Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 110 Dell suddenly became cute

Chen Zhao helped Dell bandage it.


" hurts." Dale screamed.

"You still know the pain. The only thing you did right was not to raise a venomous snake. Otherwise, I might have to perform an excision surgery on you now."

Chen Zhao glanced at the coiled corn snake. This corn snake was still underage.

The corn snake has a gentle habit and is very suitable as a pet. It is also very lethal and poses almost no threat to humans.

"How on earth did you get bitten on your lower body by it?"

"It's all Trila's fault, she put the snake on me while I was sleeping."

"Fart, it's you pervert who wrapped the snake around your lower body." Cuila immediately cursed.

Chen Zhao rolled his eyes and chose to believe Cuila's words.

Dale is indeed such a pervert.

"Dale, I beg you, I beg you, the next time you ask me to come over, can you have any other illnesses? Or are you injured elsewhere, let me treat you every time." Chen Zhao said with a headache. .

In fact, after getting to know Dell, you will find that Dell is the kind of neurotic and a bit stupid person who makes people laugh.

This kind of person is harmless to those around him, but very dangerous to himself.

As an adult, he always does stupid things that even a child would not do.

"Chen, this is your consultation fee."

"Forget it, it's free this time."

"Huh? You actually don't charge money? That's so weird. Are you a fake?"

Chen Zhao: "I just met a real pervert not long ago, and I suddenly felt that compared to him, you are so cute."

"Do you think I'm a pervert?"

"Whether you admit it or not, this is true."

"Chen, you've been here so many times but haven't stayed. Just stay here for dinner today." Cuila extended an invitation.

"Will there be anything weird added?" Chen Zhao was really afraid. Chen Zhao didn't want to be affected by the unbelievable self-destruction of this bastard Dell.

"Don't worry, this bastard is always picky about what he eats," Trila said.

On the grass next to the swimming pool, Cuila and the servants in the manor prepared a sumptuous dinner.

Chen Zhao roughly estimated the food on the table. Not counting the ingredients that he didn't know where to import, the common ingredients alone would cost at least a thousand dollars.

The world of rich people is indeed different from what they imagined...

"Dell, what industry do you work in?"

"I don't do anything."

"He inherited his father's company shares, and he only has to wait for dividends every year." Cuila said, "It's the famous CAA."

CAA, the most famous agency in Hollywood, Chen Zhao has also heard of.

It manages several super A-listers, as well as more than a dozen A-list stars, as well as hundreds of stars below the A-list.

Of course, it's not just movie stars, but also directors, sports, music, and even novelists.

"Chen, if you are interested in a certain celebrity, I can help you contact him."

"Are you a pimp?" Chen Zhao rolled his eyes. He couldn't afford to be a star.

Even a third- or fourth-tier star can earn $100,000 a night.

Chen Zhao doesn't think he has such strong capital.

Of course, Chen Zhao also thinks like a Chinese. He feels insecure even if there is no guarantee of money in his bank card.

He barely spent the half a million dollars he earned in the past two months.

The biggest expenses are decoration and several house repairs. Other than that, Chen Zhao hardly spends much money.

If Dell's lifestyle is followed, I'm afraid Chen Zhao will go bankrupt soon.

CAA is not just a brokerage company. In fact, they also provide a packaged service.

It means that the film company only needs to pay for whatever movie it wants to make, and then the director, actors, screenwriters, producers and post-production are all handled by CAA. CAA even participates in the box office share, which is also one of CAA's main profit points. one.

CAA's influence in Hollywood extends to every corner. Almost every movie has actors from CAA participating in it. It is generally recognized internationally that Hollywood is the six largest, but CAA is the seventh largest hidden behind the scenes.

Chen Zhao has already learned from Cuila that Dell, as a shareholder of CAA, holds 11% of the shares.

This is the second largest shareholder after the current chairman's 15%, so the dividends Dell receives from it every year are also considerable.

Even if Dell drinks wine and has sex every day, and has sex with celebrities every day, he still can't squander it all.

Of course, Dell is also a frequent guest in various entertainment weeklies.

However, most of what the major entertainment weekly magazines publish are Dell's ridiculous things.

Chen Zhao was quite envious of this, but he also knew that envy was one thing. Chen Zhao still had a clear understanding of himself, and he might not be able to live such a life even if he struggled for a lifetime.

After having enough wine and food, Chen Zhao planned to say goodbye.

When Chen Zhao returned home, Fali came over in anger.

"Chen, did you use magic on me yesterday?"

"What? I don't understand what you're talking about."

"I never fall asleep anywhere other than the bed, but last night, I slept on the sofa for twelve hours."

"You can't fall asleep watching TV by yourself, just rely on me." Chen Zhao took off his shoes and hung his coat on the hanger: "Is there anything to eat at home?"

"No...don't change the subject."

"Didn't I say it? I didn't do anything."

"I remember very clearly, you asked me to look into your eyes, and then I broke up."

"You drank a lot of cold beer last night. Maybe you drank too much. By the way, I left a note on the table asking you to go to the supermarket and buy some beer when you came back. Did you buy it?"

"Bought it, total ninety-eight dollars."

"No, we all share the beer, so I only pay half the price."

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