Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 85 I can do it again

Li Xuan soon learned how Leng Yurou helped him practice the 'Skyscraper Spin'.

In a room specially prepared by Li Chengji, Li Xuan took off all his clothes, leaving only a pair of trousers (ancient underwear). He pointed to his lower body: "Do you want to take off this one too?"

Leng Yurou rolled her eyes at him, then turned her back: "Master, please apply the medicated oil on the side first. It must cover every part of the body as evenly as possible."

Li Xuan quickly applied the medicinal oil, and then followed Leng Yurou's instructions and lay down on the carpet.

He had already expected what would happen next, which would be a beautiful yoga instructor personally helping him practice yoga.

Sure enough, the next moment, Leng Yurou used her delicate hands to grab Li Xuan's arms and thighs: "Remember, don't resist the whole process, and don't use your skills. I will guide your true energy to circulate, Practice the 'Skyscraper Spin'. If your true energy goes astray during this period, the consequences will be serious. You may not be able to get out of bed within a few days -"

When she said this, she suddenly lifted Li Xuan's arms and thighs.

Li Xuan asked himself that his muscles and bones in this life were much stronger and more flexible than in his previous life, but at this time, following Leng Yurou's movements, he still couldn't help but let out an "ouch" and let out a harsh scream.

Later, Li Xuan spent the whole process of practicing the 'Skyscraper Spin' while screaming.

"No, no! You hurt me! Can you not be so rough?"

"Ah! It's almost swollen down there. Let go. If you let go there, someone will die. It's really going to happen!"

"Ouch~ It feels so good after I let go."

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die! You really make me want to die now."

"No, don't come here. I can't do it anymore. I really can't do it anymore."

"Mastiff~~, it feels so comfortable. Is it over now? You can do it again. I feel like I can do it again—"

After several rounds of the 'Ferris Wheel' were over, both of them changed their clothes and walked out of the room. Almost all the pedestrians passing by looked at them with strange eyes.

Leng Yurou's face, as cold as ice, was also slightly flushed at this time: "Can you please stop shouting like this next time? Others will misunderstand her."

Li Xuan said with a sly expression: "I couldn't help myself and couldn't control it. I'll try my best next time."

However, the effect of the 'Big Wheel' is still very powerful. This yoga technique passed down from the White Horse Temple, the ancestral home of Buddhism, can not only help him adapt to his sudden increase in strength and true energy, but also temper his strength and increase his strength. The flexibility of the body can be said to serve many purposes.

But this is indeed a very big burden for Leng Yurou. After these rounds, her whole body was covered in fragrant sweat.

Li Xuan also learned from this that the maid beside his mother turned out to be a master of the Seventh Level Tower Realm, with a very strong family inheritance. I don't know why, but she actually bent down and became a maid next to Mrs. Liu.

And that night, the effect of Li Xuan's weekly transportation was at least 10% higher than that of the previous days. Relying on Master Cheng Huang's talisman, the green spot on his chest rarely expanded at all.

On the second day of practicing swordsmanship, Li Xuan finally regained some of his skill, instead of feeling like his true energy was leaking from all sides, like there were holes all over his body.

This was the case for the next few days. When Li Xuan returned from patrolling the streets every day, Leng Yurou would help him practice the 'Skyscraper Spin' three to five times. In his free time, he spent most of his free time studying the power of martial arts.

Until the day of the Ghost Festival comes——


"In the past few days, I have checked all available information, including all the criminal officials who were dismissed from their posts and imprisoned by the imperial court in the past twenty years, and even all the cases and files related to the Jiaofang Division and the brothel women from the government and the Six Daosi Division. But none of them involve an official prostitute named Lu, and there is no possibility that she even exists."

Early in the morning, Le Qianqian yawned and followed Li Xuan with a slightly tired look: "Jiaofangsi has not adopted any children named Lu, and no official named Lu has been criticized by the court in the past ten years -"

"Did you stay up late last night?" Li Xuan frowned slightly and interrupted Le Qianqian: "I didn't ask you to check like this."

He didn't care much about the silver hairpin in the first place, but Le Qianqian helped in such a physically damaging way, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"I'm used to it. I used to stay up late. It has nothing to do with the matter entrusted by adults."

Le Qianqian smiled coquettishly, and then continued: "I found out that twenty-five years ago, there were three official prostitutes named Lu in the Jiaofang Division, but it was a long time ago. This is very strange, look at your hairpin. The style indeed only appeared nine years ago. The color of the silver hairpin has not turned black, and it should be within three to five years."

Li Xuan thought that this was similar to what he found in the Jiaofang Division, and it was normal. Baidu is not omnipotent.

What's more, the ancient household registration system was too rough, too crude, and full of loopholes.

"Forget it if you can't find it. This matter ends here."

He did let go of the matter. Now that the Xue Wuya case and the Jiangjun Mountain blood sacrifice case have been revealed, and most of the murderers have been arrested, Li Xuan believes that there is no need to be too persistent.

And this is just a relic of one of the evil cultivators, so it is not a very important clue. What really deserves attention are the two women who appeared in the underground river after Xue Wuya was arrested.

But the remnants of the Maitreya Sect are spread all over the country. In addition to Xue Wuya, it is said that there are dozens of monks who have stepped into the third gate. Two women among them are quite ordinary.

"Thank you for your hard work this time."

Li Xuan looked at his subordinate apologetically. He had known that Le Qianqian would be so tired, and would never have asked her rashly.

"How about you find a place to sleep first? I will call you if necessary."

Le Qianqian nodded, then lay directly on Di Xinglong's back and fell asleep soundly. Not only did she sleep soundly, she even brought a thin blanket.

As soon as Li Xuan saw this person's sleeping position, he knew he was a veteran. He was actually used to sleeping on the back of the dragon. I don’t know what kind of family Le Qianqian comes from, but a bright and youthful girl has mastered this strange skill.

He shook his head, and then rode his horse in front of Le Qianqian to prevent the girl's mount from being hit.

This is because the street they patrol has been a lot more lively in the past two days. Especially today, it is even more crowded.

This is all thanks to the female ghost in red. Until the Ghost Festival, the street they were responsible for was still the safest and calmest area in the entire Nanjing city.

However, the four of them have also contributed. It is not that they have not encountered evil spirits in the past few days, but they have all killed them neatly.

When four rich people who don't care about money work together, their fighting power is still very impressive. Even the sixth-level evil spirits are no match.

But when the four of them rode together on the streets of Confucius Street, the crowd in front of them spontaneously moved aside.

"Hey! Isn't this Li Youzhu? Is he starting to patrol the streets?"

"Your team is still reliable. Liang Youjiao's team is in trouble every night. The alarm goes off several times a night, making it impossible for anyone to sleep."

"Li Youzhu is a noble man. UU Reading After the sincerity uncle, he is so noble that even monsters dare not invade him. There has been chaos everywhere in Nanjing recently, but our street is very peaceful during the day. ."

"Gentlemen, you haven't had breakfast yet, right? I've prepared some soy milk, fried dough sticks, and a bowl of flat food (dumplings) for you. Dr. Le likes to eat this."

The people around here are already very familiar with them. Wherever their team passed, people greeted them, praised them everywhere, and many people gave them food. So now Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue don't eat breakfast before going to work. The restaurants and snack bars on this street can feed them well.

Zhang Yue sat on the horse, looking triumphantly at the crowd in front of him, occasionally raising his hands and clasping his fists in all directions.

He has a sense of accomplishment, feeling that his empty life is leaving him, and his life seems to have a purpose again.

Only Peng Fulai was worried. He glanced around with his eyes: "I just feel more and more weak. With so many people gathered here today, nothing will happen, right?"

It's just because nowadays, apart from Jiming Temple, Inner Qinhuai River, Tianhou Palace, etc., this is the most lively place in Nanjing.

But Jiming Temple is the largest Buddhist temple in the south of the Yangtze River, and Tianhou Temple is an important place for Taoism, with Buddhist and Taoist masters sitting in charge. On the inner side of the Qinhuai River, there were at least five demon-subduing captains suppressing Qinhuai, which was ten miles away. But here, they only have four rookies with some money.

"Do you think the people above are all idiots? Don't you know the key points of prevention and deployment? Captain Jiang is right next door to us -"

As soon as Li Xuan said this, his eyes were slightly stern, and then he glanced at Peng Fulai with a knife-like gaze: "Fuck you, Peng Fulai, you have a crow's mouth! You really get what you say."

He had already sensed another ghost coming ahead.

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