Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 685 The first signs appear (sixth update, please vote for me)

"Do you really want to die here?"

The bearded man shouted again.

He is the most dangerous one. Once there is a conflict, he will definitely be the first to die.

Of course he didn't want to die, and now he regretted it.

Who could have imagined that this seemingly simple black job would turn out to be so difficult.

Originally, as long as he successfully entered the Asian's home and stuffed a bag of drugs under his sofa, the next thing would be much simpler.

But he never dreamed that this Asian, who was supposed to behave like a sheep, could be so vicious.

Moreover, his identity is far more complicated than he thought.

Not everyone wants to fight to the death.

So when the first guy puts down his gun.

Cowardice spreads like an infectious disease.

This confrontation itself is a very depressing atmosphere.

Shooting and putting down the gun may be the same thought.

When Chen Zhao returned to the house, he saw Fali holding a gun.

"Fali, what are you doing?"

"I...I was thinking that if there was going to be a gunfight...I...I could help."

Chen Zhao smiled and touched Fali's head, while taking away the gun in her hand.

"Where did it come from?"

"I have a gun license, I bought it from a gun store."

"Okay, you and Alas go back to the room first, it may take a while down there."


When Chen Zhao came out again, Gaia was conducting torture to extract confessions.

No one in the Paranormal Society is more expert at torture than Gaia.

After some questioning, the question was answered clearly and clearly.

Gaia handed the recorder to Chen Zhao, and Chen Zhao listened to the testimony.

"Can this convict Talisti?"

"No, if these people can't produce direct evidence against Talisti, then Talisti can completely identify himself and not know them at all. This is a frame-up for him."

Although Gaia is not a legal professional, she is not unfamiliar with this kind of thing.

"That means the confession from this recorder is completely useless?"

"It's not completely useless." Gaia smiled and shook her head: "If there is no evidence, you can also directly create evidence."

"How to create it?" Chen Zhao asked puzzledly.

Gaia raised the bearded man in front of Chen Zhao, then took out his mobile phone and threw it in front of the bearded man: "Call and tell Talisti that the things he told him have been completed and ask him to transfer the money."

Talisti's phone rang, Talisti picked it up and took a look.

"Hey, everything is done?"

"Mr. Talisti, the matter has been settled. I stuffed ten kilograms of drugs under the sofa at his home. He is being taken back to the police station. When will my money arrive?"

"Don't worry, I'll transfer you right away."

After Talisti hung up the phone, he said to the assistant beside him: "Help me transfer $500,000 to an account."

"Sir, all the cards in my hand have been stopped by the bank and I cannot transfer money."

"Why was it stopped?" Some of Talisti's private personal credit cards were kept with his assistant for safekeeping, and he asked the assistant to help him make some shady transfers.

"It's the secondary card used by Master Tony. Because he spent a lot of money over a long period of time and failed to repay the debt in time, the main card was also frozen or restricted in transfers." The assistant said: "And all the information came today."

"That bastard." Talisti knew what his son was like.

Being able to freeze all his cards, Talisti gritted his teeth, but he still had to pay the money that was due.

"Take this bank card."

"Sir, this is a card bound to your name. Can it be used to transfer money?"

"It's okay, that person is safe, we have cooperated many times." Talisti said.

"You go out."

"Yes, sir."

Talisti rubbed his forehead, his condition seemed a little bad today.

Suddenly Talisti shuddered.

"Damn it, what did I just do?" Talisti suddenly stood up and rushed outside: "Quian, give me back that card."

Talisti secretly cursed himself for being stupid for actually using his name card to transfer money.

Regardless of whether the other party is safe or not, this will put yourself in danger.

"Sir, here's your card."

"Did you transfer the money?"

"The transfer has been completed."

"Can it be undone?"

"Sir, you are a senior member of the bank, and the transfer of US$500,000 can be done in seconds."

Talisti looked a little embarrassed. Now that the money has been transferred, it is impossible to reverse it.

Forget it, it wasn't the first time that person had done something for him anyway.

Just then, the assistant's phone rang.

The assistant answered the phone, and then his face gradually became embarrassed.

"What's wrong?"

"Sir, the hospital called. Master Tony destroyed medical equipment in the hospital and injured other patients and doctors. The hospital demands compensation and will also file a lawsuit against Master Tony."

"This bastard has already been admitted to the hospital, but he still doesn't worry about it and pays the hospital more money to let them drop the lawsuit."

"Sir, the amount of compensation requested by the hospital is twelve million U.S. dollars."

"What?" Talisti opened his mouth wide with disbelief: "What on earth did he do?"

"He burst into an inspection room and smashed a very expensive machine."

"Fake, Fake! Why do I have such a son?"

"Get the car ready, I'm going to the hospital."

Talisti stamped his feet angrily, that was twelve million dollars.

He doesn't make more than $12 million a year.

At this moment, the servant's exclamation suddenly came from the front yard.

"What happened?"

A servant ran over: "Sir, there's a fire in the garage."

"What? Why is this happening?"

"It was Master Tony's car. He put flammable materials in the trunk of the car. As a result, the thing exploded and caused a fire."

Talisti's whole body was shaking: "Quickly put out the fire, put out the fire quickly."

There are more than twenty cars stored in the garage, including his own car, which was specially customized for him by Rolls-Royce.

The price of that car is almost equal to the sum of the other cars. If the car is completely burned, his loss will be as high as 60 million US dollars, or even higher.

The maid couldn't get close to the garage and ended up calling the fire alarm.

However, the fire truck was unable to enter the garage because the intersection of Talisti's manor was too low.

In the end, under the gaze of dozens of pairs of eyes, they could only watch the garage and car burn to ashes.

"Damn, damn, damn! That bastard, why don't you die?" Talisti lamented.

At this moment, a car came in outside and several people got out of the car.

"Mr. Talisti, we are from the FBI, and this is our arrest warrant. You are now involved in hiring a murderer, maliciously framed, and attempted murder. We will formally detain you."

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