During the fierce battle between Li Xuan and Ye Xian, Da Si Ming, Alazhiyuan Zhengtong led 70,000 timid Xue cavalry troops to make a desperate attack in the direction of the Jin army's rear formation.

At this time, the entire battlefield was plunged into fierce fighting.

Mongolian nobles are far more courageous than you first imagined.

It may also be that they understand that once the Jin army is victorious, there will be no place for them in the grassland here.

So Dang Ye gave the order first, and 39 of the 430,000 household heads in the central army immediately led their subordinates to charge at the Jin army's formation.

They stirred up the reins, facing the Jin army's artillery fire and hail of bullets, and seemed to move forward crazily.

At this time, the Central Army of the Jin Dynasty had a Shenji Battalion of 110,000 men, a Tenth Regiment Battalion of 45,000 men, and 100,000 auxiliary troops armed with improved shotguns. Five hundred and ten square formations were firing continuously.

After they carried out seven consecutive second-stage shots, they were no longer able to coordinate. They began to fire freely under the command of their respective Sento and Deputy Sento.

There were "bang bang bang" sounds everywhere on the battlefield, and thick green smoke completely covered the mountainous field, making it impossible to see anything within ten feet.

But the Mongol soldiers still fell one by one like wheat.

Over the past month, Li Xuan's preparations for the war were not in vain.

The Jin army generals had a complete understanding of the terrain here. Even if their sight was blocked, they knew in which direction to fire at this time.

When the Mongol cavalry, rushing forward like a black tide, hit a hundred feet in front of the formation, 70,000 Mongol knights had already fallen on the way.

At this time, the Jin army was extremely skillful in changing their formation from a 'line square formation' to a 'hollow square formation'.

While loading the muskets, they skillfully installed the long and narrow bayonets in the bayonet above the barrel of the gun.

In an instant, a forest of 255,000 bayonets stood in the wilderness.


Not long after, hundreds of thousands of knights finally crashed into the Jin army's array.

At this moment, all the Mongol nobles and the warriors under their command were ecstatic.

According to past combat experience, as long as they open a gap in the Jin people's formation, it will mean a hearty victory.

Their iron cavalry will expand these gaps in the continuous impact, trampling all the Jin people in front into bloody mud...

But then, there was only fear and astonishment on the faces of these Ugh people.

Just because they found that the Jin people's small phalanxes like a jungle of bayonets were almost completely intact.

The Jin army withstood their frontal impact with a dense forest of swords and shooting.

On the contrary, groups of Mongol cavalry troops were forced to rush into the passage deliberately left by the Jin army, and endured crossfire from all directions.

These grassland warriors are all proficient in riding and shooting, and are skilled in combat skills. They are full of fourth-level and fifth-level buildings. The battle armor weapons from the Tumu Fort battle and the Golden Que Tiangong armed them to the teeth.

But when they entered the gaps between these 'hollow square arrays', it was as if they had entered a slaughterhouse.

These tough warriors could only continue to move forward like headless flies being squeezed and impacted by the continuous influx of cavalry from behind. The bayonet arrays lined up on both sides prevented them from making any effective tactical moves.

Everyone could only be thrown upside down under the bullets coming from all directions. They were shot and killed without any ability to resist.

When Alazhiyuan led 70,000 timid Xue troops, they rushed into the Jin army's rear formation.

It was when the hundreds of thousands of horsemen of the Mongol Army were gradually lost in the hollow square formations of the Jin Army.

All the Mongolian nobles were panicked, and some Mongolian knights who had not yet rushed into the Jin army's formation took advantage of the cover of thick smoke to flee in all directions.

At this time, the balance of victory and defeat on the battlefield had tilted infinitely towards the Jin army.

Not every one of these Mongol people had the courage to die generously and die with their leader.

Especially the herdsmen who were also recruited first turned their horses around without hesitation and fled in all directions.

They have witnessed the horror of the Jin army with their own eyes.

Since the Jin Dynasty cannot be defeated, and the Jin people's "god general" Fenyang County King is willing to treat them like grassland herdsmen well, then why should they sacrifice their lives for the leaders who usually want to drain every drop of their own blood?

Alazhiyuan's face was ashen. He knew that if this situation continued, only less than 10% of the 70,000 Qixue knights behind him would survive today.

What's even more frightening is that the retreating hollow phalanx of the Jin army completed its turn in an instant and began to fire violently at the Qixue cavalry.

The Jin army's phalanx was able to cope with threats from the front, rear, left and right.

Rows of deadly bullets bombarded them, causing thousands of Qixue cavalry to fall in the midst of the impact.

Alazhiyuan suddenly accelerated his horse's speed, and the energy and blood of the 70,000 timid Xue cavalry behind him gradually condensed into a huge blood dragon.

At this moment, all the Mongol warriors had no reservations. Among them, even the heads of ten thousand households and the noble children of the Yan family of thousands of households consciously tried their best to stimulate their own essence and blood.

At the same time, Alazhiyuan also sensed an extremely powerful energy and blood behind him.

Alazhiyuan knew that it was Choros Mengke Timur, the ancestor of the Choros family, the golden sword consort!

This doubled Alazhiyuan's confidence, and one man and one horse went straight towards the Jin army's formation and crashed into it.

Alazhiin's method of breaking the situation is his own force.

His strength was enough to crush and flatten these hollow square formations like tofu blocks one by one.

At this time, Alazhiyuan saw a figure wearing a Confucian shirt in front of him.

That was Shang Hong. He had his hands behind his back and looked at Alazhiyuan with cold eyes.

"Alazhiyuan, your opponent is Shang."

At this moment, Shang Hong's whole body was filled with majestic energy, and a wall of majestic energy with a rich purple spirit formed in front of him.

"Mencius said, Those who have attained the Dao will receive much help, but those who have lost the Dao will receive little help!"

At the moment when he spoke these words, Shang Hong actually channeled the military will, energy and spirit of the hundreds of thousands of Jin troops behind him, and condensed them into one with his own majesty.

At this moment, the two people's powers collided together like thunder and fire.

The iron bone flower held by Alazhiyuan shattered Shang Hong's wall of majesty, but he let out a roar full of unwillingness.

Just because at this time, his impact was blocked by the wall of majesty, and his power had been reduced by 30%.

But in front of him, Shang Hong also laid out the second and third layers of walls of majesty.

Alazhiyuan felt extremely angry and resentful.

In the past, he would not take it seriously like Shang Hong, who had been promoted to the throne for less than two years.

But today, with the help of the military and national power of the Jin Dynasty, this Confucian scholar of the Jin Dynasty actually had the capital to compete with him head-on.

At this time in the sky, the golden sword consort Choros Mengko Timur was also blocked.

His opponent was none other than the governor of Xuanfu, the Marquis of Changping Zhu Guoneng.

Although this famous general who had been in Xuanfu City for thirteen years entered the throne late, he had accumulated a lot of experience.

His ability to control the power of thousands of armies ranks among the top two among all the heavenly generals in the Jin Dynasty.

He gathered that huge army, and every blow he fired was magnificent, shattering every sword energy of Choros Mengko Timur, and firmly blocking his figure from the military formation.

And when the two arrows of Alazhiyuan and Choros Mengke Timur were blocked, the 70,000 timid Xue army behind them could only be forced to surge past from both sides, and ran into the Jin army without hesitation. In the square array.

At this time, in front of them, the Jin soldiers looked as cold as iron. They loaded the ammunition step by step, then mechanically put the musket on their shoulders, and then pulled the trigger, spraying out tongues of flames. Gunshots rang out.

Countless bullet streams intertwined a net of death bullets in these square formations.

Zhang Yue, who took command of the entire army in Li Xuan's place, watched this scene expressionlessly.

He was excited and happy in his heart, and felt extremely honored to be able to personally participate in the curtain call and end of this prairie cavalry.


The failure of Qie Xue's army to charge the formation was immediately reflected on the body of Wala Khan Yexian.

His wind is no longer as strong as before, and his cold can no longer maintain its usual dominance.

The prairie dragon energy that was wrapped around his body was bitten into shape by the seven giant purple-gold dragons controlled by Li Xuan, and was only one step away from collapsing.

And Yexian himself, under the pressure of Li Xuan's will, had to take a deep breath to absorb more spirits of heaven and earth to make up for his rapid consumption of real energy.

This Wala Khan is fulfilling his promise, UU reading www. uukanshu.net He swung the sword with all his strength, and each sword was filled with the determination to go forward and die with the enemy.

He probably also realized his failure. At this time, even if Yuan Taizu came to the world, it would be difficult to save the world.

After losing the support of dragon energy and military strength, he could not be a match for the Fenyang County King opposite him.

But Cholos Yesian had no intention of retreating. He made the same choice as Totuo Buhua before, turning himself into a torch and burning everything about himself.

Just like what he said to Alazhiyuan, he would not live like a mouse, let alone be as aggrieved as the orthodox emperor back then.

Li Xuan felt this will to die, and even realized that Choros Yexian's "Ji Tian Law" was gradually taking shape.

But at this time, Li Xuan's attention was on Da Siming.

In his opinion, the latter is his most dangerous enemy at the moment.

When Li Xuan destroyed Da Siming's supreme status, the nine-tailed demon fox Tushanjun appeared nearby.

She directly transformed into a huge demon fox, with purple-red flames burning all over her body, and her pupils showed a faint blue luster that contained the power of psychedelic and charming.

When Tu Shanjun appeared, Da Siming found that it was difficult to change his mind.

She was originally 'suppressed' by her young master Yujie, but now Tushanjun's 'psychedelic' and 'charming' methods were applied to her soul.

It is more difficult for Da Siming to make accurate judgments in battle.

But she already had a clear understanding in her heart.

Today, Li Xuan's primary target is not Choros Yesian, but her Grand Commander!

At this moment, Da Siming felt a hand full of deep green energy behind her, grabbing her directly at the back of her heart.

"You are Suiren Qiluo!"

When Da Siming thought of this name, he suddenly felt frightened, and a deathly chill began to grow in his heart.

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