Demon’s Diary

Demon's Diary Vol 6 Chapter 1295: Out of danger

As soon as Liu Minggang flew out of the Bluestone Square, the vibrations from the surrounding emptiness were more and more fierce. From time to time, the sound of thunder and cross was heard, as if the entire fantasy could collapse at any time.

After Liu Ming’s heart sank, the sword in his hand reminded him that the Void Sword Pill suddenly emerged and turned into a golden sword light with a few lengths. He will hold his body shape and the silver flesh will be displayed behind him. stand up.

Because there is no gravity burden, it is only a moment of work, and the high **** where the children and the blue drums were located is far away.

The illusion has changed dramatically, and the two apparently found that the situation is wrong. At this moment, they have already flew up, and the high slopes below are cracked and crumbling.

The face of the blue drum at this moment is a bit complicated. From time to time, looking back at the road to the beginning, I obviously want to escape to the entrance, but because of the child here, I can only wait for the scalp.

Liu Ming saw it, and his heart moved. The two colors of gold and silver were only a few flashes, and they appeared in front of the children and the green drum.

I saw that his sleeves were free.

A piece of black Xiaguang passed by, turned into a dark hand, and went to the scorpion and the blue drum.

Because of the connection with Liu Ming, the child has long known that his own master is in the light, and the blue drum is now able to react.

Before he spoke, the black hand held him and his nephew in it.

When the child was far from Liu Ming, the black body of the whole body was directly immersed in the waist of Liu Yan, and disappeared.

Then Liu Ming wrapped up the blue drum and turned it into a gold and silver long rainbow, and rushed toward the exit.

At the same time, the loud noise of the rumble came from the rear.

I saw the entire Moyuan Valley violently shaken after a violent tremor, and it became a tens of thousands of huge rocks, which collapsed in the midst of a cloud of smoke.

Liu Ming’s heart was shocked, and the unsatisfactory body was shining, and the speed was once again accelerated.

suddenly. The wind in front is together!

A few black shadows rushed to the face, but it was a few real birds of the real thing!

These birds were originally due to the collapse of the space, and some of them were flustered. They accidentally hit the place where Liu Ming was flying!

Liu Ming’s eyes flashed in the cold. Under the cold, the black flames of the whole body ignited.

In the next moment, the golden sword of his foot rolled up a golden light, wrapped his body shape in it, and the body and sword became a golden giant. With a black flame, I will rush forward.


With the violent turbulence of the surrounding world, the golden sword rainbow directly passed through several groups of shadows, and continued to fly forward without losing speed.

Until the golden sword rainbow flew hundreds of feet, several groups of black shadows came a few voices of "噗噗", the body was directly split into two, and immediately the black flame was turned into a fly ash.

At this time, the golden sword rainbow that Liu Ming had made had already made a little golden light in the distant sky.

On the way to the next, Liu Ming did not dare to slow down, under full speed. The surrounding scenery quickly regressed backwards.

When encountering some monsters and monsters to block the road, they do not hesitate to use the Thunder to quickly clear the mana.

I don't know how long it took, he only noticed that the foreground was changed, a rolling mountain appeared in front of him, and the mountains were covered with tall trees.

Liu Ming saw this, and the eyebrows suddenly flashed a touch of joy.

It was only the illusion of the sky at this time, and there was a thunderous sound of thunderous explosions between the heavens and the earth.

The surrounding mountains are also shaken by a mountain. A wide crack is like a scar, and it spreads quickly and tears the surface easily. Swallow everything on the ground.

In the sky, where the clouds were densely covered, a layer of ripples of ripples appeared one after another. Silver snakes appeared in the dark clouds, and black vortexes of different sizes came one after another.

The entire illusion of the moment. Just like the end of the day, it is only a matter of time before the total collapse.

Seeing such a vision, the blue drum face was a little panicked.

Liu Ming couldn't help but look awkward.

At this time, accompanied by a deafening loud noise, there were bursts of creepy space in all directions, and most of the sky in front was like a wave. Become twisted and wrinkled.

Liu Ming only felt that the air in the whole body was tight, and at the same time, the ripples visible to the naked eye came to him in an instant.

It was a matter of life and death. He immediately waved his long sleeves, and twelve mountain river beads flashed out instantly. After the golden light flashed, he turned into twelve yellow mountains and guarded himself and the blue drum.

Then the light was accelerated and flew straight to somewhere on the edge of the mountain.

The blue light flickering there, it is the cyan channel that is already on the verge of collapse.

Near the channel is less than a hundred feet, the aftermath of the collapse of the surrounding space, instantly hitting the surrounding yellow giant mountains.

A burst of roaring sounds, surrounded by the yellow giant mountains, set off a hurricane!

Fortunately, the defensive array of the twelve yellow giant mountains was rock-solid, and finally all these waves were blocked.

Suddenly, a huge tearing sound, which was heard from the heavens and the earth, came from a height not far from Liu Ming, and there was a space crack of more than ten feet. A sudden suction came from it.

Then, the same tearing sounds one after another, a huge space crack, criss-crossing appears around.

The heavens and the earth, as well as the surrounding rocks and other spurs of rocks and other things, suddenly rolled up and surrounded by the space cracks in the surrounding, from time to time, the mountains and stones were pulled by a few suctions, and burst directly.

At this time, the golden and silver dawn of Liu Ming, finally after a few flashes, dangerously rushed to the vicinity of the channel that was already on the verge of collapse.

At this moment, the space barrier around the passage has also begun to collapse, and there are dense cracks in the surrounding space, and the passages have been twisted to the extreme.

Liu Ming only felt that there was a very strong space storm behind him. The huge suction force passed through the yellow giant mountains and pulled himself in all directions, as if to divide his own five horses.

At the beginning of the millennium, Liu Ming gritted his teeth, his body shape shook, and after a flash in the passage, he and the green drum disappeared into the secret.

The next moment, he only felt a dizzy feeling.

Then he was bright, he has appeared in the underground hall of the Qing family.

Liu Ming's figure swayed, and quickly jumped off the ground's hexagonal range of law, and then one-handedly raised, under the black gas behind him, a blue drum figure appeared on the side.

This bald man, still with a look of horror in his face, apparently destroyed the scene of the destruction of the earth, even in the middle of the sky, he was scared.

Liu Ming lightly sighed, and his heart looked at the light door above the hexagonal circle behind him.

In the light door, a huge ball of light emerged from the air, and numerous slender black wires emerged from the middle, and they were surrounded by a wrap.

Along with a fierce sense of spatial volatility, the light door that was originally a dozen feet wide was actually collapsed and disappeared.


In the midair, the cyan jade is flashing under the blue light, and the hexagonal array below becomes bleak.

After the four weeks of calming, Liu Ming and Qing Dian were in front of them, but they were the young masters of the Qing family.

His eyes swept away from Liu Ming, and he was shocked and asked:

"What happened in the illusion of the illusion, will it completely collapse? How about the two elders of Qingzizi and Qingshang?"

"At this time, the story is long, and things have to start from the two days of the monsters that suddenly appear..." Liu Ming glanced at the blue drum that had not yet slowed down, and now the brief experience of the secret world Qinglan Road.

When the Qing dynasty heard the two horoscopes at the same time in the illusion, there was a cold sweat.

You must know that before the millennium, he was not in the middle of the sky. According to this calculation, when he entered the illusion, the two monsters were repaired at least at the end of the day. If they encountered the second demon at that time, they would not be able to Escape from the illusion.

"Yes, if this is not the help of the elders of Liu, even I have to follow the footsteps of the two elders..." The blue drum looks a little slower, and arched his hand to Liu Ming. First, he felt a bit of emotion, and then he will be green. How to be attacked and degraded, and Qingshang fled alone, but in the end did not take off the illusion, and talked about it.

Qing Yan showed a hint of pity, but asked immediately.

"Right, Mr. Liu said that this trip did not get the seeds of the magic power, but found a treasure that prolonged the life of the young family, I do not know what to say?

"Relationship with the rejuvenation of the Qing family, Liu naturally does not dare to lie in words. Treasures here, the owner will know the true and false at a glance." Liu Ming said, raised his hand, he threw a white scroll Green barley.

As soon as the scrolls were not in the hands, the green scorpion felt a raging magical swell in the scrolls, which is obviously not comparable to the common magic weapon.

"Oh! Although it seems to be somewhat damaged, it is a veritable hole in the sky."

It’s obviously a bit of an accident when Qing Lan’s scorn is scornful.

"Yes, this treasure name "Sanguang He Luotu", in its space, contains a whole lake of three light water, if it is immersed in this water cultivation practice, it can greatly delay the sky magic ** on the birthday Loss." Liu Ming said, raising his hand and playing a mans, flashing into the white scroll in the hands of the green.

The white scroll "噌", flying from the hands of the green scorpion, dripping down, flying a large black cloud of water, and a roll of blue drums wrapped around it.

The green drum was a glimpse first, and then only felt surrounded by a very comfortable liquid around the body, and could not be said to be useful.

"Blue drum elders, you run the magic of the sky ** try." Liu Mingfei said quickly.

The blue drum heard the words, and immediately closed his eyes with the words, and ran the magic of the illusion in the body. After a while, when the eyes opened, the face was ecstatic:

"The elders of the willows are not imaginary, the body is soaked in this water to cultivate the magical illusion, and the loss of Shouyuan is reduced by at least five times!" (To be continued.)

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