Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 81 A knife is a ball of thunder slag

"Purple butterfly?" Peng Fulai was a little surprised, but then he said with a bit of expectation and enthusiasm: "Will she take action directly to help us slay demons? Although this woman is hated by my father and others, among the people But her reputation is very good. People say she is chivalrous——"

But before he finished speaking, the purple butterfly demon girl had already floated into the air and retreated ten feet away. She said in a faint voice: "Since Mr. Li Xuan, who blocked my way twice, is here, then the little lady will not care about it. No business. Today I will just sit back and watch how the heroes of Liudaosi slay demons."

Li Xuan couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart. This woman actually even found out his name. She obviously wanted to take revenge on him, and it was definitely not just words.

And just after the purple butterfly demon girl retreated, the dazzling ghost had already climbed down from the roof of the house on its spider legs. Then there were more than eighty beams of green light, shining towards them at the same time.

"Everyone is hiding behind me!"

Zhang Yue didn't know when he took out a huge shield that was two people high, and his whole body was like a mountain, blocking all the miserable green light. The fighting spirit in his eyes burned wildly: "How can you expect others to do this kind of thing? Don't destroy your prestige, and increase the ambition of others! The four of us can handle a mere eye-catching ghost, Qianqian, give him something hard first!"

Le Qianqian had already cast a spell, and suddenly a ball of blazing light shone in front of them. It was like an enhanced version of the blinding grenade, causing all the eyes of the blinding ghost to narrow involuntarily.

Peng Fulai also took action at the same time. He fired at least thirty hidden weapons of various shapes in an instant, and almost all of them were nailed to the body of the giant spider.

His strength was slightly lacking, but these hidden weapons were all gold-plated and painted with talismans.

——In this world, gold and silver can ward off evil spirits. So the rich wear gold and silver not just to show off their wealth. The gold plating on these hidden weapons is not only extra thick, but also engraved with runes.

Each one of them caused the eye-catching ghost to let out a huge wail, and even directly destroyed dozens of human eyes on the spider.

However, this also completely angered the eye-catching ghost. It roared angrily, and then rushed toward Li Xuan and the others like crazy. That huge body was like a hill pressing down from the front.

Li Xuan and others subconsciously wanted to spread out to both sides, preparing to avoid its sharp edge. But at this moment, they heard Zhang Yue's thunderous roar: "Dodge what? With me, Zhang Taishan, here, it can't even think of taking a step beyond the thunder! I am invincible in the battle of Xingtian! You monster, you must die! Ha-" —”

At this moment, the three of them couldn't help but sigh, thinking that this guy is really reliable. His back view is as reassuring as a real Mount Tai. They finally have a more reliable person in their group.

And the next moment, there was a roar of 'Duang' in front of them, and Zhang Yue's 'Oops? How can this be? ’ exclamations.

Then Li Xuan saw Zhang Yue flying like a cloud and mist. passed over them. Judging from the current curve, this guy might be thrown twenty feet away.

Looking at the eyes again, although the attack of the eye-catching ghost was stopped, even its head was flattened by Zhang Yue's giant shield, and a huge wound was cut on the left side, but this huge spider They were less than three feet away!

The three people behind were stunned, their hairstyles were messy in the wind.

Peng Fulai's face suddenly turned pale: "Oops! Last night, Lao Zhang slept with Miss Mengxing Yanmeng from Lanyue Tower, saying he wanted to avenge his shame. That guy must have had too many times and his legs are weak."

Li Xuan felt a tightness in his chest and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. But the dazzling ghost had already rushed in front of them, and Li Xuan could even smell the disgusting smell in his nose.

Le Qianqian fired a ball of white light again, and the hidden weapon in Peng Fulai's hand was like a rainstorm, but it was useless. The eye-catching ghost still followed the force of inertia and flew towards him like a mountain bearing down on top.

Cui Hongan, who was in the distance, laughed like crazy: "It's so funny. Oh, how is this possible? He was knocked away. Zhang Taishan, you are so funny!"

The companions around him also smiled. Although he didn't laugh like crazy like Cui Hongan, he still had a sarcastic look on his face and was full of anticipation for the next scene.

Zhang Jin also couldn't help but raised the corners of his lips: "Four clowns, how crazy can they be after today? This means that those who do evil will be punished by death."

"You all get out of the way."

Li Xuan sighed secretly, and took a step forward with numbness, preparing to use the 'Kui Niu Luminous Armor' on his body to buy Le Qianqian and the others time to dodge.

He thought that he would inevitably become a laughing stock this time and would be laughed at by Cui Hongan and others in the future.

But just as this thought flashed through Li Xuan's mind, he saw several bloody threads extending forward from his waist knife, connecting several parts of the Dazzling Ghost.

Li Xuan's thoughts at this moment were as fast as thunder and lightning. At this time, he looked at the things around him as if everything was frozen and slowed down at least ten times.

So much so that he had time to wonder, wondering what were these bloodshot eyes? I haven't seen anything strange about this dazzling ghost after connecting these bloody threads.

However, as this eye-catching ghost moves, the trajectory of these bloody lines also changes.

After Li Xuan considered several possibilities, he suddenly became inspired and thought, could this be similar to the 'weakness insight' in computer games?

The reason why he had such a guess was that Li Xuan's warrior instinct was driving him to do this again, giving him the urge to use the sword - that seemed to be an opportunity that Zhang Yue and the three of them worked together to seize. The flaw revealed after being hit hard continuously.

There is indeed a chance!

However, he could only use the faster lightning method, and could not use the cold evil he had newly mastered. The most suitable move at this moment is the 'Thunderstorm Thousand Miles' move from the Phantom Heavenly Sword!

Li Xuan's hand holding the sword suddenly tightened. Opposite him, the ugly and ferocious body of the Eye-catching Ghost was getting bigger and bigger in his field of vision. He also smelled a pungent fishy smell in his nose. taste.

At this moment, Cui Hongan laughed crazily and felt a little uneasy. He thought that no one would die this time, right? I just wanted to see Li Xuan's jokes, and it was best if I was made unable to take care of myself by this evil spirit. But if that guy gets angry because of this, it won't be fun. It's hard to say that Uncle Chengcheng's house won't be angry.

Peng Fulai also turned pale and took half a step forward. No matter what, he could not sit back and watch Li Xuan face this dangerous evil spirit alone.

The Purple Butterfly Witch on the roof quietly clasped a few stones in her sleeves. She was doubtful and hesitant - the doubt was due to Li Xuan's clumsiness in this battle, which was completely different from the confrontation with her yesterday. For a short while, the great master who never fell behind.

The hesitation is because Zidie is thinking, should he save others? She determined that Li Xuan's cultivation was extraordinary and he could kill the evil spirit with a snap of his fingers. But what if that guy continues to pretend?

This person is obviously a strong person who can keep pace with her Zidie, but he just disguises himself as this second generation ancestor with a weak cultivation level. The behavior is too suspicious, there may be some reason or ulterior motives.

In case this guy continues to pretend, UU Reading www.uukanshhu. nettThen the girl hiding behind him is innocent?

These thoughts flashed through her mind, and then Zidie saw a young woman among the second-generation ancestors take out a silver-white tube as thick as a brush from her sleeve, and quietly pointed it at Li Xuan's back .

Zidie's eyes suddenly flashed with anger, she flicked her long sleeve, and a stone flew out silently.

Now that she had taken action, Zidie no longer hesitated, and the second stone was thrown out by her, going straight to the soul core of the eye-catching demon.

But at this moment, Zi Die saw a bleak white sword light, which began to shine from Li Xuan's waist, and then the majestic and dazzling thunder light made everyone instinctively close their eyes.

After Li Xuan took out the sword, he dismissed all hesitations and thoughts out of his mind, concentrated on controlling the long sword, and followed one of the threads with lightning flashing all over his body.

He was not sure at all, he just thought that since he had the "Kui Niu Luminous Armor", he would have the opportunity to try and make mistakes. And in this situation, what's the harm in taking a gamble? In the end, they were all knocked away by the spider, but the strength they endured was slightly different.

But then Li Xuan's sword light was so powerful that it easily broke through the layers of green spider silk spewed out by the spider, and then slashed into the body of this dazzling ghost with a ball of blazing white lightning. Then, like a piece of rotten wood, it kept moving forward, unstoppably splitting the body of this dazzling ghost into two!

And at this moment, not only Peng Fulai and Le Qianqian behind Li Xuan were in a trance, looking at the eye-catching ghost that was cut in half with great astonishment. Cui Hongan's laughter in the distance also stopped suddenly, like a rooster whose throat had been cut.

Only the purple butterfly on the rooftop in the distance had a dull look, and seemed not surprised at all by the scene in front of him.

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