Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 764: Use force to stop war

"Artillery?" Li Xuan's lips twitched, and then he shook his head firmly: "There should be some in the future, so let's make do with them now."

The Artifact Alliance's research and development of the "tube-retractable rapid-fire cannon" is in progress, and the progress is relatively smooth.

In this world, even 'floating spaceships', 'mechanical puppets', and 'solar furnaces' can be cast. It is impossible that such modern artillery cannot be cast.

There are no technical difficulties. The only problem that bothers them is cost. Leng Yurou is trying every means to reduce costs.

Once the development of the Artifact Alliance's 'tube-retractable rapid-fire cannon' is completed, both the smoothbore cannon commonly used in Dajin and the Armstrong gun breech-loaded rifled cannon that may appear in the future will be dregs swept into the garbage heap.

All these artillery guns, without exception, have one drawback, which is recoil.

The recoil of these artillery guns when fired will push the gun body back away from the gun emplacement. Not only does the artilleryman have to work hard to push it back to its original position, which limits the places that can be selected when the artillery is placed, but also causes the aim to be lost and has to be recalculated. Ballistic methods are time-consuming and inefficient.

But the 'tube-retractable rapid-fire gun' perfectly solved this problem...

Therefore, Li Xuan would not use the limited funds in his hands to purchase smoothbore cannons with a low rate of fire, weak power, and a cost of tens of thousands of silver dollars.

In order to seize Sheluoyan from Xinyuelian, he had already purchased up to 600 retractable heavy guns to equip five floating battleships. It was impossible to continue to waste this money.

Li Xuan's ideal artillery is similar to the M1897 75mm cannon developed by France in 1897, also commonly known as 'Miss 75'.

It has a range of nearly seven kilometers and a rate of fire of fifteen rounds per minute. Once this artillery appeared, it dominated the battlefield in the next few decades.

It is expected that after combining the runes of this world, the rate of fire, range, and power of this artillery will only become more powerful.

Of course, its cost will also be very expensive.

But Li Xuan would rather spend more money to buy this kind of "tube-retractable rapid-fire cannon" in the future than make repeated purchases.

Just like the reason why he would rather endure the high cost of "copper-cased bullets" and equip his heavenly soldiers with "firing-type bolt-action rifles" instead of "flint-lock rifles".

The Artifact Alliance is currently unable to produce large quantities of mercury fulminate and smokeless gunpowder, so it can only use the power of magic and some clumsy methods to make the necessary materials for these two metal bullets.

This results in the high cost of copper-cased bullets.

But Li Xuan would rather spend more money on bullets and equip himself with this needle-fire rifle.

Just because this rifle has a fast rate of fire and high power, it can be used for decades. In the future, it can even be converted into a semi-automatic rifle by adding a magazine.

Fuyoude felt slightly disappointed when he heard this, and then frowned slightly: "But if there are not enough artillery, the power of our musket line array may not be as powerful as expected."

If they just deal with the current situation, the muskets they are equipped with are actually enough.

None of the Buddhist temples could withstand the bombardment of thousands of 'shooter-type bolt rifles'.

But Fu Youde knew that a few days later would be the most exciting time for this battle to destroy the Buddha.

That battle that is destined to be earth-shattering will also be the moment when the 26,000-strong ‘Heavenly Soldiers’ in Heaven truly demonstrate their power.

How could Emperor Xuanhuang's bravery, strategy and courage be imagined by those bald donkeys in Buddhism?

Li Xuan smiled when he heard this: "It's a simple matter. When the battle comes, I will second the artillery from the Shenji Battalion."

At this time, the Mongols were at peace, and both the Shenji Camp and the Beijing Camp Forbidden Army were on their way back to Beijing.

The thousands of field smoothbore cannons were left vacant, and Li Xuan was ready to second these field smoothbore cannons and their gunners for use in the next war.

He saw Fu Youde still frowning and looking worried. Lan Yu, who was silent next to him, also had a look of reluctance, and shook his head slightly: "In four days at most, the first 'barreled rapid-fire cannon' cast by the Artifact Alliance will be assembled. You can come with me to see it then. Look at the test firing of this kind of artillery. Rest assured, my heaven will definitely be equipped with the most advanced firearms and the most powerful artillery."

After appeasing his two important generals, Li Xuan looked sideways at Dugu Biluo: "Has the news spread?"

"It's spread." Dugu Biluo nodded expressionlessly: "Following the Lord's instructions, I have ordered my embroidered guards to do it. On the first day of August, the imperial court will gather 50,000 troops to encircle Songshan Mountain, and then from Emperor Xuanhuang sent 10,000 heavenly soldiers to prepare to attack Shaolin in one fell swoop.

As far as I know, many eminent Buddhist monks and powerful warrior monks are gathering at Mount Song. They also swept away all the thousand-year-old "Heart Moon Lotus" lotus seeds on the market, which should be to attract the spirit body of Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva to come to the mortal world. It is estimated that the time will be within these two days. "


Li Xuan immediately raised the corners of his lips slightly, and his eyes showed a glint of light: "The Heart Moon Lotus is coming soon? It's really God helping me."

He was about to point out the situation and comment on his opponents.

But when he saw Le Qianqian running out of his 'Lingxiao Palace', she looked a little panicked: "Sister Yan, her amniotic fluid has broken and she is about to give birth."

Li Xuan couldn't help but be surprised, he thought, how could Luo Yan be the father of the child? It was obvious that Yunrou was pregnant earlier.

He panicked, and then he rushed into the Lingxiao Palace like a ball of strong wind.


At the same time, in a prison cell in Ruzhou Prefecture, Henan, Shi Lingtong, the abbot of Shanxin Temple, had been beaten until his whole body was bleeding and his clothes were soaked.

For a Buddhist cultivator like him who has cultivated to the twelfth level of the tower, his physical body is also extremely powerful. Ordinary long whips can't do anything about it, but the one who tortured him this time was Henan Xiuyiwei Qianhu, who had reached the eleventh level of cultivation. The long whip used was the Xiuyiwei's special "Lost Soul" whip'.

A simple slap can cause pain to the bone marrow and even penetrate deep into the soul.

"Tell me!" Xiuyi Guard Qianhu Yuchi'an looked at this person coldly: "How did your Shanxin Temple collude with Prince Ning and Prince Xiang? Did Songshan Shaolin ever participate? Where are the properties that your Shanxin Temple has accumulated over the years? "

The various properties they seized from Shanxin Temple this time amounted to 1.7 million taels. However, before the war, Shanxin Temple was not fully confident that it could withstand the imperial attack.

So two days ago, they sent most of their belongings out of the temple and hid them.

Shanxin Temple is a thousand-year-old temple, and its treasures should be no less than five million.

Shi Lingtong endured the pain, looked at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose, and remained silent.

He thought something was wrong with this situation.

According to Shi Lingtong's prediction, at this time, the believers of their Shanxin Temple, even if they did not capture the granary in Ruyang City, would still cause great commotion in the city.

There should also be some movement among the monsters they released.

Shanxin Temple currently suppresses more than twenty demons from the third sect. Among them, the white-striped winged tiger and the black flame demon are both powerful demons from the fourth sect.

Liudaosi's small manpower in Ruzhou cannot cope with it no matter what.

At this time, besides turning to their Shanxin Temple for help, is there any other way for the imperial court to do this?

There was a cold glint in the eyes of Yu Chian, the embroidered guard: "Do you want to wait for your followers to cause chaos? Stop thinking about it. Your junior brother Shi Lingfei has already escaped with the gold and silver you gave him. Whereabouts."

This person is quite smart. It is better to become a rich man by taking the gold and silver from Shanxin Temple, or to open another temple than to incite the believers to rebel.

But Xiu Yiwei is still trying his best to trace this person's traces, and Shanxin Temple has provided more than 300,000 taels of funds to Shi Lingfei to incite believers.

Their embroidery guards are also very greedy for this money.

"If you are expecting those demons to cause chaos and make the imperial court unable to deal with it, then it is even more wishful thinking. Both the white-striped wing tiger you released and the black demon have been destroyed by the Six Daosi Division with the help of Emperor Xuanhuang !

You don’t even think about it, how has Fenyang County Prince ever been defeated since his debut? Since he wants to ban the Buddha, he must be fully prepared. It must be as strong as Mount Tai, making it impossible for you to resist. "

Shi Lingtong remembered the battle that took place at Shanxin Temple a few days ago, and those glorious heavenly soldiers, and his facial muscles couldn't help but twitch.

Shi Lingtong believed Yu Chi'an's words. If it was the Heavenly Weapon General of the 'Xuanhuang Emperor', then the demons released by Shanxin Temple were indeed not worth mentioning.

However, the consumption of the imperial court and the Six Daosi Division must have been considerable.

Shi Lingtong had heard about the recently famous 'Xuanhuang Emperor', but he also heard that this emperor's fees were very expensive.

This great emperor who claims to be the 'Supreme of the Three Realms' has nothing like a heavenly emperor in his style.

Therefore, Shi Lingtong remained silent for the rest. He firmly believed that the court would be unable to hold on sooner or later.

It is impossible for the imperial court to have that much money to support this struggle with Buddhism.

Shi Lingtong believes that there is a saying that makes sense: to stop an enemy's war, use force to stop an enemy's war.

If Buddhism wants to avoid the many consequences caused by this 'ban on Buddha', it can only make the court feel the pain,

Wei Chi'an, the embroidered Qianhu man, frowned when he saw this, and then threw away the long whip in his hand: "I'll give you one more day to think about it carefully. When tomorrow comes, I will have to use the method of searching for souls!"

He then snorted coldly and strode out of the cell door.

If it weren't for the fact that it was very difficult to search for the soul of a fourth-sect Buddhist cultivator, requiring the preparation of a magic circle, and a skilled fourth-sect magician, he would have already begun to forcibly search for and release the psychic soul!

It wasn't until Yu Chi'an was far away that Shi Lingtong opened his eyes. A cold look appeared in his eyes: "Come out! He's gone."

At this moment, a white light appeared in the cell.

Within the white light, there was an old monk with white eyebrows, only the size of a finger. He looked at Shi Lingtong solemnly: "Abbot Lingtong, I was ordered to rescue you from trouble. I don't know how much cultivation you still have to cooperate now." Lao Na?"

"Thirty percent! I have one of the six magical powers of Buddhism, the 'Leaking Tong'. UU read Zhenyuan Ding can't actually trap me."

Shi Lingtong did not immediately struggle to get out of trouble, but looked at the other party with eyes like swords: "Who sent you? What is the purpose? What is the situation outside now?"

"The situation outside is very bad now. Five days ago, the imperial court swept away twenty-five of our Buddhist monasteries with a thousand people. Two days ago, they also wiped out fifteen. Not even a big temple like Jinshan Temple with three thousand monks. It can be preserved.”

The white-browed old monk first sighed, and then said with a cold face: "Now the imperial court has mobilized 50,000 soldiers and horses from other provinces, and is preparing to borrow 10,000 heavenly soldiers and numerous artillery from the 'Xuanhuang Emperor', preparing to launch the attack on August 1 Attack Songshan Mountain by force. Therefore, my abbot Shi Kongxin, in accordance with the decree of the Heart Moon Fox Bodhisattva, ordered me to come to rescue Abbot Lingtong out of trouble and come to my Songshan Mountain to help."

Shi Lingtong couldn't help but be stunned: "How did the imperial court get so much money to lend 10,000 heavenly soldiers? Also, since the imperial court wants to mobilize a large army, how can Songshan hold on?"

The old monk with white eyebrows smiled bitterly again: "It is said that the imperial court asked Emperor Xuanhuang to send troops for free at the cost of canonizing Emperor Xuanhuang as the emperor and righteous god. I don't know the specific truth. However, in recent days, the imperial court did have the intention to canonize Emperor Xuanhuang. Send it down."

He then raised his eyebrows, with infinite murderous intent in his eyes: "Smart abbot, at most the day after tomorrow, the true spirit of Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva will come to the world relying on the lotus seed body cast by our temple. Our temple has also evacuated Songshan Mountain long ago, and has been rehabilitated. It means zero.

But the intention of my abbot and Bodhisattva is to make the Jin Dynasty pay the price first before leaving Songshan Mountain! Therefore, Zhengguang invites colleagues to gather together in Songshan. "

Shi Lingtong couldn't help but feel slightly moved. Songshan Mountain was so dangerous that the muskets of the imperial court and Emperor Xuanhuang might not be able to use them.

And with the power of the entire Buddhist sect, is it possible that there is nothing that can be done about the 50,000 guard troops and 10,000 heavenly soldiers?

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