Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 814 The Kunpeng Skeleton Delivered to Your Doorstep

Five days later, outside the 'Sky Blue Water Realm Sky', many battleships under Li Xuan slowly slowed down.

Many demon armies stationed in this small heaven realm soon discovered the traces of these warships. In an instant, a desolate horn sounded throughout the entire Little Heaven Realm.

The demon army under Demon Master Kunpeng was also well-trained. In just a moment, hundreds of sailing warships poured out of the port.

But this had no impact at all on Li Xuan's plundering fleet.

They spread out their formation step by step, opened the cannon doors, and exposed the cold and ferocious cannon.

The many captains appointed by Li Xuan had no reason to show mercy to these Taixu navy who took the initiative to bump into them. .

The navy on the ship was even more delighted to hear this.

During this expedition, Li Xuan offered a huge reward. Every time a battleship was sunk, they could earn a lot of merit.

Just when those three hundred Taixu warships were all turned into fragments of planks and drifting in Taixu.

These thirty-seven warships also used their one hundred and twenty electromagnetic main guns to smash the outer defenses of the 'Sky Blue Water Realm Sky'.

This small heaven is 1,500 miles in diameter and is a real water world. It's either an iceberg or an ocean.

Li Xuan did not carry any cavitation bullets this time. Even the 80,000 heavenly soldiers and generals under his command were unable to fight underwater.

However, at this time, he also had a luxurious lineup of Wu Jitian and Five Divine Generals under his command, as well as Jiang Hanyun and Luo Yan, the two powerful "Tianhou" and "Tianfei".

The purpose of their battle this time was only to plunder, not to occupy.

Most of the wealth of the ‘Sky Blue Water Realm Sky’ is concentrated in the Kunpeng Palace in the center of this world.

It only took Li Xuan and others half a moment to forcefully disperse the demon army stationed here. Then everyone moved all kinds of wealth to the ship extremely skillfully.

But just when they started carrying it, Li Xuan heard a scream that shook everyone's eardrums to the point of shattering.

When Li Xuan looked sideways at the source of the sound, he discovered that a black roc suddenly crashed into the 'Sky Blue Water Realm Sky', and the moment it touched the sea, it transformed into a giant bird with a body size of 1,200 meters. A huge whale Kun that measures 10 feet. And with a speed that is beyond the reach of the human eye, it hit the direction of the palace.

"Who is this?"

Jiang Hanyun's eyes were surprised and she asked puzzledly: "It's so brave. The Jitian Demon King stationed here has already escaped."

These beings in the Extreme Heaven Realm are extremely difficult to kill.

Although they have also broken twelve worlds, so far, only one disciple who has achieved Bodhisattva status under the Buddha's throne has died in their hands.

Luo Yan sneered: "It should be a member of the Kunpeng Demon Master. Relying on its Kunpeng magical power, no one can catch it in the water."

She looked sideways at Li Xuan, and then clicked her tongue: "This is really a trap. Li Xuan's next Kunpeng battleship has been found, and he has to worry about his wallet again."

At this time, Li Xuan was quietly unfolding his "Liuhe Immortal Sword Map", covering an area of ​​a hundred miles up and down.

It had been a year since he last killed Emperor Kunpeng.

At this time, the "Liuhe Immortal Sword Picture" has undergone great changes. Li Xuan has incorporated three fetal membranes of different sizes and more than two thousand sword energy.

Li Xuan even took the time to go to Fusang and use the true fire of the sun to melt the nine three-legged golden crow corpses into one body, improve the magic circle, exchange life and soul, and strengthen the sword array.

At this time, when the huge whale Kun flew over and hit him, there was a huge earthquake.

The entire sea surface collapsed at this moment, and a full one hundred feet of water level was removed.

This is because the huge whale Kun, as well as the seawater within a hundred miles nearby, were included in Li Xuan's "Liuhe Immortal Sword Map".

At this time, inside the sword diagram, as more than 5,000 sword qi were slashed, the huge whale Kun of 1,200 feet suddenly started to bleed.


It was also on this day that Li Lexing, the first sincerity uncle, met Li Siben, the king of Qiyang, again in the lair of the Red Scarf Army.

He found that Li Siben's expression was very strange, especially when he looked at Li Lexing, his eyes were particularly complicated.

What Li Lexing could see were the four emotions of envy, shock, embarrassment and guilt.

"Old Li, what are you still doing here? Breathe your farts quickly and say something quickly. What is the origin of the Xuanhuang thief?"

At this time, more than a dozen people, led by Xu Tiande, were also gathered on both sides of the long table, looking eagerly at Qiyang King Li Siben.

Everyone was very curious about the evil and vicious Xuanhuang thief who deserved to have a son without an asshole.

But this guy said he could find out the origins of the Xuanhuang Thief in one day, but he was gone for five full days.

Li Siben, the king of Qiyang, looked solemn: "According to what I have found out, these Xuanhuang thieves should come from the mortal world, and their leader should be a descendant of Li Lexing, who is now Li Xuan, the king of Fenyang County in the Jin Dynasty."

As soon as he said this, several people present could hardly even sit still.

"Fuck me!"

"It's just dogs. Did these guys have sons? No, I mean, those good guys are actually our own?"

"No way, how can a child from Lao Li's family be so awesome?"

"This is impossible! You also saw it at that time, a total of 80,000 heavenly soldiers! The Antarctic Immortal Emperor has accumulated tens of thousands of years, and the armor rate of his 7.2 million soldiers is less than 30%--"

"This is really unbelievable. When those Xuanhuang thieves chased the 'Leibo Huangdu Divine Lord' who was guarding Huang Dutian, they had at least twelve auras of Jitian."

When everyone was in disbelief, Li Lexing's eyes were also confused: "I know this Fenyang King. Old Song and I were implicated by him before and had to avoid Daluotian. But how could it be him? That's eight people. Ten thousand heavenly soldiers and more than ten great generals from the heavens.”

Li Lexing still pays close attention to Li Xuan. After all, the letter Emperor Zhenwu asked him to deliver was still in Li Lexing's sleeve.

However, although Daluotian is a vast place, the environment is also very harsh, so information is very limited.

Few people would come to a place like this unless they had to.

"I am not sure!"

Li Siben, King of Qiyang, shook his head: "I also heard something. Their banner is 'Tai Shang Miluo Zhi Zhen Xuanhuang Emperor'. Brother Li, your descendant seems to covet the throne of the Emperor of Heaven."

Li Lexing's face immediately changed slightly, thinking why is this child so arrogant?

Was the position of Heavenly Emperor something he, a junior who had just broken through to the throne of Heaven, could covet?

But then he thought of the battleships, artillery and muskets he saw that day, and his thoughts moved slightly, and he began to make silent calculations.

Li Siben continued: "I don't know whether this matter is true or not, but in the past two years, the Ancient Buddha of Deng Deng, Demon Master Kunpeng and the Antarctic Emperor, as well as some Bodhisattvas of Buddhism, have suffered great losses at his hands.

The first two had their incarnations beheaded in the mortal world, and the Antarctic Emperor also had a mechanical god who was destroyed in the mortal world. But the most surprising thing is this month. This man commanded more than thirty warships, broke through twelve small heavens under the jurisdiction of three emperors, and plundered countless materials and goods. It was really impressive. "

At this time, everyone's expressions on Li Lexing became complicated.

Envy, shock, embarrassment and guilt - in addition, they also have a bit of enthusiasm.

Li Lexing thought for a moment, then looked around at the group of fools in front of him, and then cursed angrily: "I will join your ancestors!"

The so-called ancestors' boards are the coffin boards of our ancestors.

In the past, Chang Shiwan would have scolded him immediately.

But at this time, Chang Shiwan could only smile. He thought that these people had indeed scolded the old Li family too much in the past few days.

Xu Tiande also touched his nose in embarrassment: "Mr. Li, can you contact your child and ask him to send us some food?"

They had never thought about the mortal world before, just because the Qin Emperor Yuan Feng was insurmountable.

But now Emperor Xuanhuang can sail in Taixu with dozens of warships. Then it should be easy to send them a few ships of food.

——If that person gives more, then it would be fine to let them work for the Red Scarf Army.

"You can try~"

When Li Lexing said this, his expression suddenly changed slightly: "Something's not right——"

He suddenly raised his hand, causing two golden discs containing yin and yang, four images, eight trigrams and sixty-four hexagrams to appear on his side at the same time.

Those are his self-made magic tools, the 'Innate Eight Diagrams Plate' and the 'Acquired Eight Heavens Plate'.

Li Lexing was a scholar of both Confucianism and martial arts. His great power was based on the "Book of Changes", which gave him an extremely powerful calculation ability, and even extended the powerful Jitian method, which can predict good and bad luck to a certain extent.

Just a moment later, Li Lexing looked at the void with a solemn expression: "Is this a hexagram? If not, it is a bandit. It is not good for a gentleman's chastity. The big will go and the small will come. The Yang Qi will rise and the Yin Qi will fall. The heaven and earth will not communicate with each other, and all things will be blocked!"

Chang Shiwan didn't quite understand, so he hummed softly: "Speak humanly!"

Li Lexing looked at him sideways: "This hexagram says: A tiger falls into a pit. It is easy to move forward but difficult to retreat. We are now surrounded."

The group of people immediately changed their colors. Qiyang King Li Siben immediately used his magical power to carefully monitor the Taixu area tens of thousands of miles around. Then there was no color on his face: "They should have followed me."

But Li Siben didn't understand when he was targeted.

This shows how bad their situation is. These people can hide Li Siben's magical powers, and their power can be imagined.

Xu Tiande immediately stood up and left his seat, his expression as cold as ice: "Notify everyone that we are leaving now!"

After the 'Migai Daluotian' was shattered, it split into more than 37,000 large and small fragments, densely distributed in the boundless Taixu nearby.

The fragment where the Red Scarf Army is located is about five hundred miles in radius, which can only be regarded as a medium area among all the fragments.

However, the environment here is relatively good. There is a huge ferromagnetic mountain here, which is very solid.

After they dig a cave within the mountain, they can save some spiritual power to nourish themselves, and they can also open thousands of acres of fields in the cave to provide some food.

But the key point is that this ferromagnetic mountain is not only made of pure gold and iron made by innate achievements, but also has strong magnetic force, which can provide them with protection no less than that of the Jitian Immortal Formation.

However, Xu Tiande knew the principle of the cunning rabbit's three burrows and took the retreat very early.

He also knew that anything that could make Li Lexing feel in danger must be something they couldn't bear.

In the past, this first generation sincere uncle relied on this ability to predict the unknown and allowed Taizu to avoid several disasters.

Everyone quickly used the preset magic circle here to move to another fragment more than 400,000 miles away.

But when they arrived here, Li Lexing found that his sense of crisis had not subsided at all.

Qiyang King Li Siben also frowned: "The void near here is also blocked. Within 30,000 miles of here, there are at least a thousand warships and a hundred thousand troops. Those should be Emperor Gouchen's troops. . If my guess is correct, they should have sealed off the entire Daluotian."

"Gou Chen?" Li Lexing's pupils couldn't help but condense slightly, and then he smiled slightly apologetically: "It must be my kid who has caused trouble to you. This is directed at him."

"How many years of friendship have we had between you and me? It doesn't involve anything."

Xu Tiande first snorted in dissatisfaction, and then squinted his eyes: "However, these people are so big, so you must not be careful. Mr. Li, Mr. Song, you two can escape from here first and go to find the Fen." King Yang, let him find a way to rescue us."

He knew that Li Lexing was capable of such things.

Even if tens of millions of troops surrounded Da Luotian, they could still escape calmly.

"Also, tell him not to be anxious." Xu Tiande held the long knife at his waist: "We have many arrangements in Daluotian, and we can at least hide and seek with them for more than half a year."

Li Lexing didn't answer. He was using the two Bagua plates in his hand to deduce future changes with real martial arts numbers.

There are five divine numbers in the world, Ziwei Dou Number, Antarctic God Number, Zhenwu God Number, Iron Table God Number and Shaozi God Number, which can predict the future.

Among them, the Ziwei Dou number is mainly based on the Ziwei star in the northern pole of the mid-heaven, and the calculation results are the most accurate.

But Li Lexing knew that Emperor Ziwei and Emperor Gouchen were brothers, so he would rather lower the accuracy and use the Zhenwu God Number instead.

※※ ※※

Also using the method of calculation, there are many magicians under the command of ‘Emperor Kunpeng Tunhai’.

On the astronomical platform that Emperor Tunhai spent a huge amount of money to build, dozens of heavenly masters with high magical powers were sweating with the help of various magical tools to deduce and calculate the position of Emperor Xuanhuang.

However, the 'Kunpeng Tunhai Emperor' himself had no hope for this. This emperor with a majestic face, an extraordinarily broad forehead, and bright eyes was always looking at the man in the center of the astronomical platform, who was dressed in silver. Young man in battle armor.

This man has a handsome appearance, a dignified appearance, a handsome figure, and a majestic look. He opens a "vertical eye" between his eyebrows, emitting immeasurable light.

At this time, the dense and colorful energy lingering around the astronomical observatory was being rapidly absorbed by this young man, and was rapidly being consumed.

After three full breaths, when half of the dense and colorful energy was lost, it stopped.

He turned his head and looked at Kunpeng Tunhai Emperor, the Kunpeng Demon Master from ancient times. His face was indifferent and expressionless: "He is deep in the sky and difficult to find, so there is no need to try hard."

Emperor Tunhai couldn't help but narrowed his eyes: "Even the Supreme Divine Eye of Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun can't detect the trace of that Shuzi? But as far as I know, this person and his subordinates have not yet reached the Holy Heaven. man of."

He suspected that the 'Erlang God', who was highly respected by the people, was not trying his best.

This man is the nephew of ‘Haotian’, the former lord of the three generations of heaven. He was born with a ‘divine eye of the beginning’, which can see the ten directions and three realms, the nine heavens and the netherworld, and can also see into the essence of all things.

At this time, although Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun did not proclaim himself emperor and lived in Xiao'an in the corner of Taixu, his personal power was undoubtedly the most powerful among the emperors.

His current ‘Godly Eye of Absolute Beginning’ will only become more powerful.

What's more, Emperor Tunhai also used a large amount of essence energy for this purpose.

"Do you suspect that I have reservations?" Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun glanced at Tunhai with an unkind expression, and then chuckled: "Since I agreed to Gou Chen to repay his favor and take action for you this time, I will naturally do my best. .

However, this person has the "Moli Zhitian" to help him hide. No one in this world except the saints can find them in the boundless void, so don't bother.

If the scope is limited to a hundred thousand miles, I may be able to help you decipher the method of hiding in the 'Moli Zhitian', but in the boundless Taixu, even a saint may not be able to do this. "

"Moli Zhitian?"

Emperor Tunhai's expression changed. He knew that although Malizhitian Bodhisattva was not a great Bodhisattva in Buddhism, his cultivation was not inferior to Manjushri, Samantabhadra and others, and was infinitely close to the Holy Heaven.

There is also a divine treasure in this woman's hand, which can make her hiding ability reach the level of the 'Holy Heaven's Law'.

"Isn't she a Buddhist? How could she help Li Xuan?"

"I don't know about this. You can ask Buddhism."

Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun stepped out of the palace of Emperor Tunhai: "If you really want to find him, then you have to find the essence, blood, hair and skin of this person within a month to locate him."

Emperor Tunhai was about to inquire further, but one of his subordinates hurriedly walked in front of him with a pale face.

"Your Majesty, Tianlan Shuijingtian called the police through the 'Dongxu Mirror', and they found traces of the Xuanhuang thief."

After hearing this, Emperor Tunhai was stunned: "How could it be the sky of blue water?"

Aren't those thieves always following the power of Taixu to sail in the direction of the North Star?

"have no idea."

The subordinate's voice was difficult and contained fear: "Your Majesty, Your Highness Ming Fei is currently patrolling the sky of blue water."

She was one of the most beloved concubines of Emperor Tunhai. She was only 3,500 years old, but she traced her bloodline back from a roc bird, developed the Kunpeng body, and was promoted to the supreme demon king.

Although this concubine was brave, warlike, fiery and jealous, she was deeply loved by Emperor Tunhai.

This is because of Concubine Ming's talent, and the second is because of the seven children that Concubine Ming gave birth to for Emperor Tunhai.


Emperor Tunhai's face was indeed covered with a layer of black energy.

He stepped suddenly, and the earth trembled instantly, and the spiritual energy in the whole world was shaken.

And all the magicians on the celestial stage were spitting out blood.

The whole figure of Emperor Tunhai changed at this moment, turning into a huge Kunpeng bird and flying into the boundless void.

Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun, who had returned to his own ship at this time, saw this scene and could not help but raise the corners of his lips.


He was very curious about this person who inherited part of Haotian's inheritance. He thought to himself what kind of divine man he was, who dared to have the ambition to become the Emperor of Heaven?

What kind of person is he who dares to plunder the Little Heaven Realm under Demon Master Kunpeng and the Antarctic Emperor so unscrupulously?

Also, who is helping him?

Outside of Moli Zhitian, Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun also felt another force, but could not distinguish it.

All I know is that this person's power is far beyond him.

It only took Emperor Kunpeng Tunhai an hour to arrive at the Blue Sky and Water Realm, which was hundreds of millions of miles away from his Kunpeng Demon Palace.

But at this time, those Xuanhuang thieves had disappeared, and there was only a dilapidated Kunpeng Demon Palace left here.

Emperor Kunpeng Tunhai's eyes were as cold as ice: "Where is my concubine?"

But in fact, he already knew the result. While he was still on the way, Emperor Tunhai could no longer sense the presence of Concubine Ming.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness Ming Fei has been killed by the Xuanhuang thief!"

At this time, many of the attendants of 'Ming Fei' were all kneeling on the ground with pale faces.

They couldn't help but shudder when they thought of the Kunpeng battleship that dragged the skeleton of 'Ming Fei' away not long ago.

These attendants have also foreseen their own ending.

Sure enough, in the next moment, Emperor Kunpeng Tunhai waved his sleeves, causing the heads of these attendants to explode like watermelons, and at the same time, their demon body prototypes were revealed.

At this time, Emperor Tunhai turned his attention to the defenders of the ‘Sky Blue Water Realm Sky’.

"Where is the King of Water and Sky Chakravartin?"

This is the demon king he used to station in the "Sky Blue Water Realm Heaven". Because he likes Buddhism, he gave himself the name "King of Wheels".

But now this person has disappeared, and Emperor Tunhai has not yet sensed his trace.

"Your Majesty, King Chakravartin has already escaped. After the death of Concubine Ming, he left us and fled alone."

The defenders were extremely fearful and secretly regretted.

If they had known this, they should have followed the example of King Shui Tian Chakravarter and fled away from him.

But to their surprise, Emperor Tunhai just snorted coldly and put away his piercing killing intent and overwhelming power.

Emperor Tunhai had clear rewards and punishments. The reason why he killed the attendants of 'Ming Fei' was because these people did not know how to admonish the lord and let Ming Fei die.

But these soldiers of Shui Tian Chakravarter did not do anything wrong. The Xuanhuang thieves continued to plunder the Taixu Outer Territory for a month.

So far, no heaven has been able to be defended, so how can he harshly criticize the soldiers under his command.

Emperor Tunhai then turned around with a gloomy gaze, looking at the deep blue world hundreds of millions of miles away.

His magnificent magic power, UU Reading www. is fluctuating.

"Your Majesty, are you planning to use your back-up skills in the mortal world?"

At this time, an old man turned into light and landed in front of Emperor Tunhai. His thick eyebrows furrowed tightly: "But your previous incarnation had been killed by Fenyang King Li Xuan. It can be seen that he is in the mortal world. Strength is no small matter. Your Majesty must not raise troops out of anger or make thorough preparations. The ambushes you have laid out in advance will only be wasted."

Emperor Kunpeng Tunhai looked indifferent: "This time I will not move. If I move, I will fight with all my strength. I will devote all three incarnations to this battle."

He looked at the old man who clearly disapproved: "The strength of that Zhuzi is increasing day by day. If I don't use those Fuzi now, I will have no chance in the future."

The old man was startled when he heard this, and then became speechless.

At this time, in the mortal world, the entire ocean was turbulent.

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