy used before the Jin Dynasty to win over the Mongol people and tribal leaders. In his opinion, it was too radical.

This will only make the Mongol resistance more determined.

As for "treating the symptoms and treating the root cause", Shang Hong would never believe it. UU reading www.uukanshu.nett

This grassland to the north of the Jin Dynasty was first dominated by the Huns, and then was gradually replaced by the Xianbei and Rouran, followed by the Turks and now the Mongols.

Since the founding of the Jin Dynasty, Taizu made eight Northern Expeditions and Emperor Taizong made five Northern Expeditions, beating these Mongol people to the point of dying.

But when the heroes who founded the Jin Dynasty gradually withered away, the Mongol people on the grassland began to flourish again like weeds after spring.

Shang Hong shook his head slightly, secretly feeling that Li Xuan was naive: "Your Highness, it is not bad to 'organize households, bring together the people, and govern counties and counties', but no one has done it in the past dynasties. The people of the grassland live according to the water and grass, and they follow the changes of the weather. , they are rootless people who cannot be controlled at all. The imperial court can regulate them, but the laws of this county are really not suitable for the grassland. "

Li Xuan smiled when he heard this and said nothing more.

Dugu Biluo glanced sideways at Shang Hong, thinking that Li Xuan might not be able to do things that his predecessors couldn't do.

She knew that Shennongyuan was studying a technology called 'silage'.

The magicians at Shennongyuan are trying to mix and compact various grasses with corn, sweet potatoes, etc., so that the grass can be isolated from the outside air and gradually ferment inside.

Not only does this allow the grass to be properly preserved for several years, it also helps the animals digest it. It has a sweet and sour taste, which is especially loved by livestock.

In other words, future grassland people can use the method of 'silage' to preserve the forage in spring and summer and put it in the cold winter for livestock to eat.

The so-called "living by water and grass, following the weather and changing the times" will also become history. The herdsmen on the grasslands can settle down from now on, and "organizing households to unite the people and governing counties and counties" will no longer be a fantasy.

Precisely because Dugu Biluo knew the method of 'silage', she knew that Li Xuan's Northern Expedition really intended to conquer the grassland in one battle and avoid future troubles!

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