Descending From The Heavens: Maximum Level Talent

Chapter 24 Senior brother seems to care about Ji Shu very much

Everyone can see how much Yue Buqun values ​​Ji Shu.

However, apart from being envious, Lu Dayou and others were not too jealous. They had witnessed with their own eyes how talented and powerful Ji Shu was. When Huashan was in danger, such a master could appear. They were only excited and excited. Excited!

Everyone feels that with Ji Shu here, Huashan has a promising future!

After meal.

Ji Shu and Yue Lingshan walked side by side, talking and laughing as they returned to the courtyard together.

Ji Shu was still lying on the recliner under the old locust tree, letting the Po Jade Sword Jue automatically pull the qi machine and strengthen the internal qi.

Yue Lingshan is practicing her sword.

She has been very diligent and hard-working during this period. Although every time she sees Ji Shu eating or sleeping, and not practicing hard, Ji Shu's skill is still rising rapidly, which makes her extremely envious!

If only she had the talent to become stronger by eating, drinking, lying down and sleeping!

She, Yue Lingshan, will definitely go against the will of heaven! It's a pity that she is mediocre!

Realizing this, as Master Yue, she naturally has to work harder. She cannot be looked down upon by others. As the dignified deputy head and peerless genius Ji Shu, Master Yue, how can he be useless? What about being good at nothing? !


She, Yue Lingshan, is about to rise!

She practiced seriously and asked for advice diligently:

"Jisu Jishu, can you see how my Jade Girl swordsmanship is going?"

at the same time.


"Why didn't you tell me about Ji Shu before?"

Yue Buqun endured it for a few days, and finally couldn't help asking Ning Zhongze today.

He complained a little:

"As the head of the Huashan Sect, I didn't know that there was such a peerless genius in my sect! But you and Shan'er both know about it! Where are you putting me?"


Ning Zhongze said truthfully:

"I also want to tell you that I'm having a hard time holding it in too!"

"Then why didn't you say it?"

"I'm afraid you'll oppose Ji Shu's sword practice."


"You insist on the philosophy of Qi Buddhism wholeheartedly. If you find a genius like Ji Shu, you will definitely let him insist on practicing Qi. Ji Shu is a peerless genius in swordsmanship. It would be a pity if he doesn't practice swordsmanship, so I choose to hide it temporarily. Holding you."


Yue Buqun was speechless and asked hesitantly:

"What do Ji Shu think?"

"Ji Shu believes that swordsmanship and internal strength are one, and they should go hand in hand."


Yue Buqun stroked his beard and sighed: "Ji Shu is a genius, naturally he can do this. But ordinary people's talents are limited. It is already very difficult to reach the extreme in one path. If you are distracted, I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve in both paths." Achievements, and finally stepping into the world, I am afraid that I will end up with a tragic end of being separated from my body!"

"That's what senior brother said."

"What's Ji Shu's impression of me?"

"It should be fine."

Ning Zhong smiled and said, "Senior brother seems to care about Ji Shu very much."

"Jishu is like a ray of light in the darkness. It illuminates the entire Huashan realm. How could I not care?"

Yue Buqun's heart was fluctuating, but he didn't hide it from Ning Zhongze, saying:

"Originally, I thought that after Chong'er left, our Huashan sect would no longer have a successor we could trust or rely on, but the appearance of Ji Shu gave me hope again!

After getting in touch with him these days, I found Ji Shu to be very stable and reliable. There is no flying jump of young people. His strength is so high, but he is not at all willful, domineering, or complacent! This is very rare! "


Ning Zhongze deeply agrees:

"I just think Ji Shu is quite decent. He is steady, cautious, and understands etiquette. That's why I think so highly of him!"

When she said this, she looked at Yue Buqun and asked:

"Senior brother, when are you going to teach Ji Shu Zixia's magic skill?"

"The Zixia Divine Art is the foundation of a sect, and it is a technique that only the leader can practice. I need to examine him for a while before talking about it. This matter must be done with great caution."

The next day.

At dawn.

Ji Shu heard the whistling sound of the sword, woke up, followed the sound, and saw Yue Lingshan practicing her sword.

He rolled over.

Yue Lingshan heard the movement, looked sideways, and smiled: "Ji Shu, I brought you delicious food."

She pointed to a lunch box: "Go and try it quickly. My mother made it herself. It's delicious."

Ji Shu smiled and nodded. He walked over and picked up the lunch box and opened it. There were some pastries inside. He picked up a piece and tasted it. It was indeed very delicious.

"How about it?"


"Really? My mother can cook delicious food. If you think it tastes good, I will ask my mother to make more for you to eat in the future."

Ji Shu smiled, but he did not directly reject Yue Lingshan's kindness.

While eating pastries, he guided Yue Lingshan in sword practice.

He was still standing under the old locust tree at this moment.

But he no longer felt the energy being drawn into his Dantian.

He was stunned.

Feel it carefully and even start to look inside the Dantian.

There is indeed no Qi machine entering the Dantian.

‘It seems that the Jade-breaking Sword Technique has been completely perfected. No more progress can be made. ’

It was very difficult to pull the qi machine yesterday, and it was infinitely close to perfection.

This morning, I found that I have completely reached consummation.

"Go and have a look at Siguo Cliff later."

A blink of an eye.

I have been in Huashan for more than half a month.

During this period, he had several opportunities to go to Siguo Cliff. But they all held back.

The main reason is that the Po Jade Sword Technique has not been perfected yet, but now it is completely perfected.

He was full of energy and extremely powerful!

At this point, I wonder if I can meet Feng Qingyang?

He could endure it until now, because he wanted to see if he could discover Feng Qingyang and learn the Dugu Nine Swords from him.

After meal.

Yue Lingshan took Ji Shu to Siguo Cliff.

During this time, except for sleeping and doing some private things, she basically stayed with Ji Shu at other times.

Hearing that Ji Shu was going to Siguoya, he immediately took the initiative to ask Ying to lead the way.

Siguo Cliff is located at the waist of the south peak outside the Nantianmen of Huashan Mountain, at the end of the strange and dangerous long sky plank road in Huashan Mountain!

The top of the cliff covers an area of ​​more than 100 square meters, with cliffs on three sides and a mountain wall on one side.

There is a cave on the mountain wall. The name is: Hezu Cave.

This place is too dangerous and inaccessible.

When Ji Shu came to the top of the cliff and looked around, the valley was quiet and quiet, giving him a unique and independent feeling.

He did not waste time, but walked straight into the cave, and then carved words on the stone wall in the cave in the name of practicing swordsmanship. Not long after, Ji Shu heard a hollow sound coming from the cave wall.

He exerted a little force, but heard a popping sound, and the cave wall was penetrated.

He struck down with two swords, Zila!

The stone wall was completely penetrated, and with a crashing sound, a lot of gravel and soil fell down, revealing a dark hole.

"here it is?!"

Yue Lingshan was surprised.

"Go in and have a look."

Ji Shu took the lead and walked inside. After taking two steps, he saw a torch. He reached out and took it, asked Yue Lingshan for a torch, and lit the torch.

In an instant, the surroundings were bright.


Yue Lingshan screamed, but it turned out that not far in front of her, there was a white skeleton lying.

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