Demons Beside You

Chapter 8: For monthly tickets)

Chen Hua rushed to the Shanteri Hospital, and Robbio waited for Chen Hua at the door.

After Chen Ye arrived, Chen Ye was brought in.

When Chen Yun came to Fari's ward, he found that Fal was also there.

"Chen?" Farr was also surprised by Chen Ye's arrival: "Are you here for me?"

"Uh ... no, I'm a friend of this patient." Chen Yan said.

"Chen, she is Fali's sister," Robbio said.

"Do you know my sister?" Farr looked at Chen Yan with surprise.

"Well, can you show me what happened to Fari."

Farr nodded, and since Chen Yan was willing to help, she was certainly happy.

Chen Yun checked Fari's physical condition: "Fari's lungs have no stagnant water, her heart rhythm is normal, her pulse is normal, her pupils are dilated, and she has no light reaction ... Fare, did you give Fari a tranquilizer?"

"No, Fari has been unconscious since she was taken to the hospital."

"Can it be a pseudo-coma?" Farr offered his opinion.

Chen Ye and Robbio both understood pseudocoma. Chen Ye knew it as a doctor, and Robbio worked in the coast rescue team, so he also encountered many such drowners.

Generally, a pseudo-coma means that there is still activity in the brain, but because the subconscious is still drowning, it will self-close the consciousness, which is also a condition to protect the brain.

Because prolonged hypoxia in drowning people can lead to hypoxia in the brain and cause brain damage.

Pseudo-coma is a short-term coma. It usually coma for one to three days, and there is a small probability that the coma will last longer.

"Chen, do you have a solution?"

"It needs to be observed." At present, Chen Yi's inspection has not obtained any useful information.

However Chen Chen always suspected that Fali drowning was unusual.

Chen Kun and Robbio walked out of the ward, and Chen Kun asked, "Robio, can you tell me what happened when you discovered Fali?"

"I received a call at two in the morning, when I heard Wanda barking at the end of the phone, and to be honest, I was very reluctant to believe that this is what a dog can do."

"If Wanda can really call, it should call me, why call you?"

"Because my contact information is posted on the wall of the headquarters." Robbio seemed to feel a little sour taste in Chen Yi's tone.

However, it also proves that Chen Yan loves Wanda very much, just like his parents.

If Chen Huan didn't care, he wouldn't say this.

Robbio was also pleased that Wanda was able to accompany Chen Kun.

"I then rushed to the headquarters, and then I saw Fari lying on the beach with a buoyancy ball and a life jacket on her body. She could not swim in the sea in the early morning unless someone fell into the water and no other was found beside her. The drowning person, so she may not be able to save anyone, and she is in danger. She was either washed to the shore by the sea or Wanda dragged her to the shore. "

Chen Yun also tends to be rescued by Wanda. When thinking of Fali, she said that she had encountered a suspected spiritual event.

So Chen Kun suspected that Fali was attacked by evil spirits.

Otherwise, Ephraim's water-based, even at night, she will not have an accident, at least it is unlikely to happen.

You must know that Fari is fully equipped, and Wanda is on the side.

If there are no special circumstances, the chance of an accident is slim.

"Is Wanda still at headquarters?"

"Well, I left it at headquarters."

"I'll pick up Wanda. It stays alone with the coast rescue team. I'm not assured."

"Well, I won't go with you. I'll stay here and look at Li." Robbio said.

Chen Kun rushed to the headquarters of the Coastal Lifesaving Team and called for Wanda. Wanda had rushed out in the dark.

Wanda seemed very excited, apparently what kind of stimulation it was receiving, and he jumped and yelled in front of Chen Wei.

"Wanda, be quiet, be quiet." Chen Huan soothed Wanda: "Is Fari attacked by evil spirits?"


"Can you find evil spirits?"

Wanda turned to look at the sea level, revealing the confusion.

Wanda was unable to provide any clues, which made Chen Yi helpless.

After all, Wanda was not able to communicate directly with Chen Kun like Bessib.

At this moment, Wanda suddenly turned and ran into the headquarters, and then scooped out a piece of decaying wood.

Chen Ye took the wood. This is a piece of Chinese fir, which is still wet. It is estimated that Wanda just came out of the water. It should be a ship wood of some ages.

But even the best Chinese fir, which has been soaked in water for decades or even hundreds of years, must be soaked.

The texture of this Chinese fir is very brittle, and Chen Yi felt a little harder, and felt the wood crack.

Before the fracture of Chinese fir, there are prominently behind the raised letters, mary,


Chen Ye looked at Fir, and he wasn't sure whether it was related to Fali's attack.

Just then, Chen Ye's cell phone rang.

"Chen, Fa Li woke up, but she looks very disturbed now, and she wants you to pick her up."

"Okay, I'll be right here," Chen Yan said immediately.

It's okay to be okay, and Chen Huan was relieved.

Chen Ye was really afraid of what unknown attack Fali had encountered.

If Fali was harmed by some magic or supernatural power, Chen Yan could only ask Sienna to help.

Now that the Lili people are awake, at least they can make Chen Ye feel at ease.

When Faye Chen arrived at the hospital, Fari was sitting on the bed, while Falle was sitting beside him, and Robbio was standing in front of the bed.

Robbio could see that Fari was really frightened.

It was just that he didn't understand what happened to Fally, and the reaction was so fierce.

"Chen, you're here." Fa Li saw Chen Ye coming, and her eyes flashed.

Both Fahr and Robbio could see that Fali had a great deal of trust in Chen Yun.

As soon as Chen Yi came, Fali was relaxed.

Farr stood up, and Chen Kun sat down next to the bed.

Fali immediately hugged Chen Kun with both hands: "Chen, you finally came, I want to go home."

"Um ... well, let's go home." Chen Ye looked at Faer, who looked at Chen Ye with a questioning look.

She didn't expect Chen Chen and her sister to be dating.

At least the current situation, they certainly are not ordinary friendship.

"Far, then I'll take Fari home first."

"Sister, I'll see you tomorrow," Farr said.

Robbio said, "I'll drive you."

Along the way, Fari didn't speak, and sat with Chen Yi in the back seat, leaning her head on Chen Yi's shoulder.

Until she got out of the car, Fali still leaned on Chen Ye.

"Robbio is gone and still pretending." Chen Yan pushed Fali away in disgust.

"I didn't pretend, I was really scared."

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