Descent of the Phoenix

Chapter 804: Ning is jade broken 14

"Well, it’s good to burn. I have no military power in the sky. I can be tired of being poisoned by the district.

This world is the world of capable people. You can rely on the things that are poisonous. I am Wang Yingming, long live long live. "In the silence, the right side that has not spoken has suddenly screamed and bowed down to Xuanyuan Che."

Murong is invincible, and these people are also old-fashioned characters. When you see the right side, you will understand it in an instant.

Tianchen is like a toxin, a proud cloud, a snow saint, a post-gold, a southern Song, and will inevitably focus on Tianchen. Facing a powerful enemy, the alliance is the most natural thing.

At this time, there is a hidden island. After the four countries, the estimation of how Tianchen died will not be known.

In today's plan, breaking the alliance of the four countries is justification. What's more, poisoning this thing can make people fall for a while, and finally can't be uniformed. If no one is poisoned, then what is the meaning of this day?

But then, suddenly turned around and turned to Xuanyuan Che to worship: "I Wang Yingming, long live long live."

The sounds of one after another immediately followed the sky over the Tianchen Palace.

The quick response to the arrogant and other national envoys, full of excitement and let go of the wide-minded, the seriousness of the look and the sincere dedication of the sacred sacred worship: "Tianchen is wise."

The voices floated up and rang through the Tianchen Palace.

"All the people are flat, if they get the island to attack, I recognize Tianchen, and the widows recognize it." Singing loudly with the golden light bursting into the square, the sound is wise.

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