Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 788 The Yangyang Divine Sword is invincible in the world

In the Bohai Bay, the East China Sea Dragon Clan's army of more than three million men is stationed in this narrow sea area between the two peninsulas.

Under the seemingly calm sea, there is a giant ice wall hundreds of miles long, blocking the entire Bohai Bay.

The narrowest point of this ice wall is one hundred feet wide, and the height is more than five hundred feet, almost touching the sea.

There are also thousands of giant tortoises scattered on the ice wall. They hide their heads in the strong tortoise shells and breathe out cold breath, allowing this magnificent ice wall to continue to repair under the impact of thousands of giant sea beasts. , as stable as a rock.

Sometimes these giant turtles will poke their heads out of their armor and bite off a piece of flesh from their enemies as fast as lightning.

In front of this ice wall, there are ferocious dragons whose heads can be as long as a hundred feet or as short as more than eighty feet, and a giant crab as big as a five-story building, which is as deep as 600 feet deep in the sea. , fighting fiercely with even larger sea beasts,

The existence of that ice wall is just to prevent this deep-sea monster from further penetrating into the Bohai Bay. But if the East China Sea Dragon Tribe really wants to stop these aquatic tribes from the deep sea, they can only rely on their claws, their bodies, to fight and bite.

At this time, there are also some deep-sea tribes with shallow spiritual intelligence, trying to bypass the huge military formation of the East China Sea Dragon Tribe from the sea, bypassing the magnificent ice wall,

However, they often swim to shallow seas less than a hundred feet away from the sea, and their entire bodies explode...

If Li Xuan were here at this time, he would know that it was due to pressure.

The water pressure in the shallow sea is completely different from that in the deep sea, so the body structure of the deep sea aquarium is also completely different from that in the shallow sea.

Most of them can rely on their own demon power and cultivation to adjust their physical bodies, adapt to pressure, move freely under water up to 600 feet deep, and even fight ferociously.

But only a very few can enter the shallow sea less than fifty feet from the sea.

When they reach this water depth, they must rely on their celestial-level leader, the Great Demon, to artificially create pressure so that they can adapt to the shallow sea.

At this time, above the sea, the Prince of the East China Sea, Ao Mengsheng, stood holding beads with a tired look.

In his hand was a huge azure blue pearl with flowing cloud patterns inside. It is swallowing the essence of heaven and earth, echoing the water vapor clouds and mist within thousands of miles around it, as if it were one body.

With the help of the divine object in his hand, Ao Mengsheng not only suppressed all the waves above the sea, preventing the underwater battle from affecting the Bohai Sea and the land behind, but also maintained the one hundred feet under the sea. with normal water pressure.

This makes it difficult for the deep sea monsters, which number close to tens of millions, to get past the thunder pool.

However, as time went by, Ao Mengsheng's complexion gradually became pale, and his fatigue became more obvious.

"I'll do it next."

The majestic figure of Dragon King Ao Shenghai suddenly appeared behind Ao Mengsheng: "Before Demon Emperor Kunpeng arrives, you can go and take a breather."

Ao Mengsheng immediately frowned, and looked at his father with some concern: "Why do you say this, father? Your injury has not healed yet. It is not the child who should rest, but you, father."

Just twenty-five days ago, his father Ao Shenghai and Emperor Kunpeng had a great battle at the junction of the East China Sea and the Ocean.

In the end, Ao Shenghai was defeated and a piece of flesh and blood from his ribs was bitten off by the huge Kunpeng.

Also after this battle, the East China Sea Dragon Palace had to retreat to the Bohai Sea.

After hearing the words, Dragon King Ao Shenghai smiled happily: "The injury caused by the father is the injury caused by Ji Tian's method. How can it be cultivated in a short time? But you, after the true energy is exhausted, how can you still have the strength to assist me? Father fights?"

He then waved his sleeves as if casually: "Don't worry, your mother has already contacted Shuying and asked her to return to Bohai as soon as possible to take over."

Ao Mengsheng looked silently and handed the 'Water Suppressing Pearl' in his hand back to Ao Shenghai's hand.

In his heart, he no longer had any hope for the upcoming Battle of Bohai.

If Shuying and her future brother-in-law hadn't found the escape route in Beihai for them, the East China Sea Dragon Clan would have been on the verge of extinction this time.

"Why is my son so depressed?" Ao Shenghai, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, raised his lips slightly: "The victory of this battle is still undecided. What the Kunpeng Emperor should never do is to provoke me before razing the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. Jin Ting.

After the turmoil in Dengzhou, the Jin Dynasty was bound to intervene in the East China Sea. Neither Young Master Yu Jie nor Sixth Path Master Zhu Mingyue could just sit idly by. These two people have great magical power, and both have the power to reach the top of the sky. "

He didn't mention Li Xuan because the Fenyang King was both emotional and rational, and would help the Dragon Clan.

In fact, he should have asked for help from the Jin Dynasty, but Ao Shenghai had no choice but to let the Dragon Clan lose its ability to be independent and become completely dependent on the Jin Dynasty.

Dragon Palace took the initiative to seek help from the imperial court, and Jin Dynasty had to intervene in this battle. Not only did it have different meanings, but it would also have different results.

Ao Mengsheng was not very optimistic: "But I heard that Zhu Mingyue's old injury has not healed, and he has not taken direct action for nearly two years. He relied entirely on Qiu Qianqiu, Jiang Hanyun and others to suppress the Six Daosi. Although Young Master Yu Jie is known as the Great Jin The first person, but he only dominates among mortals. He cannot be the opponent of Demon Emperor Kunpeng underwater. As for my brother-in-law"

He originally wanted to say that Li Xuan was not even a Heavenly One, so how big of a role could it play?

But the tentacles of the East China Sea Dragon Clan communicate with the outside world, and they are by no means isolated.

A few months ago, Buddhism was forcibly subdued by Li Xuan. The Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva was beheaded by Emperor Xuanhuang in the outer realm. After the Lantern Buddha came to the mortal world in his incarnation, he was killed by Li Xuan.

Now there are rumors that the "Tai Shang Miluo Zhi Zhen Xuan Huang Emperor" who was recently canonized by the Jin Dynasty and gradually became popular in the world is Li Xuan himself.

Ao Mengsheng once made insinuations about Ao Shuying, but his sister was vague, neither admitting nor denying.

If his future brother-in-law is really Emperor Xuanhuang, where did he get so many heavenly soldiers and generals? Where did so many strong men come from to follow him? How to defeat Xinyuelian?

Besides, this is an underwater war after all.

The magical power of Emperor Kunpeng is almost invincible in this ocean.

At this moment, Ao Shenghai's expression moved slightly, and he looked at the bottom of the sea with some surprise.

Ao Mengsheng also found that the situation was different, and he also looked intently into the depths of the seabed.

He discovered that the aquatic army scattered deep under the sea was retreating to the southwest.

They surged away from the ice wall like a tide and retreated towards the deep sea.

What was surprising was that not long after, a deep-sea white shark about seventy feet long bit off the head of a five-legged black eel next to it in one bite.

Then the scattered blood plunged all the deep-sea tribes into chaos.

Those large predators began to attack crazily and devoured all nearby objects that could satisfy their hunger. They even did not let go of their own kind.

The powerful deep-sea tribes fled crazily to the deep-sea area.

In just a moment, the originally fierce and united Shui Tribe army completely collapsed and fell apart.

"This is?"

Ao Mengsheng was taken aback, with confusion in his eyes: "Strange, why did these deep-sea tribes retreat?"

When they retreated, they actually started killing each other.

Ao Mengsheng knew that most of these deep-sea monsters were hungry, but that Emperor Kunpeng was not able to suppress even these nine million deep-sea monsters.

Ao Shenghai, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, was also puzzled. Just as the father and son looked at each other in confusion, a ball of aqua-blue brilliance condensed on the sea surface, and Ao Shuying's figure finally appeared.

This is Ao Shuying's direct projection here with her divine power.

"Father, just a moment ago, Xuanlang, as Emperor Xuanhuang, gathered many of his generals to kill Demon Emperor Kunpeng in the depths of the ocean!"

Her words made Long Jun and his son's pupils narrow slightly, showing expressions of disbelief.

Demon Emperor Kunpeng is dead?

But in that ocean, who can kill him?

What's more, such a fleshly soul has reached the level of Jitian. Only the strength of the real soul is blocked by the First Emperor Yuan Feng before the death of Jitian, which will inevitably cause changes in the world.

"I am certain about this matter, and my daughter was also personally involved. Demon Emperor Kunpeng died in the sword formation, so there has been no change in the spirit of the heaven and earth, nor has there been any abnormality."

Ao Shuying glanced at the expressions of their father and son, and explained a few words. Then she talked about the business: "My daughter is here with divine power now because Li Xuan has something to do and needs the dragon clan's cooperation. Li Xuan We have negotiated with the auxiliary ministers of the Jin Dynasty. From tomorrow, there will be 24 armored warships, 320 lucky ships, and 170,000 imperial troops in Tianjin to attack Fusang.

The East China Sea Dragon Palace needs to mobilize a large army to escort them. In addition, the East China Sea Dragon Palace has to raise 300,000 soldiers with the ability to escape from the air. At least twelve heavenly soldiers will join the heavenly army to question Gao Tianyuan for Fuso Gao Tianyuan's funding of Emperor Kunpeng's food and grass! "

Ao Mengsheng couldn't help but dilate his pupils slightly: "So does Li Xuan know that Mengwu encountered two 'divine winds' when he was conquering Japan?"

Since the fall of Haotian, Emperor Fusang has been extremely low-key and tolerant of everything. UU reading www.

But as far as Ao Mengsheng knows, the former ‘Eastern Prince’ of Heaven has been accumulating strength, waiting for the moment when he can make great achievements.

The several Fuso gods in 'Takamagahara' are not weak, but for thousands of years, Fuso such as Susano'o, Amaterasu, etc. have never set foot in the land of Middle Earth.

The power of Fuso and Gao Tianyuan can be seen from the two "divine winds" in the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties.

That was when the Meng Yuan state was at its strongest.

Ao Shuying nodded slightly: "I know, but that Emperor Fusang did something wrong, so he has to pay the price, and Xuanlang will not let them have a second chance to do something wrong."

Ao Shuying knew what the father and son were worried about. She thought for a moment and decided to reveal a bit about Li Xuan's success: "I was fortunate enough to see Luo Yan and Li Xuan's swords combined after being promoted to heaven. From what I expected, , as long as Emperor Fusang doesn't come to the mortal world, then this pair of 'Heaven Strikes Earth and Combines Yang Yang Divine Sword' will be invincible in the world!"

Ao Mengsheng and Ao Shenghai's pupils suddenly opened slightly. Who in this world has never heard of the reputation of the 'Heaven Strikes the Earth and Combines the Yangyang Divine Sword'?

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