Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 806 The 5 million sword points

"The Grand Master has really good eyesight!"

When Li Xuan saw that Li Shanchang also recognized that their father and son were connected by blood, he couldn't help laughing happily.

Then he comforted his words: "The emperors of the Jin Dynasty are all from the lineage of King Yan, and they have always been kind to the descendants of the great scholar. The great scholar is now in the class of gods. The great scholar should not care about the past grudges anymore."

In fact, it was his own fault that Li Shanchang ended up like that during his lifetime.

When he was about to retire, he did not know how to avoid taboos and recommended Hu Weiyong, a fellow countryman and in-law, as the right prime minister.

However, during his term of office, Hu Weiyong planted cronies all over the country and spared no effort to attack dissidents, which made the power of the Huaixi crony group continue to expand.

Moreover, he relied on the support of Huaixi civil and military groups and acted arbitrarily. In many major cases such as life and death, deposing and deposing, he did not consult Taizu for instructions.

Li Xuan thought that if it were him, he would never tolerate it. .

It is said that in the past, his ancestor Li Lexing, as the number one counselor around Taizu, had outstanding achievements, but he had to be awarded the title of "Uncle Chengyi" and was never able to enter the cabinet. This was due to the suppression and obstruction of Huaixi civil and military forces.

Hu Weiyong even had the intention of killing his ancestors, so Li Lexing was forced to fake death and escape, retreating to the outer realm of Taixu.

At that time, the group of Huaixi heroes who followed Taizu in raising troops were indeed too ignorant and too exclusive.

"How dare you, my servant?" Li Shanchang thought of the whole family, young and old, who had been killed, and still felt a sea of ​​hatred in his heart.

But the smile still returned to his face: "That was hundreds of years ago. I think about it every day, and I also know that all the troubles back then were caused by my own actions, and I will reap the consequences. I really have a lot of resentment in my heart. Taizu is the only one to be hated.

Now the Emperor of the Jin Dynasty is His Majesty's heir. How dare a good man feel resentful? His Majesty showed his kindness to Shan Chang and rekindled his kindness, and also canonized Shan Chang's three sons as civil servants in heaven. If a good leader repays kindness with enmity, he would be worse than an animal. "

Most of the incense power he has acquired over the years has been used to maintain the true spirits of several children.

But as time goes by, the incense he gets every day becomes less and less, and even he has a tendency to transform into resentful spirits.

So his gratitude to Li Xuan is also sincere.

Li Shanchang then changed his tone and changed the subject: "Your Majesty asked me to sort out the land registration of Nanzhili. Is it to improve the tax laws of the Jin Dynasty?"

About half a year ago, Li Xuan deployed cadres to measure acres of land, clean up private fields, and count people in the southern Zhili area. It took him half a year to complete. He reconstructed the yellow rolls of these land registrations and sent them to the capital for inspection.

Li Xuan lacked trust in local officials, so he handed tens of thousands of land records to Li Shanchang and asked him to mobilize officials to compile statistics.

But this former prime minister in the early years of the Jin Dynasty had an insight into Li Xuan's intentions.

"I do mean this!"

Li Xuan nodded: "One is to share the land with farmers, one is to pay grain to both officials and gentry, and the other is a progressive taxation system for land. I am going to pilot it in the north and south Zhili first and implement this policy together."

Li Shanchang thought about it carefully, then smiled bitterly and said: "This is all beneficial to the people and the government of the country, but I am only afraid that the scholars in the world will rebel!"

The financial and taxation system of the Jin Dynasty was formulated by him and Taizu.

But many of the good governance at that time have now become malignant tumors of the Jin Dynasty.

For example, the tax exemption and corvee exemption given to scholars were originally preferential treatment for scholars. But now, scholars have occupied the vast majority of fertile farmland in the world, and many people have farmland under their names to obtain tax-free status.

There is also commercial tax. In the early years of the Jin Dynasty, the commercial tax was thirty to one. Taizu believed that if the commercial tax was too high, it would squeeze the people, but now it has been corrupted by the scholars.

For example, along the canal, scholars did not need to pay commercial tax when carrying some goods.

However, these reforms implemented by Li Xuan were bound to be opposed by scholar-bureaucrats all over the world.

Li Xuan, however, held his sword in his hand and smiled disdainfully: "The knife is in my hand, so what if the scholar-bureaucrats are in rebellion? And among Confucian scholars, not all are without foresight."

At this time, the "Long Tenancy Law of Military Fields" had been implemented in all provinces, which gave Li Xuan a huge reputation within the Weisuo Army.

As long as he gives an order, the five million guardsmen all over the world will obey without hesitation. Five million long knives are pointed at them, who in the world dares to disobey?

What Li Shanchang was worried about was that the scholar-bureaucrats would spread rumors and cause trouble, slander state affairs and damage Li Xuan's reputation.

"Your Majesty, since the beginning of this year, the price of food among the people in the Jin Dynasty has plummeted, and the price of land has also dropped sharply. Therefore, Your Majesty can take advantage of it. In the past six months, the imperial court has purchased large-scale fields from the hands of local powerful people, and then loaned them to the people for farming. This method is very good.”

"This law treats the symptoms but not the root cause." Li Xuan shook his head: "If the land equalization and taxation laws cannot be completed in my hands, future generations may not be able to do this."

He thought to himself that if he didn't take advantage of the current moment when the imperial court was strong to straighten things out, how could he still count on the scholar-bureaucrats who would be in power in the future?

It takes hundreds of years for someone like Zhang Juzheng to appear.

Now is the time of least resistance. Due to the plummeting grain prices, it is difficult for landowners in North and South Zhili to make money from their land. On the contrary, many factories recently built in North and South Zhili are very popular.

Many far-sighted scholars began to cash in their fields and invest in factories in North and South Zhili.

However, there are still too few such enlightened people. Li Xuan implemented these three new laws in order to force powerful landlords to sell their land and further suppress land prices.

In fact, theoretically speaking, the sharp drop in food prices also has a disadvantage, which will reduce people's enthusiasm for farming.

However, the people of the Jin Dynasty were so thirsty for land that the fields purchased by the imperial court with newly minted silver coins this year were often snapped up by the people as soon as they were announced to the public. And most of them choose to pay off their land purchase loans within ten years, instead of the more favorable twenty or thirty years.

What makes Li Xuan helpless is that these fields are currently divided up by local related households and cannot reach the hands of real ordinary people.

Considering that the dominance of the Jin Dynasty at this time could not reach the level of later generations, Li Xuan did not pursue it in depth. He can only keep an eye on the land registration and household registration to ensure that these fields do not fall into the hands of local large households.

The only way to benefit all the people is to have more fields - so much land that it is unprofitable for local officials to do anything.

Therefore, Li Xuan was very ruthless when formulating the "progressive farm tax system". If a household's farmland exceeds 100 acres, the tax will be increased by 20%. If it exceeds 500 acres, it is 50%.

This not only forces local powerful people to sell their land, but also forces them to separate their families and clans.

Li Xuan left room for meritorious ministers and warriors, and all meritorious fields and military fields were outside the progressive tax system.

However, according to this rule, more than half of Chengyi's farmland must be sold, otherwise it will suffer a loss of hundreds of thousands of taels every year.

Fortunately, at this time, the Chengyi Mansion no longer relied on the fields to make money.

Most of the noble military ministers in the North and South Zhili were also tempted by the huge profits from the factories of the Sincere Li Family and the Artifact Alliance, and successively invested heavily in building factories.

Li Xuan expected that the resistance would be great, but not so great that he couldn't bear it.

Li Shanchang couldn't help but secretly sigh, knowing that His Majesty had made up his mind and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

He clasped his fists and said, "If your Majesty must change the law, you must grasp the local public opinion and not let the local scholar-officials manipulate it to fool and incite the people to become enemies of the imperial court. Also, the recent sharp drop in food prices may affect cotton cloth , your Majesty, please consider carefully the sales of woolen textiles, leather goods and ironware."

Li Shanchang is not worried about those silks, porcelain, paper, etc. These are things used by the rich, and they never worry about sales. But cotton, leather goods, ironware, etc. are mainly purchased by ordinary people.

Recently, various cotton spinning mills and woolen spinning mills are being built in Nanjing and Tianjin.

It is expected that after Li Xuan starts to reform, more wealth will be squeezed into these industries.

Li Xuan also looked slightly stern when he heard this, thinking that this was indeed a problem and he couldn't be careless.

Regarding the local public opinion, Li Xuan had already made plans. He agreed to Tushanjun's surrender for the sake of the Tushanhu tribe that spread all over the country.

In the past two years, Li Xuan has repeatedly participated in lectures and recruited students to form a school in the local area.

The trouble is that cheap food hurts farmers. If people don't have enough money, they won't have money to buy industrial products.

It is necessary to lower the price of food. Only in this way can the court purchase large amounts of land at low prices from local powerful people.

However, this sales problem should be solved. Firstly, because Dajin has a large population and a huge market; secondly, he has now captured Fusang, and the trade routes with Goryeo, Nanyang and Shendu are also open.

After two years, when there are not many fields left in the hands of local powerful people, the court can try to use policy controls to bring down food prices.

Li Xuan has even been learning from Young Master Siming Gong Taiwei, selling food to the heavenly realms and small worlds outside the territory, and has earned 70 million silver dollars this year.

After Li Xuan thanked Li Shanchang for the reminder, he continued walking into the Tiangong.

As a result, he met Lan Yu and Fu Youde on the way.

"These are the Divine General of Heavenly Punishment and the Divine General of Prisoner's Punishment under your father's command."

Li Xuan pointed at the two of them: "You are still not polite? The two of them have also contributed greatly to your family and the world."

Yu Youxun felt that the two men looked at him with a sinister look, similar to that of the white-bearded old man before.

But he still managed to support his body and cupped his hands towards the two of them.

Of course he was not like this in formal etiquette, but Yu Youxun was sitting on Li Xuan's shoulders and could not complete the full movements.

"I don't dare to accept this!" Fu Youde had already noticed the similar faces of the two people, so he suppressed the fierce look in his eyes and bowed in return.

Lan Yu's face remained as cold as ever. His hatred for the Jin royal family was even greater than that of Li Shanchang.

But for Li Xuan's sake, he also averted his eyes.

Li Xuan asked about the business: "How are you generals discussing the upcoming expedition outside the territory?"

"This matter has not been settled yet, and--"

Fu Youde looked a little hesitant: "What your Majesty is planning to carry out seems to be a pirate's business? I'm afraid this will damage your Majesty's moral reputation and will be criticized in the future."

The Emperor Xuanhuang in front of him actually thought that trading grain with foreign lands was not profitable enough. It is planned that in the near future, with the dozens of warships in the clouds and 80,000 heavenly soldiers and generals, they will plunder the outer regions to raise money and food to expand the heavenly army.

Although the ‘Heavenly Realms’ in the outer realm are not rich in food, they have all kinds of mineral deposits.

Lan Yu sneered disapprovingly: "In the past, when Taizu raised the flag in Huaixi, he was just a grass bandit, with no reputation or virtue. But when he captured Jinling, the scenery from all directions followed. So the soldiers in our hands Horses are the source of virtue and reputation! Now, Your Majesty, it is wise to support war with war."

He cupped his fist towards Li Xuan: "But what we are missing right now is reliable information. We only know the location of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Fragments outside the Taixu Territory, but we don't know which one is rich, which one is powerful, and which one is easy to attack." , so the dispute between the Three Treasures God General and the Zhenhai God General is very big, and the middle-class lay people also have a headache."

Li Xuan asked himself that in the art of war, he relied more on new ordnance to crush the opponents. In fact, he was not the best.

He considered that the war outside the Taixu territory was more similar to a water war. Therefore, Li Xuan handed over the strategy of sending troops this time to the gods and generals for discussion.

The ones who have the most say in this regard are undoubtedly the newly canonized Three Treasures God General Zheng He and Zhenhai God General Yu Tonghai.

The former made seven voyages to Nanyang, and the latter was the number one naval commander in the early years of the Jin Dynasty.

Li Xuan frowned, and then said helplessly: "I'm also trying to find a way to find out, just wait a moment, it should be soon."

Regarding the outer realm, Li Xuan's current sources of information are quite sparse.

Now one is Green Qiluo and the other is Shao Siming.

Green Qiluo has some "close friends" in Taixu Outer Territory, and occasionally communicates with her.

Shao Siming will also know some situations in foreign lands when trading with foreign lands.

Li Xuan was looking forward to it when he thought that Shao Si's life source was too weak.

This person owed him 20 million silver dollars, and with the interest compounding, he probably couldn't hold on any longer. Li Xuan guessed that he was about to reap the fruits.

Yuan Taiwei has agreed to help Li Xuan collect intelligence from outside the territory to offset part of the debt. The time should be today.

There is also the Nine-Tailed Tushanjun. Li Xuan did not place all his hopes on Yuan Taiwei. He also sent Tushanjun to the outside world to investigate. UU Reading

Recently, this person has two reliable helpers, one is Fuso's 'Inari God', and the other is Fuso's great demon 'Tamazaimae'. They are both from the fox clan, and possess nine tails, and are at the level of Great Heaven. The great demon.

Tushan Jun forcibly controlled it under his command, which greatly increased the Tushan lineage's momentum.

However, it will take five to six days for this person to return from the outside world.

Li Xuan then happily brought Yu Youxun to the 'Yunyan Pavilion'.

Recently, Xue Yunrou took her child back to the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, preparing to enter the little tiger's head into the Zhang family tree. So at this time, only Luo Yan and Xiao Ping'an were present in the Heavenly Palace.

When Luo Yan saw Li Xuan and Yu Youxun above him, she glanced at them both up and down, and then laughed: "I thought Xiaopingan was your eldest son, but it turns out that Hongshang and you have been pregnant for a long time. Secret knot. I’m really curious about how you will deal with the officials of the imperial court in the future. Now you can tell just by looking at his face that the emperor of the Jin Dynasty is your son, Li Xuan.”


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