Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 776 The Yellow River is clear

After killing the incarnation of the Burning Deng Buddha, Green Qiluo immediately grabbed Le Qianqian's hand.

Then she shook her head slightly: "She's fine, just rest for a few days."

Li Xuan's 'Dao-protecting Heavenly Eye' didn't find any hidden injuries on Le Qianqian's body. It was just that his vitality and spiritual consciousness had been greatly depleted, so he could just patch it up afterwards.

Li Xuan then turned his attention to the outside world again, after the true spiritual body of the Deng Deng Buddha was shattered and destroyed. In the outside world, there are still many eyes looking at this place with either hostility or curiosity.

He was nervous at first, but as time went by, Li Xuan's heart dropped back into his stomach.

Li Xuan realized that these beings who were observing this place could not enter.

From this point of view, Qin Huang Yuan Feng is still very reliable, enough to resist the gods and Buddhas.

Ran Deng should be just a special case. I don’t know what kind of price this past Buddha paid to put his power into the mortal world...

As time went by, the owners of these sights also dispersed.

But at this time, the faces of everyone on the altar were not very good-looking.

Young Master Yu Jie's face turned a little blue. He thought that if the 'Past Buddha' wanted to do anything to Da Jin, he would not be able to stop it in time.

Zhu Mingyue laughed at herself: "Since he became the Supreme Master, Zhu has been invincible and invincible in this world. Zhu is often proud of this, but only today does he know that he is sitting in a well and looking at the sky."

The gods and Buddhas who appeared here today gave him a very bad feeling.

Zhu Mingyue felt like a cricket in a cricket jar being scrutinized and admired.

When the others heard the words, they were all silent.

The people invited here by Li Xuan today are all powerful and domineering people, and most of them have similar mentality to Yu Jie and Zhu Mingyue.

This also made the entire 'Earth Temple' unusually silent while Luo Yan was refining the true spirit of 'Heart Moon Lotus'.

Only Yu Hongshang and Yuan Taiwei looked calm and calm.

Yu Hongshang clearly sensed the changes in her dragon energy just now.

If the lamp-burning Buddha really dares to endanger the mortal world, she can act as the "Human Emperor" and summon more powerful and terrifying power from heaven and earth to destroy the lamp!

It was the aggregation of people's thoughts over tens of thousands of years, the collection of the will of dozens of generations of human emperors before the pre-Qin Dynasty, which was enough to confront any great force in this world.

Shaosi Mingyuan Taiwei was fully confident. She knew that as long as the Qin Emperor Yuan Feng remained intact, the power of these gods and Buddhas would not be fully invested in the mortal world.

Li Xuan didn't care much, because he was confident that within ten years, he would be able to master the power against Ran Deng.

What people like them fear most is that they cannot see hope or the road clearly.

As long as there is still hope and there is still a way to go, we will never be afraid.

He is getting stronger every day and enjoying the process.

Li Xuan even had the time to talk about state affairs with Yu Hongshang on the altar of earth.

When it comes to political affairs, Yu Hongshang's eyes are slightly sad.

Yu Hongshang is worried about food

It was already approaching the Mid-Autumn Festival. People in the north and south of the Yangtze River had not only harvested a complete season of potatoes and sweet potatoes, but also the corn that the imperial court had begun to promote on a large scale at the beginning of the year, and the hybrid wheat that was still trial-planted in Huangzhuang, would also be harvested one after another.

Therefore, although natural disasters occurred frequently in various parts of the Jin Dynasty, the overall food production increased instead of decreasing.

Li Xuan listened for a moment and realized what Yu Hongshang was worried about. He laughed dumbly and said, "Hongshang, you are worried that cheap food will hurt farmers, right?"

When it comes to food, the people can't survive if the harvest fails, but if the output is too high, the people can't stand it either.

If food cannot be sold at a high price, people will not be able to buy those oils, salts, sauces and vinegars.

"There is such a worry!"

Yu Hongshang nodded: "You need to know that potatoes and sweet potatoes alone can satisfy the people of the world and are more than enough. Now there is also corn, which can be grown in many barren dry lands.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development predicts that after the large-scale promotion of corn, the fields in the north and south of the Yangtze River will increase by 30%. Fortunately, people like to save food, so there is no need to worry in the short term, but a sharp drop in food prices in the future is foreseeable. "

Li Xuan, however, was confident: "I have also considered this matter. I originally planned to write another memorial. Since you, Chang'er, have talked about this matter, it is just right to talk about it. I hope that the imperial court will issue several decrees. One is to abolish the prohibition on alcohol. ; The second is to encourage the people to raise pigs, cows, chickens, ducks and other livestock, which can be used for food in the future and improve the people's physical condition;

The third is to promote soybeans and rapeseed. Didn’t Shennongyuan develop a simpler and more labor-saving method of oil extraction? It can be promoted to the world; the fourth is to promote iron farm tools, which can be purchased by the court and loaned to the people for use; the fifth is to encourage childbirth and prohibit infanticide. If the people feel that they cannot support them, they can be handed over to the orphans and widows' homes established by the court. Sixth, the Changping Granary was built, and the imperial court purchased grain from the people. The standard was to ensure the needs of the people in the world for three years. "

In order to prevent food shortages, the Jin Dynasty prohibited folk brewing of alcoholic beverages other than fruit wine.

Due to the lack of steel, many people in the folk use wooden farm tools, and even many families share a shovel, hoe, or sickle, and many places even do not even have iron plows. Their farming efficiency can be imagined.

It is obvious that the work that can be done with one piece of iron work can be done by ordinary people with two or three pieces of work.

As for infant drowning, many people today drown their babies if they cannot feed them, especially female babies.

"Prohibition, oil extraction and livestock raising can indeed consume a lot of food. However, this policy only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. Even with the addition of Changpingcang, it can only last for a few more years at most."

Young Master Yu Jiena looked over with doubt in his eyes: "There is also the promotion of iron farm tools, which is beneficial to the people. But this will only further increase food production, and will it make things worse?"

Li Xuan laughed: "What Shaobao said is wrong. When the price of food really hurts farmers, the people will naturally know how to adjust and plant less land. And the people can finish the work in the fields in less time." , then they will also have more free time to do other work.

For example, weaving, iron smelting, road repairs, and water conservancy improvements all require manpower. I have a great wish. I hope that all people in the world can have a spacious apartment, have no worries about food and clothing, and have their illnesses treated. "

When Yu Jie heard this, he couldn't help but think deeply.

He thought that most of the people in the Jin Dynasty today were still half-clothed. Some people didn't even have a single linen on. They only wore straw sandals and their houses were all straw huts.

Just to meet people's basic necessities of life requires a lot of manpower.

Yu Jie thought that he was indeed a little worried.

In the distance, Hu Ming, the Minister of Rites, looked even more happy.

He thought that in the past three generations, which dynasty would still worry about the people not having enough food to eat?

If what Li Xuan said can be realized, this will be an unprecedented prosperous era in the past three generations.

Hu Xi, the Minister of Rites, suddenly remembered something: "By the way, there was a report from places in Shandong and Henan not long ago, saying that this year's water in the Yellow River is exceptionally clear."

As soon as Hu Hui said this, everyone present was moved.

Led by Yu Hongshang, they all looked at Li Xuan.

They all thought of an old rumor that when the water in the Yellow River is clear, a saint will emerge!

In today's world, since the Fenyang County Prince took charge, the chaos of the kings has been suppressed within the court, and the Tatars have been raging outside. The people's livelihood in the world is stable, and a prosperous age can be expected.

This martial arts skill has been matched by few in history.

If Li Xuan does not embark on the road of seeking to usurp the throne in the future, then based on his current achievements alone, he will be known as the 'Lesser Sage' in the Confucian sect, and even be as successful as the 'Duke of Zhou'.

Therefore, even Young Master Yujie suspected that this was no coincidence.

Li Xuan frowned. According to modern scientific investigations, clear water in the Yellow River is often related to large-scale droughts in the upper reaches.

This is due to the lack of rain upstream, so the soil cannot be washed into the river, so this is definitely not auspicious.

But then Li Xuan shook his head. He had food in his hands and no panic in his heart. He could withstand any disaster no matter what.

What's more, the war in Shaanxi continues, and not many people can grow food with peace of mind.

The famine is a good time to move people out of Shaanxi and allow the land there to recuperate.

Yu Hongshang just mentioned this: "Then there is the Battle of Xi'an. Henan Commander-in-Chief Fang Ying has recently reached the gates of Xi'an City. However, due to the so-called evildoers, the imperial army has suffered setbacks in all directions recently.

There were even two groups of King Yi's troops that almost jumped out of our encirclement, wasting a lot of strength. "

Li Xuan's expression was still calm and calm: "I have read the battle report. This is because the armies are eager for success. Your Highness can instruct the generals so that they don't have to worry. The imperial court has only one request: to fortify the stronghold, fight the battle, and general Yi Wang The army can just block it in Xi'an."

He knew that in the late Qing Dynasty, Zeng Guofan used this method to consume the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

With the power of the current imperial court, if it goes all out, Xi'an can certainly be wiped out in one fell swoop.

But now Li Xuan is not sure how much money Da Siming and Buddhism will invest in King Yi.

In case Dai Siming couldn't think about it, UU Reading directly opened the Qin Emperor Yuan Feng? What if another Buddhist lamp comes to the world?

Li Xuan pondered and said: "King Yi's army has the support of Buddhism, so it cannot be conquered in a hurry. But the hearts of the people of the world are with me, so let's spend it like this for now. However, we need to pay attention to the rotation and the homesickness of the soldiers, so that the world's guards can The rotation of troops and horses into Shaanxi is regarded as military training."

Yu Hongshang nodded slightly, she also felt that this method was more appropriate.

If the consumption continues, King Yi's popular support and dragon energy will only be further depleted.

She knew that today's scholars already believed that King Yi and the Zhengtong Emperor and his son were unscrupulous people who disturbed the world with their own selfish interests.

"Then there's Mengwu. There's a lot of talk inside and outside the government about you and me establishing a province in the grassland, and there's a lot of talk. What I mean is to increase the implementation of the silage method now and shut them all up."

There was a little impatience in Yu Hongshang's eyes, which was because she was disturbed by the clear comments and was a little irritated.

At this time, silage was already being promoted in the grassland, but the intensity was not up to Yu Hongshang's expectations.

What she meant was that it would be best to let the scholars all over the world see the miraculous effects of the silage method after winter this year, and let them know that the imperial government's plan to organize households on the grassland to equalize the people was not a random and irrelevant move as they said.

Li Xuan laughed dumbly. Just as he was about to speak, his expression suddenly changed slightly and he looked at Luo Yan.

At this moment, Xinyuelian's true spirit had been completely refined by Luo Yan.

Luo Yan still closed her eyes and fell into meditation. She had to adapt to and stabilize her greatly improved cultivation and spirit.

Li Xuan focused on the 'divine magic conch'.

Xinyuelian has truly died, and this sacred object has no owner.

Li Xuan's eyes were dull for a while, because he saw the 'divine magic conch' turn around and land directly in front of Jiang Hanyun.

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