"cough cough……"

Zhang Daoyuan opened his mouth and another mouthful of blood gushed out.

He took a deep breath and said with all his might:

"I don't know why, but I can speculate that the evil thing that broke the seal should be an ancient corpse with real flesh."

"Because the Tiangang Demon Slaying Formation has a very high restraint on spirits."

"Only a being with a real physical body could reduce the effectiveness of the formation to this level!"

"It's all my fault"

"I chose the wrong formation, and that’s what hurt everyone!"

Zhang Daoyuan explained, and everyone suddenly understood.

But even though they understood, the despair on everyone’s face did not decrease at all. So what if they figured it out?

They were still going to die soon!

"Zhang Daoyou, there is no need to do this"

"I am willing to work with fellow Taoist Shui Mingzi to hold back this ancient corpse and buy time for fellow Taoists to evacuate."

"I also hope that after you evacuate, please notify your own sects and come to support us immediately."

"Remember to inform Shaolin Temple."


Fenfa suddenly looked determined, stood up and said to everyone.

The meaning of his words was very clear.

He wanted to sacrifice himself for justice, entangle the black shadow, and buy time for everyone!

It must be said that Fafeng was indeed a great monk.

I don't know, if Fafeng really died, what would be the reaction of the Shaolin Temple that underestimated the enemy and sent him. You know.

Fafeng is only in his fifties now. He has entered the innate realm in his fifties. His future achievements may surpass the current abbot of Shaolin Temple!

After hearing what Fafeng said, Shui Mingzi couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

Listen, is this human language?

If you want to sacrifice yourself for justice, do it yourself, why drag me in?


Shui Mingzi now especially wants to show Fafeng an internationally accepted gesture that he learned from the UC Shock Department

"The legal monk must not do this!"

Zhang Daoyuan said weakly, waving his hands quickly.

"I take full responsibility for this failure."

"If the legal monk died for me, I would never be able to rest in peace for the rest of my life!"

"So, let me hold this ancient corpse back!"

Fadi had no expression on his face and shook his head firmly.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, your cultivation is still shallow and you cannot resist the ancient corpse."

"Official Monk……"

Zhang Daoyuan wanted to speak again, but was interrupted by Fading again.


"Have you ever thought about this, Mr. Zhang?"

"Even if you can really buy us time to escape, what about after you die?"

"Aren't the many Jinling people nearby in danger?"

After saying this, Zhang Daoyuan fell silent.

"I have made up my mind, so there is no need for you to say anything."

"Before the ancient corpse comes up, quickly take everyone away"

"You are all pillars of the major forces. If you all perish, the major forces will certainly suffer a great loss of vitality for a hundred years!"

Zhang Daoyuan nodded, and stopped talking. He led everyone to get up and leave.

But some people were too seriously injured.

They dragged their bodies with serious internal injuries and led these disciples who could not walk. The speed was too slow.

Before they took two steps, the black shadow had already jumped onto the shore.

"What a wonderful show of fellow students sympathizing with each other!"

"But when did I let you go?"

His terrifying voice sounded, and everyone wanted to speed up and leave, but before they took two steps, the black shadow had already blocked everyone in front of them at an extremely fast speed!

This speed is too terrifying!

The black shadow did not come ashore until everyone was ready to escape, which was naturally intentional.

He stayed in the seal for such a long time.

Just after coming out, he met so many Taoist disciples, and their strength was not strong.

So, he wanted to have fun with everyone!

Killing directly, how boring!

Knowing that there was no way to leave, everyone was already desperate.

At this moment, he Finally, they could see the true appearance of the black shadow.

A strong evil spirit surrounded him.

He was wearing a simple black armor and holding a black bone stick that looked like bone.

It was this bone stick that broke the Tiangang Demon Slaying Formation just now.

His hair was very long and disheveled. His dark red face was a little shriveled, but not as shriveled as a mummy.

There were two horns on his forehead, as if he came from the Bull Head Clan in hell. It was extremely terrifying!

Zhang Daoyuan's guess was not wrong at all.

The real identity of the black shadow was indeed an ancient corpse!

"I never thought that after so many years, Taoism has declined to this point. It's really pitiful, sad and ridiculous!"

"Back then, I led the Ruoshui tribe of the Jiuli tribe and defeated the Yanhuang alliance, almost extinct. How high-spirited I was."

"But just when my clan was about to unify the human race, you shitty Taoists suddenly intervened, causing my clan to fail at the last moment and be slaughtered by the Yanhuang people!"

The ancient corpse laughed at the Taoists for a few words, and suddenly began to recall.

However, the more he recalled, the stronger the evil spirit on his body became, and the angrier his tone became.

"The original master died in the battle for the throne, but after his death, his soul unexpectedly remained indestructible, and he became a corpse cultivator."

"But what if I become a corpse cultivator?!"

"I have been hiding in the cave for thousands of years and have never been out of the world. Why did you, the people of the Taoist sect, stir up trouble for no reason and force me into the seal?"

The ancient corpse roared with great anger!

I don't know if it was because he had been holding it in for too long. Once he started talking, it was like opening a floodgate and it was endless.

But what he said shocked everyone!

This ancient corpse actually came from the Jiuli tribe under Chi You in ancient times, and survived from the ancient times of mankind to the present?!

No wonder there is such a strong evil spirit, and no wonder there is such a strong strength!

But the shocked people didn't know.

In fact, the strength and evil spirit of the ancient corpse have long been reduced to one tenth of what they had been after thousands of years of suppression by this demon-suppressing formation.

Otherwise, under the influence of the strong evil spirit in his body, how could he be so playful and talk about so many old stories? He would have waved his hand and slapped everyone into slag!

After the ancient corpse roared, he suddenly raised his head and laughed

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"The thieves of Zixiao Palace who sealed me away probably never thought that"

"How could the descendants of their Taoism be so despicable? It has only been a few thousand years and they have fallen to this point."

"Now, no one can restrict me. The whole world will become my plaything!"

The ancient corpse clenched his hands fiercely and laughed even more wildly.

After laughing, his eyes, which were as black as ink, looked at everyone.

"Tell me, who of you wants to die first? I will kill them one by one!"

As he spoke, his expression became somewhat enjoyable.

It was as if he was savoring the pleasure of killing.

The breath of death filled the air.

"Stop daydreaming."

"The Purple Sky Palace still exists in the world"

"Since they can suppress you once, be careful that they will suppress you a second time!"

Just when most of the disciples were about to fall into panic, suddenly, a delicate shout sounded.

The person who spoke was Qin Suyin.

Although she was also seriously injured, she was not afraid of death and was not timid in front of the ancient corpse.

She knew it before she opened her mouth.

Her words might make her the first corpse under the hands of this ancient corpse.

But what's the harm?

Since death is inevitable, why bend your back? As soon as these words came out, the face of the ancient corpse suddenly changed!

His figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, leaving only a residual image.

Everyone felt that their eyes were blurred, and the ancient corpse had appeared in front of Qin Suyin, with the black bone stick in his hand hanging above Qin Suyin's head. With a slight movement, he could smash his head to pieces!

"What did you just say?!"

"Zixiao Palace still exists in the world?!"

His voice was solemn and terrifying.

Qin Suyin said she was not afraid, but it was a lie.

But it must be said that her temper was really hard.

"That's right! Zixiao Palace still exists in the world, and its strength is still incomparable. There are countless Xiantians, Jindans everywhere, and the strong ones in the Huashen realm are as numerous as cattle hair!"

"What? Are you scared? If you are, then go back to the river and be your water turtle. Otherwise, if Zixiao Palace takes action again, it will not be to suppress you, but to take your life!"

This mouth is extremely poisonous.

When this word came out, all the disciples of the sects were stunned!

"How is it possible! ?"

"There are so many incarnations?!"

Qin Suyin's nonsense made the ancient corpse lose consciousness.

"Daoist friend Shui, take action!"

Seizing this opportunity, Fading suddenly attacked the ancient corpse, and the big Buddhist beads hanging around his neck were thrown out and smashed towards the ancient corpse!

Fading's Buddhist beads are a magic weapon.

It must be said that the Shaolin Temple has a very deep foundation.

The number of magic weapons in the temple is no less than two digits.

This magic weapon has been with Fading for many years.

So Fading was very handy when he activated it, and the power was also amazing. So when this Buddhist bead was smashed, it actually smashed the stunned ancient corpse and sent it flying dozens of meters!

Then, Shui Mingzi also made a move.

He used the sword-controlling technique that he had secretly learned in Mount Emei over the years to activate the magic weapon peach wood sword, plus a large series of talismans, and blasted it at the ancient corpse.

The ancient corpse was very powerful, but not invincible.

Just now, he was able to easily break the Tiangang Demon-Slaying Formation because he was a corpse cultivator.

If his body was not a physical body but a spiritual body, let alone breaking the formation, he would definitely not have a good harvest!

"How dare you! You dare to attack me by surprise!"

The ancient corpse was not feeling well after being hit a few times, and started to fight back in anger.

The two of them and the corpse were entangled in a fight.

Although the two of them were at a low level, they relied on the principle that two fists are no match for four hands, and they still fought the ancient corpse to a stalemate for a while.

"Let’s fight!"

"Damn, it’s even more exciting than a sci-fi blockbuster!"

"Why do I feel like I'm watching Fairy Sword?!"

The number of people watching Lin Luoxing's live broadcast room has exceeded two million.

Looking at the dense barrage, Lin Luoxing suddenly had an idea.

"If I move forward a little bit, I will definitely attract more audiences!"

"Although it is dangerous, how does the saying go?"

"Right! Fortunes are sought in danger!"

As soon as she said it, Lin Luoyin carried the camera and slowly began to move forward.

But she was still pursuing more viewers and didn't know how big a sensation her live broadcast had caused.

Weibo hot search, browser hot search, and various hot searches were quickly occupied by keywords related to her live broadcast content.

"The reason for the sudden rise in the water level of Qinhuai River was actually because of the appearance of ghosts!"

"Nearly a hundred hermits work together to fight demons and defend justice, live broadcast, click here!"

"The hermit is no match for the demons, and the army may soon come to support them……"

After learning about all this, the timid people living near the Qinhuai River quickly took taxis and ran away.

The brave ones also ran to the riverside to watch the scene.

Gradually, more and more people gathered around, recording videos with their phones, broadcasting live, and posting them on social media.

It must be said that the speed of communication on the Internet is too fast.

The fight was not over yet, but the whole nation knew about it!

At this time, somewhere in Beijing

"Mr. Zhuge"

"This battle is known to everyone."

"In order not to cause panic, we must win!"

On the other end of the phone, Tianjizi Zhuge Mingqing replied in a weak voice:"Don't worry, although it is a special period now and the innate masters of the major sects are unable to get away, I just divined a hexagram and I will definitely win this battle!"

He just divined and consumed some of his own blood, so he is a little weak now.

After hearing what Tianjizi said, the person on the other end of the phone was relieved and hung up.

At this time, the battle that attracted the attention of the whole nation was still going on.

However, there is still a big gap in realm.

Even though Shui Mingzi and Fading temporarily tied with the ancient corpse with the advantage of having more people, they soon fell into a disadvantage.

"I'm so ashamed."

"If we had known this earlier, we would have cooperated with the two seniors to guard the battlefield, and the situation would not have been so tragic!"

Zhang Daoyuan sighed, his expression full of regret.

"Brother Zhang, please don't be like this."

"Yes, Senior Brother Zhang, is there anything in this world that can be known in advance?"

"Senior Brother Zhang, don't blame yourself. You have defeated countless demons over the years and have long been an idol in our hearts!"

Everyone persuaded Zhang Daoyuan.

Zhang Daoyuan was a little moved and his eyes were a little moist.

Looking at Shui Mingzi and Fading who were increasingly defeated, no one noticed that behind a slope not far away, a beautiful figure in a pure white robe was sitting cross-legged. She kept pinching her hands on her knees, and her pretty face was a little pale.

"If grandpa knew that I used this divination technique, he would definitely scold me again."


"Who is the variable that can save all the major forces from danger, and when will it appear?"

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