"Uncle Emperor, thank you for your hard work." The man in front of him was smiling with a very humble attitude. He was Ji Ling, King of Yan. "This time the Yong army captured Nan Zhao, the emperor will definitely spread his reputation to the world. The Yong state will become stronger and stronger in the future. Sooner or later, it will become the most powerful country in the world, and all this is due to the emperor’s uncle.”

Qi Wang Ji Han said: "There is a document sent from Mobei, saying that we will marry with the Yong Kingdom. I wonder what the emperor's uncle thinks?"

"The emperor's uncle and the little emperor's aunt have just come back. They must be tired. Why don't they go to the palace and sit down, take a short rest and then talk about business?" Ming Wang Ji Mo respectfully saluted, "A banquet has been prepared in the palace to celebrate the success of the emperor's uncle and the emperor's aunt. ”

Shen Ning looked at the civil and military officials in front of him.

Her nominal father was among them, and the look he was looking at her at this time was obviously different from before, like scruples, like hesitation. Shen Ning guessed that he wanted to bow his head and sue for peace, but he was just doing it in front of so many people. No shame.

But she no longer had anything to do with the Zhenguo government. She didn't care what they were thinking.

Shen Ning withdrew her gaze and turned to look at Ji Yucang: "Let's go to the palace first."

Ji Yucang nodded and took the lead to walk towards the palace gate.

The three princes all wanted to get close to Ji Yucang, as if the regent had suddenly become a favorite, and they all looked like they were waiting to please. Not to mention the prime minister who was always entrusted with important responsibilities, Shen Ning was the right one. The wives who had been married for eight times were pushed aside by them.

Ji Yucang's face turned cold, and he was about to pull Shen Ning to his side, but saw Shen Ning wave her hand, indicating that he didn't need to worry about her.

She has no interest in competing with the three princes.

King Ming asked: "Why did the emperor suddenly think of attacking Nan Zhao?"

King Qi asked: "What do you think of the emperor's uncle's thoughts on the marriage in Mobei?"

King Yan then asked: "Uncle Huang, I heard that the Western Zhou Dynasty was also attacking Nan Zhao before. Are they going to carve up the territory of Nan Zhao with the Yong Kingdom?"

The corner of Shen Ning's mouth twitched, and she suddenly wondered if these three princes were not weaned. They were calling each other so affectionately. Did they want Ji Yucang to breastfeed them a few times?

Unfortunately, this enthusiasm seemed to come a little late.

If they had this awareness before attacking Nan Zhao and dared to stand up and fight, maybe Ji Yucang would really be able to let one of them replace Ji Jin. After all, even Princess Pingyao had this idea, and Ji Yucang didn't object.

What's more, it's the prince who was born into the three princes.

It's just that Princess Pingyao felt that government affairs were boring, so she suddenly changed her mind and didn't want to take on such a big responsibility.

After passing by Nan Zhao and his party, Ji Yucang and Shen Ning had also made up their minds. They no longer planned to support others to become emperors, so it was meaningless how the three princes tried to please and flatter them.

"Shen Ning." Zhen Guo Gong walked to Shen Ning's side at some point, his voice was light, revealing a hint of guilt and peace, "Go home for dinner tonight, your mother misses you very much."

Shen Ning was indifferent and did not respond.

The most unforgettable hatred in her life has been resolved in revenge. Regarding the Shen family, Shen Ning can no longer arouse any emotional fluctuations in her heart.

"It was our fault before. During this time, your mother has been blaming herself and regretting that she shouldn't have treated you that way. But we were just worried that it would be difficult for you to get married again after you lost your reputation, so..." Zhen Guogong said He said, his tone was a little difficult to say. He probably knew how far-fetched this explanation was and how guilty he was, "We have all reflected on it. Your grandmother also feels that she has wronged you in the past. She wants to make amends to you. Are you willing to give us An opportunity?"

Shen Ning said indifferently: "I don't need you to apologize, and I don't plan to go back to eat. As for whether the old lady is really guilty or remorseful, it is completely unimportant to me."

Shen Ning is dead.

No matter how much guilt they feel, they can't make up for it. She, an unrelated person, has no right to forgive her, nor does she have to accept their apology.

The culprit, Qin Guojiu's family, has already paid the price.

As for the Zhenguo Government Palace...

Shen Ning didn't plan to take much revenge on them. After all, they were Shen Ning's biological parents. Putting aside the incident at Shen Ning's Famous Festival, they had indeed never treated Shen Ning harshly before.

The blood relationship has always been unclear.

Death is like a lamp going out. How can it be so important to not forgive?

The group of people entered the main hall, and the palace officials had already set up tables one after another, with delicacies, wine and snacks placed on the tables.

Ji Yucang walked to the front seat and sat down with Shen Ning.

Others took their seats in turn.

Shen Ning sat next to Ji Yucang, the only woman in the hall.

On such an important occasion today, the eldest princess of Pingyao did not show up.

Shen Ning looked at the people sitting in the hall. Some of these faces were familiar, some were unfamiliar, some were in high positions, and some seemed noble but had no real power. The arrangement of seats was actually a bit haphazard, but Ji Yucang didn't care. Shen Ning didn't If you care, the prime ministers don't care, and others don't care even less.

"Congratulations to the emperor's uncle for his great victory. He took Nanzhao in only three months." Prince Ming Ji Mo raised his glass in congratulations. "My nephew, here's a toast to the emperor's uncle."

The army obviously set out in the first month of the year, but it was already June when they returned.

Was the three months mentioned by Ji Mo deliberately exaggerated to flatter Ji Yucang, or did he know that it really only took three months for the Yong army to capture Nan Zhao?

There was silence in the hall.

Ji Yucang didn't move, looking indifferent.

Ji Mo's expression was slightly condensed, and then he saw Shen Ning sitting next to Ji Yucang. As if he had just come to his senses, he quickly apologized: "My nephew made a slip of the tongue. I should give you a drink each to the uncle and the aunt. My nephew just said something wrong, Three cups of punishment.”

After saying that, he poured himself a glass of wine in front of all the civil and military officials, and actually drank three cups in a row before standing up and paying homage to Ji Yucang and Shen Ning again.

Shen Ning looked interested and suddenly felt that the scene in front of her was quite interesting.

The three princes who once looked like they were huddled in a clam shell are now so enthusiastic when they appear, and their performances on the spot are really satisfying to watch.

Ji Yucang gave her face this time, picked up the wine cup and took a sip.

"The nephew also respects the emperor's uncle and the emperor's aunt." Qi Wang Ji Han stood up with a humble and gentle attitude, "The emperor's uncle is famous and is a blessing to our country of Yong. Now that we have a strong general like the emperor's aunt, it will be sooner or later for the Yong country to conquer the world. "

Shen Ning and Ji Yucang followed Nan Zhao behind the army. Shen Ning hardly contributed much in attacking Nan Zhao.

The only time was at the gate of the imperial city, when three cloud-piercing arrows successfully opened the gate of the imperial city. Only the soldiers under Chu Yunxiao witnessed this incident, and it should not have spread to Yong Kingdom so quickly.

Then Ji Han's words were completely out of compliment.

"Uncle." King Yan Ji Ling stood up with a wine glass and toasted to Ji Yucang and Shen Ning. "My nephew has an idea. If the Yong Dynasty wants to dominate the world, there must be a man with both civil and military skills and outstanding ability as the emperor." My nephew thought about it. The emperor is fatuous and not in good health. It is better for the emperor to ascend the throne and become the emperor. My nephew will definitely support the emperor and follow him to create a prosperous age for the Yong Kingdom. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall fell silent.

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