
“Ah~ wash up, feel relaxed.”

Su Le washed his face, rinsed his mouth, washed himself, and stretched his waist.

“However, I have to make a toothbrush today, otherwise I can’t just rinse my mouth without brushing my teeth for a long time.” Su Le muttered.

Then came the check-in!

Today is the sixth day!

“System, check in!” Su Le said in his heart.

System: “Ding! Check-in successful! You’ve been checking in for six days! Daily packs have been distributed! ”

“Open the pack!”

“Ding! Open the pack successfully, congratulations on obtaining: archery mastery! ”

“[Archery Mastery]: You’ve gained all the experience with archery! Knowledge! Information! ”

The sound of the system fell, and in an instant, a lot of knowledge appeared in Su Le’s mind…

There is knowledge about archery.

How to use…

How to improve the life rate…

There are even how to shoot arrows on rainy days, if you increase the chance of life when it is windy, etc…

The knowledge of archery was very rich, and Su Le took a while to accept it.

“This… What a good thing! Su Le slowly opened his eyes and revealed an expression of surprise.

Master archery!

It was exactly what Su Le wanted.

Su Le took out his bow, took an arrow, and aimed it at the tree in front of him, the distance was about a hundred meters, and he did not shoot the arrow at the first time.

Su Le let out a soft breath and stared at the tree… Carefully speaking, it should be staring at the green leaf on the tree that swayed in the wind, a light breeze blew, it swayed a little, and slowly fell…

At this moment, Su Le’s arrow shot out violently.


With a whistling sound, the arrow slammed through the wind and slammed into the tree, and the arrow strapped into the trunk.

And above the sharp arrow, it seems to penetrate a green leaf.

The drone even gave this scene a close-up shot, and the audience and the host saw it very clearly.

“I’ll go! Can Su Le still use arrows? ”

“Why don’t you use it! This arrow method, shooting at a tree from 100 meters away, the mastery of this power, skill, accuracy… This is all for professional archers, right? ”

“But since the anchor can make arrows, it’s normal to use arrows, right?”

“Awesome! Suddenly I want to see Su Le hunting with arrows! Go, Ollie give!! ”

“Although this arrow looks good, maybe it is luck?”


“He can use arrows?” Chen Xiao sat in the live broadcast room and couldn’t help but be slightly surprised when he saw Su Le’s arrow technique.

This guy… So awesome…

Chen Xiao was jealous from the beginning, but now he can’t be jealous. Even admire Su Le.

When the strength is strong, there will be people who are jealous. But when you are strong to an absolute height, there are naturally fewer jealous people.

Su Le came over and pulled out the arrow hard, and the leaf inserted in the arrow also fell.

“The experience is really practical.” Su Le muttered.

It’s just that the audience who are arguing in the live broadcast room did not notice this leaf.

Or rather, they saw the leaf, but thought they had accidentally shot a leaf.

Everyone was talking about Su Le’s 100-meter shot at the tree.

They are on the first floor.

And Su Le didn’t shoot a tree, his arrow was aimed at the leaves!

This wave, Su Le is on the fifth layer.

Seeing this scene, only Su Le’s four pet teammates.

Especially the eaglet, whose eagle eye clearly saw this scene.

“Let’s go, Little Yellow, Little Hawk, let’s go hunting.” Practice arrows by the way. Su Le held the bow, and his heart was a little eager to try!

If it was when he couldn’t use a bow and arrow, Su Le didn’t feel this way, and even yesterday the bow and arrow were just thrown aside.

But when he could use the bow and arrow, Su Le’s heart had some changes, and it was a little hot! I want to try the arrow technique!

It’s just like people who practice boxing want to practice every day and refresh themselves.

It just so happens that the demand for food has been large recently, although there is still a part of the bear meat, but today Xiaobai also has to eat a lot, and Xiaoying, after they have eaten, it is estimated that there is not much.

“Xiaobai, Xiaojing, you are in charge of the housekeeping, if someone comes to steal something, you can attack.” Before Su Le left, he suddenly turned around and ordered seriously.

Su Le’s camp has a lot of food and tools.

There may be someone else stealing it! Or there are animals attracted by the fragrance and may also eat it.

In case any survivor passes by and sees the tools and equipment of his camp, he may go along.

If he really threw a piece or two of meat, Su Le would not have given such a terrible order, after all, let Xiao Jing attack… That’s a fatal blow!

Highly toxic!

Su Le gave this order, because he was worried that when he was away, the ginseng would be stolen!

Those ginsengs are worth tens of millions! It is no exaggeration to sell tens of millions of easy !!!

Tens of millions of stolen, can you endure it?

And it’s not just a matter of value… That ginseng is something that Su Le left for his aunt to treat his illness and treat his body, and whoever hits the attention of ginseng is to have a mortal feud with Su Le!

No one wants to hit its attention.

“This ginseng has a great effect, even for a body like my sister-in-law, as long as you take some, it will definitely help.” At least it can restore the spirit. Su Le’s heart moved slightly.

He had already personally tried to drink the soup made with ginseng, just a little bit the size of a fingernail, which could make Su Le full of spirit, and it could be seen that the medicinal effect was good.

After all, more than three thousand years… A person’s lifespan is only sixty or seventy years, and the longest is a little more than a hundred years, and the lifespan of this ginseng is terrifyingly longer than that of humans!

The age is there, and after growing for so long, the medicinal effect will naturally not be bad.

Therefore, it is precisely because of its preciousness that Su Le will leave “bodyguards” to watch the camp every time he goes out, so as not to be stolen.


Su Le raised his head and looked ahead.

The place chosen for hunting today is the same canyon where ginseng was last found!

That is, Kittyhawk’s “hometown”.

Su Le’s idea was to hunt while maybe he could find some medicinal herbs or something.

Now that he has the knowledge of plant encyclopedia in his brain, Su Le is also more confident in searching.

“Goo!” Hai Dongqing let out a cry and flew towards the cave on the edge of the cliff.

That was its former “home”.


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