"Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum?"

Li Xuan looked towards the north in surprise. He never thought that Da Siming would hide this object here.

This place is a little more troublesome.

"This place is quite sensitive." Li Lexing put his hands behind his back and said with a slight smile: "But as long as you don't go into the depths of the imperial mausoleum for the time being, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Li Xuan pondered for a moment: "The problem is not big, but we still need to make some preparations. Lord Gaozu can follow me to Mount Putuo later."

"Putuo Mountain?"

Li Lexing couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, thinking that Mount Putuo was the Bodhisattva's dojo.

"Li Xuan, are you sure? You and Buddhism are mortal enemies."

"As long as the interests are consistent, mortal enemies can become friends."

The corners of Li Xuan's lips raised slightly: "I have heard a saying that if a person wants to achieve great things, he must unite all the forces that can be united. I have never been against Buddhism, only against Buddhism's bewitching of believers, controlling thoughts, and harvesting from believers. Scraping money and extracting benefits.

But spirits like Avalokitesvara, Samantabhadra, and even Ksitigarbha should have faith in gods. As long as they don't stand up to block my way, what harm will it do to me and the court? You have to change your thinking. The world is so big, why should the emperor of China be involved in involution? "

"Involution?" Li Lexing asked in confusion.

"It means internal competition. You have to put in more effort and compete for limited resources."

Li Xuan pointed to the east: "If I use the Nanfangbu Continent as a bargaining chip, do you think the Bodhisattva will agree?"

Nanfanbuzhou is the land of body poison, the world where Sakyamuni was born.

People who are addicted think that the place where they live is the center of the world.

Li Lexing couldn't help but stare and fell into deep thought: "In the past, Lao Tzu came east from Han Valley and transformed the tiger into a Buddha, so Buddhism flourished for a while. At that time, there were no Avalokitesvara, Manjushri, or Samantabhadra in the Central Plains.

The land of body poison is vast and has a large population. Although they are all barbarians, the incense and wish power they can provide are not the same, and it is said that they are more pious. Logically speaking, if I were Guanyin, I would prefer the place of body poison. "

"This means that exports have stopped and we have switched to domestic sales."

Li Xuan smiled: "Beyond the Middle Earth, there is more than just a body poison. The area of ​​the entire mortal world should be fifty times that of all the Taixu Heavenly Realms, and the population that can be supported is as high as sixty or seventy billion. If Buddhism is willing If they are used by me, then I can even support them in conquering all heavens and realms."

The world's food production is four times that of the earth, and its land area is three times that of the earth. Therefore, even according to the most conservative estimates, it is more than enough to support 60 billion people.

And it is said that outside of Taixu, there are countless worlds like the mortal world, but they are far away and have harsh environments.

A monk's great magical power may not necessarily make him unable to transform it.

Just like the Yinghuo Planet, it may not become a land where humans multiply and gods and Buddhas prosper in the future.

Green Qiluo, who was not far behind, couldn't help but frowned when she heard this.

Avalokitesvara, Manjusri, Samantabhadra - these are all former disciples of saints.

Although these few have apostatized, their relationship with that saint is difficult to describe.

Li Xuan's move can be said to be an advantage to the enemy.

But when she opened her mouth, she couldn't say anything against it.

Li Xuan had already discussed this matter with her, but Lu Qiluo couldn't come up with a defensible reason.

And it would not be a bad idea to involve the energy of these saint disciples in the outer realm of body poison.

After Li Lexing heard this, he had different feelings, thinking that this is the courage that the Emperor of Heaven should have.

The world is so vast, why should we focus on this three-acre land of China and commit suicide and internal strife?

Until this moment, he didn't think that Li Xuan really had the possibility of ascending to the throne of Emperor Tian.

"I'm not sure if it can work, but I can give it a try."

Li Lexing's eyes flashed, and he planned for Li Xuan seriously: "Instead of Ran Deng, Maitreya and the Great Sun will probably not join forces with you, but it is like Guanyin, Manjusri, Samantabhadra, Ksitigarbha and others, who are said to be the Taoists of the Middle Earth. A disciple of a saint, he was the so-called Daluo Jinxian a long time ago, which is also the pinnacle of the holy heaven and is equivalent to the fruit of Buddha's karma in Buddhism.

Nowadays, although these four believe in Dachang in China and are believed by the people, they are ostracized within Buddhism and they are all Bodhisattvas to this day. "

"Then give it a try." Li Xuan laughed: "Let's go see this Bodhisattva's attitude first."

At this moment, he saw Princess Puji standing on the sea in the distance, stepping on a lotus and nodding towards him.

Li Xuan also smiled slightly and returned the same salute.

Just when he raised his head, the figure of Princess Puji disappeared.

But at this time, the war in the entire sea area has entered the final stage.

Ever since the true spirit of Emperor Kunpeng Tunhai was killed, the remaining five million deep-sea army had all collapsed.

Their morale was already severely depleted. After losing Kunpeng's control, they instinctively turned around and fled.

Li Xuan's army was unable to pursue him, because a bloody gluttonous feast was taking place under the sea.

The sea monsters of Nanhai and Fuso were all scrambling to eat the corpses of their enemies. The soldiers and horses under the Dragon Palace also participated, and their eating appearance was only slightly better-looking.

Li Xuan had nothing to do about this. There was no such thing as a big monster among these undersea monsters.

They are on the bottom of the sea, and they feed on flesh and blood.

The problem is that although the seabed is rich in resources, it is very difficult for them to provide enough meat for an undersea army of tens of millions concentrated in a radius of 200 miles.

Li Xuan used to feed this 13 million army with meat stored in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, as well as pigs and sheep, hybrid corn, potatoes and sweet potatoes mobilized from the Middle Kingdom.

But in fact, this move is to suppress the bloodthirsty nature of the underwater monster, and it will still cause dissatisfaction over time.

Li Xuan was more concerned about the other two Kunpeng clones.

To his satisfaction, the two Kunpeng corpses were already floating on the water.

The only fly in the ointment is that the Kunpeng's sternum on the left has completely collapsed.

As soon as Li Xuan saw it, he knew it was the masterpiece of Jiang Hanyun and Ao Shuying.

But the problem is not big, the entire spine is still intact.

The damaged sternum can be supported by high-strength alloy, but the cost will be higher in the future and not as strong as the complete Jitian Kunpeng bone.

Before Gou Chen Dijun paid the ransom, this was his biggest gain in this battle.

At this time, the Rizhao God controlled many Fusang gods and came to Li Xuan.

Their attitude towards Li Xuan was far more respectful than that of Puji Tianfei.

From the three noble gods of Fuso down, almost all the gods are kneeling on the ground.

The Great God of Rizhao also bowed with great respect: "Congratulations to Your Majesty. From now on, from the two rivers to the five lakes, from the five lakes to the four seas, and from the four seas to the ocean, the entire water area is your Majesty's territory. I, Fusang, wish you the best." The rule of heaven, earth and ocean is never easy.”

After hearing this, Li Xuan shook his head and laughed.

The sea area he can rule now is only the thousands of miles of sea near Middle-earth. In addition to this, there are dozens of times more ocean territory.

Gu: But within the Qin Emperor Yuan Feng, he indeed has no opponents in the sea.

At this time, Tianfei Puji had already surrendered, and Emperor Kunpeng Tunhai's true spirit was severely injured. Before recovering from the injury, his strength had been reduced by at least 30%, which was not enough to compete with him.

"I accept the auspicious words from the Great God of Rizhao."

Li Xuan still had a condescending and lukewarm attitude towards these Fusang gods. He pointed to the bottom of the sea: "You can take away 10% of these monster beast bones and the military supplies carried by Emperor Kunpeng. In addition, you The Three Noble Gods of Fuso have fulfilled their obligations to me. I will not call on your power again within a hundred years."

At this time, the Fusang gods who bowed down in front of Li Xuan were overjoyed and bowed their heads again.

Those skeletons of the deep sea demon are a huge treasure in themselves and have a wide range of uses.

Emperor Kunpeng led his army to invade the north. In addition to carrying food, he also brought a large number of spiritual stones and so on. Everything in the ocean and South China Sea that could be used to replenish the energy of monsters and beasts was wrapped up in his army.

And this income is at least as high as 20 million.

Although Li Xuan had looted hundreds of millions of dollars from Fusang before, those were all owned by Gao Tianyuan and were the private property of Emperor Fusang and the Three Noble Gods.

Unlike now, it can be divided among them and the Fusang gods.

Amaterasu's eyes were a little complicated. She knew that these Fuso gods were being impressed by the Emperor of China.

If we say a year ago, when they surrendered, there was still an element of being forced and unwilling.

But now that Li Xuan had surrendered to Puji Tianfei and defeated Gou Chen and Kunpeng, they felt irresistible power.

And Fusang God Zhuan is in awe of strength.

They will not think that this is just a part of the power of Emperor Gouchen and Emperor Kunpeng Tunhai. They will only be deeply impressed by the scene where Emperor Xuanhuang controls 13 million sea people and kills the true spirits of the two emperors. Deep in the soul.

Both Gouchen and Kunpeng were emperors who could keep pace with Emperor Fusang.

And even Emperor Fusang was forced to surrender in front of Emperor Xuanhuang's troops and sign an alliance under the city?

Especially the sight of the one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers suppressing the impact of the two million elite sea monsters on the seabed was enough to shock the entire ocean.

There is no doubt about the power of this Central Plains Emperor.

Amaterasu sighed in her heart, and then she leaned down slightly following the etiquette of the Central Plains: "Although the agreement we made with His Majesty was only for once every hundred years, the three of us, siblings, are willing to do our best for His Majesty's hegemony. As long as your majesty has the skills, Fusang can mobilize the army at any time to fight for your majesty."

Li Xuan raised his eyebrows in surprise and glanced at Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi and Susanoo.

He found that even Susanoo had no objection to this.

This man lowered his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes, no longer showing any rebelliousness.

Only the way Amaterasu looked at him occasionally became more intense than before.

"That's very good."

Li Xuan nodded in approval, thinking that this was the last word: "You also tell Emperor Fusang for me that the heaven has been rebuilt now. He is the head of the male immortals of the three generations of heaven, Haotian's right-hand man, I also hope to rely on him His power. I am willing to use my position as the Grand Master of the Heavenly Court to treat him with dignity——"

Just as he was saying this, Jiang Hanyun suddenly flew over.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but the place where she stood just blocked the hot and lustful gaze of the goddess of sunshine.

However, Jiang Hanyun herself was unaware of this. She looked in front of her curiously: "What are you talking about?"

Amaterasu could only look away helplessly and turned to Jiang Hanyun.

Thinking that this lucky woman is Emperor Xuanhuang's wife and future Queen Mother is also an obstacle that is difficult to overcome.

Amaterasu then frowned slightly and said, "I will convey your Majesty's words to your grandfather."

She knew that the possibility of Emperor Fuso agreeing was slim, but as the emperor's power in all aspects increased day by day, he would be tempted sooner or later.

Although her grandfather had ambitions, this one was ostracized in foreign lands and his ambitions could not be extended.

Taking refuge in the Fourth Generation Heavenly Court may not be a way out.


Less than three hours after the Battle of the South China Sea, Da Siming already knew the outcome of the Battle of the South China Sea.

At this time, she was practicing in the Jinque North Palace. After hearing the news, her out-of-control body immediately tore an Yuan Gathering Formation under her into pieces.

Da Siming wanted to say that the two great emperors Gou Chen and Kun Peng were simply incompetent, but when she thought that her own family had been forced into a corner by Li Xuan, she did not say a word.

She spent a full moment to calm down her bad mood, and then sat quietly in her palace, staring at the distant clouds in a daze.

After the war in the South China Sea, there was no longer any force within the water frontier that could restrain Li Xuan.

That guy can build more battleships, more battle armor, more muskets.

His power will also become more powerful.

According to the information sent to her by the Nanhai Buddhism, Li Xuan was able to confront the incarnation of the true spirit of Emperor Gouchen head-on on Mercy Island.

A few months ago, she took advantage of the release of Li Xuan's new book and the reform of the imperial examination to try her best to shake Li Xuan's position in the Confucian sect. However, the turmoil in the Confucian Temple gave Li Xuan the opportunity to completely unify the Confucian sect.

In this mortal world, is there any way she can stop Li Xuan?

Da Siming thought hard, but could not think of any way to break the situation.

Unless it is to break the First Emperor's Yuanfeng and mobilize the power of the emperors to enter the mortal world - but isn't this putting the cart before the horse?

The damage to the First Emperor's Yuan Seal meant that all the arrangements his father had made for his posthumous affairs were in vain.

At this moment, Palace Master Ziwei hurriedly walked in asking questions.

His face was filled with worry: "Your Highness, yesterday in the Hanzhong generation, two monks who were in the Great Celestial Realm entered the mortal world and were killed by Xuan Chenzi who was driven to Hanzhong together with the layman Qinglong."

Hanzhong, which was barely under the jurisdiction of Jinque Beigong before, was one of the few areas they could influence and control.

Da Siming frowned and looked over with cold eyes: "What do you want to say?"

When asked about the right and wrong, he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Palace Master, the First Emperor's Yuanfeng is full of holes, we can't tear it apart anymore, otherwise things will be bad."

This time, Da Siming, UU Reading www. uukanshu.net fell into silence.

In the past, she would have believed that she could solve the problem of Li Xuan before the First Emperor Yuan Feng was shattered.

But now, Da Siming has gradually lost confidence.

"Wait a moment."

Da Siming took a deep breath and turned his gaze towards Xi'an City.

"We still have a chance, but now we have to be more patient than anyone else. Before the First Emperor Yuan Feng is broken, Li Xuan will definitely solve the hidden danger of Yu Jianshen. And here, I, the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, and the Buddhist monks will give It was a surprise for him.”

She didn't hesitate to seek skin from a tiger, so she conspired with those others to lay out the trap, just waiting for Li Xuan to run into it.

If he doesn’t give it a try, Da Siming will still be unwilling to do so——

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