Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 812 Taixu Emperors

"After the destruction of the three generations of heaven, the thirty-six heavens that Emperor Haotian finally unified were fragmented. Except for the three pure holy realms, the other heavens were divided into countless fragments and were governed by various emperors."

When Li Xuan was sensing the jade slips, Nine-Tailed Tushanjun was also explaining the situation to him: "The most powerful among them are the six emperors - Gouchen Shanggong Emperor, Zhongtian Arctic Ziwei Emperor, Dongji Taiyijiu Ku Tianzun, the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, Cheng Tian followed the example of the Earth Emperor, and the Jade Emperor God who was recently included in the Six Emperors.

Among them, Hou Tu was not in the outer realm, but no one provoked her subordinates in the outer realm. Although the Jade Emperor God only appeared during the Liang Zhao period, he seemed to have the support of the saints, and his power was clearly superior to that of Emperor Ziwei. These six occupy the broadest and most fertile territory in the Thirty-three Heavens, and have the broadest number of subjects. "

"The second echelon is the gods of the five directions - the eastern Mu De Qing Emperor Ling Wei Yang, the southern Fire De Red Emperor Chi Ji Nu, the central Tu De Huang Emperor Han Jun, the western Jin De Bai Emperor Bai Zhao Shui, and the northern Water De Black Emperor Liu. Ji... They were regarded as emperors of heaven by the Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties, and they were worshiped and worshiped for thousands of years, and they were very powerful."

"There are also great emperors of the Five Mountains - Dongyue Tianqi Rensheng, Nanyue Sitianzhaosheng, Zhongyue Zhongtian Chongsheng, Xiyue Jintianyuan Sage, and Beiyue Antian Xuansheng. The strength of these few is also very powerful. It was only in the Spring and Autumn Period that they gradually became more powerful. Rising emperors. They formed alliances with each other and separated themselves from each other.

In the past, Emperor Qin wanted to take over as the Emperor of Heaven, so he went to Mount Tai to pray for Zen, seeking the support of Emperor Taishan and Empress Houtu. The strength of this emperor is very strong, not even inferior to any of the six emperors. His general Shi Gandang is said to also have the power of an emperor. "

"There are also those who were canonized by Haotian as the 'Four Symbol Divine Lords' - the Divine Lord Mengzhang Qinglong, the Supervisor Divine Lord Baihu, the Lingguang Divine Lord Suzaku, and the Zhiming Divine Lord Xuanwu. They still control some of the star palaces of Zhoutian Xingdou Formation They have authority, strong combat power, and each has heavy troops.”

"There are also some scattered forces, such as the 'Kunpeng Demon Master'. Several of the relics of the second generation of Heaven are headed by him, and their strength can be equal to any of the six imperial emperors; such as the Three Realms Demon-Suppressing Emperor and the Three Realms Jing The Demon Emperor——"

Li Xuan happened to see this and couldn't help being stunned: "The Great Emperor of the Three Realms Subduing Demons and the Great Emperor Jingmo of the Three Realms? These are Emperor Guan and Emperor Yue, right? They both became gods after death, and now they are the emperors?"

"That's right!" Lord Nine-Tailed Tushan nodded: "They first broke through to the great heaven with the help of incense in the mortal world, and then were invited out of the outer realm by the Golden Palace. Although the two great emperors are ghosts and gods, their strength increased very quickly. People from the outside world are also willing to believe in them, and now these two are already emperors. These two often cooperate and join forces, and no one dares to look down upon them."

Seeing that Li Xuan had no other questions, she continued: "However, the fastest rising ones are Emperor Zhenwu and Mazu. The former was the 'Ling Ying Blessing True Monarch' under Haotian in the past. After the destruction of Qin, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty was powerful Usurping the original throne of 'Black Emperor Ye Guangji' and becoming the Black Emperor of the North.

It is said that the old tribe and inheritance after Ye Guangji's death were all obtained by Zhenwu, who later surrendered to Xuanwu, the 'Zhiming Shenjun'. Now in the outer realm, he is an emperor with the same status as Emperor Ziwei, who can fight against Ziwei and Gou Chen alone.

Mazu's rise is faster. Although she is not as good as Zhenwu at present, she has already occupied half of the heaven. This person's experience is legendary. Her growth rate in her early years was even faster than yours. She had already controlled the gods in the South China Sea when she was in the mortal world, but she was still invited out of the mortal world by the Golden Que Tiangong.

In addition, there are some figures in the Taoist sect, such as Huanglong Zhenren, Guangchengzi, Chi Jingjing, the "Four Great Celestial Masters" headed by Zhang Daoling, etc. They are all saints who have attained the Taoist throne for many years.

There are also many relics of the three generations of heaven, such as Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun, Tota Heavenly King and his son, Three-Eyed Spirit Officer Ma Sheng, Marshal Zhao Gong, etc.; the demon clan also has the "Seven Great Saints" and many holy heavenly positions.

Although most of these people were in the "Extreme Heaven" status when they were in the Third Generation Heavenly Court, it is said that they all have the power of emperors now. Some of them, such as Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, Doumu Yuanjun, and Lu Ya, although they are not emperors, their magic power is better than that of the emperors, but they have not opened an imperial court and have nothing to do with the world. "

Li Xuan couldn't help but was slightly speechless. He didn't expect that there were so many emperors in the outer realm.

Judging from the information Tu Shanjun obtained, none of these great emperors are easy to mess with.

Li Xuan couldn't imagine what the world would be like when Emperor Qin Yuanfeng's power faded and these 'emperors' lost their restraints.

He then asked in confusion: "What about the saints? There is no information about any saints in it."

Tu Shanjun shook his head: "Several saints from ancient times have not appeared in the world for more than ten thousand years. The only time they showed their saints was during the Liang Zhao era. The saints of the Sanqing Dynasty once tried their best to support the Jade Emperor and replaced the emperor Jun to unite the Thirty-three sky.

However, at that time, the powerful emperors of the Six Imperial Guards, the Five Directions, and the Five Mountains all resisted fiercely, and the saints failed in the end. This was unimaginable before the fall of Qin. At that time, as long as the three saints agreed, no one would dare to disobey their will, not even the Emperor Haotian. "

She then said doubtfully: "I'm not sure whether this has something to do with their increased strength. After thousands of years, the most powerful among these emperors will never stay where they are. But strangely enough, Taixu No new saint has appeared in the outer realm so far.

I heard a news from outside the realm. It is said that the key to becoming a saint is to be in the mortal world. Maybe when Emperor Qin opens his imperial seal, there will be a few more saints in this world——"

When Tu Shanjun said this, he found that there was a somewhat mocking smile on the lips of Lu Qiluo opposite him.

Tu Shanjun didn't know what he meant, but he swallowed back the next few words that came to his lips.

Li Xuan was slightly stunned. After a long time, he continued to ask: "What about Buddhism?"

"Most of the power of Buddhism is in the heavens of the desire world against the Brahman gods."

Tu Shanjun explained: "The Buddhist 'Amitabha' (Infinite Life Buddha) is said to be a saint of the Brahmin clan in the past. Because of his rift with Brahma, he rebelled against Brahmin and established another branch. When they were at their peak, they attacked the city and fell to the ground. Not only does it occupy six days of the Desire Realm, but it also occupies twenty-two days of the Form Realm and four days of the Formless Realm. But now this Buddha has not appeared for many years. The Buddhist sect has declined greatly and has lost most of its territory.

If a fighting Buddha hadn't appeared out of nowhere, they wouldn't have been able to hold on to the desire realm for six days. However, today's Buddhism is still unavoidable in the separation of people's hearts, and they are still independent and separatist. Although Buddha Sakyamuni is now the co-leader of Buddhism, he has been unable to integrate Buddhism. "

Fighting against the Buddha?

Li Xuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard this, wondering if this fighting Buddha was the one he remembered?

But during the prosperous Tang Dynasty, Haotian had died and the Jade Emperor had not yet been established. What was the process of Xuanzang's study of Buddhist scriptures?

Li Xuan didn't care much about the six days of the desire realm, the twenty-two days of the color realm, and the four days of the colorless realm.

The Brahmin clan has many heavenly realms. Among the six heavens in the Desire Realm, Renli Heaven alone has thirty-three small heavenly realms, but the overall area is not very large.

"Have you seen it almost?" Green Qiluo asked curiously: "Where are you going to start?"

There was a strange look in Li Xuan's eyes: "I still have to wait for Young Master Mingyuan Taiwei's information to be confirmed, but there are already several targets."

The first robbery is very important, you must make enough money.

When those emperors are prepared in the future, the difficulty of looting will become increasingly difficult.

After reading the information provided by Tu Shanjun, Li Xuan felt even more stressed.

He believed that he must gather five to six hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals before the Emperor Qin's Yuan seal expired.

Therefore, on the one hand, he must do his best to maintain the existence of the 'Yuan Feng', and on the other hand, he must do his best to expand the army.

Li Xuan is self-aware that with his cultivation, it is impossible for him to aspire to become the ‘Holy Heaven’ in a few years.

At that time, he could only rely on the power of the Great Jin Dragon Qi and Confucianism to fight against those emperors.

If this doesn't work, then the only option is to rely on one's own 'power of an army' and 'infinite authority'.


A month later, in the outer realm of Taixu, Li Lexing covered his body and appearance in a cloak, standing in the boundless Taixu with an extremely complicated expression.

His friend Song Lian was similarly dressed, wearing a black cloak with a layer of black mist lingering outside his body. No one can see his face or feel his breath.

Song Lian's expression was similar to Li Lexing's, he looked extremely ashamed and wished he could die right now.

"It is said in ancient books that stealing people's wealth is called thieves. Attacking people in groups is called bandits."

Song Lian sighed and said in distress: "Unexpectedly, I, Song Lian, a great scholar from eastern Zhejiang, would become a bandit today."

"Cut the nonsense!"

A similarly dressed man in black cloak next to him sneered: "Mr. Song, don't sell your book bag at this time. What happened to the bandits? In the past, your majesty and I were bandits. Before you surrendered to Guo Zixing, your majesty brought How many large households have we robbed in Huaixi?

It was really hard to live at that time, but so-called thieves also have their ways. The ancestor of thieves in the past, "Tiao Tuo", passed away, and Your Majesty became the emperor. "

This man has a burly body, at least two heads taller than Song Lian.

At this time, while patting Song Lian's shoulder, he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Song, the 'Antarctic Immortal Emperor' is not a good bird. He obviously controls the 'Antarctic Guangzengtian', a small food producing area in the outside world, and has accumulated a lot of money." There are thousands of granaries, but they refuse to sell a single meter or millet.

We robbed her to do justice to God! Aren't you two forced to go to Daluotian by her? That's just revenge. "

There was another person next to him, who had the same stature but a more calm temperament. He sighed and said: "Mr. Song, as the saying goes, do as the Romans do. The Daluo Heaven Realm is broken, lifeless, desolate and barren. If we can't find a way to plunder some food, We people are afraid that we won’t be able to survive.

Speaking of which, in the past year and a half since these two gentlemen came here, we, the Red Scarf Army, have never been short of your food and clothing. But now the army is short of food and can no longer support it. "

The implication is that the Red Scarf Army does not support idle people. If you two still do this, eat and do nothing, then leave as soon as possible.

Song Lian couldn't help but twitch his face slightly, and he felt helpless in his heart.

If he hadn't been short-tongued and had nowhere to make a living, he would never have appeared here.

Song Lian couldn't help but raise his head and look at the small world in front of him, feeling endlessly confused for a moment.

He estimated that ordinary people would never imagine that the majestic founding heroes of the Jin Dynasty, King Xu Tiande of Zhongshan and King Chang Shiwan of Kaiping, two great heavenly figures who had cultivated the ultimate method of heaven, were actually outside the territory of Daluotian. He returned to his old profession of banditry.

He and Li Lexing fled to Daluotian two years ago.

The environment here was indeed ten times worse than the world they originally lived in, 'Qingming He Zhongtian', so the two of them quickly consumed all the food they had brought.

Fortunately, at this time, they met Xu Tiande and Chang Shiwan, who were once ministers in the same palace.

In the history books, one of these two people died suddenly in the prime of life, and the other died of eating goose. In fact, they both felt the suspicion of Taizu and the persecution of Jinque Tiangong, so they retreated bravely to the outside world.

They originally served under the two emperors, the Great Demon-Suppressing Emperor of the Three Realms and the Great Jingmo Emperor of the Three Realms.

After all, these two people are from the same hometown and are both warriors, so they both have good reputations.

But the two emperors of Guan Yue were both people who loved the people under their rule, and their subordinates "will not demolish the houses to death of freezing, and will not plunder to death of starvation".

Xu Tiande and Chang Shiwan admired him, but they couldn't live their lives anymore.

So I simply retreated to Daluotian, where I could not only have enough to eat, but also be free without being controlled by others.

Although this place is barren, the two of them picked up their old trade and plundered the surrounding small world to make a living.

As a result, two hundred years later, many comrades were gathered together and a powerful 'Red Scarf Army' was formed.

"That's all."

Li Lexing knew better about the contingency. He quickly calmed down and said with a smile: "Old Song, why do you need to be pretentious? When you and I first came here, shouldn't we know that this is a business without capital? Big Scale A gold-sharing deal?

In the past, the Holy Master was trapped between Chen and Cai. His student Zilu stole a cooked piglet. The Holy Master did not ask where the meat came from, just picked it up and ate it; Zilu then robbed someone else's. The clothes came in exchange for wine, and the Holy Master did not ask where the wine came from, he just drank it. A saint can live by improvising, let alone you and me. This is better than starving to death. "

After Chang Shiwan heard this, he laughed loudly and patted Li Lexing on the shoulder: "As expected of you, sir, he sees things clearly!"

In the past, when they were ministers in the same palace, their relationship was very good.

Several of the military ministers under Emperor Hongwu admired Li Lexing's wisdom and strategy.

Those civil and military officials who targeted Li Lexing were mainly Li Shanchang, Hu Weiyong and their gang of Huaixi civil servants.

Chang Shiwan once wanted to speak a few words of justice for Li Lexing in front of Taizu, but was dissuaded by this unparalleled counselor.

But now, they themselves have retreated safely to the outside world, and their family is prosperous in the mortal world, but Hu Weiyong and his group have all turned into withered bones.

Li Lexing's expression became serious at this time, and he frowned and looked at the world in front of him: "This is 'Huangdutian', one of the largest fragments of Tai'an Huangyatian, but it is very difficult to attack.

As far as I know, the person stationed here must be the ‘Leibo Huangdu Tianjun’ under the command of the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, an expert in the ‘Jitian’ realm. "

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor is also known as the ‘Nine Heavens Ying Yuan Thunder Universal Transformation Heavenly Lord’.

The 'Yushu Lei Department' he is in charge of has seventy-two divine generals of the Yin Yang Thunder Department alone, in charge of seventy-two departments and an army of 7.2 million. There are also six mechanical god generals of extremely high level and nearly twenty celestial marshals, each sitting on their own side.

In particular, the heads of the ‘One Mansion, Two Courts and Three Divisions’ are all existences whose strength is close to that of the Great Emperor.

In addition, the Shenxiao Mansion under his rule also has a large number of envoys, immortals, meritorious officials, divine officials, etc., as well as vassal forces, whose influence extends to the six heavens in the south.

Xu Tiande was about to rely on Li Lexing's wisdom, and he said calmly: "We have internal agents who serve as 'strong men' in this small heaven. Later, we can open a line of legal restrictions on the east side of this small heaven to let us We sneak in.

Three hundred miles south from there is a granary. We grabbed the grain there and left, trying to solve the problem in half a moment. "

Li Lexing frowned: "That's it?"

How much food does he think he can get? After all, Xu Tiande was a great general comparable to Wei Huo, so why was this grain robbery plan so crude?

"It's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice!"

Xu Tiande shook his head and sighed: "This place is very close to the Yushu Lei Mansion of the Antarctic Emperor. These Lei Department marshals are extremely fast. They can arrive there in at most an hour after hearing the news. We are walking a little slower. A little, and the whole army may be wiped out.”

Li Lexing couldn't help but look helpless: "Do you have Huang Dutian's defensive formation map? If not, just give me some time. I can set up a formation here to help us retreat safely."

Xu Tiande couldn't help but look overjoyed. He knew that his old friend would not let him down.

In the past, when Li Lexing was in the human world, his level of magic formation was the best in the world, and he was known as the 'Little Wuhou'.

Now two hundred years have passed, and Li Lexing's strength will only be better than before.

But at this moment, they heard Chang Shiwan looking into the distance with astonishment: "What is that?"

A group of people also felt the emotion, and looked sideways, looking into the depths of Taixu in the distance.

They then saw a warship that looked like a Kunpeng flying towards them.

This Taixu battleship is six hundred feet long. It is not particularly large in the Taixu outer domain, but it looks extremely majestic.

Behind it were thirty-six smaller warships, all about a hundred feet long.

What's surprising is that the speed of these battleships is very fast. Although it is not as fast as those of the Sky-Escape Treasures, it is at least twice as fast as those of the solar sail battleships.


Chang Shiwan couldn't help but cursed angrily, thinking that the robbery plan must be postponed.

He then asked curiously: "Where did these soldiers and horses come from? I have never seen a battleship of this shape before."

He thought these warships were here to dock for rest and replenish food and supplies.

This small paradise called "Huang Dutian" is not only rich in mineral resources, but also a well-known relay port in the surrounding area.

Many merchant ships and warships on long voyages will replenish water here.

Li Lexing looked solemn: "No, these battleships should be here to attack 'Huang Dutian'."

He saw that the thirty-seven battleships headed by the 'Kunpeng Battleship' were opening the gun doors on the sides and pushing thousands of gun barrels out of the gun ship.

The main guns of these battleships continued to accumulate thunder.

Chang Shiwan couldn't help laughing: "Attacking Huang Dutian? Just a few battleships?"

The Antarctic Emperor Changsheng attaches great importance to 'Huang Dutian'. The Taixu Navy stationed here has more than 400 warships.

Among them, four battleships are 500 feet long and are very prestigious.

As expected, Huang Dutian was alert early, and countless warships swarmed out of the port.

But then Chang Shiwan saw a shocking scene. Instead of fighting the incoming enemy, those warships scrambled to escape to the north.

There is no direction in the Taixu Outer Territory, and they all rely on the stars for positioning.

The North Pole is north, and the South Pole is south.

Xu Tiande couldn't help but look confused: "Old Li, what's going on?"

What he called was not Li Lexing, but Li Siben.

This was the nephew of Taizu of the Jin Dynasty. He was granted the title of King of Qiyang and ranked third among the founding military officials of the Jin Dynasty.

It's a pity that the son this guy gave birth to was of no use, and he tricked Emperor Jianling to death.

Xu Tiande sighed every time he thought about it, wishing he could turn back time and hammer Li Siben's son to death before eating the goose.

Fortunately, although Taizong didn't like them, the founders of the country, he didn't treat their descendants harshly after he won the country.

"They are talking about what kind of 'Xuanhuang Thief' is that."

Li Siben listened attentively: "It is said that we cannot defeat the enemy and cannot get close. The fleet must spread out as much as possible to save the warships. It seems that the Antarctic Emperor's subordinates have suffered heavy losses from them twice, losing more than a thousand warships.——

This is the outer realm of Taixu, and theoretically speaking, no sound can be heard.

But he has an ear for listening to the wind, which is close to the magical power of listening.

In the past, Taizu used him as the supervisor of the army many times to monitor the internal affairs of the army.

Taizu repeatedly stirred up major cases and eliminated heroes, but the army remained stable and safe. Li Siben always took the greatest credit.

Several people present couldn't help but look at each other in astonishment, wondering where on earth this talented person came from? so smart?

Chang Shiwan couldn't help but tsk, and hummed softly: "Can they still capture 'Huang Dutian'? The defensive formations here are all top-notch. Even if the emperor comes in person, it will take less than half an hour." Only then can the defense be broken. Lao Xu and I have been studying for a long time, but we can’t do anything about it——"

If a few of them had enough resources to be promoted to Jitian, they might be able to attack Huang Dutian.

Especially him and Xu Tiande, UUkanshu www.uukanshu. nnet are all equally talented and brave as Guan Zhang.

Chang Shiwan believed that once he reached the extreme heaven realm, he would be able to compete with the weaker 'holy heaven'.

But in the outer realm, they don’t have any resources to advance to ‘Ji Tian’.

At this moment, Chang Shiwan froze completely.

Just because the warships in the distance all spit out dazzling white light at this moment, blasting more than a hundred artillery shells into the "Huang Dutian".

As the small world covering two thousand miles was violently blocked, the center of the magic circle that protected the entire "Huang Dutian" almost shattered in response.

Chang Shiwan was stunned. Then he cursed involuntarily: "Fuck! Where did these black and yellow thieves come from?"

They are both thieves, but compared to the "Xuanhuang Thieves", their "Red Scarf Army" is simply weak.

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