Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 766: Trampling her Buddhist kingdom

On July 31st, seven warships in the clouds were suspended above the East China Sea.

Since the next battle was crucial, Li Xuan used all the power he could.

In addition to the more than a thousand field smoothbore guns in the Beijing camp, even the two Yunzhong battleships belonging to the imperial court were seconded by Li Xuan.

Although these battleships are not equipped with electromagnetic guns, the more than two hundred red cannons distributed on both sides of the ship still have great lethality and are great weapons that can be used on the battlefield between gods and Buddhas.

At this time, nearly 27,000 heavenly soldiers and generals wearing the 'Black Gold Divine Armor', as well as 6,000 gunners transferred from the Shenji Battalion, had already boarded the Yunzhong battleship customized by Li Xuan.

Not long ago, the Artifact Alliance worked day and night and delivered another two thousand sets of 'Black Gold Divine Armor' and the corresponding 'Rune Striker Breech Gun', allowing Li Xuan to canonize two thousand more heavenly soldiers before the war.

One thousand of them were used by him for subsequent summons services, and one thousand were sent to the battleship.

Fortunately, these warships in the clouds are large enough... They are about a hundred feet long, ten feet wide, and fifteen feet high. The space inside is equivalent to a fifty-thousand-ton yacht. One ship can accommodate eight thousand soldiers and their troops. The armor is more than enough.

Li Xuan, accompanied by Leng Yurou and three divine generals, was patrolling the warships in the clouds layer by layer.

He was observing the structure of these warships with his Dao-protecting Heavenly Eye, inspecting the reserves of various ammunition and supplies, and at the same time greeting the soldiers of the Heavenly Court along the way.

Since all the heavenly soldiers and generals conferred by Li Xuan originated from him, Li Xuan was able to command these 27,000 heavenly soldiers like arms without having to use mortal military methods.

But Li Xuan knew that many of the heavenly soldiers under his command had gradually regained their self-awareness.

Then we cannot treat these soldiers as objects, but must respect them as human beings.

At this time, the response given to Li Xuan by these 'Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals' was extremely fanatical.

The core of their souls is inseparable from Li Xuan, and they regard Li Xuan as their own god and their own parents to respect, worship and admire.

Li Xuan likes this feeling wherever he goes. The fanatical belief of these heavenly soldiers also gave him feedback.

As a result, a white tiger with a majestic and graceful posture appeared behind Li Xuan.

The strength of the 27,000 Heavenly Soldiers alone is almost equivalent to the 200,000 Imperial Guards of the Jin Dynasty.

As for ammunition and supplies, there are no problems.

A total of nine million rounds of 'copper-cased steel core bullets', as well as spiritual stones for the heavenly soldiers to restore the power of their souls, 100,000 rounds of artillery shells, and 1,500 tons of gunpowder. All these materials are enough to support them in continuous operations for seven weeks. Day and night.

This does not include the three ammunition bases carried by these heavenly soldiers themselves, and the corresponding spirit stones.

Dugu Biluo and Le Qianqian are both extremely competent secretaries and will not make mistakes in this regard.

Therefore, Li Xuan was more concerned about the hulls of these Yunzhong battleships. He asked with some worry: "Have they been tested? Don't let them fall apart halfway."

This situation would be tragic. It is estimated that all the heavenly weapons in his hands will be lost.

Leng Yurou was a little unhappy after hearing this. She crossed her arms and said, "Don't worry, I will conduct the most stringent tests based on the data provided by Green Qiluo. As long as the data she provided is correct, then these five battleships will definitely be You can sail in the outer void!”

She then pointed to the outside of the ship: "Only the two ships built by the middle-class laymen are worse. They have not been specially strengthened for sailing in outer areas, so they cannot sail in the infinite space.

However, their hull structure is fine, but they cannot carry people or cargo inside. So you can just drag it there, and then move the combatants and cannons up there when fighting there. "

Li Xuan looked sideways at Green Qiluo next to her, and she nodded slightly: "I guarantee that nothing will go wrong! I have also done a test just now, and the strength of the hull is sufficient. These all-metal battleships are also more airtight than wooden ones." It’s much stronger. It’s more than enough to sail in the boundless void.”

Just after that, many of Li Xuan's subordinates, such as Dongfang Liang, Xuan Chenzi, Lu Xue, Huang Jun and others, also arrived one after another.

The two extremely powerful men, the middle-class layman and the demon fox Tushanjun, also arrived not long after.

Shao Si Mingyuan Taiwei arrived late in the end. After she arrived, she looked at Li Xuan like a madman: "Li Xuan, you are simply crazy! This is not the way to die."

She thought that even if this guy wasn't crazy, his head had turned into mush.

Li Xuan's face darkened slightly, and then he flicked his robe sleeves with a magnanimous expression: "In the eyes of Master Shao Siming, this is a crazy move, but in my opinion, this matter is very promising. You don't need much, Shao Siming." Yan, I have only one purpose for inviting you here, please help me open the gap in the sky!"

In fact, he had no choice. If he wanted to stop Xinyuelian from seizing her body, he could only trample her Buddhist kingdom, tear Xinyuelian from her lotus platform, and then completely destroy her Buddha body and shatter her true spirit at the same time. spirit.

When Yuan Taiwei heard the words, his face was cold and his eyes showed hesitation.

Li Xuan laughed again: "Lord Siming, you should know that we can break the Emperor Qin's Yuan Feng with our own strength. But in this way, not only will a large amount of spiritual stones be consumed, but the damage to Emperor Qin's Yuan Feng will also be greater. Several times larger.

Besides, isn't this a good thing for your Jinque Tiangong? If this king is buried in the void of the outer realm, Master Shao Siming, you will not have to repay the debt. "

Shaosi Mingyuan Taiwei remained silent but she turned to open her 'spiritual eyes' and glanced behind Li Xuan.

Just when Li Xuan was thinking about how to continue to persuade Yuan Taiwei, the young Siming's eyes narrowed slightly: "I can help you open the sky gap, and I can even lead you back to the mortal world. But you have to borrow me again. Twenty million silver dollars, as well as previous loans, must be extended for one year.”

Just looking at these seven battleships and tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers, she knew that Li Xuan had made thorough preparations for this battle. He also knew that he could no longer stop Li Xuan.

What's more, the place where Li Xuan set off for this expedition was the 'Trayasa Heaven', one of the six heavens of desire in Buddhism.

The free translation of Trayatri Heaven is "Thirty-three Heavens", and there are thirty-three small heavens in Trayatri Heaven.

The area there is extremely vast and fragmented. It is also a place where Buddhist power has never been able to fully control, and it is beyond the reach of the Buddhas.

This guy, he might be able to succeed

Yuan Taiwei thought that instead of trying to stop her in vain, UU Reading www.uuknshu.nett might as well take this opportunity to raise more funds for her "Beitian Palace".

Li Xuan couldn't help but be stunned and looked at Yuan Taiwei in astonishment.

He then laughed boldly and said, "Then it's settled! Twenty million silver dollars, and three cents of monthly interest! The repayment of the previous debt will be deferred until four years later."

Li Xuan thought to himself that he would be stupid to refuse such a good thing, since he didn't pay for it anyway.

As for whether Yuan Taiwei's "Beitian Palace" has the ability to return, Li Xuan has no such worries at all.

If that doesn't work, he can also dig a large piece of "Floating Sky Earth" from the "Beitian Palace" to expand the space of his Heavenly Punishment Platform.

The floating land of Jinque Heavenly Palace is already part of the heaven. It only needs to be slightly modified to be integrated into Li Xuan's heaven.

Li Xuan then ordered Fu Youde beside him: "Send an order to the whole army to set sail immediately! Qiluo, you can go to the altar and help me lock the 'Pure Heart and Innocent World'!"

Green Qiluo nodded slightly, and then walked to the third floor of the ship, into an empty room ten feet long and wide.

There is nothing else here but an altar that fills the entire cabin.

When Green Qiluo walked to the altar, he immediately enveloped all seven warships in the cloud with forest-green magic power.

At the same time, there were two invisible anchors pointing in two different directions.

One direction is the Tianxing Platform space. This anchor firmly grasps the Tianxing Platform, which is their way back, and also ensures that no one can isolate them from Qin Huang Yuan Feng.

One direction is to extend and explore into the depths of the boundless void.

Green Qiluo will rely on her own memory to lock onto the Trayast Sky and the ‘Pure Heart and Infallible World’ inside the Trayat Sky, and use it to guide these seven cloud battleships to sail in the void of the outer realm.

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