Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 819 Disaster to Chiyu

ps: Sorry, the cold has gotten worse. I feel dizzy after taking cold medicine.

In addition, if I shamelessly ask for a vote, once the cold is gone, the land reclamation will definitely resume normal updates.


Kunpeng's counterattack had long been foreshadowed. As early as twenty days before Li Xuan returned to the mortal world, there was news from the south of the ocean that two merchant ships returning from the direction of Luzon (Philippines) failed to reach the shore.

After that, fishing boats and merchant ships missed their schedules one after another along the coast, and there has been no news since.

However, Li Xuan had long realized that his robbery in the Infinite Taixu would lead to revenge, so he made sufficient preparations before setting off.

His method was to strengthen the walls and clear the country, with the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea as the leader, and with the help of the Fusang Protoss, he gathered more than five million troops in the East China Sea to prepare for change. Also along the coasts of Dajin and Fusang, all things that could be used as food at the junction of the deep sea and the shallow sea were removed. .

The situation under the sea is so complex that even the East China Sea Dragon Palace may not be able to fully grasp it.

However, with the power of the Dragon Clan and the Fuso Clan, it is still possible to temporarily reduce the amount of food on the seabed.

At this time, it was exactly two years after the glacier moved south, and the temperature of the water bottom was already greatly affected. As long as the Dragon Clan took advantage of the situation, small creatures such as corals, shrimps, and shells could become extinct on the seabed below 600 feet.

In the coastal areas, many of the kingdoms of Dajin are on standby to guard against disasters such as tsunamis, storms, and cold waves.

In particular, almost all of the Taoist sects Zhengyiyi and Quanzhen Taoism were mobilized.

Li Xuan still trusts these two sects, probably because after the two Zhaos, the sects that worshiped saints, such as the Shenxiao sect, the Qingwei sect, and the Danding sect, were all extinct in the mortal world.

The remaining Zhengyi and Quanzhen were severely beaten and trained by the Confucian sect, and their teachings favored the Confucian sect rather than the saints.

The true direct descendants of the Taoist sect in the mortal world have actually become extinct long ago——

But what Li Xuan didn't expect was that after Demon Master Kunpeng's true spirit came into the world, the coast of Dajin was calm and calm for more than 20 consecutive days without any warning.

He flew around the coast with the 'Sacred Blood Blue Luan' and observed from a distance, but he didn't find any warning signs.

Li Xuan did not dare to be careless. He thought this was a precursor to a storm. The calmer it is before the incident, the more dangerous the situation will be when the incident occurs.

But a few days later, Peng Fulai's father brought him a piece of news that shocked him.

"Nanhai Ship City was destroyed?"

At the Fenyang Palace, Li Xuan looked at Peng Babai in surprise: "Can you confirm whether this is true or not? Nanhai Boat City is the place where Mazu protects you, right?"

Nanhai Ship City is located between Luzon and Annan. It is the distribution center for the entire Nanyang trade. The scale of trade there is ten times that of Yangzhou Ship City.

After Li Xuan cracked down on smuggling and cleaned up Yangzhou Ship City, he also coveted Nanhai Ship City, but gave up due to various reasons.

Firstly, it is difficult to reach with a whip, and secondly, the ships can gather and disperse freely. The Nanhai Ship City has never had a fixed location.

In addition, Li Xuan is also afraid of Mazu.

He didn't want to easily provoke new enemies unless he had to.

"This matter can be confirmed without a doubt. My manpower in Luzon saw a large number of broken wooden planks along the coast. It is estimated that at least 1,600 merchant ships were destroyed in this shipwreck, and the foundation of the entire Nanhai Ship City was destroyed. destroy."

Peng Babai looked slightly frightened. He was also a member of Nanhai Ship City.

If Li Xuan hadn't warned them in advance and called those merchant ships back to Guangdong early, they would have suffered heavy losses this time.

This time, the entire Jin Dynasty maritime merchants have to be grateful to King Fenyang for his kindness. If King Fenyang hadn't warned him in advance, most of them would have gone bankrupt.

"And it's not just the Nanhai Ship City. As far as I know, it seems that even the Longxu City on the seabed has been destroyed, but I don't know whether this is true or not. In addition, floods are also happening in Luzon, Java and Annan. The temple of Mazu More than twenty of them were destroyed. Many people saw with their own eyes an army of sea beasts, as tall as mountains, numbering in the tens of thousands, plundering across the seabed and on land."

"Longxu City?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but lose consciousness. He knew that Longxu City was the former Nanhai Dragon Palace.

After the Dragon Clan shrank its power, the Nanyang Sea Clan had been fighting for nearly a thousand years. In the end, Mazu was born, unified the Nanyang Sea, and built the Dragon Xu City in the former Nanhai Dragon Palace, which became the settlement of the Shui Tribe under Mazu's command.

He thought that the sea beast army in Nanyang must be the deep sea army reorganized by Kunpeng Demon Master, but if they don't come to cause trouble for him, what are they doing in Nanyang?

Then Li Xuan thought of a possibility and couldn't help laughing.

"Your Highness?"

Peng Babai didn't know why, and asked with a wry smile: "I wonder where your highness's happiness comes from? You need to know that Guangzhou and Quanzhou and other places are all in turmoil now, and they are worried about encountering wind disasters and tsunamis. Many merchant ships are also trapped in the harbor and dare not Go out."

"There may be wind disasters, but tsunamis cannot reach here."

Li Xuan shook his head and looked calm: "Uncle Peng can send a message to the coastal merchants, asking them to calm down and wait for a while. I estimate that the situation in Nanyang will be calmed down in as soon as ten days or as slowly as one month. Come down."

When Peng Babai left the Fenyang Palace full of doubts, Dugu Biluo, who was watching the whole process, also felt puzzled: "Why did they do this? Didn't they push Mazu to your side for nothing?"

Then her expression changed and she fell into deep thought: "Is it because of lack of food?"

"Most likely!"

Green Qiluo's lips slightly raised: "The Fusang Protoss did mention before that when the Kunpeng Emperor woke up, he consumed a lot of Kraken flesh, blood and food. Kunpeng's genus has a huge appetite, and the Kunpeng Demon Master's incarnation and its The subordinates have been sleeping and lurking in the mortal world for tens of thousands of years. They will inevitably be hungry and thirsty after waking up. They must have enough food to restore their strength in the shortest time.

No matter what, Demon Master Kunpeng's sea beast army is sweeping across the South China Sea. It will be beneficial to His Majesty and the Great Jin Dynasty, but only if we can repel Kunpeng Demon Master's sea beast army. "

For example, in the Nanhai Ship City, after those maritime merchants suffered heavy losses, it would create a huge vacuum for Nanyang trade.

This will help Dajin cultivate its own maritime merchants and help them combat smuggling.

Several shipyards in which Li Xuan has a stake are also doing business.

The middle-class layman who happened to be present also hugged Li Xuan and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty. Afterwards, all of Nanyang will be under your control!"

He felt more and more that Li Xuan had destiny, otherwise it would not be enough to explain the current situation.

After the cold wave broke out in the world, instead of severely injuring Da Jin and Li Xuan, it became a weapon used by Li Xuan to attack the enemy.

Li Xuan laughed and shook his head: "It's too early to say this. As Qiluo said, if we can't repel those deep sea monsters, everything will be out of the question."

He then stood up and said: "Shu Ying, please go to the East China Sea later and tell my father-in-law for me. Three days later, I will personally lead the Xuanhuang Heavenly Court's 100,000 heavenly troops to Penglai Island to fortify themselves. Ask him to lead the entire army as soon as possible. Go south and join my heavenly troops.”

Gu: He expects that the decisive battle with Demon Master Kunpeng will be in the near future.

Although rice is harvested three times a year in Nanyang, due to constant disasters and frequent typhoons in recent years, food reserves are not very sufficient, and there is also a lack of resources under the sea.

Therefore, even if the demon master raised some food in Nanyang, it would not be enough for his army to fight for a long time.

If this person still wants revenge, he can only go north as soon as possible, otherwise he will starve to death with the appetite of Jitian Kunpeng and those big sea monsters.

It was at this time that Li Xuan sensed a grand aura appearing in his Xuanhuang Heavenly Court.

At the same time, the entire sky turned red.

Li Xuan immediately raised his eyebrows and glanced upward.

He knew that this was a strange sign caused by Li Lexing's breakthrough to the extreme realm.

There was also a hint of expectation in Li Xuan's eyes. He hoped that this ancestor could help him find the Golden Que Tianzhang as soon as possible.

Compared to the Kunpeng Demon Master who was plundering in the South China Sea, he was more concerned about this sacred treasure that represented the law of heaven.

Only because the latter is the foundation for his future dominance.


Coincidentally, at this time, deep in the Taihang Mountains, there was also a person looking up at the sky, looking at the red light in the sky.

He was about thirty years old, wearing a purple and gold battle armor, with red hair, a face like indigo, lips like a bird's beak, and a pair of eyebrows the color of cinnabar, tightly frowned.

At this moment, an old man with white eyebrows and white beard appeared behind the man in golden armor and knelt down.

"Your Majesty! All the monsters from the second sect and above of our Taihang Monster Clan have gathered here."

The man in golden armor finally took his eyes back from the sky.

But when he looked forward, his frown deepened: "The Taihang Mountains stretch for more than four thousand miles and contained countless great demons in ancient times. In the past, I set up a flag here to recruit troops, and in a short time, millions of demon troops gathered. You now But you told me that this is where all the monsters in Taihang Mountain are?"

He did have a reason to be dissatisfied. Although the valley in front of him was full of monsters and black evil spirits, there were only 80,000 monsters gathered in it at most.

The man in golden armor couldn't help but stare angrily at the white-browed old man: "Do you know that the heavenly sign just now is a vision of Jitian's promotion. That Emperor Xuanhuang, just this one subordinate can sweep you away. Are you fooling me?" "

"Your Majesty, how can this old man have such courage?"

The white-browed old man gave a wry smile and knelt down on the ground: "The situation in the Taihang Mountains has long been different from before. Nowadays, the human dynasty has built hundreds of cities in and outside the Taihang Mountains. We and the Taihang Monster Clan have been attacked repeatedly. , now we are just surviving.”

He sensed that the murderous intent and aura of the man in golden armor was getting stronger and stronger, and he couldn't help but feel frightened: "Your Majesty, there are indeed more demon clans in our Taihang Mountains, but none of them want to come."

When the people in golden armor heard this, they couldn't help but be surprised: "Why don't you come? How dare they resist my order?"

"Your Majesty is in charge of Gou Chen, and he is the common master of the demon clans in the world. They have no reason to disobey orders."

The white-browed old man cupped his hands and answered: "The problem is that today's Jin people have sharp firearms, and the demon clans everywhere are deeply afraid of them. In April of this year, the young master of the Jin Dynasty, Yu Jie, personally led the 70,000 Beijing Camp Forbidden Army to cooperate with the Six Daosi Division in sweeping the Taihang Mountains. They used The musket can kill us from two hundred feet away.

At that time, the Taihang Demon King Chui Yi Wang also commanded an army of more than 200,000, and tried to deal with it, but the forbidden army's bullets were endless and defeated our demon clan from a distance of three hundred feet. It should be noted that this is still in the Taihang Mountains, and the Beijing Camp Imperial Army under Young Master Yujie is not the most elite military horse in the Jin Dynasty. Your Majesty ordered us to march eastward to Zhili, but the demon clans everywhere do not have such courage. "

The man in golden armor couldn't help but be stunned, as if he didn't expect that the Taihang Monster Clan had fallen to such an unbearable state.

This person was clearly beaten to the point of losing all courage by the human race. He was more afraid of human soldiers and horses than he was as an emperor.

"Also," the white-browed old man stole a glance at the man in golden armor: "After Young Master Yujie led the army to purge Taihang, about 120,000 more monsters from our Taihang Mountain Monster Clan were recruited by the Fenyang County Prince of the Great Jin Dynasty. "

The man in golden armor was stunned when he heard this and looked puzzled: "Why did he recruit you monsters?"

Could it be that this ambitious mortal still plans to build a demon army?

"It was said that it was going to be taken to the Mongolian area to build roads and mines. It was said that the Jin Dynasty was going to dig two large mines in the northern Mongolian area, and was also planning to build two roads called 'railways'. They needed to dig mountains and crack rocks there to build Roads and bridges.”

The white-browed old man glanced at the demon army behind him: "So all the demons in the Taihang Mountains with strong bodies and agile minds were recruited away by King Fenyang."

Therefore, most of the people gathered here are crooked melons and cracked jujubes. The number of monsters with strong bodies and strength does not exceed a thousand.

The white-browed old man belongs to the ape tribe, but there are not many of the tribes who followed him.

"In other words, working as a coolie for the humans?"

The man in golden armor looked at the old man with white eyebrows in disbelief: "Can you bear it?"

He thinks these guys are really the descendants of the Taihang Monster Clan who used to be unruly and unruly?

The white-browed old man replied with a sigh: "Your Majesty, natural disasters have occurred frequently in the past two years, and there are fewer and fewer things to eat in the Taihang Mountains. However, the Jin Dynasty has a strong military and strong men emerge in large numbers. We are really helpless. Prince Fenyang County He said he was willing to give us money and food to give our demon race a glimmer of hope, but he still needed us to do things for him. Many demons were deceived by him, and they were actually very grateful."

The man in golden armor was breathing gradually heavier, and the rocks under his feet gradually turned into powder.

The white-browed old man's body was trembling, but he was thinking in his heart.

Now they can’t get enough to eat, and they can’t get enough to fight, so what else can they do?

It is said that the food of the recruited guys is very good, and they eat meat every day.

What they have to do is very simple, it's nothing more than pulling rocks, pulling sand, digging caves, etc. The demon clan has a lot of strength.

"It's not just our Taihang Mountains. UU Reading There are also many demon clans in the Yin Mountains and Qinling Mountains that have been forcibly recruited, especially those like cows, horses, bears, and the like."

But these races were also the main backbone of their demon clan army in the past.

The man in golden armor was silent for a long time, and then asked again: "So how many ghosts, monsters, and ghosts are there in the Taihang Mountains today?"

"Between 70,000 and 100,000."

The white-browed old man answered without hesitation: "Violent ghosts and evil spirits are born according to the fierceness of heaven and earth. But now the north and south of Taihang Mountain are harmonious and the people have no worries about food and clothing. Since last May, the karma in heaven and earth has suddenly been greatly reduced. Many evil spirits They dissipated directly in the mountains and fields, and the rest were mostly in crowded places. The emperor wants to summon them? But this will take at least half a month—"

Before he finished speaking, the man in golden armor was already flying into the air. Two huge thunder wings grew out of his ribs. Purple current covered the cloud sky for dozens of miles, and then disappeared into the eastern sky in the blink of an eye.

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