Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 9 Kui Niu Luminous Armor

Li Xuan thought he would be scolded to death by Li Chengji this time, but then Li Chengji got up and walked to the bookshelf, tinkering with a pen holder for a while, and then the bookshelf opened with a click, revealing a door. small door. Not long after he walked in, he walked out with two boxes.

Li Xuan looked confused, wondering which game this person was playing. But when Li Yan saw it, he was helpless: "Dad, are you serious?"

"Your brother's life is in danger now, how can you be so careless?"

Li Chengji glared at his eldest son, and then opened the two boxes one by one: "This first box is a magic pattern treasure armor called 'Kui Niu Luminous'. It can make you even if you encounter the Eighth Level Tower Realm." The characters can withstand three hits without being injured. The second box is a 'Na Yuan Pearl'. If your cultivation level cannot withstand the consumption of 'Kui Niu Luminous Armor', you can deposit the real Yuan into 'Na Yuan Pearl' in advance. Inside the Yuanzhu', it is used when defending against enemies."

Li Xuan couldn't help grunting and swallowed: "Is it all for me?"

Li Chengji looked unkind: "This is something to save your life. After I am dismissed, it is inevitable that some young people will keep an eye on my family. They have no choice but to attack me and your brother, so they can only attack you. Remember. , if you encounter any situation, you must not hesitate at all, just look for the major government offices, military camps and Bohou's residence around you and run."

Li Xuan was worried and happy at the same time. He was worried about what Li Chengji called the "young people". It must be a big deal for Li Chengji to care about it to this extent. He was happy because the "Kui Niu Luminous Armor" was extraordinary at first sight.

And just when he stretched out his hand to take the two boxes in his hands, he was stopped by Li Chengji: "There are conditions! From today on, you must practice the 'Cold Sky Sword' and 'Cold Breathing Palm' every day It took five times before I could go out.”

Li Xuan couldn't help but frown slightly: "Five times? Is it too much?"

In fact, as far as his true intentions are concerned, he is absolutely convinced. After traveling through time, he has been practicing the unique martial arts passed down from the Chengyi family. But Li Xuan was worried that his personality would change too quickly, which would arouse suspicion.

But what happened this time is a very good opportunity, and a prodigal son can turn around without changing anything.

"I didn't bargain with you!" Li Chengji said with a sullen face: "Not only these two ancestral martial arts, but also your 'Hunyuan Celestial Elephant Technique' must enter the third level within three months! If you can't do it, I will I'll break your legs and lock you up in the house for the rest of your life. Instead of suffering the pain of losing a son all the time, I might as well be cruel and imprison you at home."

This person's voice was urgent and stern, which made Li Xuan stunned for a while, and he looked at Li Chengji in surprise.

The latter thought he was intimidated, so he softened his tone and said earnestly: "Xuan'er, although our Uncle Chengcheng has some status in the court, we can be regarded as wealthy and powerful. But those who run rampant in the world come and go. A carefree master may not necessarily take the so-called wealth of our Chengcheng Mansion into consideration. What's more, my family is in trouble now, and there are countless people in Nanjing who are interested in my family's ideas. If something unexpected happens in the future, this is Xuan'er, you are the foundation of your life."

"Okay, okay, I promise you! Old man, you are so annoying!" Li Xuan stepped down and hugged the two brocade boxes: "I practice the Palm Technique and Sword Technique, but the 'Hunyuan Celestial Elephant Technique' can I can’t guarantee that I won’t be able to enter the third floor within three months. I can only promise to do my best.”

After hearing this, Li Chengji was stunned for a while: "No, you actually agreed so readily today?"

He glanced at Li Xuan suspiciously, and then snorted again: "I will personally supervise you tomorrow morning. Don't think about being lazy and playing tricks to fool your father!"


The first thing Li Xuan did after walking out of the study was to put on the 'Kui Niu Luminous Armor' on his body. This is a piece of leather inner armor. Although it only covers the upper body, its defensive effect can cover the whole body and does not hinder normal movement.

Li Xuan has made up his mind and will not take off this armor unless he is taking a shower or sleeping. Such a treasure of self-defense should never be left behind for even a moment.

After that, Li Xuan followed Li Chengji's instructions and went to the ancestral hall to kneel for an hour before going to visit Li Xuan's original mother, Mrs. Chengyi Bo, Mrs. Liu.

After coming to this world, he had the most contact with Liu. Li Xuan was very filial and respectful to Mrs. Liu. As long as she was in the house, she would not miss her every morning and dusk.

But today, Li Xuan saw his original mother, Mrs. Chengyi Bo, Mrs. Liu, in a small Buddhist hall next to her family temple. She was sitting cross-legged in front of the Buddha, tapping the wooden fish with a pious expression and muttering something in her mouth.

Li Xuan raised his head and glanced at the Amitabha Buddha statue, and found that it had obviously been cleaned and wiped in the past few days, and had been touched up with gold paint. Not only were all the previous spider silk and dust gone, but there was also a golden light that was so bright it could blind someone.

This made Li Xuan surprised for a while: "Mother, are you doing this temporarily? I remember that you might not be able to come to this Buddhist temple once a year in the past. Now, is chanting sutras and worshiping Buddha useful? And just now, your sutra It seems that the text was pronounced incorrectly.”

"Xuan'er, how dare you speak like this in front of the Buddha?"

Mrs. Liu felt angry for a while, but her next words contained a guilty conscience: "The abbot of Bao'en Temple said that there is no limit to the sea of ​​suffering, and there is only one shore when we turn around. As long as I am sincere, Buddha will not abandon his devout people and ignore them."

Li Xuan couldn't help but twitching the corners of his lips: "Mother, you must have given him a lot of money for sesame oil this time?"

"Five hundred taels of silver." Mrs. Liu's face was shining: "I also plan to build a golden body for Jingliuli Bodhisattva of Baoen Temple. The abbot praised me as a benevolent female donor. If I can enter Buddhism and become a A layperson will definitely become a Bodhisattva in the future."

I don't know if the emotions from his previous life are still there, but Li Xuan just feels heartbroken. Five hundred taels of silver was enough for my predecessor to spend half a month in the best brothel by the Qinhuai River.

At the same time, he realized that there was a reason why his mother, a peerless beauty who might be even more beautiful than the legendary Xi Shi and Diao Chan, would eventually end up like his father.

Ms. Liu is really beautiful. She is middle-aged, but she does not look old at all. Her face is like a peach blossom, and her skin is like cream. Her appearance can be compared to that of a forty-year-old celebrity named Gao. She is extremely beautiful.

"Let me think about it, mother, you have also donated 10,000 taels of silver to Baoen Temple, right? So, UU Reading, you can't just hold on to me temporarily, but hold on to me every day. Mother, you have put the Buddha in your heart, and you are the most pious. As the Buddhist saying goes, the Buddha sits in your heart, don’t ask for help from the spiritual mountain, I think Amitabha will definitely bless our family."

"Yes! Yes! That's it!"

Mrs. Liu nodded with a smile on her face, and then glanced at Li Xuan with concern: "I heard that Xuan'er got into trouble with someone again today? Were you injured anywhere?"

"Father, he didn't tell you?" Li Xuan shook his robes to show that he was fine: "Isn't this a good thing for me? I was unscathed."

"As long as it's okay, it's okay! Your father said you're okay, but I still don't trust him until I see him with my own eyes."

Mrs. Liu breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned deeply: "Xuan'er, you should know everything about your father? Your father said that from now on, there will inevitably be troubles inside and outside the house, and some evil people will target Xuan'er. , what do you think this is? Why don't you, Xuan'er, resign from this position? You've been staying at home lately and don't go out anymore. Whatever you want, I'll have someone bring it to you."

Li Xuan thought so cruelly, his father just urged him to practice martial arts diligently, but his mother immediately grounded him. He couldn't help laughing and said: "Mother, this is wrong. If you quit this demon-suppressing inspection, what will the child eat and wear in the future?" What? It’s impossible to rely on Uncle Chengcheng’s house to support you from now on?”

He actually wanted to be a second-generation official who was just waiting to die, but the current situation didn't seem to allow it.

"So what if I keep it?"

Mrs. Liu's voice suddenly became domineering: "How can such a big uncle's house not be able to support my son? Don't worry, Xuan'er, I'm planning something recently. Once it comes to fruition, I guarantee you will be prosperous and rich in the future. Even if it's full of gold and jade. No, don’t you still have my dowry? That will all be left to you, Xuan’er.”

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