Demons Beside You

Chapter 274: We have been reconciled (for a monthly pass)

嘭 —— 嘭 —— 嘭 ——

"Kane, do you say that kid will smash the door of the ice cave?"

"It's impossible. It's a fifteen centimeter iron door. Even ten kilograms of TNT cannot be blown open." Kane said.

"Unless he has the tools," Karim said.

"Except for ice cubes, what is there?"

Ice cubes! ? Everyone suddenly realized where the problem was.

"Mr. Laurent, I think we should go."


"If Chen comes out of it, he will kill us." Kane said.

"Can he really break the ice cave door?"

"He is probably hitting the door with his clothes wrapped in ice cubes now ..." Kane said solemnly.

"How long can he smash the door open?"

"I don't know, but we're here now, it must be dangerous."

At this time, the iron gate of the ice cave had been smashed somewhat, and the sound of smashing the door was still endless.

Kane, Karim, and Howard looked outside, and it was a bit shocking.

If caught by the monster inside, they will definitely be unloaded.

If I had known it, I would not help Laurent arrange this game.

No benefit was gained, but Chen Ji was to be remembered.

All three eyes fell on Laurent, Laurent was very unhappy.

Obviously won, sent Chen Yan into their trap.

As a result, they themselves want to run away in embarrassment, how do they feel they are the loser.

But it would be really dangerous to stay here again.

If Chen Zhe had been locked in for more than an hour, if he rushed out of it, I really didn't know what he would do.

"Walk, I don't want to see him," Laurent said.

Four people fled the factory in a dingy.

"Laurent, why did you come back so early? Didn't Chen come back with you?" Winnipeg asked, surprised when he saw Laurent return.

"There's nothing fun in Los Angeles, and the guy doesn't know anything. It's a mistake to let him take me out." Laurent said in disapproval. "Whynip, when are we going home?"

"It's not that fast. It's a rare visit to Los Angeles. I have to visit it again. By the way, I will go to the Avenue of Stars tomorrow."


Chen Yan's clothes were wrapped in ice cubes, and when they were smashed for half an hour, they were completely broken, and there was no way to cover the ice cubes at all.

Chen Kun started to smash with his fist, but it really hurt so much that he couldn't continue any more.

In the end, I could only choose to use the fetters, but I also tried them.

But the door was too thick to completely move.

There is only one way to go out.

The mouth of a right-handed glutton!

Only it can open the door.

Chen Ye took out the scroll of magic connected to his mind. Although he had seen it a few times before, he never remembered it.

At this time, Chen Yi could only go into battle, although the hope was not great.

However, without the hustle and bustle outside, Chen Ye is calmer now than in the past.

Chen Xuan's right arm moved a little, without success.

When launching the connection between minds, Chen Yan felt more like creating magic into a bolt, inserting it into a groove.

It is not easy to accurately place the pin in the groove, and the pin cannot be large or small, it must be just right.

Chen Min regained a little magic, and tried again to control the glutton.

But this time it failed again ...

The magic of this release seems to be great and needs to be readjusted.

Try again, fail ...

Try again, fail ...

After a few times, Chen Yan felt a little dull.

Unable to continue, at this time the chill struck, Chen Zhuo was awkward, suddenly suddenly awake a lot.

Chen Min took out a little roasted dragon meat to replenish his strength and energy.

Trying to connect the mind to the gluttony again, suddenly, Chen Min felt a slight tingling in his head, and his arm trembled a little.

Chen Kun stopped quickly, but the sting came fast, and he went fast, as if nothing had happened.

Is magic used too often?

Chen Xun's heart was not clear, and he tried to stimulate the connection of the mind.

But to Chen Chen's surprise this time, the connection seemed to be much smoother than before.

Success, connect!

Chen Min finally felt that his right arm was different from the previous one, just as freely controlled as his own arm.

Chen Yan's right arm began to grow larger and covered with a layer of metallic luster.

Chen Yi is not only able to control the mouth of gluttons, he can even feel the feeling of gluttons.

And its appetite!

The glutton's mouth wasn't interested in the iron door, Chen Min took a deep breath and waved his arm heavily.

嘭 ——

Tempered glass shattered, and the entire iron door was completely recessed.

A large amount of cold air began to escape, and Chen Quan didn't know that he was several times stronger than his original strength.

Chen Ye recharged again and punched again.

This punch was more powerful than the last punch, the entire wall was shaking, and the sound echoed in the ice bank.

The iron gate was blown out in response to this moment, and at this moment Chen Huan could breathe fresh air and enjoy the warm air.

At this time, it was already late at night, Chen Ye walked out of the factory, there was no sound outside, no one was there.

It was originally an abandoned neighbourhood, long unoccupied.

Laurent not only kept him in the ice storage for eight hours, but also drove his car away.

Even without a cell phone, Chen Ye could only go home on foot.

After running for an hour, Chen Yong ran home from the abandoned neighborhood, at least fifty kilometers away.

"Chen, you pull back." Fari saw Chen Yan returning, sweating, and her body was soaked: "How are you playing with your dad today, are you happy?"

"Very happy, very happy." Chen Yan smiled warmly and brightly.

"How are you getting along with Dad?"

"I think we have untied the knot." Chen Yan said with a smile: "We have an appointment and we will go out together tomorrow."

"Really? Great, I can finally rest assured." Fa Li hugged Chen Huan, and the anxiety in her heart could finally be resolved: "Yes, is your mobile phone out of power? I can't get through to your mobile phone. "

"Oh, it's out of power. You left your phone with your dad. Get him tomorrow."

"Where did you go today?"

"This is our man's secret, so don't ask."

"Well, I'm really happy to see you get along well."

"I am also very happy. I think my father and I will be good friends."

"Have you eaten?"

"I want to eat you first." Chen Huan's arms around Fali's back, began to be dishonest.

"You are dirty and dead, go and rush first."

"No, wait to rush together and eat now." Chen Yan has pulled off Fari's sling and kissed Fari. With a few efforts, Fari was breathless ...

At the beginning of the month

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