When the camera gradually advanced, everyone could see the face of the wild boar.

It is more than 3 meters long and more than one meter tall, and it is as strong as a hill.

But what is surprising is that it looks very naive, with two eyes squinted, with a special sense of joy and contrast, which amused everyone as soon as it came up.

"I'm going, what a big pig, the scumbag is also very lucky. I just said that I can only eat wild vegetables, and now I have meat."

"This black pork is super fragrant, I love it."

"This pig looks so naive and cute."

"Pigs are so cute, why eat pigs?"

"Pig lovers strongly condemn!"

When this wild boar appeared on the screen, the saliva of foodie netizens flowed out.

"I think you're the naive one! Eat your sister's pork! This one is a wild boar!"

"How do you scold people?"

"Wild boars are wild boars. I heard that wild boars are more fragrant."

"Damn! Sister Xiang! Have you heard of a pig, two bears and three tigers? People in the mountains are afraid of wild boars when they see tigers!"

"What's so great about it?"

"Blow it."

Reasonable netizens are not as big of a heart as they are, they are all worried about Chu Zihang, and the two factions almost fought in the live broadcast room.

Lord Bei's face suddenly became solemn, and he said hurriedly: "This is a giant forest pig. Among the wild boars, it is the largest in size and the strongest in combat. Even cheetahs have to retreat when they see them."

"Is it so powerful?" Zhang Ke'er was very surprised. In his impression, pigs were synonymous with stupidity.

"It's very powerful. Generally, the Julin pig can grow to about 200 meters in length, and its weight can reach 275 kilograms.

This giant forest pig is even bigger, it belongs to the existence of the pig king, at least a thousand pounds.

And he's not fat like a domestic pig, it's all tendon meat, and he rushes as hard as a locomotive. "

"The bottom line is that pigs are omnivores."

Bei Ye sighed.

"Omnivorous? You mean Chu Zihang is in danger of being eaten?"

Hearing this, Zhang Keer panicked, and so did the netizens.

I thought it was food delivered to the door, but now I look at it, and I can't tell who's the food!

"Then what about Chu Zihang? He seems to be being watched, why doesn't he run?" Zhang Ke'er looked worried,

"It's right not to run! The more you run, the more dangerous it is!" Bei Ye

"Then what should we do? Lord Bei?" Zhang Ke'er burst into tears in a hurry. She didn't want to see such a terrible ending.

"It's better to climb a tree, but these small trees in front of you are as fragile as chopsticks to the giant forest pig."

Lord Bei looked around, his brows furrowed.

Finally, he sighed: "I can only hope that it is not hungry."


Hope the wild boar is not hungry!

When Zhang Keer heard this, it was like a bolt from the blue, and there was a buzzing in his mind!

Netizens are even more frying.

On the first day of Extreme Wilderness, someone will be buried in pork belly, which is too exaggerated!

And this player still brought them a lot of joy, making Chu Zihang, who they liked very much, do all kinds of tricks in the live broadcast room for a while.

But that's what it is.

Now even if Chu Zihang abstained and called for help through his watch, it would be too late.


Of course, Chu Zihang also found this giant forest pig that was eyeing him.

When the giant forest pig appeared, he felt the tremors from the ground, and also smelled the unique strong smell of wild boars.

Chu Zihang swallowed dry and spit, turned around slowly, and dared to see the pig and the giant forest pig in a head-to-head confrontation.

The knowledge of the wilderness in his mind made him recognize the 'Giant Forest Pig', but it was precisely because he knew its ferocity that Chu Zihang did not dare to escape.

Comparing running with wild boars, only stupid pigs can do it!

In the face of this kind of beast, you must not be cowardly, the only solution is to make him dare not chase you.

Otherwise, once you are targeted by it, as long as you accidentally reveal your back to it, it will be over.

And the giant forest pig seems to be really shocked by Chu Zihang, just standing there and confidently observing this "unfamiliar creature" that he has never seen before, the situation is not dangerous for the time being.

But how to deal with it, Chu Zihang still did not think of a solution.

There are too few available environments around, and if you want to escape, you can't escape.

Chu Zihang quietly picked up two stones and could only wait and see what happened for the time being.

If it really doesn't work, he can only use the [Precision Throwing] trump card to give it a shot.

But the giant forest pig has been rubbing the rough bark and ramming the trees in the jungle since childhood to sharpen the flesh. The hard skin can even buffer the damage of the fangs and claws of large predators.

He also wasn't sure whether [Precision Throwing] could damage him.

If the giant forest pig can't be dealt with at that time, but it angers it, it will be even worse.

Therefore, Chu Zihang would not take the first shot unless it was a last resort.

At this time, the anger of the giant forest pig could not bear it anymore, and gradually lost patience with this strange creature. The prey smashed into pieces!

【Ding! You discovered the giant forest pig, and you have learned basic animal taming skills from your observation, and you have a chance to tame some animals. 】


With the sound of the system prompt, Chu Zihang suddenly had a lot of animal training knowledge and a strange ability in his mind.

When he looked at the wild boar again, he could vaguely perceive the wild boar's thoughts.

Although he didn't know the reason, he just felt that the wild boar had no killing intent towards him.

"It's over, it's over! Don't dare to look at it!"

"Too bloody"

"It's hastily! I'm a big mess! Is there any humanity in the show crew? Just watch my scumbag die like this?"

"The players all signed the life-and-death agreement, so the show team has nothing to fear."

"Can this be done with an agreement? Block it!"

"Hurry up and run! The wild boars are about to be killed, why are you still standing there stupidly? Isn't the scumbag scared and stupid?"

Some of the audience covered their eyes in fear, some were furious, some were urging, and the chaos became a pot of porridge.

Zhang Ke'er and Bei Ye were so nervous that their palms were sweating. The danger of this uncertainty is the biggest terror in survival in the wilderness!

Chu Zihang couldn't take care of it anymore, he decided to trust his sixth sense, and finally stepped forward with courage.

When the audience saw Chu Zihang move, their hearts were relieved, and they secretly thought that the scumbag was very courageous.

This is going to replace them, the legs must be soft.

But in the blink of an eye, their pupils suddenly shrank!

Is the direction of the scumbag's legs--reversed? .

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