Demon’s Diary

Demon's Diary Vol 6 Chapter 1415: Family alliance

"After the Chinese people entered the magical mystery of the day, although they were in danger at first, but fortunately all the way was smooth. However, after half a year, the direction of the inner Yuan suddenly ignited an astonishing image. It seems that some kind of alien treasure is about to be born. Zhao, so I negotiated with the elders of Qiao, and decided to go to the inner Yuan to find out. As far as I know, the four great families including the Liu family at that time have entered the inland. "Huang Yu Yu Yu's tone is faint. Said.


Gao Herui and Kong Xiangwu's face were all changed. Then the two thought of something and looked at the young woman in the golden robe behind the dragon family.

"Yes, as the elders of Yuxi said, I couldn't help but temptation to lead the tribes into the inland. During the period, I had a face with the elders of the jade. But it was too dangerous, and soon I got back and took it with me. The tribe retired." The young woman in the golden robe said that she did not change her face.

Gao Hezhen and Kong Xiangwu heard this, and they all flashed a trace of color in their eyes. Obviously, they did not believe in the words of the young women in Jinpao. After all, the dangers of the inner Yuan also knew that if they were not prepared, there would be no return. .

"The dangers in the inland are extremely incomparable. Although I and the elders of the squadron tried their best to shelter the people, the result was still a heavy loss. These are all right. I didn't expect to encounter the Liu family at the end. After a big battle, Liu Yuyang did not know how to summon a powerful one. The golden demon corpse of the extreme, the defeat of our killing, the squad called the elders to save me, and also died in the golden demon corpse. In the end, only I was lucky to escape. In this in the middle of the time to stay Long, but I saw some things..." Huang Yuyu continued to say that when he mentioned the Emperor's call, he looked a bit stunned.

Kong Xiangwu's face was tight, knowing that the key points were mentioned.

"The mouth said nothing, the two homeowners also look at this thing." Huang Yuyu looked up and took out two pieces of purple Meng Yufu, waved two purple lights.

The purple jade symbol came out of the hand and turned into a group of water in the air. It fell in front of Kong Xiangwu and Gao Herui, and gradually showed some image patterns.

Kong Xiangwu and Gao Herui and other four people looked at the images in the water, and their faces suddenly changed.

Among the waters in front of Gao Herui, it was a situation when Gao Hezhen and his entourage were attacked by the tentacles of the Han Dynasty.

In the water in front of Kong Xiangwu, it was indeed a figure of Gao He’s family, who was killed by Liu Yuyang and the golden demon corpse.

The dragon family owner on the side saw this situation, and the light in his eyes flashed slightly, and he took a look at Huangfu.

The emperor seemed to be aware of it, and he turned to look at the past. The two exchanged their eyes quickly and separated them without incident.

The picture recorded on the water is not long and will soon end.

Kong Xiangwu’s face suddenly became ugly, and the scene above showed the disciples of Kong Xiangxi and other Confucius family, who were killed by Liu Yuyang and the golden demon.

"Liu family..." Kong Xiangwu's face was gloomy, and the words were squeezed out in his mouth.

Kong Xiangwu did not doubt that this was a fake image of the Huangfu family.

This water is a water mirror in a water spell that saves and records some images.

With his cultivation and gaze, if the emperor's family is making a fake, it will not be his eyes.

On the other side, Gao Herui is also frowning. At the end of the water-light picture, the Gaozhou family’s celestial beings were killed by the rare touches, but Gao Hezhen escaped.

"Elder Emperor Huang, this water mirror technique is your own hand?" Gao Herui brows and asks, and asks Huang Yuyu.

"Yes, but I am very sorry. At that time, it was difficult to protect myself, so I was not able to help me to help my friends. As for the situation after the Taoist friends, the little girl is not known. But from the direction of her escape, I am afraid It’s a lot of fierceness.” Huang Yuyu said with some apologies.

Gao Herui heard his face sinking and did not ask anything.

Huangfu Yuxi took a gift to the two owners and turned to walk behind the emperor and stood on the other side.

"These things happened in the magical deity. I should have told the two homeowners immediately, but the elders of the jade were seriously injured in the secret. After returning to the tribe, they immediately closed their homes and raised their minds. Come down." Huangfu’s tone was apologetic.

"The trip of the magical path, the tribes disappeared for no reason, now can know who the elders and other people are in the hands of the people, the old man has been very grateful." Kong Xiangwu clasped a fist to the emperor.

"Kong Xiang brother does not have to pay more rites, Liu Jia wolf ambition, the two of us, the ancestors of the family have also fallen into their hands, such a big hatred, naturally want to ask them back." Huangfu said.

Kong Xiangwu’s thoughts turned, and the meaning of the smashing of the Emperor’s words was obvious. However, the Kong Xiang family did not mean the battle between the Central Dynasty and the Liu Family. However, Liu’s family actually killed Kong Xiangyu, and how can he not report it? ?

"The Kong Xiang family is willing to listen to the Emperor of the Emperor." Kong Xiangwu sank a bit, and said forcefully.

"Great, with the help of Kong Xiangxiong, I believe that the rebellion of the Liu family can be destroyed." Huangfu said with great joy.

Gao Herui saw this scene, his face changed slightly, but he did not say anything.

"This emperor called everyone here today. One is to tell Kong Xiangxiong, Gaohe brothers to reveal the secrets of the magical world. Another thing is about the rebellion of the Liu family." Huangfu looked at Gao Herui and his tone was faint. Said.

When this statement comes out, someone's eyes will be attracted at the place.

"Liujia has been rebelling for more than ten years. However, for some reasons, my emperor’s family has not been able to fight with rebellion. However, there is no problem at the moment. The emperor has ordered that all six legions of the army be transferred to the front line, etc. After the end of the ceremony, I immediately tried to rebel. "The emperor paused and continued to speak quietly.

Gao Herui, Kong Xiangwu, and the three masters of the Long family heard the words and their faces looked different.

Gao Herui’s eyes flashed, and Kong Xiangwu’s face was slightly moving, and then he nodded slowly. As for the Dragon’s family, from the beginning to the end, the look was very dull, and it seems that the matter was already known.

"In order to speed up the progress, the Emperor decided to take advantage of the grand ceremony, the family of the major families gathered together, formed a family alliance, and participated in the rebellion." Huangfu threw a major message.

The faces of Kong Xiangwu and Longjia’s family did not change much, only Gao Herui’s look changed slightly.

The battle between the Central Dynasty and the Liu Family continued to this day. In fact, it was mainly the confrontation between the two families of the Emperor and the Liu Family. Since the Central Dynasty did not forcefully assist other families, the other large families still surrendered on the surface. Huangfu family, but most of them have no real move. At most, they are convening some small and medium-sized families to support them.

Today, Huangfu’s move is to iron the heart to defeat Liujia as soon as possible.

"Dragon brother has already arrived in the Imperial City a few days ago. I have already said to him that the Dragon Brothers have already promised to join the coalition." Huangfu said here, and turned to look at the dragon family owner.

Gao Herui and Kong Xiangwu also looked at the past.

Long Hao smiled and nodded.

"Kong Xiangxiong, I don't know if you have any opinions on this move?" Huangfu's face showed a satisfactory color, and then he looked at Kong Xiangwu and asked in his mouth.

"The Kong Xiang family is also willing to join the ranks of the coalition forces, assisting the devil emperor to settle the Liu family rebellion." Kong Xiangwu did not hesitate, immediately said.

"Well, Kong Xiangxiong is really deep and righteous, the emperor thanked him here." Huangfu nodded and said with a fist.

Huangfu said, and finally his eyes moved to Gao Herui.

"My Gaohe family is also willing to join the coalition." Gao Herui waited for the Huangfu to ask and said.

Among the four great pros who have already stood on the side of the central dynasty, Liu Jia’s defeat has been fixed, and Gao Herui will naturally not see the situation.

"Haha, great, all three are willing to join the coalition forces, then the Liu family will not be enough." Huangfu’s heart was overjoyed, and he smiled.

In recent years, the entire Emperor's family has lost three people who have been able to pass through the three-dimensional power and the number of heavenly elephants.

However, under his painstaking plan, he finally took advantage of the situation to bring these three great people to their own side, although they did not know how much force the three tribes were willing to fight with the Liu family, but as long as they stood on their side, the emperor’s dynasty Have an absolute grasp of the Liu family.

Due to the three major families' attitudes, the atmosphere in the hall was quite harmonious.

"The devil emperor, there are specific details of the associated army, I wonder if there is already a charter?" Kong Xiangwu's face relaxed and asked.

"This is that Kong Xiangxiong does not ask, I will also inform the three." Huangfu was in a good mood, said, looked at the emperor next to him.

Emperor Huang took advantage of the day, took out three pieces of jade slips, and pointed a bullet, Yu Jianfei fell in front of the three mains.


The talks in the main hall lasted for more than an hour, and after the three owners left to leave, there were only three emperors in the temple.

The talks in the past are generally harmonious. The basic structure of the coalition has been negotiated. Gao Herui has also nodded his consent. Each family promised to send the equivalent of two regiments to the battlefield to help the central dynasty to conquer the Liu family.

Only in the distribution of spoils, there are some lions in the three major families, but the emperor has basically agreed.

In fact, the family alliance proposed by Huangfu said that it is a joint family. In fact, the main purpose is to win over Gaohe, Kongxiang and Longjia.

As long as the three great families and the central dynasty stand on the same front, the Liu family is basically doomed to failure. As for other families, they are only secondary.

"The two elders have also worked hard today. Let's go to rest first." Huangfu said.

The emperor and the jade were both hesitant, and they took a tribute to the emperor and retired.

The two walked side by side on a promenade, surrounded by no one, and only two people's footsteps echoed in the empty corridor.

(The sixth phase of the plot prediction activity: Will Liu Ming and Zhao Qianying meet at the tribute ceremony?

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