The soldiers in front were attacking the city, and Shen Ning and Concubine Ying met.

The delicate face in front of her was too young and too unfamiliar, so when Concubine Ying heard her words and rode through the crowd and saw Shen Ning for the first time, she was startled subconsciously, and then a pair of inquiring eyes He looked Shen Ning up and down, covering up his expectations and extravagant hopes, and said calmly: "Who are you?"

Shen Ning also sat upright on the horse, her expression calm and collected, and her calm demeanor was completely unlike what a girl of this age should have.

"Who do you think the person who can shoot three cloud-piercing arrows will be?" She raised her eyebrows and asked.

Concubine Ying was shocked, and a look of disbelief flashed in her eyes.

The sounds of killing, shouting, and the sharp and harsh sounds of fighting were messy and intertwined in her ears, but Concubine Ying just stared at Shen Ning, as if she was examining whether she was really that person, or whether she was deliberately pretending to be a ghost.

"Now that you have opened the city gate, you have proved that you trust me, right?" Shen Ningce immediately stepped forward and sighed softly, "Aying, it's me who's back."

As soon as she finished speaking, Concubine Ying's eyes turned red: " could it be? could you..."

"Maybe it's because I died unjustly, and the Lord of Hell asked me to come back for revenge." Shen Ning smiled with relief, "So I came."

The British concubine couldn't restrain herself any longer and quickly got off her horse.

Shen Ning dismounted and the two hugged each other tightly.

"It's been hard on you for nearly three years." Shen Ning gently closed her eyes, suppressed the raging emotions in her heart, and said in a restrained and forbearing voice, "How are the other three?"

Concubine Ying froze, with a miserable look on her face: "They are all dead."

Shen Ning paused, lowered his eyes and said, "Why?"

"Ruoshui and her husband were killed by the emperor for treason." Concubine Ying's voice was dull, filled with biting hatred, "Ayu died in childbirth, one dead and two dead."

Ruoshui and Ayu are two women who were given marriage.

Shen Ning tightened her lips. Although she was mentally prepared, she still couldn't resist the urge to cut Yan Yunshuo into pieces.

Shen Ning hummed: "Where is Yunyue?"

Concubine Ying lowered her eyes and remained silent, with a slight smile on her lips: "She fell in love with the emperor, gave birth to the prince, and died at the hands of the queen in the twelfth month of the year before."

After a pause, "I am the only one among the four who survived. Once I entered the harem, I had to compete for favor, but once I was favored and became pregnant with a child, I would become a thorn in the queen's side, so I secretly drank the medicine, and I will not be able to survive in this life." There may be another heir."

The fight for favor among the women in the deep palace has always been a life-and-death battle. It can range from falling out of favor to risking one's life. The winner will be prosperous and wealthy, while the loser will be completely defeated.

She cannot be pregnant with the emperor's child because the queen will not let her go.

In the emperor's harem, mere martial arts cannot protect oneself very well. A strong family is the backing of a woman. The queen is the master of the harem. It is too easy to get rid of a concubine.

Unless there is no threat to the queen, and the birth of a prince will not threaten the status of the queen's son, it is possible to keep one's life safe.

But she had to fight for favor, because she was once the eldest princess's wife, and she had no desires or desires, and it was impossible to make the emperor feel at ease.

Therefore, she had to compete for favor with the emperor, and extermination was the only way. Moreover, she could not take the medicine on her own initiative to cause the extermination. It had to be an "accident", so that the queen could rest easy from now on.

"I have a lot to say to you, but the siege is imminent, and now is not the time to talk." Shen Ning looked at the familiar face in front of him, his eyes sad and happy, "We will talk in detail after Yan Yunshuo is captured alive."


"All Yan Yunshuo's sins will be liquidated tonight!" After Shen Ning said this, she turned around and got on her horse.

Concubine Ying followed suit and got on the horse, her eyes still falling on Shen Ning's side face, as if she was in a dream.

It turns out that people can really be resurrected after death?

Ruoshui, Ayu and Yunyue didn't know if there was any chance of resurrection.

She was so focused on watching that she didn't even notice Ji Yucang, who had been staying behind Shen Ning. It wasn't until there was a sound of "drive" and Shen Ning flicked her whip and galloped towards the city gate first that Concubine Ying came back to her senses and started to move. The horse follows.

Almost all the officers and soldiers who came out of the imperial city were killed, and the army rushed towards the imperial city gate like a tide. Under the city tower, several generals had obviously seen the purpose of the imperial concubine. In panic, they gave hurried orders: "Close the city gate! Close the city gate quickly!"

But where is the time?

The cavalry is like thunder, cold and killing.

With a power that seemed to be able to destroy the sun, moon and stars, he rushed into the imperial city and broke through Nan Zhao's last line of defense.

Wherever the cavalry passed, Nan Zhao soldiers fell one by one, and the army headed straight for the palace like a broken bamboo!

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