Demon’s Diary

Demon's Diary Vol 6 Chapter 1232: Hurricane Dynasty

Liu Ming sat quietly on the chair for a while, and after he had rationalized his thoughts, he got up and walked back to his room.

Gently waving, a black barrier spread out.

"Hey, you are still alert, knowing to start a soundproof enchantment." The shadow of the shadow flashed, and the figure of the magic sky appeared next to Liu Ming, and said with a smile.

Liu Ming has long been accustomed to the ridicule that the magic sky has emerged from time to time. He sat down and sat down, and then asked in a whisper:

"Dream predecessors, do you seem to have some understanding of the Da Yu dynasty?"

"Oh... the big dynasty... those guys who changed their names to change their names are not bad." The face of the magical sky showed a sarcasm.

Liu Ming’s eyes flashed, but there was no interjection.

"Liu Xiaozi, do you know the surname of the current central dynasty?" The magic day asked Liu Ming.

"It’s surnamed Huangpu. Today, on the main hall, the Liu family also mentioned the two royal monks who will come over in two days, called Huangfu Liushui and Huangfuqi. But what does this have to do with the Dagu dynasty?” Liu Mingwen A word, then asked some curious.

"Although the devil is more long-lasting than the Terran Shouyuan, it is thousands of years, but no matter which continent, as time goes by, many things will change. Even the dynasty that rules the entire continent will be like this. "The rare face of the magic sky reveals a trace of recollection."

"How do you say this?" Liu Ming heard this, his face changed slightly.

"About hundreds of thousands of years ago, it was not the current central dynasty, but a dynasty called the hurricane. But when the hurricane dynasty experienced a tens of thousands of years of change, it naturally became corrupt. The whole 10,000-magic mainland people’s resentment is boiling, and the families of all sizes are extremely dissatisfied. They dare to anger and dare not speak. Until the ancestors of the central dynasty, Huangfu raised the anti-flag at night and spent thousands of years finally overthrowing it. The hurricane dynasty established the current central dynasty.” The magical scorpion talked about the time that hundreds of thousands of years ago was brought to Liu Ming’s eyes.

Liu Ming heard these secrets. The look on his face changed one after another, and it seemed to be faintly thought of.

"What do you mean by the predecessors of the Devils? Is this the dynasty dynasty that suddenly appeared now, which was made by the descendants of the dynasty of the previous generation of hundreds of thousands of years?" Seeing that the magic day did not continue, Liu Ming’s eyes flashed. Asked.

"Although I am still not sure, I estimate that it will not leave ten." Devil said with a cold smile.

"If it is the restoration of the previous generation's intentions, then they must have prepared very well. This beating is probably a little dangerous." Liu Ming stood up and his face was gloomy.

"You don't have to worry too much about this. The restoration of the hurricane dynasty, the Central Dynasty must have already discovered the clues, and will quickly mobilize the troops. They will cull these counter-party. The current imperial empire of the Central Dynasty is also a wise figure, the royal family. The strength can be described as unfathomable. If the hurricane dynasty wants to completely overthrow it, it is not an easy task." Devil said in disapproval.

Liu Ming heard this. His face looked good and he sat back in the chair. Ask again:

"Predecessors seem to be quite familiar with the Central Dynasty. Even the history of hundreds of thousands of dynasties is well known. Over the years I have also read a lot of books about the history of Wanmo, but there is no mention of hurricanes at all. Dynasty."

"That is because your time spent in Wanmoo mainland is too short. And it has not yet reached the realm of Tong Xuan. Naturally, we don't understand things at this level. For Tong Xuan, as long as he thinks, there are not many things in this world. Can not do, let alone understand the hidden history of a section of the district." Devil's brow slightly undetectable wrinkled a bit, casually said in the mouth.

"It turns out that I was taught under it." Liu Ming said with a slight eyebrow.

Although the magical day of the voice looked calm, Liu Ming still noticed a slight fluctuation in his tone, but he did not say it.

"In general, if there is a real outbreak after two days, you and the patriarchs of the five families should try not to think about the limelight, and honestly follow the army, there should be no problem. I am now recovering. A little strength, when necessary, I will help you." After the words of the magic sky, the body shape changed, turned into a black light, and flew into Liu Ming.

Liu Ming’s face was silent, thinking in his mind that he got all kinds of information today and analyzed various situations.

If there is nothing wrong with the speculation of the Magic Heaven, this battle of the Nether City is definitely an extremely difficult battle. With his strength, it is not necessarily sure.

However, it is not good to escape from the battlefield. It is a blatant disobedience to the order of the Central Dynasty. It will also offend the huge family of Liujia.

It is not only him who is at the time, but he is afraid that the whole family will be implicated and will be devastated.

Even if one step back, even if he can escape and re-historic, then the hard work of this hundred years is all in vain. To collect the materials of the magic casting, I don’t know what to wait for. Month.

Although it is still unclear what the purpose of the magical remodeling of the devil is, but since the other party has vowed, the promise will leave his soul, and now it is only completed as soon as possible.

In addition, although the mysterious small bubbles in the body will not take its mana again, in the past hundred years, the spirit has also obeyed the agreement and has not disturbed him, but it always feels like squatting in the throat. God knows whether this instrument is recovering its strength. He will not know what will happen when he happens.

Liu Ming thought for a long time and didn't think of a good way. He took a long breath and got up and walked back to the secret room and sat down on his knees.

A moment later, there was a grayish-white radiance on his body. A black and white stone tablet with a palm-sized size appeared in his hand. Five small quaint runes appeared on the stone tablet.

After more than a hundred years of sacrifice, Liu Ming has mastered most of the power of the monument, and of course this can not be related to the guidance of the magic sky.

Now the power of the monument has far exceeded that of his life.

Liu Mingkou has a word in his mouth, and both hands have made a way to fall on the monument of the sky, and the light of the sky has gradually become brighter.

After a long time, the body of the monument trembled lightly, and the five magical treasures shone with a flash of light. The magical scorpion on the sacred monument stretched out a black and white big hand and inserted it into the void.

The void trembled and slowly opened a space crack in black and white, and there was an endless space storm in the crack.

Liu Ming’s face was a little red at the moment, and his body was black and light, and obviously all the mana had been mentioned.

However, at this moment, his body flashed black, his face showed a trace of pain, the light of the sky was violently dimmed, the space crack shook a few times, and slowly closed.

Liu Ming shook his head in disappointment, gasping for a big breath, and immediately took out a medicinal medicine suit, and his face looked good.

He just used the pottery magic weapon of Tiantian Monument to try to break the void.

In this world, the most rapid means of escape is to use the power of space law to break away from the void and leave.

In the next big battle that can happen, if he can tear open the space to escape the ability to escape, the chances of life-saving will undoubtedly be much larger.

However, it is only after repairing to reach the realm of Tong Xuan that it is possible to perceive the law of space and break open the void.

In addition, if you have a hole in the law that contains the power of space, or the treasure of the mystery, it is not impossible.

According to the magic sky, in the monument, there is a force of space law, but his mana is slightly insufficient.

After adjusting for a long time, he opened his eyes and shook his head and smiled. He did not continue to try. After the stone was put away, he meditated quietly.

Two days passed by.

At noon on this day, over the secluded city, headed by the Liu family’s main Liu Huifeng, the masters of the major families gathered here at this moment. At the corner, Liu Ming and Rego stood together and seemed to be waiting for someone. .

In the past two days, seven or eight families have arrived at the quiet city.

Today, the number of celestial magicians in the secluded city has reached more than 50.

And Liu Huifeng stood next to a gray-haired maiden old man. From the perspective of the exhaled breath, it was also a sacred repair, a pair of triangular eyes, and occasionally there would be a glimmer of cold light, giving people some kind of blackmail. feel.

Liu Ming’s eyes looked at the old man’s body,

He also heard about these days. In addition to Liu Huifeng’s Liu family, there is another Tongxuan elder who is sure to be this person.

However, this person seems to be hiding in secret. In the past few days, he has never been exposed before the eyes of everyone.

The eyes of the heads of the house were swept away from the old man of the linen from time to time. The old man in the coat looked ugly and seemed to have nothing to feel.

As time passed, an hour passed by.

However, the patience of the people present was very good, and did not reveal the dissatisfaction.

At this moment, there is a whistling whistle in the sky, and two distant purple lights appear in the distant sky.

Liu Ming and other people were shocked, and the purple light was extremely fast. After a few flashes, they came to the front. The huge spiritual pressure came to the fore. The face of the weaker homeowner couldn’t help but change and step back.

The light flashed, and two purple robes appeared in front of everyone.

Liu Ming’s face moved and looked up. The two men who came, one is a tall, tall man, and he was half the head taller than the most in the crowd.

The strong man has a purple robes, the facial features are still correct, and a few purple-like magic lines appear on the cheeks and forehead, which looks quite powerful.

The other is an unusually handsome young man who looks elegant and fluttering, and looks like a jade tree.

The purple magic pattern on his face was slightly less, but the eyebrows showed a rather complicated purple rune imprint.

Liu Ming’s eyes flashed, and the imprint of this purple robe youth’s eyebrows was somewhat similar to the true magic mark he had inherited from the Magic Heaven.

(The new January is coming, forgetting to work harder and continue to code the code.) (To be continued.)

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