Descending From The Heavens: Maximum Level Talent

Chapter 131 Kongsang Mountain, Bat Group

The world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes was captured by Hong Guo.

Which player from Hong Kingdom conquered it, how did he conquer it, and who ascended?

Ji Shu knew nothing.

Yin Zhiping was not as cooperative as expected.

However, since everyone else was dead, Ji Shu didn't think about it anymore, but quickly used his sword to fly away his coat. He was a little disappointed when he didn't see any secret book. He turned around and was about to leave, but he saw someone lying on the ground. The immobile woman was so close that Ji Shu could see it more clearly.

This woman has icy muscles and jade bones, and is extremely beautiful!

When Ji Shu walked by, he struck down with his sword and flew away the cloth covering her eyes. He couldn't help but his eyelids twitched, but this girl's apricot eyes were like stars hanging in the sky, she was so stunning!

It is no exaggeration to say that she is as pure and beautiful as a fairy.

She looked at Ji Shu and opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but soon, her blood surged up, and with a pop, a blood arrow spurted out, Peng! She tilted her neck and closed her eyes tightly, but she fainted instantly.

She was trying hard not to faint before, but she didn't know if she was preparing to take a fatal blow when Yin Zhiping used force?

Now that Yin Zhiping is dead, she is so angry that she naturally faints?

Ji Shu didn't know the specific situation.

He only hesitated for a moment, then decisively picked up the woman and ran away!

Yin Zhiping's roar before his death had already alarmed the followers of the Demon Sect. If he didn't leave now, it would be difficult to leave until the followers of the Demon Sect arrived.

Ji Shu's Tai Chi Sutra has not yet been completed.

His physical talent has just been acquired, and his potential has not yet been truly explored!

His future is infinitely bright.

If he was besieged at this time and died, wouldn't that be an injustice?


Ji Shu ran with all his strength, transforming into a phantom, running like a shooting star. He jumped over mountains, streams, and rocks. As he continued to run, the tendons and muscles of Ji Shu's feet became stronger.

His strength grew.

And when running with this woman in his arms, carrying the weight forward seems to be good for his own physical growth!

Ji Shu can clearly feel that the strength of his arms is also growing, and the physique, muscles and bones of his upper body are being forged and improved.

‘This incredible physical talent is truly amazing! ’

Ji Shu was happy in his heart. If he wasn't worried about being hunted down, he would have really wanted to practice the Tai Chi Sutra to perfection here, and then improve his body to the true 'indestructible' state!

not only that.

While running, the spiritual root talent is also at work, constantly absorbing qi into the body, and the Tai Chi Sutra is refining the qi like crazy, and the strength is constantly improving!

After running for more than a hundred miles.

Ji Shu saw a precipitous and towering barren mountain with jagged rocks and sparse vegetation. The fields below were even more desolate, with no villages, and it looked very desolate.

"I have run so far. If I have reached a place like this, it is impossible for the members of the Demon Cult to catch up, right?"

With this thought in mind, Ji Shu led the woman up the mountain and hid behind a huge rock.

She shook the woman's body slightly and called out a few times in a low voice. The woman fainted violently and was still unconscious. Her body temperature was getting lower and lower. It was already bone-chilling. Ji Shu hugged her and It's like holding a piece of ice.

"...If this continues, this girl will die."

Ji Shu glanced at the sword on the woman's back, thought for a moment, and took it off for her.

This sword is obviously a precious sword, quite heavy. The scabbard and the hilt are all sky blue, bright in color, and there is a faint flow of light. At first glance, it is not a mortal thing!

"This should be a fairy sword."

Ji Shu gently pulled out the hilt of the sword, Qiang! There seemed to be a sword cry, a dazzling blue light flowed out, and a sharp and domineering sword energy seemed to come out of the body, overwhelming the world.

Ji Shu quickly pressed the hilt of the sword, and the sword immediately stopped moving.

But the sound and blue light just now seemed to attract a lot of foreign objects flying towards him. Ji Shu heard the strange noise and followed the sound. He saw a black cloud moving quickly towards his direction in the moonlight. He His eyesight was astonishing and he could see clearly that they were all black bats!

These bats are many times larger than ordinary bats, and each one has its mouth wide open. Even in the dark night, you can see the scarlet light in their mouths!


Ji Shu was taken aback. Thinking of the situation in Zhuxian's world, and then looking at the situation in this barren mountain, he took a breath, picked up the woman without thinking too much, turned around and ran away.

He turned into a phantom, leaping and spinning like an immortal. Even though he was holding someone in his arms, his speed was getting faster and faster. In a short time, he disappeared among the jagged rocks and disappeared into the depths of the night.

The bats flew to the place where Ji Shu had been, circled around in a circle, saw no one, and then flew away in groups.

Seeing this, Ji Shu secretly breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself: Fortunately, the Tai Chi Sutra contains the essence of hundreds of techniques, which has the functions of turtle breathing, calming the breath, and hiding the breath. If not, this group of bats will definitely discover it.

What are these bats?

Ji Shu didn't understand it before, but after comparing it with this barren mountain, he felt enlightened.

‘If the prediction is correct, this should be Kongsang Mountain! ’

He originally thought he had run far away, but he never expected to reach the main headquarters of the Blood Refining Hall!

This is the bad result of unfamiliarity with the terrain.

"Who is this woman? This sword is extraordinary and seems to have spirituality. It is a truly peerless magic weapon! My Zhanlu Sword and Feijian are both magic weapons. But compared to this sword, they can only be regarded as Fan is iron!"

When Ji Shu flew up to the second floor of the All-Heaven Tower, he brought several swords with him.

Two of the flying swords belonged to Chen Miaoshou. very useful. Sharper than Zhan Lu Sword.

There is no magic weapon in the Xiaoao world that is stronger than these two swords. After Ji Shu asked Hong Gao for details, he realized that this was the Hong family's advance plan! Players who are good at blacksmithing entered this world and spent a lot of manpower and material resources. It took several years to create these two swords!

As for developing high technology?

Hong Gao believes that it depends on the situation. When they first enter the worlds of Heroes of Jingwu and Once Upon a Time, they will indeed develop high technology.

But as some people completed their missions and brought back immortal cultivation techniques, and immortal cultivators began to appear in the Blue Star world, developing high technology became one of the options. More of them choose to make plans in advance, and then take the consumables with them into the world, sweep the world, become the best in the world, and complete the mission. Then ascend to the world of immortality. This speed is sometimes faster and more stable than developing technology.

Therefore, developing too much high technology in a world is not a necessary choice.

These cannot be suppressed.

Ji Shu thought about it for a while, but couldn't figure out who this woman was, but there were certainly not many beautiful women with divine swords like this in the Zhuxian world.

This woman must be a person of high status.

If he saves her, maybe he can enter a certain sect to learn and practice immortality through her?

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