Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 742 What is this?

Nine days later, Jieshenggang was reached.

Jieshenggang was originally unknown, but Emperor Taizong of the Jin Dynasty passed by this place during his Northern Expedition and named it himself.

This place is located to the north of Qinhu Mountain. There are several streams and springs, which are sweet and clear, and can provide drinking water for more than 100,000 troops. It has become an important stronghold for the Northern Expedition of the Central Plains dynasties.

Its location is right between the Gobi Desert and Ulaanbaatar, and can serve as a relay between the two.

Therefore, not only the Jin Dynasty but also the Han and Tang Dynasties also passed through this place several times when they attacked the desert.

Li Xuan built several simple earthen forts along several streams and rivers in Jieshenggang as a base for the transshipment of grain and grass in the rear.

On this day, twenty miles east of Jiesheng Gang, there were thousands of horses galloping...

The 20,000-strong Jin cavalry army was galloping towards Jieshenggang. In front of them, there was the faint roar of artillery fire.

Zaozao Getu, who was a herdsman more than ten days ago, was rushing back on his horse and came to the Jin army's formation. He found the general of the Jin army, Fan Guang, the commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu.

"Master General, we have found out clearly. Those are the men and horses of the three guards of Wuliangha. I recognize their totems. The black wolves hold arrows. Only the three guards of Wuliangha are using them. Only the Twelve Faces Thousand Households are attacking the city from the front. Riding. When I passed by, they were besieging the city with mounted archery. The archery skills were very accurate and the horses were very strong.

In addition, I also found a troop of soldiers and horses hiding in the forest nearby. I dare not get close, so I can only estimate their number, it should be half of ours."

Early on, Getu couldn't figure out the number after one hundred, so he could only roughly estimate the number of cavalry in the three guards of Wuliangha.

There was some worry in his eyes: "All of them carry bows and knives and wear black deerskin furs. They should be Wu Liangha's black wolf riders. It is said that they are all the best warriors among Wu Liangha's three guards."

Zaozhaogetu was the first person to stab Qianhu in Erenhot more than ten days ago.

This former shepherd slave originally had no name, but the name given to him by the Fenyang County Prince himself afterwards. Zao Getu means "courage".

But early on Getu knew that he was not as brave as Prince Fenyang thought. The reason why he dared to stand up in the first place that day was firstly driven by deep-seated hatred, and secondly because he thought the risk was not high.

Even if the Jin Dynasty retreats from the grassland, the early map can still be included.

He had heard a long time ago that a large part of the Mongol people who were included in the early Taizong period retreated behind the Great Wall.

These Sinicized Mongols lived a pretty good life, although many died in the wars between Xuanfu and Datong. But at least compared to these shepherd slaves, they lived like humans.

But if possible, Getu certainly hopes that the Jin army will defeat the Mengwu as soon as possible so that herdsmen like them can continue to stay on the grassland.

Unless he had no choice, Zaozhao Getu didn't want to leave the place where he was born and raised, as well as the pasture promised to them by His Highness King Fenyang.

Therefore, Getu volunteered to join the army as soon as possible and took the initiative to be the guide of the Jin army.

In the past, he followed his master, Qianhu Nayan, who was stabbed by him, and traveled through Monan and Mobei, and he knew the terrain of Mobei very well. He also has a kind of power hidden in his blood, which can give Zaozhao Getu the vision of an eagle.

But the situation ahead today made Zaizai Getu quite worried.

The number of those black wolf cavalry exceeded the Jin cavalry rushing to the rescue, and in Zaozhao Getu's knowledge.

The Jin people were good at foot combat, and they once swept across the grasslands with invincible foot formations.

But in terms of cavalry, the Jin army did not have an advantage. Jin people were not good at riding horses, and they were not as good as the herdsmen who grew up on horseback in the grasslands.

If fighting on horseback, the two Jin cavalrymen were no match for a herdsman.

But today, their enemy is still a powerful cavalry army whose combat power is no less than that of Qie Xue's army.

"Wuliangha's Black Wolf Cavalry? According to you, they are around 20,000, which is a little more than us."

Fan Guang's eyes showed a fierce light: "Luckily, His Highness King Fenyang is most worried about these black wolf cavalry. As long as they are eliminated, the three guards of Wuliangha will not be in danger."

"But we galloped for a day, from Beiqingshuiyuan to here, for more than a thousand miles, without taking a break along the way." Fan Guang's lieutenant said with a wry smile: "I'm afraid the horsepower is still insufficient."

"We're tired, but it's enough to defeat the enemy! I guess those wolf cubs in Wuliangha won't give us a chance to breathe."

Fan Guang, the commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu, looked calm as usual: "What? You have no confidence in this battle?"

The deputy general shook his head slightly: "The general is just worried that he will not have enough physical strength to annihilate them all when they chase them north."

"Then we'll find a way to make up for it with the terrain, and we'll go over there and form an array."

Fan Guang, the commander-in-chief of the Xuan Mansion, gave a cold thumb and calmly pointed his horsewhip in the south direction: "We can do some repairs here, and we can rest for half an hour."

The deputy general of Xuanfu immediately looked over to where he was talking, and then raised his eyebrows slightly: "The general is wise."

There is a higher area on the bank of a stream.

What's rare is that the stream is so fast that there are two people as tall as two people in the deepest part, and the whole thing is in the shape of a herringbone.

Once they win this battle and defeat the opponent, they can easily block the Mongol cavalry inside the herringbone.

Fan Guangze sneered, "I'll give you the order! Inform the brothers, let's go over there and set up the formation. Everyone should immediately put on their horses and load their revolvers!"

Also, let the nearby Jiesheng Gangjia Fort, Dingbao and Yibao abandon the city. Let them rush to the other side of the river to watch. Later, no one or one of them can escape from the other side of the river. "

Early in the morning, Getu felt incredible. He listened to Fan Guang's military orders and actually planned to encircle and annihilate the more than 20,000 black wolf riders.

At this time, the 20,000 Jin cavalry troops had already moved with great force.

While they were running, they changed horses.

Most of the Jin troops in the Northern Expedition were composed of one man and two horses. Only the cavalry under Fan Guang's command, which was used to maintain the grain roads along the route, consisted of one person and three horses. One war horse and two pack horses allowed them to maneuver at high speed along the grain road.

While they were in formation, they were also sorting out their equipment.

They changed their horses and put on bright breastplates in front of them. Then load the fixed bullets into the firearm called a 'revolver'.

While in Tumubao, Oala Khan captured a large number of Jin people's three-eyed guns.

Zaozha Getu had never seen this kind of gun before. They seemed to be somewhat similar to the three-eyed gun, with a honeycomb-like structure. But there is only one barrel in front of the revolver.

In addition, although the three-eyed gun is also very light, it cannot be held with one hand, but this revolver can.

Just when all the Jin army knights were ready, a dark crowd of knights appeared in front of them.

Sure enough, as Zaozhao Getu said, they were all knights wearing deer fur and with excellent bows and horses.

There were 14,000 cavalry at the beginning, and a total of 16 Qianhu cavalry with goshawk tail feathers on their sides appeared from the direction of the dense forest on the left wing, raising a lot of smoke and dust and startling countless birds.

After that, another 11,000 cavalry and twelve thousand-house flags hurriedly arrived. They must have rushed to withdraw from the siege from the earth castle.

Fan Guang laughed loudly and patted Zaoha Getu on the shoulder with great admiration: "What a man! This ability to find out the military situation is really impressive. Are you interested in working under my command overnight? I will let you directly Start with a small flag.”

The so-called "no harvest at night" of the Jin army means sentry cavalry and probing cavalry.

Fan Guang had just let out many people, but no one was as quick and accurate as Zao Getu.

This gave him at least half a moment more time to react.

Zaizao Getu could only force a smile and hold the reins in his hand tightly.

He felt a little weak in his heart. The only thing that could give him confidence at this time was the war horse under his crotch and the riding skills he had practiced since childhood.

At this time, opposite them, the leader of Duoyan's three guards, 'Bo'erjijin Azhasuli', was also watching the Jin army.

"Interesting, do they want to fight us head-on?"

The Uliangha tribe of Mengwu is the family inheritance passed down from generation to generation by Boljijin and Temuge Ochijin, the "younger brother" of Yuan Taizu.

After they surrendered to the Jin Dynasty, Jin Taizu once tried to break them up.

One of them was forced to go south and became the subordinates of King Ning, namely the Duoyan Three Guards.

Some of them continued to stay in the same place, namely the Uuliangha tribe.

During the Taizong period, Jin Taizong conquered the Wuliangha tribe that surrendered and then rebelled, and further split it into three tribes: Wuliangha, Mulita, and Muliji.

However, the Mongolian people are still precious. At this time, the three guards of Wuliangha all returned to Wulianghahan, the descendant of Temuge Ochijin, or Wulianghataiji'bo'erjijin Azha. Lost in' hands.

At this time, the Khan's face showed both doubt and contempt.

The doubt was because the Jin army did not retreat to the nearby earth fort and relied on the fort to rest and fight; the contempt was because he had full confidence in his Black Wolf Warriors, who could normally defeat two to three times the size of the army. Jin Cavalry Army, not to mention that at this time, his Black Wolf warriors had been recharging their strength for nearly a day.

Borzhijin Azhasili pondered for a moment, and then decisively ordered: "We can't give them time to cultivate. This time, I will use my three thousand king's tent army as the central army! Spread the two wings and break through in the center. I will give them all Take two hundred breaths to rest, and after two hundred breaths, sound the war horn!"

The younger brother Boljijin Hesar next to him shook his head slightly, and said with a bit of ridicule: "For the sake of Ye Xian's king's hegemony, brother, you are working too hard. Do you really want to let that Chu Luosi Is this guy going to replace us and become the master of the grassland?"

Azashili looked indifferent: "So what? Anyway, no matter what happens to the Lord of the grassland, it will not be our family's turn. As long as someone can repel the Jin army, our Uuliangha tribe will no longer have to bear the shame of the past. Then anyone can be a big sweat. UU Reading

Do you know what Jin people are doing on the grasslands today? After they captured the grassland, they showed no courtesy to our nobles. Instead, they brutally killed them and then distributed their cattle and sheep to the herdsmen.”

At this time, Azha Shili's expression was slightly frightened, and he found that the Jin army on the opposite side made a sudden movement on horseback. More than 20,000 cavalry troops spread out a broad front more than three miles long and took the initiative to attack them.

Wuliangha Khan Boljijin Azha was in a daze for a while, and then laughed loudly: "These Jin people, do they think we gave up Ulaanbaatar because we are afraid of them? Blow the horn for me, Tell all the men to let go of the reins now, let them control the speed of their horses, fire the bow twice and then charge at full speed!"

As the desolate horn sound spread throughout the battlefield, all the Mongol knights also rode forward.

They followed their own Khan's instructions and rode their horses slowly at first. They drew their bows twice along the way, spraying dense rain of arrows.

However, this was not effective. The Jin army generals were experienced and accelerated their horses twice in a row along the way, throwing away most of the arrows.

These two volleys only slightly confused the Jin army's array.

At this time, the distance between them was less than twenty feet, and they could already see each other's faces clearly.

And just when all the Mongol knights put away their bows and arrows, they began to run with all their strength. However, they saw that the opposing Jin general did not draw his sword, but instead raised a strange object and pointed it at them from a distance.

Azashili was protected in the cavalry formation by many royal guards and stars. He couldn't help but be stunned when he saw this scene, thinking what on earth were these Jin people doing?

And the next moment, Azashili heard a "bang bang" sound, and the entire front was instantly filled with smoke!

At this moment, countless Mongolian warriors in front suddenly fell off their horses.

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