What is the relationship between Yue Lingshan and Linghu Chong?

How far has it progressed?

Ji Shu didn't know, and he didn't ask, but judging from the information occasionally revealed by Yue Lingshan, Lu Dayou, Luo Denuo and others, the two should have a relationship similar to that of 'brother and sister', and there was no affection.

Of course, this means that Yue Lingshan has no feelings for Linghu Chong. Lu Dayou and others are not sure whether Linghu Chong has feelings for Yue Lingshan.

Da da!

Ji Shu and Yue Lingshan went down the mountain together.

Not long after.

brush! Siguo suddenly appeared on the top of a stone on the edge of the cliff.

This Taoist has an air of immortality, a Taoist robe, and an ethereal aura all over his body. He looks like a real Taoist, with an outstanding demeanor and is extremely extraordinary.

He looked at the direction where Ji Shu left with bright eyes, and murmured with some uncertainty:

"I originally thought that Linghu Chong was already smart enough and a genius. I didn't expect that the Huashan Sect would have an even more talented Ji Shu!"

He discovered it the moment Ji Shu broke through the cave wall, and has been secretly observing Ji Shu and Yue Lingshan.

When he saw Yue Lingshan's confused and helpless expression, he shook his head secretly and thought to himself: Yue Buqun is really a waste for teaching his daughter to be so rigid and pedantic!

When he saw Yue Lingshan doing nothing, he turned around and wanted to leave. Obviously, he had no hope for Ji Shu either.

However, soon, Ji Shu seemed to have sword energy all over his body!

The Taoist was surprised and looked carefully.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but gasp.

Ji Shu practiced the Five Mountains Sword Technique, and he was able to do it fluently from the beginning. After three times, the sword energy was naturally generated. After nine times, the sword energy was perfect and he could hit wherever he pointed, with no disadvantages!

And after that.

What Ji Shu said to Yue Lingshan even hinted at the secret of the ‘Nine Swords of Dugu’!

This shocked the Taoist greatly.

"Compared to Ji Shu. Linghu Chong is just a mediocre person! Why didn't I meet Ji Shu earlier?"

The Taoist was very sorry.

After passing on the Dugu Nine Swords to Linghu Chong, he decided not to teach anyone else the Dugu Nine Swords.

Seeing such an amazing talent like Ji Shu at this moment, he couldn't help but feel excited and secretly said:

"How can Yue Buqun teach a person like Ji Shu? Look at Ji Shu calling Yue Lingshan Master Yue. What is going on? Could it be that I just didn't observe the Huashan Sect in just a few months and a big change happened in the Huashan Sect? "

He thought about it.

Go down the mountain.

Went to all directions of Huashan to investigate.

After learning the truth.

He was confused!

"How can a monster like Ji Shu exist in this world? Isn't this a fantasy?!"

The Taoist is no one else.

It is none other than Feng Qingyang, the master of the Huashan Sword Sect!

He has lived in seclusion in Huashan for a long time. Watching Yue Buqun develop Huashan little by little, he feels quite complicated. Although he was greatly disappointed with the Huashan Sect due to the dispute between the Sword Sect and the Air Sect, he still has feelings for the Huashan Sect. of.

It's just that Yue Buqun is extremely pedantic and always adheres to the philosophy of Qizong. Feng Qingyang, who was born in Jianzong, suddenly has trouble showing up!

Originally, he saw that Linghu Chong was smart, had extraordinary understanding, and was high-spirited, and was not as corrupt as Yue Buqun, so he could be cultivated, so he taught him the Dugu Nine Swords.

Little did he know that Linghu Chong had jumped too far and was completely entangled with the devil's path. He was deeply trapped in it and could not extricate himself.

Feng Qingyang couldn't say he was disappointed.

This is Linghu Chong's personal choice.

However, when he met Ji Shu, he felt excited, but he regretted passing the Dugu Nine Swords to Linghu Chong too early. If he had met Ji Shu earlier, he would never pass the Dugu Nine Swords to Linghu Chong. . But it's too late to say anything now.

"It's a pity, it's a pity~"

Ji Shu returned to the courtyard first, lying on the recliner under the old locust tree, pulling his qi machine to make up for the previous consumption of qi and blood.

The qi machine enters the body and is continuously transformed into qi and blood.

Ji Shu's face began to turn rosy.

When the energy and blood were full, Yue Lingshan had already arrived with Yue Buqun, Ning Zhongze and others.

"Ji Shu, Ji Shu!"

Yue Lingshan's voice was crisp, like the call of a lark.

Ji Shu opened his eyes, and with a slight tilt, he rose three feet high from the ground and landed lightly on the ground. He followed the sound and saw that Yue Buqun, Ning Zhongze and others had already arrived in front of him, and he immediately saluted.

Ning Zhong smiled brightly.

Yue Buqun also laughed:

"Ji Shu. We are all a family. You don't have to salute us when you see us in the future. It's too polite. This makes me very sad. Only guests can be polite to the host. You are so polite to us as a family, Did we treat you slowly and make you feel uncomfortable?"

"Absolutely not!"

"Then don't be so polite in the future."

"...Yes. Leader!"


Yue Buqun stroked his beard and smiled:

"Shan'er said that you discovered a secret on Siguo Cliff. Let me go and have a look. Let's go now."


after a while.

Yue Buqun was inexplicably shocked when he looked at the sword skills of the Five Mountains recorded in the cave.

He slowly exhaled his turbid breath and said:

"Zhang Chengyun, Zhang Chengfeng, Fan Song, Zhao He... these people should be the top ten elders of the Demon Sect! I didn't expect that after they were trapped and died here, they almost escaped."

"Dad, what is going on?"

Yue Lingshan was curious.

Yue Buqun then selectively told some of the past events between the Five Mountains Sword Sect and the Sun and Moon God Sect. The hatred between the two parties was deep. The Demon Sect came to the mountain gate and fell into the trap. They were trapped and died in the cave. In the end, they all Died violently.

"But swordsmanship is just a wrong way after all. Qi training is the foundation. You must not be too superstitious about swordsmanship."

Speaking of this, Yue Buqun saw that all the disciples were disapproving. He immediately thought of Ji Shu and couldn't help but scolded:

"Can you compare to Ji Shu? Ji Shu is a genius, so he can use swordsmanship to connect with the gods and has profound internal strength. What about you? How many years have you been practicing? Even if your swordsmanship is one or two tenths of Ji Shu's level, I will never do it. I will tell you not to be superstitious about swordsmanship, but do you have it?!"

Lu Dayou, Liang Fa and others were ashamed and bowed their heads in silence.


Yue Buqun was angry and said: "It's okay if you can't compete with the swordsmanship. As the successors of Qi Zong, your internal skills and mental skills are far inferior to Ji Shu! Ji Shu can advance both in swordsmanship and internal skills. He is a genius. You guys. We are just ordinary people! We can only choose one thing, then practice your Qi well! Don’t think about practicing these various sword skills! Otherwise, you will end up with two sides unsatisfied, and your efforts will be in vain! "

Lu Dayou and others reacted angrily.

Originally, they were overjoyed to see the exquisite swordsmanship here, and wanted to learn some self-defense, but now it seems difficult!

"You can only learn Huashan swordsmanship, don't look at other swordsmanship."

Yue Buqun's words turned their worries into joy, and they all thanked Yue Buqun.

The Huashan swordsmanship here is more subtle and impressive.

If you learn it, you will definitely be able to make further progress.

They were grateful to Ji Shu for bringing them to this place.

But thinking about what Yue Lingshan said, everyone felt complicated again.

"Elder brother, he discovered the secret of this cave, why didn't he tell us? That's all, why didn't he tell the master and his wife?"

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