Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 830 Please consider the overall situation

When Ran Deng stepped into the pure and solemn world, his endless anger made the temperature of the whole world rise.

The boy Shancai immediately frowned and looked in the direction of the Lantern Buddha from a distance.

At this time, in front of the lotus platform of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, several disciples of Avalokitesvara all glared in the direction of the lamp.

In the lake in the center of the solemn world, several huge golden turtles appeared from under the lake.

"Let him come in." Guanshiyin sighed slightly and gently moved the whisk in his hand.

Not only did she return the temperature of the entire small world to normal, but she also instantly calmed down the hostility and anger of everyone except Ran Deng. .

And just a moment later, the lamp-burning Buddha came to the seat of Avalokitesvara.

"What do you mean by this?"

The face of Ran Deng Buddha is as cold as ice, but the aura around him is as cool as fire: "Are you planning to exclude me, Ran Deng, from Buddhism? Or even offer me as a gift to please that arrogant person in the mortal world? ? Do you want me to sit here and fulfill your wishes? The so-called friendship is just like a floating cloud in your eyes!"

Avalokitesvara responded with a calm expression and chuckled: "Why do you need to be so angry, uncle? In the past, during the Dharma gathering in front of Sakyamuni Buddha's throne, I wanted to attain the True Dharma Ming Tathagata and the Universal Light Merit Mountain King Buddha's throne. At that time, my uncle taught me something. , saying that I am not very experienced in Buddhism, and I cannot help believers escape from the three disasters and four tribulations, escape from the three poisons, and respond to the second request. How can I have peace of mind and achieve the Buddhahood? I will surely educate countless sentient beings and cultivate three thousand bodhisattvas. Only by practicing Hessattva can one achieve Buddhahood."

The face of Ran Deng Buddha suddenly became stiff, and his arrogance was greatly reduced.

He knew that Guanshiyin was trying to bully her with words. He didn't care about this friendship, so how could he blame Guanshiyin?

At that time, he believed that if Avalokitesvara attained the Buddha's position of the 'True Dharma Ming Tathagata', he would be forced to squeeze out of the Buddha's position, so he tried his best to obstruct it.

Since losing the body poison, the power of Buddhism has greatly declined. How can it still support so many Buddhas?

"About half a year ago, Li Xuan personally visited my Buddhist temple and had a secret discussion with the Dharma body that I came to. If the Jin Dynasty is to be governed by him, the population of Jin Dynasty will increase by 70% within ten years at most.

In addition, in a year's time, the Jin Dynasty will send troops overseas to sweep all areas within the scope of Emperor Qin and Yuan Feng. He will expel all local evil spirits and foreign religions, and hand over those fertile lands and overseas people to our two sects, Buddhism and Taoism, to share. "

Guanshiyin continued to look at the lamp with a smile: "In this way, he not only told me, but also Manjushri, Samantabhadra, Ksitigarbha, Victory Buddha, Maitreya Buddha, etc. And just four months ago, Padmasambhava The scholar asked Sakyamuni for permission to confer the title of 'Emperor Tathagata' for Li Xuan. You also knew about this, and you vetoed it at the time."

The burning Buddha felt cold and his whole body was chilled.

He didn't even hear a word about the secret discussions between Li Xuan and these Buddhist giants.

This shows that his current situation is extremely dangerous, and he is even excluded by the entire Middle-earth Buddhist sect headed by Avalokitesvara and Maitreya Buddha.

As for Padmasambhava, he is the ancestor of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism and should have attained the Buddhahood long ago.

His words and opinions are very important in Buddhism.

Four months ago, this man had indeed requested the title of Buddha for Li Xuan.

Padmasambhava means that Li Xuan's reputation in the Jin Dynasty is very high, and with the increase in grain production in China and the implementation of various good practices that are beneficial to people's livelihood, this reputation among the people will only grow day by day.

Where is the enemy of Buddha? It is clearly the ‘Emperor Tathagata’ who came to the world from Buddhism to save all people from suffering——

The Burning Deng Buddha was also present at the time, and directly led many other Buddhas who were poisonous in their bodies to refute harshly.

But when he thought about the situation again, he found that Sakyamuni's attitude at that time was quite suspicious.

The leader of the Buddhist sect had a non-committal attitude throughout the whole process. In the end, he did not completely reject Padmasambhava's request. He only said that it would be discussed later.

The expressions of the Buddhas in the Middle Earth are mostly silent about this.

"The Xuanhuang Emperor has a saying that I like very much. The Middle-earth is too crowded and the incense is limited, so there is constant internal strife. But if we can work together and outward, we may not be unable to compete with the Taixu heavens overseas for enough gain a foothold.

I have advised you in the past that instead of struggling with the Taoist sect in the Central Plains, it is better to devote some of your efforts to Nanyang. "

Avalokitesvara looked at the Lantern Buddha with a solemn expression, and a strange sparkle flashed in his eyes: "In the past, our Buddhist sect was unable to change due to various reasons, but now, Uncle Master, you have seen the methods of King Fenyang with your own eyes. The imperial court in this world We will be victorious in every battle, and we will capture everything we attack, and our ships are strong and our guns are powerful enough to protect our Buddhist sect."

Ran Deng couldn't help but snort angrily: "So you are ignoring the disasters of Buddhas in the world and the disasters of monks?"

"Uncle Master, you are delusional. There are many Buddhists in the world who harbor filth and evil. The bhikkhus mostly act according to their own selfish intentions and have forgotten my Buddhist teachings. Therefore, the true spirit of the 'Emperor Tathagata' who became enlightened hundreds of millions of kalpas ago came to this world. Purified by the Buddha's decree. The suffering of monks in the world is caused by cause and effect and is part of their practice."

Avalokitesvara shook his head slightly: "The purpose of our Buddhism is to save all sentient beings and escape from the boundless sea of ​​suffering. We can also obtain immeasurable blessings and eliminate immeasurable sins. Why should uncle, for some idleness, forget the fundamental purpose of our Buddha? "

At this time, she looked at the burning lantern with a smile, and her Buddha power was bright and brilliant, boundless.

"In the past, my uncle told me that Buddhism is in embarrassment and difficulty today, and he asked me to be patient for the sake of the overall situation. Now, Avalokitesvara also asks my uncle to take care of the overall situation of my Buddhism and be patient."

When Ran Deng saw this scene, he suddenly felt an infinite chill, growing and spreading in his heart.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Sakyamuni, is he really prepared to risk the disapproval of my Buddhist sect and accept Padmasambhava's invitation?"

What about ‘Emperor Tathagata’ and how someone attained enlightenment hundreds of millions of kalpas ago is simply ridiculous!

Avalokitesvara did not answer directly, but changed his voice: "As far as I know, both Fighting Victory Buddha and Maitreya Buddha deeply admired King Fenyang. You, Master, also know their temperaments.

The Great Sun Tathagata discussed this matter with me a few days ago and said that King Fenyang was really a strange person. He pointed to the southwest with a smile and said that in the south and northwest of the sky, I don't know how many Buddhas can be achieved. "

Ran Deng was silent, and he heard the implication of Guan Shiyin's words.

The situation was such that Shakyamuni Buddha had no choice but to agree.

The fighting spirit of the Buddha is unruly and he will never care about the feelings of fellow disciples.

As for Maitreya Buddha, for the sake of his 'future', he has no such scruples.

The usually smiling Maitreya Buddha has ruined the practice of countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in creating Mahayana Buddhism.

So in today's battle, that Mortal Realm leader has long been invincible?


At the same time, in Xi'an City.

King Yi Yu Jianshen was already slumped on his throne. His eyes were dull and his face was dull as he poured cups of wine into his mouth.

But at this time, Yu Jianshen had no idea what the wine tasted like. There was only endless spiciness and bitterness in his mouth.

When Da Si Ming led the Buddhas to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, the defense of Xi'an City collapsed.

The imperial court suddenly stepped up its offensive and stormed into the city with overwhelming force.

At this time, the many Arhats and Bodhisattvas who had helped King Yi's army defend Xi'an for several years were silent and disappeared.

King Yi Wang Yu Jianshen didn't know what happened at the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, nor why Buddhism suddenly turned away, but he had foreseen his own ending in advance.

So he gave up command early and returned directly to Prince Qin's Mansion, waiting for the last moment of his life to arrive.


With this sound, the door suddenly exploded into pieces and shattered.

Then a figure wearing a dragon, phoenix and pearl emerald crown and a long red dress walked in from the door.

She controlled eight golden dragons, surrounded by yin and yang energy behind her. Wherever she passed, all the palace guards were swept away and sent flying.


King Yi Yu Jian took a deep look at the woman, and then smiled bitterly: "The emperor's sister is so cruel-hearted, do you want to avoid future troubles forever?"

At this time, if any of the famous officials and generals of the Jin army, led by Young Master Yujie, appeared here, Yu Jianshen would have a chance of survival.

These famous ministers and generals of the Jin Dynasty were bound by etiquette and would not easily be contaminated by the blood of the Jin Dynasty clan.

This is not only unhelpful but harmful to their future.

But Yu Hongshang was the only one who had no such scruples. This person who had traveled thousands of miles to come here in person could not be just to chat with him and reminisce about old times.

Yu Hongshang looked at the decadent and desperate King Yi Yu Jianshen on the throne, and her expression was complicated for a moment.

She thought about the past relationship between brother and sister, and there was a bit of unbearability in her eyes.

But at the same time, she also recalled the figure of her father and younger brother.

Not only did the murderous intention in Yu Hongshang's heart not dissipate, but it became even more determined.

Her younger brother Yu Jianji has not yet gathered his true spirit. He lies unconscious on the bed, like a living dead.

Her father, Emperor Jingtai, was forced to death in front of the Qianqing Palace by King Yi Wang Yu Jianshen and his son.

How could she not avenge this hatred?

Yu Jianshen chuckled: "Actually, there is no need for this. The hearts of the world today are with you and Li Xuan, and the legal system of the 'Restoration Emperor' of the Jin Dynasty is naturally stable. I have no intention of living, so today After that, no one in this world can threaten your son’s throne.”

Yu Hongshang clasped her hands behind her back and responded calmly: "But if I can't see the death of the emperor brother with my own eyes, I won't be able to feel at ease after all. But don't worry, brother, your family and children can be preserved. They will be imprisoned in Fengyang for two generations. Restore your freedom."

In the past, Emperor Taizong was in trouble and a fire broke out in the Nanjing palace, leaving Emperor Jianling's life and death unknown.

Therefore, there are still people who use the name of Emperor Jianling to bring trouble to the world, causing repeated troubles in the south of the Yangtze River.

If Yu Jianshen cannot truly die, then sooner or later this person will become a disaster to the Jin Dynasty.

After Yu Jianshen heard this, he couldn't help but feel incomprehensible: "The imperial sister has indeed changed, making me feel strange. But it's okay, only people like you can control the 30,000-mile territory of the Jin Dynasty."

Then he stared at Yu Hongshang: "I will commit suicide today, and there is no need to dirty the hands of the emperor. But there is one thing that I have always been curious about, and I want to ask the emperor for confirmation. Rumor has it that the emperor Yu Youxuan is you. With the son of King Fenyang, is this true?"

"So what?"

The sleeves of Yu Hongshang's robe were slightly swayed, and she was as heavy as a mountain. The eight golden dragons behind her roared even more angrily, becoming extremely powerful and domineering. Their vast and majestic divine thoughts suppressed almost all the living people nearby until they knelt on the ground.

"He is my and Li Xuan's child, doesn't he have this qualification?"

"It's really~"

Yu Jianshen was stunned for a while, then he laughed out loud and drank the glass of amber liquid in front of him into his throat.

"The emperor has overseen the country for five years, and the people of the world have been at peace. Yao and Shun have been at peace. King Fenyang has been in charge of the court, sweeping away the barbarians, the east wind has entered the law, and the world is peaceful. Your children are naturally qualified for this. But the emperor is not like this I really shouldn’t have come—”

"Oh? Does the emperor have a back-up plan?"

Yu Hongshang's expression relaxed slightly. She knew that Yu Jianshen had drunk the poisonous wine and his vitality was disappearing.

Although she was determined to take the life of King Yi Yu Jianshen this time, Yu Hongshang actually did not want to be stained with the blood of her relatives.

"The one who laid the back-up plan in Xi'an City was not me, but Da Siming."

King Yi Yu Jianshen shook his head: "This woman is actually quite crazy. She would rather be broken into pieces than destroyed. In the entire city of Xi'an, there are twenty-three Divine Beads of Annihilation buried by her, which are enough to destroy the city. The millions of people and the imperial court's millions of troops were all wiped out."

At this time, Yu Hongshang ignored Yu Jianshen and turned to look back at the other person on the side of the throne.

The man was dressed in a green shirt, with an iron mask on his face, and his eyes were extremely obscure. At this time, he was leisurely tasting a glass of amber wine.

Yu Hongshang looked this person up and down: "Li Xuan said that you are Sima Tianyuan. In the past, Sima Tianyuan was taken to the capital and interrogated and executed in the autumn after the trial. But a few years ago, Li Xuan came to the capital, and the court because of him After checking the Dali Temple, we found that Sima Tianyuan may have been replaced and his whereabouts are unknown."

The iron-masked man gave a bitter smile and took off the mask on his face. His appearance was indeed the same as Sima Tianyuan's.

"King Fenyang is extremely talented and has far-reaching plans. Even with all my wisdom, I can't hurt him even a hair."

While Sima Tianyuan sighed, he placed a blueprint in front of him: "The locations of Da Siming's twenty-three divine beads of annihilation are all on the map. I can't remove them directly. I can only use the method you gave me. The weapon will temporarily suppress it. You need to find it as soon as possible to truly avoid this disaster."

At this time, he was bleeding from all his orifices.

Yu Hongshang raised her hand silently and sent a golden imperial edict to Sima Tianyuan. UU reading www.

"This is the condition that Li Xuan promised you. In three days at most, it will be announced to the world. He has one more thing to tell you. In fact, even if nothing happened today, Li Xuan is prepared to exempt them from the status of untouchables. As far as Confucianism is concerned , The humble book shouldn’t exist in the world.”

Sima Tianyuan unfolded the scroll and found that it was an imperial edict that had been approved.

The general meaning is to rehabilitate Fang Xiaoru's family and at the same time remove all low status in the world.

Yu Hongshang continued: "Li Xuan also said that he would grant them fields in Liaodong and Penglai. As long as people are willing to go there and settle down, they can be granted sixty acres of land."

But at this time, although Sima Tianyuan had a smile on his lips, he no longer made any sound.

King Yi Yu Jianshen smiled happily: "That's it! That's it--"

His voice gradually became inaudible, and blood overflowed from his seven orifices.

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