Sweltering weather can easily make people restless.

Dark clouds overhead, it was only two o'clock in the afternoon, but there was a feeling that it was about to get dark.

A heavy rainstorm is imminent, but there is no wind in the mountains, I think this rain will not come too quickly, it is estimated that it will stay at night.

The remaining time was no longer enough to build a shelter, and Qin Hao's moving plan had to be postponed.

However, some of the preliminary preparations, he can complete in advance.

For example, first guide the stream water, and then build a fish pond by the way.

The fish that Qin Hao caught before were all kept in the stream.

If the rainstorm comes and the water level in the creek rises, the fish are likely to take the opportunity to escape.

So Qin Hao had to find a way to transfer them.

It just so happened that the location of his new camp had a dirt pit of about ten square meters, which was just right for a fish pond.

The pits are ready-made and only need a little repair before being injected into the stream to turn them into fish ponds.

But the location of the creek is 500 meters away, and how to channel the stream is a technical problem.

Fortunately, Qin Hao already had an idea in his heart.

It is certainly not practical to build a ditch, and the best way is to lay a pipe.

And that bamboo forest is the best source of materials.

Bamboo is originally a tubular object, and it only needs to be opened to open the bamboo in the middle to be used as a water pipe.

If the distance of 500 meters is converted into bamboo, it will take about 30 sticks.

This is really a big project, and just carrying these bamboos requires a lot of physical energy.

However, this is not a big problem for Qin Hao.

Because the last thing he lacks is physical strength.

Just do it, Qin Hao lifted the stone axe and walked towards the bamboo forest.

Not long after, Qin Hao returned to the bamboo forest.

Looking at the bamboo tree in front of him that had been hammered out of a big hole by himself, his expression was still excited.

Every man had fantasized about having invincible power, or even becoming a superhuman-like existence, but now Qin Hao actually had the opportunity to realize it.

"Just take you first!" Saying that, Qin Hao brandished the stone axe and chopped.

Two minutes later, a bamboo fifteen meters long fell to the ground.

By removing the excess branches and cutting off the smaller part of the bamboo tip, Qin Hao got a natural pipe.

However, at this time, the inside of this pipeline is still blocked, and it is necessary to find a way to open it.

Qin Hao had already thought of the method, that is, to use a smaller bamboo to poke it from head to tail.

So Qin Hao cut off the small bamboo that had been hammered again, and after removing the branches, he directly poked it into the big bamboo.

One, two, three!

The first bamboo knots were successfully opened.

Qin Hao's face was delighted: "This method can work."

Then he continued to tinker, and in less than ten minutes, all the knots of this large bamboo were opened.

After having the first experience, Qin Hao became more and more handy, and it took more than two hours to make more than thirty bamboo pipes behind.

Looking at the bamboo pipes full of this place, Qin Hao was quite satisfied.

"I'm ™ such a genius!"

After the pipe is done, the next work is simple, just move the bamboo pipe to the edge of the stream, and then connect it one by one, so that the water in the stream can be directed to the desired location.

After a short rest, Qin Hao began the carrying work.

At first he tried it, tied more than thirty bamboo sticks together, and wanted to move them away in one trip.

But he obviously overestimated his strength, more than thirty bamboos, not to mention more than a thousand catties, although Qin Hao's physique has been transformed, but his strength is far from reaching this level.

So he gradually reduced the number, and eventually only ten bamboos remained in a bundle.

Carrying ten at a time has already reached Qin Hao's limit, and no matter how much he can't move.

But even if there are only ten sticks, the weight has reached an astonishing more than four hundred catties!

A normal adult male, his weight-bearing capacity is about two hundred catties at most, and Qin Hao can move four hundred catties at a time, which is twice as high as ordinary people!

Seeing Qin Hao easily carry such a large bundle of bamboo, the audience in the live broadcast room directly dropped their jaws.

"I'll go, is this guy a Hercules?"

"Such a big bundle of bamboo, let alone hundreds of pounds, right?"

"He just walked away so easily?"

"Unreasonable, this is absolutely unreasonable, with his physique, how can he have such great strength?"

"It shouldn't be fake, but these bamboos are obviously cut down by him with our own eyes."

"Brother Hao must be born with divine power, just like those martial arts masters in the movie."

"Come on, it's still innate, in fact, these bamboos are not as heavy as they seem, the inside of the bamboo is hollow, but it looks like a large bundle, in fact, it doesn't weigh much."


as the audience was idle, Qin Hao had already returned to the stream with the bamboo.

Then he began to arrange them one by one.

With the stream as the source, end to end, ten bamboos were placed on the ground in turn.

After arranging, Qin Hao turned back to the bamboo forest and carried the remaining bamboo over.

When Qin Hao laid out all the bamboo, the time had already come to five o'clock in the afternoon.

In the distance, the sky was darker, and the wind was blowing in the mountains.

"Looks like I'm going to have to speed up and try to get it all done before dark."

After the diversion pipe is laid, the next step is to make fine drop adjustments.

Qin Hao planned to start from the source.

Qin Hao, the bamboo pipe at the source, picked the largest one so that he could attract more water.

He first made a circle in the stream with pebbles, similar to the pond where fish were raised.

However, after encircling, Qin Hao opened two more gaps.

One gap is used to place bamboo pipes, while the other gap is the inlet of the pond.

The reason why this structure is made is to filter debris in the water.

At the position of the water inlet, Qin Hao put on a baffle woven with bamboo sheets.

In this way, the stream can flow into the pond through the gap between the baffles, and the debris will be excluded.

The water in the pond will follow the bamboo pipe all the way to Qin Hao's new camp.

Although this filter structure cannot purify the water quality, it can avoid the blockage of the bamboo pipe due to debris, saving a lot of maintenance work.

When the first bamboo pipe was buried, the stream was quickly guided out and flowed down the bamboo pipe.

The layout behind is much simpler, just need to connect them all in a large set of small sets.

Step by section, planing some soil to lower the height in the high places, and laying some stones or building a wooden frame in the low places.

In this way, Qin Hao quickly set up all the pipes.

Watching the stream water continuously gushing out from the bamboo pipe, a smile appeared on Qin Hao's face.

Then he returned to the river and transferred all the fish that had been kept in the river to the earthen pit.

At this point, Qin Hao's heart finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if the rainstorm came immediately, it would not cause him any losses.

After doing all this, the sky was completely dark, and the wind began to howl continuously.

Qin Hao knew that it was time to finish work and go home.

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