
Chapter 230: Ziyun

Chapter 230 Ziyun

 The wind and snow in the courtyard did not stop, and the windows were closed again.

Lin Danqing sat down in front of Lu Zhuo, frowning slightly, and felt the pulse of the person in front of him.

After a long time, she withdrew her hand, looked at Lu Shun and said suspiciously: "It's weird, there's nothing wrong."

“Don’t worry,” Lu Huo said, “Maybe I’ve slept too late these past few days.”

Lin Danqing shook his head: "I thought you were infected with the epidemic just now."

As soon as she entered the room, she saw Lu Zhu sitting in a trance under the window. She was startled by the drop of blood flowing from the tip of his nose. Although the traditional Chinese medicine officers of the Medical Officer's Hospital wear sachets with pesto-repelling incense and take plague-repelling decoctions every day, several medical officers have unfortunately contracted the epidemic these days.

 The elderly, frail, and people with existing illnesses are most likely to be taken advantage of by the disease. Lin Danqing, Ji Xun and Lu Zhu are still young and can be considered the least worrying medical officers among the medical officers.

"No." Seeing her serious expression, Lu Zhen took the initiative to lift up his sleeves and showed her: "I don't have peach spots on my body."

The big disease of southern Jiangsu, the people who are stained with the disease will gradually become red, like peach blossoms, so they are named "Peach Blossom". When the color of the spots changes from red to purple and gradually turns into "purple cloud spots", the patient gradually loses his vitality.

Before her death, Cuicui's mother had "purple cloud spots" all over her body.

The outstretched arm was pale and without any marks. Lin Danqing breathed a sigh of relief, frowned again, and held Lu Huo's arm.

"Why are you so thin?" she said, "I can wrap around this arm with one hand."

Lu Huan has always had a slender figure. In the past, Lin Danqing thought she was the beauty of a southern woman, but now that she looks closely, she is indeed a little too thin.

"She doesn't look good either," Lin Danqing looked at her, "much weaker than when she was in Shengjing."

Lu Zhen retracted his hand and put down his sleeves, "It's nothing."

"Sister Lu, please don't take your own body seriously." Lin Danqing shook his head: "The patient is very important, but you also need to rest. If you fall down first, how will you treat the epidemic for the people in southern Jiangsu. There is no reason. A nosebleed means that even if you are not suffering from an epidemic, you are definitely feeling unwell."

"I will go and tell Chang Yizheng later that I will not ask you to go on duty tonight. You can rest more in your dormitory these two days."

 “No need to…”

"No need, just listen to me." She took the handkerchief and wiped the blood on Lu Zong's dress. After wiping the blood twice, the blood became more mottled, red and very scary.

“Rest more and eat more,” she said. “Anyway, Pei Yunying has brought medicine and food, so we won’t have enough to eat now. Do you understand?”

 Her words were firm. Lu Yan was silent for a while and nodded: "Yes."


Perhaps Lin Danqing said something to Chang Jin. For the next two days, Chang Jin did not allow Lu Zhuo to go to the hospital again.

The office was busy with business, so when Chang Jin found an opportunity to come over to see Lu Huan, he was very serious. He checked her pulse himself and asked Ji Xun to check her pulse too. He did not relax until it was confirmed that she was not infected with the epidemic. tone.

Chang Jin thought that she had a sudden nosebleed because she was overworked and weak, so he asked her to take a good rest in her dormitory. Duan Xiaoyan came here once and brought a lot of dry food. He did his best under the current situation and reminded her to eat more to nourish her body. If she was short of food, she could ask him for help.

Lu Zhen knew who he was bringing it for, so he thanked him sincerely.

Without going to the cricket, there is no need to do the pills. When Lu Yan was in the stay, he began to write the recipe of the disease.

 Nowadays, in southern Jiangsu, people rely on rash to confirm whether they are infected with the epidemic. However, when the rash occurs, it is too late. The disease causes no pain at first, but gradually begins to cause body aches, fever, severe aversion to cold, and inability to move outside or inside.

Medical officials now treat the internal and external symptoms first, but the decoction only delays the deepening of the rash, and the effect is not obvious.

Lu Zhen looked at the prescription, frowned and scratched out the medicinal materials on it.

  Still inappropriate.

Just as he was thinking about it, Lin Danqing came in from outside.

She brushed off the snowflakes on her body, read the prescription written by Lu Xu, and read: "Sanxiao Yin...Da Yuan Yin plus Sheng Powder Sanyang Meridian Bupleurum, Pueraria Mirifica, Qianghuo, Rhubarb..."

“The prescription for Shengfa and Shuxie,” she thought about it, “This prescription is very similar to the new prescription written by Chang Yizheng, the medical officer of the Ji Dynasty.”

  Lu Zhen raised his eyes: "Xinfang?"

"Yes," Lin Danqing said: "Yes, the epidemic has not been cured for a long time. We discussed changing the prescription, but this prescription was a bit bold. Brother Ding volunteered to try the medicine. He started taking one last night." She was puzzled, "I thought Doctor Ji had told you before."

 Lu Zong frowned.

Ji Xun did tell her about this before, but she also made it clear that she did not agree. I thought at least it wouldn't be so fast, but I didn't expect that Ding Yong had already started taking it.

She stood up suddenly, picked up the medical kit and was about to go out.

Lin Danqing grabbed her: "Where are you going?"

 “A place of trouble.” Lu Zhen paused and said, “I’m going to see Ding Yong.”


Lu Zhuo went to the hospital.

 She stayed at her dormitory for the past two days and was not outside. Cuicui saw her coming and was happy to talk to her.

“Dr. Chang was saying earlier, Sister Lu, you were sick and that’s why you didn’t come. Are you fully recovered?”

Lu Yan said: "It's okay."

"That's good." Cuicui smiled, "I've been worried about it for a long time."

Lu Yan raised his eyes, looked around the place, and finally saw Ding Yong's shadow. Ding Yong just raised his hand to drink a bowl of brown soup and wiped his mouth. The bowl containing the medicine was not the usual white porcelain bowl. Next to him, Ji Xun sat, lowering his head and writing down something on the paper.

Lu Zhen walked to the two of them.

"Medical Officer Lu is here." Ding Yong saw her coming and hurriedly stood up to greet Lu Huo.

Lu Xu nodded slightly and looked at Ji Xun: "Medical Officer Ji, I have something to tell you."

Ji Xun was startled and looked at her in surprise. Without saying anything, he put down the empty bowl and followed Lu Zhen to the hut outside the hut.

There was a bamboo basket containing medicine bags under the hut, and several guards guarded the gate of the camp. Since the assassin appeared last time in the camp, Pei Yunying asked several people to change the guard to avoid any unexpected accidents.

There is light snow falling outside. This winter in southern Jiangsu is extremely cold. The snow seems to have never stopped. The snow on the ground is getting thicker day by day. From a distance, the sky and the earth are white.

“Why did you let Ding Yong become the medicine man so early?” Lu Zhu stood still and spoke bluntly.

 “Medicine man?”

Ji Xun was stunned for a moment and explained to her: "He is not a medicine man..."

“A new drug that has not been tested on humans is used on patients. What is it if it is not a drug?”

The woman had sharp eyes. Under her gaze, Ji Xun remained in a stalemate for a long time and finally lost.

"That's not bad." He said: "Ding Yong's peach spots have gradually begun to turn purple. The previous decoction was of no use to him. If he doesn't quickly change to a new prescription, he will not survive for seven days."

"Yizheng and I believe that instead of delaying without hope, it is better to try another possibility." He looked at Lu Yan, "Besides, you have also seen the prescription used by Ding Yong."

  New prescriptions must be tested by every epidemic relief medical officer. It will only be used until it is confirmed that no more vulnerabilities can be found at the moment.

Ji Xun said: "The prescriptions were conservative before, but now it seems that there are rumors from the outside and inside, and evil spirits are lurking in the membrane. Half outside and half inside, we should use a more powerful prescription. Didn't you once say that Tianxiong Wucitron is the best medicine? The poison is as good as the good doctor's. The diseases are ever-changing, and so are the medicines."

This is what Lu Yan once said to Ji Xun when he was in the medical hospital. At that time, he didn't take it seriously. Now he gradually accepts the truth, but she is reluctant.

“But for Ding Yong, nothing is known yet.”

Ji Xun: "Yizheng and I have informed him of all the possible consequences. It is Ding Yong's own choice. He knows what he will face."

Lu Zhu suddenly raised his head: "He doesn't know."

Ji Xun was stunned.

"What will happen to the medicine man, not to mention the results of the new medicine? Maybe he will be in unbearable pain all over his body in the middle of taking the medicine, maybe he will be blind and disabled, maybe he will lose his mind and become a puddle of unconscious mud... No one can guarantee these It won't happen, he doesn't know anything."

The wind was blowing, and the snow was swirling in the vast sky, falling on people one by one.

Ji Xun looked at her: "Medical Officer Lu..."

 Suddenly a voice came from behind: "I know."

 Lu Tong paused and turned around.

Ding Yong stood behind her, clasping his hands nervously. He took a few steps forward and mustered up the courage to speak to Lu Huo: "Medical Officer Lu, I know everything."

"Medical Officer Ji told me that no one knows what the results will be if the new medicine is used. But even if I don't use the new medicine, I won't live long." He stretched out his hand to roll up his sleeves, revealing the scars on his arms, where the red spots were gradually deepening. It was much thicker than what Lu Zong saw last time, and gradually became purple.

“I’m going to die anyway, so I might as well try the new medicine. I want to spend more time with Cuicui.”

Ding Yong looked at the door of the fusuo. Cuicui was stirring the charcoal in the brazier. Seeing him looking at her, she waved to her father. Ding Yong also smiled and waved to his daughter, then turned to look at Lu Yun.

"Even if it doesn't work, at least I can get some more experience. When you develop an antidote in the future, you might be able to help, and Cuicui can also use it."

Ding Yong smiled and said: "I'm not as serious as Medical Officer Lu thought. To be honest, it's just for Cuicui." He spoke sincerely and bowed to Lu Shuo: "Medical Officer Lu, I am really willing."

 It’s snowing heavily.

More snowflakes fell on Ding Yong’s head, and he couldn’t tell the difference between snow and white hair.

 It was quiet all around, except for the soft sound of snowflakes falling to the ground.

Lu Zong looked at the people in the snow for a long time, then lowered his eyes and said, "I understand."

 “Great!” The man became happy and bowed gratefully to her a few more times, as if he was finally relieved, and cast a grateful glance at Ji Xun.

“Dad—” Cuicui called him from the other end, and Ding Yong greeted Lu Zhu and walked towards the door of the house. Lu Zhen looked at his back for a while, then turned around and left without saying a word.

 “Medical Officer Lu.” Ji Xun chased after him.

 “Is there something wrong with you?” he asked.

 Lu Zhuo didn’t stop: “What does Medical Officer Ji mean?”

“You are extremely cautious about trying new medicines. But before, you were always bold in making medicine prescriptions in the medical hospital. This move is different from your past.”

Lu Huo said: "People will always change. Didn't Medical Officer Ji also advise me to be conservative in my medical practice before?"

“But trying new medicines is a temporary solution and should not be strongly opposed by your rationale.”

Lu Zong stopped and faced him.

"Medical Officer Ji," she said: "The epidemic evil will come from the outside and inside again, or spread from outside to inside, maybe it will happen again and again. This new medicine is added with a thick and flat substance, which is poisonous. You and I, all my colleagues, No cure has been found for the thick and flat poison. Even if the new medicine can temporarily suppress the peach spots on Ding Yong's body, once it relapses, he will not be able to survive at the same time as the thick and flat poison attacks."

“Even if you can hold on for a while and keep using it back and forth, your body will be damaged. Ding Yong has never been a medicine man in the past. Is it really appropriate to treat him with something that even the medical officials don’t know its medicinal effect?”

Ji Xun is speechless.

Lu Zhen rarely speaks so much.

 When she was in the medical hospital, most of the time when she was not on duty, she would quietly read medical books by herself in the corner.

Even when he came to Sunan, he looked indifferent to everything. A patient in the hospital once secretly told Lin Danqing that she often felt that Lu Meng was indifferent to others. Even when the government officials took away new corpses every day, she just looked indifferent, as if she was used to it.

 She is like a thin fallen leaf, floating in the water, drifting with the current.

 Only one has a fierce attitude towards this matter.

The falling snow fell silently on the two of them. In the vast snowy field, the two of them faced each other in silence.

From a distance, another person was walking towards them, and they suddenly stopped when they saw the two of them.

Duan Xiaoyan grabbed Pei Yunying's sleeve and said, "Brother, it's Ji Xun and Medical Officer Lu!"

Pei Yunying: "I saw it."

"Why do you look wrong?" Duan Xiaoyan observed his words, "It seems like we are quarreling. Should we add fuel to the fire?"

Pei Yunying was impatient: "Shut up."

Duan Xiaoyan carefully shut up.

He stood in the wind and snow, looking at the people in the distance calmly.

 Further away, Ji Xun's expression moved slightly, he stared at the person in front of him and said tentatively: "Medical Officer Lu."

"You...are you hiding something from us?"

“If you have something to hide, you can tell me, I won’t tell anyone else,” he said.

Ji Xun always felt that something was not right.

If a person behaves differently than usual, there must be a reason for it. However, he knows too little about Lu Shen. Thinking about it now, except that she once sat in a restaurant on West Street, he knows nothing about the rest.

Lu Tong paused and said, "No."


"Medical Officer Ji." A voice suddenly came in from the side. Ji Xun turned his head and saw Pei Yunying walking unhurriedly from the other side.

Pei Yunying walked up to the two of them, glanced at Lu Huan, then turned around and said calmly to Ji Xun: "Shiwei Duan suddenly feels unwell. You happen to be here, so please ask Medical Officer Ji to check on Weiwei Duan."

Duan Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he cried out, holding his stomach and saying, "Yes, yes, I have a headache when I woke up early today."

This exaggerated action made Ji Xun frown. Just as he was about to speak, Lu Xun nodded to them both and turned around to leave.

Ji Xun still wanted to follow, but Pei Yunying turned slightly to the side, blocked in front of him, and said with a smile: "Medical Officer Ji?"

But he stopped him.

Seeing Lu Zhuo walking further and further away, Ji Xun withdrew his gaze and looked at Pei Yunying.

The other person had a smile on his lips, but his eyes were indifferent.

After a moment of stalemate, Duan Xiaoyan stepped forward and put his arm into Ji Xun's hand: "Medical Officer Ji, come here, feel my pulse first."


 Lu Zhen returned to his place of residence.

The new drug scandal passed quickly, and she became busy again in the next few days.

Ding Yong changed the prescription, but the thick and flat taste of the medicine always made her feel uncomfortable, so she read medical books day and night, hoping to get some new methods from the medical books.

However, what is surprising is that Ding Yong’s disease is getting lighter day by day.

On the third day of taking the new medicine, the red spots on Ding Yong's arms did not get darker. On the fifth day, they looked a little lighter than the previous days. On the seventh day, the faded red marks were very obvious. By the ninth day, On the same day, only a little light red remained in the peach blossom spots.

 Cuicui was overjoyed and hugged Ding Yong's neck to express her gratitude to all the medical officers.

"The peach blossom spots on my father's body have faded a lot. My father is about to recover. Dr. Chang told me earlier that when he recovers, he will give new medicine to all the patients in the hospital. Cai Xiancheng also said that we are the **** of plague in southern Jiangsu. It’s almost time to leave, the epidemic is about to end!”

 Ding Yong's improvement made all the patients in the hospital very happy.

 The new medicine is effective, which means that there is hope for everything. No one wants to wake up and become a dead body in the execution ground. The rashes on the body and hands that become darker day by day always make people anxious.

Cuicui hid in Ding Yong's arms and smiled with crooked eyebrows, handing Lu Zhu a newly made grasshopper.

"My father and I have already learned how to weave grasshoppers. When spring comes and the banks of the Sunan River are covered with green grass, we will use fresh grass to weave them. The green grasshoppers can still jump. I and my uncles, aunts and uncles in Fushuo We agreed that I will go to the temple entrance to sell grasshoppers, and everyone will come to support me!"

 She spoke crisply and laughed so beautifully that everyone in the village couldn't help but laugh at her.

Ding Yong also laughed, looked at the medical officers surrounding everyone, and said softly: "Thank you all for your life-saving grace. If you have the opportunity in the future, the Ding family will definitely repay you."

The medical officers all took stock of their duties, dispersed, and continued to busy with their unfinished business.

Lu Zhen was also relieved.

 She has been worried that the efficacy of the new medicine is not yet clear and may cause other harm to Ding Yong. Now it seems that everything is getting better. After a few more days of observation, you can try to use this medicine on other patients in the hospital.

 With improvement, the patients are relieved and the medical officers have new motivation. Cai Fang was even more motivated, thinking about adding a few more wells where the decoction would be put in after the new medicine was successful.

 At night, there was no one in the dormitory. Lu Zhuo sat under the lamp and took out a booklet from the medical box.

Ever since the day Lin Danqing caught her with a nosebleed, Lu Zhuo told Chang Jin that he had been sleeping lightly recently and wanted to sleep alone, so Chang Jin left a room for her alone.

  It was quiet inside and outside the house at this moment, and Lu Zhu spread the album on the table.

The book was not too thick, and she had already written half of it. Under the dim light, she picked up the pen and carefully added a few strokes to the book with her head down.

 After finishing writing, Lu Zhu put down his pen, picked up the booklet in his hand, and turned a few pages forward. He turned over and over, and gradually became lost in thought.

Until there was a "bang" sound, the door was violently banged. Lu Zhu was startled, and with quick eyes and hands, he closed the book and stuffed it into the wooden drawer under his hand.

 “Sister Lu!”

It was Lin Danqing who came back. She seemed to have just run back from outside, with snowflakes falling all over her head. She gasped and said, "It's not good!"

 Lu Huan asked: "What happened?"

 “Ding Yong, something happened to Ding Yong!”

Lin Danqing's face looked ugly: "Ding Yong was fine during the day, but when he fell asleep at night, Cuicui called out that his father was having convulsions. The night medical officer went to see him, and Ding Yong started to vomit blood."

“The peach blossom spots on his body… turned into purple! In just a short moment, they turned into purple cloud spots!”

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