Desolate World: Starting with [Selection Option]

Vol 2 Chapter 124: Scalloped wool

Dismissed a group of yellow turban generals. At this time, apart from Wang Shuo and his party, there were a dozen players left in the lobby

"Introduce yourself, I'm surnamed Wang, and I'm a master."

Wang Shuo smiled and said: "Don't worry, everyone, I am not a person who likes to kill innocent people, not to mention that everyone is a player, so we should help each other."

"Boss Wang said so well!"

"That is, with the situation of Boss Wang, it is no wonder that we have achieved the same level as today!"


After a sound of flattering, someone asked cautiously: "Boss Wang, can we go now?"

"Don't worry, everyone."

Wang Shuo raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet: "I am a person who always counts. Since you can't say anything, you will never break your promise.

If you want to leave, you can do it at any time, but before that, I would like to ask if anyone is willing to cooperate with me? "


Upon hearing this, some flexible minds already understood what Wang Shuo wanted to say, and their eyes became eager.

"I wonder if it is convenient for everyone present to reveal the mission of this dungeon?"


Soon, the two lone rangers and the three teams all confessed their tasks.

Without exception, it was all peaceful.

The smile on Wang Shuo's face suddenly became brighter after hearing this: "Speaking of you, you have been in the dungeon for so long. You should all know how many territories are in Seoul?"

Everyone nodded.

The lower 3 counties of Seoul are: Danyang, Xiling, and Yuci.

There are nine counties under the three counties, namely: Guangyang, Guangnian, Guang'a, Guangwu, Guangyu, Guangchang, Guangmu, Guangxin, and Guangling.

I have been here for a few months. If I don't know this common sense, I don't need to be confused. I can wipe my neck on the spot.

"Since everyone is clear, then I won't sell it."

Wang Shuo chuckled: "Speaking of something crazy, I count this Yuci, and now the entire three counties of Seoul are basically under my control.

And I can’t manage so many sites by myself, so I plan to hand these sites to you. What do you think? "

As soon as this remark came out, many people showed such an expression as expected.

From the previous words, they had heard Wang Shuo's plan, after all, it was not difficult to guess.

But everyone didn't seem too happy, everyone is not a fool, and there is no free lunch in the world.

No one will believe that a person who was extremely strong one second will suddenly show kindness in the next second.

"I don't know what conditions we need to pay?"

It was Chu Juncheng who was questioning, and he and the [Tian Dun Assassin] Jiang Qing were the only ones who were able to maintain a bit of composure in the face of Wang Shuo.

Wang Shuo is no nonsense: "I only charge 2,000 points for the three counties of Yuci and the bare county.

However, as far as I know, the three counties of Yuci have become barren land, and their development requires a lot of early resources. And I can provide you with this resource, but an extra 2000 points will be charged. "

"Boss Wang, is this price..."

"Sorry, the price is not negotiable."

Wang Shuo's voice was very soft, but his tone was very strong.

To be honest, his price is already considered very conscientious, and now his family is the only one in Seoul, even if it adds two thousand, they still have to pay.

Because Gong Xinyu had tried before, players could not cross zones before the zone was unified.

In other words, as long as Wang Shuo thinks about it, players in the entire Seoul area will not want to complete this dungeon mission except himself.

The people present clearly knew this truth, and with the lessons of Zhang Jiao and Zhang Bao, they also had no doubt about Wang Shuo's strength.

For a while, everyone's complexion became extremely ugly.

4000 points is really not a small amount, you must know that usually a copy task can earn a few thousand at most.

If it is at this price, if they don't say a copy of the job this time, they might even post it upside down. No one can accept this change.

But if they don't accept it and the mission fails and the punishment comes down, they will only lose more.

After a short period of weighing, everyone scolded Wang Shuo bloodily, but chose the transaction honestly.

After all, they still understand the simple truth that the two powers harm each other, whichever is less.

A total of 5 powers, Wang Shuo sold the three counties of Yuci to the three parties at a price of 4000, and promised to provide sufficient food and spirit seeds to help stabilize the order.

One of them is going to arrange to Xiling, and the specific price will be discussed at that time.

When the transaction is completed, only the last blood group is left.

"I don't know what the price is in Yuci County?"

Chu Juncheng asked in a deep voice.

"The price in Yuci County is slightly higher."

Wang Shuo smiled, with a very cordial attitude: "Although the city is in chaos right now, after all, it has been run by the Yellow Turbans for so long, and it is almost enough. As long as it takes over, it won’t take long depending on the player’s ability. Rejuvenate.

If you want it, I will charge you 8000 points and give you an extra 1000 troops. Is this price okay? "


Do you have any misunderstandings about the four words ‘fairly okay’?

Chu Juncheng's mouth twitched, "If I don't want the army, can it be cheaper?"

"of course can."

Wang Shuo replied simply: "No army 7000. But don't blame me for not reminding you. As far as I know, Seoul has been stabilized by a general named ‘Cao Cao’.

This Cao Cao not only has good soldiers, but also three thousand guards, and it is said that this man has great ambition...

Wang Shuo's words are over, but everyone understands the implication of this sentence.

Chu Juncheng's face changed: "Where did you know these news?"

"You don't have to worry about it. I've said everything I should say anyway. Believe it or not is your business.

A few seconds later, Chu Juncheng took a deep breath: "Well, I want the army!"

"Boss Wang, and me, I want 1,000!"

"And I……"

Chu Juncheng's compromise was like a, which caused players who had completed the transaction to feel a sense of crisis and reluctantly bought an army.

Wang Shuo is here to refuse all those who come. He accepts all the orders. In less than ten minutes, nearly 23,000 points have been earned. He is simply happy.

With these points, plus the previous knocks from Yue Huanlong, if they were all transformed into strength, they would definitely make a qualitative leap forward.

"Boss Wang, we have already handed in the points. I don't know when they can be handed over?"

Repressing his inner joy, Wang Shuo said: "You can go back to prepare for the three counties of Yuci now. I will send someone to deliver enough supplies for you within three days.

In Yuci County, I need a day to gather the army, and I will take people away tomorrow at the latest. "


It was almost as expected by Wang Shuo.

It only took less than half a day for the generals of the headquarters to take off. The entire Yellow Turban army in the city has been reorganized.

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