Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 798 The joy of blackmail

Naturally, Li Xuan could not be so careless as to directly follow the goddess Amaterasu into Gao Tianyuan.

He first asked Gao Tianyuan to release the barrier and let his army move in, and then gradually mastered the key points of Gao Tianyuan. He also ordered Zhongliu laymen, Taichong Yuanchen Divine General and others to enter and suppress the center of Gao Tianyuan.

It wasn't until Gao Tianyuan was completely opened, like a woman who had taken off all her clothes and lay flat on her back, that Li Xuan stepped inside.

This so-called "Gaotianyuan" is a void similar to the "Xuanhuang Heavenly Court", but the area is much larger. It is two hundred and eighty miles from north to south and three hundred and twenty miles from east to west. There are beautiful mountains and clear waters, pleasant scenery, and even large areas of cultivated land.

Compared to the 'Xuanhuang Heavenly Court', this place is more like the residence of the Emperor of Heaven. .

The first thing Li Xuan noticed was the two huge sacred trees in the center that were several feet high and inserted deep into the sky.

That is the sacred tree of Fusang. "Records of Ten Continents in the Sea" records that Fusang's leaves are shaped like mulberry trees, several thousand feet long and more than 2,000 feet wide. Two trees grow from the same root and are more dependent on each other, so they are called Fusang.

Therefore, there are two hibiscus trees, not one as the world thinks. They grow from the same root, support and rely on each other.

Surrounding this fuso is a huge hot spring with a diameter of hundreds of miles and an astonishing temperature.

This is Yanggu, which is the place where the sun rises in the east in myths and legends, and the place where the "Ten Days" bathed in the past.

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas: Overseas Eastern Classic" says - There is a hibiscus on the Tang Valley, where I bathed for ten days, in the north of Heijia.

Behind Li Xuan, Lu Qiluo was also looking into the distance. A hint of coldness immediately appeared in her eyes: "This person is plotting to be the 'Fusang Emperor' in the mortal dynasty. He really has an ulterior motive." . He is planning to refine these two hibiscus trees into his own destiny."

Amaterasu, who was walking in front of them, did not hear Midorikira's words. She raised her hand and made a gesture of invitation: "Your Majesty, please follow me. My grandfather is waiting for your arrival."

Li Xuan smiled, held his waist knife in his hand, and walked towards the hibiscus tree with a calm expression.

He knew that Emperor Fuso was his real negotiating partner.

Green Qiluo stopped. She could not guarantee that she could hide her identity when she was fifty miles away from Emperor Fusang.

Li Xuan stepped forward alone, and when he came ten miles in front of the fusang tree, he felt a huge pressure approaching.

This feeling is similar to the moment when the dharma body of Ran Deng Buddha comes to the mortal world.

But it was more majestic and vast, as if the whole world was pressing on him.

Li Xuan felt that all the bones in his body were crackling. Every piece of flesh and blood in his body was whining.

The blood and energy in his body also began to solidify and could no longer circulate.

It seemed that in the next moment, his people would be crushed by this force.

At this time, Li Xuan was not afraid to laugh.

He knew that this was Emperor Fuso showing him and demonstrating to him.

This emperor also possesses the ability to come into the world with a legal body similar to the 'burning lamp', and has the power to sweep across the mortal world.

Therefore, the current gods of Gao Tianyuan and Fuso are not without the power to resist him.

Li Xuan did not move forward. He flicked his robe sleeves and said mockingly: "If this is the emperor's way of hospitality, then you and I don't need to talk about it. You and I will prepare our own troops and horses, and we will fight again in Gaotianyuan." Just do it once."

At this moment, the entire Gaotianyuan sky and earth were filled with violent winds.

And just about three breaths later, a figure about eight feet tall, with a handsome robe and a majestic bearing appeared in front of Li Xuan.

His face is hidden behind the crown of pearls, making it difficult for people to see clearly.

Li Xuan could only vaguely recognize that this was a man with a clear and stern face. The feeling this man gave him was indescribable.

The other party was clearly standing between heaven and earth, but Li Xuan felt that both heaven and earth were within his grasp.

However, the heavy pressure Li Xuan was facing had actually weakened a lot.

After this extraordinary emperor appeared, he looked up and down at Li Xuan.

Li Xuan did not give in at all, and looked at this alien enlightened emperor intently.

The ancient "Donghuang Jing" contains: "There is a big stone room in Donghuang Mountain, where the Duke of Dongwang lives." He is ten feet long, has white hair, and has the shape of a human with a bird face and a tiger tail.”

"Eastern Wilderness Sutra" says that the Eastern Prince not only had a black bear as a ride, but he also often exchanged pot-throwing performances with an unidentified beautiful girl. Every time a thousand or two hundred corrected arrows are thrown, if any of them do not pop out, 'Heaven' will hiss and sigh in depression. If the corrected arrow pops out but cannot be caught, Heaven will rejoice in the misfortune and laugh out loud.

It is said that the Duke of the East and the Queen Mother of the West were formed by dividing the yin and yang from the original energy of chaos, and each represents yin and yang.

Corresponding to this is the Queen Mother of the West. The Classic of Mountains and Seas describes her as "looking like a human, with a leopard tail, tiger teeth, good at roaring, and a hoopoe with unkempt hair."

Li Xuan believed that these two people must be members of some kind of mythical beast, or alien beings who have become enlightened.

But their true identities are no longer known to the world.

"Not bad at all."

Emperor Fusang obviously saw that this mortal had no respect for him, but his expression was neither sad nor happy: "I have been away from the mortal world for thousands of years. Unexpectedly, there are people like you in this world. An ordinary person. , has no roots and no foundation, yet dares to seek the throne of the Emperor of Heaven.”

Li Xuan burst out laughing: "Allow me to borrow two famous quotes. One, do princes and generals have the guts to be in peace with each other? Second, if a person lives for a long time, he can see everything."

"Does the Prince and General Xiang Ning have the guts?" Emperor Fusang raised the corners of his lips mockingly, then he shook his head and calmed down his emotions: "It can be said, what do you want to attack my Gao Tianyuan this time? "

"I want a lot." Li Xuan was unceremonious, with a burning look in his eyes: "First of all, all the savings of the gods of Gao Tianyuan, all the wealth, all the treasures of heaven and earth, all the medicinal materials, It must be passed on to me.”

Especially for medicinal materials, Gaotianyuan stretches nearly three hundred miles from north to south and east to west, and most of them are medicinal fields.

The output of elixirs here even surpasses that of Jinque Tiangong.

"Half!" Emperor Fusang cut down Li Xuan's asking price without hesitation. He said with a cold expression, "This half is a lot. Calculated based on the silver you mortals have, it's two hundred million."

Li Xuan nodded and did not argue with him, just because more demanding requirements were yet to come.

With these two hundred million, his ‘Kunpeng Battleship’ will be available.

Having said that, the accumulated wealth of this Emperor Fusang is truly extraordinary.

"The second condition is that Gao Tianyuan must cut off half of the land and hand it over to me. The third condition is that he must surrender to me. What I want is not just a nominal surrender. I need the Fusang gods to sign a divine contract with me. , be canonized by me and serve me. I have the right to punish those who disobey orders."

Li Xuan saw that Emperor Fuso had been looking silent and noncommittal, so he continued: "The fourth condition, I need all the fragments of the Haotian Divine Seal and the remains of Haotian in the hands of you and Amaterasu. The fifth condition, I have the right to use Yanggu here, no time limit, no limit on people, the emperor must promise not to peep——"

Emperor Fusang was finally moved, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his lips: "Do you think that I and my descendants are already flesh and blood, to be slaughtered by you?"

The heavy pressure that had originally subsided from Li Xuan's body not only returned with a vengeance, but was even stronger than before.

This time, Emperor Fusang's powerful intention even directly penetrated into the depths of Li Xuan's soul.

Li Xuan's mouth was filled with blood, but he still looked back with a smile: "If the emperor doesn't want to, you can refuse. Let me tell you in advance that once the war breaks out, I will do whatever it takes to destroy your fusang tree."

As he said these words, the face of the 'Fusang Emperor' opposite him suddenly became suffocated.


About two moments later, Li Xuan stepped out from under the fusang tree and returned to Lu Qiluo's side.

Green Qiluo also felt that Emperor Fuso's will was fading from here.

Although that person was refining the sacred tree Fusang, he was using the method of planting spirits.

The seed of its soul sprouts and grows in the hibiscus like a tree. Before it matures, there is no consciousness.

As for Emperor Fusang himself, he was in the void outside the realm, thousands of miles away.


Green Qiluo asked curiously: "He agreed?"

"How is it possible?" Li Xuan laughed: "The so-called 'asking for a high price, paying back when you land', how can this emperor answer everything? But the most important thing is that he has already agreed. You are right, the Fuso Sacred Tree is his weakness. The rest he will consult with his descendants."

Green Qiluo suddenly became energetic. What they wanted most now were the fragments of Haotian's divine seal and Haotian's remains.

After getting these things, Li Xuan can not only achieve a golden body, but also can expect to achieve heavenly status.

"What about the others?"

Others are also important, such as wealth. Now every bit of wealth can make Li Xuan stronger.

Emperor Fuso has a profound background, and this is a rare opportunity to rip him off. Green Qiluo hopes that Li Xuan can maintain his style.

"It's basically cut in half."

Li Xuan clicked his tongue, slightly dissatisfied: "That emperor is only willing to give me wealth equivalent to 250,000,000 yuan. The Fusang gods can surrender to me, but their five-pillar gods are transcendent, Yi Xie Naqi, Izanami and the Three Noble Gods can only surrender in name only and obey the instructions but not the announcement. But every hundred years, I can force them to do one thing for me.

He also said that the current land of Gao Tianyuan is the minimum requirement for supporting the Fusang Sacred Tree and cannot be divided. However, he knows that three fragments of the former heaven, covering an area of ​​​​seventy miles, can be handed over to me. "

Lu Qiluo couldn't help but feel happy. She felt that Li Xuan was very talented at negotiating prices.

Even excluding the existences Li Xuan mentioned, there are still more than ten great gods among the Fusang gods, which is a very powerful force.

"What about your Haotian Divine Seal? Has there been any change?"

According to Green Qiluo's prediction, Li Xuanru was able to defeat Fusang. Then the power of 'divine authority' in the Haotian Divine Seal should initially reach the level of 'Holy Heaven'.

Without the legal standards at the Holy Heaven level, Li Xuan would not be qualified to even hold back a look in front of those real emperors in the future.

Li Xuan couldn't help but laugh: "Qiluo, you are too hasty. This divine contract has not been signed yet. How can the Haotian Divine Seal change now?"

Lu Qiluo couldn't help being stunned when she heard this. This time, Li Xuan didn't call her Senior Lu, but called her Qiluo very affectionately.

She felt an inexplicable chill all over her body, thinking that this was the growth of Li Xuan's power, UU Reading www. Lost awe of her? Or is there another reason or another intention?

At this time, they saw the goddess Amaterasu walking towards them with slow but fast steps.

The goddess glanced at Li Xuan with a complex look, and finally she was extremely reluctant and sent a jade plate in her hand to Li Xuan: "Emperor Xuanhuang Heaven, by the order of my grandfather, I enshrine these two objects. you."

Goddess Amaterasu's attitude when speaking was extremely stiff, but Li Xuan could understand.

Just because the things he asked for might block Amaterasu's path.

At this time, his eyes were firmly attracted by the things in the jade plate, and he could not move away for a moment.

Those are two things. Their appearance is very similar to the eight-foot magatama and the eight-foot mirror controlled by the Fuso royal family, but the power hidden inside is undoubtedly superior to them.

That was exactly what he wanted to get when he attacked Fusang.

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