Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 804 The butt really determines the head

The official's face suddenly turned pale, and he glanced at the faces of several auxiliary ministers with a pleading look.

But almost all the auxiliary ministers present, including Shangshu Quan Dingtian and Young Master Yujie, had cold expressions and did not say a word.

He Wenyuan, Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, not only turned a blind eye to this, but was also secretly angry.

He even thought that this person was definitely not out of touch, but had ulterior motives and ulterior motives.

A minister, a foreign minister, is not considered a newbie in politics. How could he not know that he needs to be careful in his words and deeds in the palace?

A large group of third- and fourth-grade people here didn't say anything, but this mere Yuanwailang dared to speak and say such delirium?

Did he really not know that this matter involved the imperial line and was extremely sensitive, or did he have an ulterior motive?

What annoyed He Wenyuan was that this person actually came from his official department.

Following Wang Wen's scolding, several Han generals on duty soon dragged the official Wai Lang down.

Hu Xi, the Minister of Rites, watched this scene coldly and had no intention of stopping it.

A few years ago, when Emperor Jingtai was preparing to enthrone Yu Youxun as his grandson, Hu Biru would definitely argue with him if he learned about it.

But the current situation is different from that in Jingtai years

Today's Jin Dynasty is under the governance of the Princess Jian and King Fenyang. The government is harmonious and the rivers are clear and the sea is clear.

Except for Shaanxi, which is still in constant war, which other place is not a place where the people are safe and have enough food and clothing?

Even the most harsh people have to admit that the past few years since the emperor succeeded to the throne have been unprecedented in governance since the founding of the Jin Dynasty...

In Hu Xi's view, even the son of the eldest princess and King Fenyang has great shortcomings in the imperial status; but after pacifying Mengwu and ruling the world for three years, the current emperor also has a full righteous status. .

Although Hu Hui was the eldest uncle in the world and the sect of etiquette and law in the world, he would never allow ambitious people to disrupt today's peaceful and prosperous age in the name of etiquette and law.

"Let's go!" Young Master Yu Jie didn't even look at the Yuanwailang who was dragged down: "Don't forget that I'm waiting here to invite the princess of the prison country to transfer the commanders and envoys of the four major capitals in Mobei and Liaodong. It’s getting dark now and we can’t delay the matter of setting up a province.”

Everyone was refreshed and followed Young Master Yu Jie to the Wenhua Hall.

They gathered here today precisely to request the Princess of the Supervisor State to turn these five places into official provinces.

Since the end of June, many ministers have been promoting this matter.

Just because at this time, Liaodong immigration had already achieved initial results.

Beginning in August of the 14th year of Jingtai, Liaodong began to attract immigrants from Shaanxi, Shandong and other places, with the number reaching 7 million people and 2.7 million households.

They opened up a large number of fields and built up to 7,000 villages and towns in Shenyang, Changchun and other places in Liaodong.

The prosperity of this place has now surpassed Yunnan, Qiongzhou and other places.

The key is the grain output of the two places. Although they are both newly opened lands, in addition to supplying the local area, they can also provide the capital with up to 13 million dan of various grains this year.

For the capital, which originally relied heavily on water transportation and had a food shortage almost every year, this was like manna from heaven.

There are also the commanders and envoys of the four capitals in Mobei, although it was only a little more than a year before Mengwu was pacified.

But the imperial court gathered people to settle down, and the method of promoting silage has achieved initial results.

At this time, most of the Mongolian herdsmen were gathered by the court in various places with fertile water and grass.

Their population even gave the court a small surprise.

When Tuo Tuo Bu Hua Yu Ye Xian was in power, the Mengwu had only nine million people.

But when the Jin Dynasty conquered the Mengwu, and after breaking the enemy mountain and beheading hundreds of thousands of people, the population of the Mengwu increased sharply to 11.2 million.

Many wandering herdsmen came out of the wilderness and were willing to submit to the imperial rule and receive brick houses from the Jin Dynasty.

At this time in Mobei, although various places were frozen early due to the cold wave.

But the silage prepared locally worked, and was enough to last for several months until next spring when the flowers bloom.

They have even successfully grown corn and potatoes in places such as Chifeng.

This means that people no longer need to chase water and grass, and can stay warm in their brick houses during cold winter days.

According to the estimates of several chief envoys there, the number of civilians in the four major cities in Mobei will increase to 13 million next year.

On the one hand, this is the birth of a large number of babies, and on the other hand, more herdsmen who have learned the news will be gradually gathered under the rule of the imperial court. valley

In the eyes of hundreds of officials, this strategy of organizing households to equalize the people and opening provinces and setting up government offices was originally very ridiculous, but it has initially seen the dawn of success.

But even at this point, hundreds of officials will not rush to transform the four major Mobei capital commanders into provinces.

The problem is that this year, Central Plains merchants are buying leather, cattle, sheep and wool from the grasslands.

Especially for wool, due to the rise of wool weaving factories in Tianjin and Nanjing, wool has been in short supply. This year alone, the price of wool has tripled, causing a large number of businessmen to travel as far as Mobei to reserve wool for next year.

There are also various copper mines, gold mines, silver mines, coal, etc. that are being mined locally.

Li Xuan's Fifth Army Governor's Mansion also received a huge amount of tax revenue, which made the various ministers in the imperial court jealous.

The problem is that the five major command and envoy departments, including Liaodong, are all in the garrison military system and are under the jurisdiction of the Fifth Army Governor's Office.

Its personnel, financial and other powers were all in Li Xuan's hands, and no other department in the imperial court could reach out.

In the eyes of the court officials, this was undoubtedly inappropriate.

Whether it was to weaken the power of the military men of the dynasty, to curb the power of King Fenyang, or to expand the authority of departments, these five major commanders and envoys must all be reorganized into provinces.

King Fenyang was naturally unwilling. He tried his best to resist in the past two months, almost using any means at all costs and using various methods to delay.

The officials had no objections to this. After all, more than a year ago, they were the ones who worked together to strictly reject King Fenyang's proposal to establish provinces in the five places. But now that they have seen the benefits and want to seize the food from the tiger's mouth, how can King Fenyang not be annoyed?

It’s just that they understand and understand that this omission must be made.

This time, even Quan Dingtian, the minister of household affairs who always wore the same pants as Li Xuan, sided with the ministers.

Just because for the Ministry of Household Affairs, Liaodong is related to the food supply of Beizhili, and Mobei is the future wealth center.

These places must be obtained by the Ministry of Revenue.

They were quickly recruited into the Wenhua Hall by Yu Hongshang, and waited until everyone expressed their feelings. Yu Hongshang showed a look of helplessness: "I have also tested the words of King Fenyang regarding the establishment of provinces in these five places.

King Fenyang has no intention of firmly rejecting this, but there are three problems now. First, the situation of the five major capital commanders is the result of the hard work of the officers and soldiers of the Guard Army. They cannot be handed over to you for nothing; After the establishment of the province, if the commanders of the five major capitals succumbed to the provinces, the soldiers would inevitably become resentful; thirdly, the Fifth Army Commanding General spent countless manpower and material resources in order to govern these five regions, and the court had to give an explanation. "

Young Master Yu Jie immediately looked at each other with the important ministers present, and there was a sense of understanding in their eyes.

Everyone knew that King Fenyang wanted them to make a price. As long as the price was right, then the preparation of the five provinces to build a province was not out of the question.


Just as the ministers were meeting Yu Hongshang, Li Xuan was carrying Yu Youxun on his shoulders and visiting his Kunpeng battleship "Xuanhuang Emperor" in his Xuanhuang Heavenly Court.

Since there is no slipway suitable for building this warship in the mortal world, there is no condition to transform the remains of Emperor Kunpeng.

So Leng Yurou simply placed the place where the 'Xuanhuang Emperor' was built in Li Xuan's Xuanhuang Heavenly Court.

This is because at the beginning of the year, Li Xuan successively collected several fragments of heaven provided by Emperor Fusang, and expanded his Xuanhuang Heaven to a point where it was one hundred miles from north to south and eighty miles from east to west. There was already enough space to accommodate Kunpeng's remains. space.

Leng Yurou first used the power of the four 'Sun Furnaces' and the Taoist secret method to refine and condense the remains of Emperor Kunpeng as a whole, burning out the impurities and shrinking them to a length of six hundred feet. Then it was used as the keel and various accessories were installed.

Some of the accessories are made in the mortal world and sent to Xuanhuang Heavenly Court for installation, and some are directly made inside Heavenly Court. For some large alloy castings, the Artifact Alliance specially designed a 200,000-stone hydraulic forging machine.

But such a big guy does not have enough energy to drive in the mortal world, so it can only be placed in the Xuanhuang Heavenly Court.

Fortunately, Li Xuan has recruited many magicians and craftsmen in the past two years, which enabled them to never encounter the problem of shortage of manpower during the construction process.

"This Xuanhuang Emperor is 320 feet long and 47 feet at its widest point. The outer wall of the battleship is two and a half feet thick, fully covered with black gold armor. The internal defense formation is a complete set of eight gates. The "Golden Water Formation" is the set of formations in Nanjing City. Their power is the same.

It can stimulate Kunpeng's 'water method' and 'tonna' magical powers and absorb all external forces. When the external force is absorbed to a certain extent, it can be ejected through the 'Kunpeng Cannon' at the bow of the ship. "

Leng Yurou introduced Li Xuan with great excitement: "The weapon is forty-eight twin electromagnetic guns. Following your suggestion, the upper and lower sides of the hull are equipped with centerline piggyback turrets. The twenty-four turrets themselves It can also be raised and lowered to a suitable height for shooting.

Therefore, no matter which direction it is facing, the battleship can concentrate a salvo of forty-eight twin electromagnetic guns without any blind spots. There are also 600 gun emplacements with wide firing ranges on both sides of the ship, totaling 1,200 retractable guns. UU Reading www.uukanshu. netIt is a monster, a mobile fortress with powerful firepower and almost indestructibility.

The key is that it is very fast. The three 'Sun God Furnaces' in the ship can activate Kunpeng's 'divine speed' method, allowing it to spread its wings and sail at full speed, reaching 70% of the speed of Kunpeng during his heyday. . I also designed a total of thirty-six mounting points under the wings, so that when the Xuanhuang Emperor uses its 'God Speed', the battleship in the clouds can be mounted on it. "

+In fact, more artillery can be deployed. This battleship is 320 feet long, and it can easily arrange four to five thousand gun positions.

But Li Xuan was unwilling. The Artifact Alliance had not yet been able to develop a single-barreled retractable cannon, nor had it developed a heavy machine gun similar to the Maxim. Every time an additional retractable cannon was cast, it would lose tens of thousands of silver dollars.

Li Xuan walked around the battleship and thought to himself that this was really a giant beast that swallowed gold.

As expected, it cost him a whopping 120 million silver dollars. In terms of its combat effectiveness on paper, this battleship is simply invincible.

From now on, this will be his new flagship in the future, and it is not expected that a stronger warship will replace it in the future.

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