Desperate Night

Chapter 154 154 Air 4




The footsteps gradually became lighter and smaller, and seemed to be fading away.

Old Li's heart trembled, knowing that it was not the boss but something else.

In this environment, anything could happen outside.

He continued to wait, motionless.

About five minutes later.


A rapid and heavy sound of footsteps approached quickly.

Then the car door was knocked.

"Heifeng Mountain on Heifeng Ridge" a code quickly sounded from outside the car window.

Li Runshan immediately stood up and responded one by one.

Through the car window, a familiar humanoid in a gray lizard suit was standing outside.

The burly humanoid was wearing a helmet, and his face could not be seen, but the specially modified gray lizard suit still made Old Li recognize the person at once.

"Boss!" He opened the car door with a click. A smile appeared on his face.

Yu Hong stood by the car and glanced inside. It was full of things, even the co-pilot was full. There was no way to get in.

He shook his head in his heart speechlessly.

"With this load, no wonder your car drives so slowly. The charging time is short, and the load is so heavy, the power consumption is also high."

"I just want to go out for a rare trip. If I don't get more at one time, it will be a loss, right?" Lao Li got out of the car and laughed.

"How to take it back?" He patted the car body, "How about we take the most important things back first?"

"No need." Yu Hong thought about it, turned around, and looked at the road he came from.

"Let's drive back." He said in a deep voice.

"Huh?" Li Runshan blinked and looked in the direction Yu Hong was looking.

There was a sloping path on the side of the road. The slope was very steep. The entire path was only one or two meters wide, which was not enough for the car to drive up.

And there were trees and weeds blocking the way, so it was impossible to drive.

"Try it." Yu Hong said in a deep voice. "I remember that the last time Xu Fan and his team came, they drove the car to the road on the side of Baiqiu Village, which is much closer to here."

"But it takes a long detour to get there, boss..." Before Li Runshan finished speaking, he saw Yu Hong take off a big thing on his back.

It was a sharp axe for chopping wood.

"I have long felt that this place is too far from the camp and inconvenient, so..."

Yu Hong walked a few steps to the front of the slope, held the axe, and chopped at a big tree with both arms.

Puff puff puff.

After four consecutive chops, a big tree as thick as an adult's waist was easily chopped off by him and fell down.

And it was a chopped method that only left a little stump, and that little stump could not block the high chassis of the jeep at all.

"Let's go, I'll lead the way in front. It's too dangerous to run back and forth a few times now. It's fastest to drive back directly." Yu Hong turned his head and looked at Lao Li.

"." Li Runshan swallowed his saliva. He had long suspected that his boss was a top enhanced person. Now it seems.

How can this be an enhanced person? This is a mutant! !

Soon, the car followed Yu Hong up the slope, and soon it was tilted by the uneven road surface and almost fell.

Yu Hong hurried forward, pressed the car body, and used his internal energy to turn the car back from the state of losing balance. Old Li was stunned.


The car landed on all four wheels again and drove forward across the road.

"I should come back to clean it up and level the road, so that it will be convenient in the future." Yu Hong muttered.

He walked to the front and led the jeep all the way to the depths of the forest.

After a while, several big trees in front fell to the ground with a click.

Yu Hong used the remaining energy of the fallen trees to throw them to both sides and make simple roadside fences. In order to prevent the rain from washing away the mud and making the road uneven.

He walked in front and kicked the uneven places.

After the internal energy was amplified, his already strong strength was even more exaggerated. Ben Lei kicked the dirt and rocks under his legs and razed them to the ground.

In the jeep, Li Runshan was shocked at first, but he became numb after seeing so much, thinking that the boss was the synonym of awesome.

He was driving the jeep, and he always felt that the originally safe car would be demolished in a few moves if it encountered an exaggerated big guy like the boss.

After moving forward for a while.

Yu Hong suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky. His face looked a little ugly.

"It's getting dark."

"Ah? What time is it?" Li Runshan also felt something was wrong, but his detector was out of power and he couldn't see the time.

"12:30." Yu Hong looked at the time on the detector, "It's ahead of schedule again. We have to speed up, otherwise it will be dangerous at night."

"According to this progress, I'm afraid there will be no daytime in the future." Li Runshan sighed. "Boss, do you have a way to act at night? The pyroxene carpet can only hide itself."

"Not yet." Yu Hong replied. "But. We can use the principle of pyroxene carpet to make a few similar suits."

"That's possible." Lao Li said with a smile.

The two chatted casually and the closer they got to the camp, the more relaxed they felt.

Just as they were slowly returning to the camp.

The noise of cutting trees seemed to attract something.

On the road behind, a figure in a white skirt suddenly appeared in the mist silently, and walked step by step to the sloped path that had just been split.

The figure stared at the clear wheel marks on the muddy ground of the path, paused, raised his feet, and followed the wheel marks step by step.


He had only walked a few steps.

Suddenly, a mouthful of black liquid spurted out from the darkness and hit the figure.


The liquid evaporated in the air before it even touched the figure's clothes, turning into black smoke and disappearing.

The figure paused and turned to look in the direction where the black liquid was flying.


She disappeared instantly.

A few seconds later.

She returned to the newly opened path and walked forward along the path step by step.




In the woods.

Another big tree fell heavily.

Yu Hong suddenly paused and looked back at the foggy woods behind.

"Something is catching up." He said in a deep voice.

Li Runshan opened the car window and looked back after hearing the words, but only saw fog.

"Then we have to speed up and get to the camp." Although he couldn't see, he believed in Yu Hong very much.

Yu Hong sensed that his black lizard was suddenly missing one. This is not something that ordinary ghosts can do.

The black lizard has a strong ability to camouflage and hide. In this dark and foggy forest, it is a top scout. There had been no losses in the patrol and sniping of the ghost shadow before, at most they were injured.

The two immediately moved forward again, and soon they returned to the place where Ding Shao was lying.

Yu Hong didn't waste any words, went over to check, and found that she was still alive, but she had taken the nutritional paste and fell asleep, so he wrapped her in a pyroxene blanket, put her in the car and squeezed her together, and returned to the camp together.

Seeing this, Lao Li didn't ask who it was, just holding a radiation grenade in one hand and steering with the other hand, driving quietly.

It was difficult to drive for more than ten minutes.

The outline of the lights of the camp gradually appeared in the fog ahead.

"We're here!" Lao Li showed joy on his face.

At this moment. A figure in yellow and white suddenly appeared in the fog behind him.

Bang! !

There was a sudden loud noise, and the ground exploded.

Yu Hong turned around and rushed to the side of the car, opened the door, grabbed the person, and rushed back.

All in one go.

He grabbed one person with each hand, and his internal energy exploded under his feet. In one second, he crossed more than ten meters and landed lightly in the outer courtyard.

After putting the people down, he didn't even look back, and threw five radiation grenades back.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang! !

The five grenades silently exploded with invisible negative radiation, and more than 7,000 negative radiation covered the area around the car behind him at this moment.

The strong negative radiation light covered a radius of dozens of meters in a way that was invisible to the naked eye.

It seemed that the explosion of the radiation grenade stopped the person in the white skirt.

She stood in the mist, looming, and stared straight at the camp.

The negative radiation that had just exploded seemed to make her figure become like a reflection of water waves, constantly distorted and blurred.

Yu Hong stood up and stared at the other party without making any more movements.

Both sides stood still for a while, facing each other quietly.

One minute.

Five minutes.

More than ten minutes later.

The person in the white skirt slowly retreated and disappeared in the mist, completely out of sight.

Yu Hong glanced at the detector, confirmed that the value on it had returned to normal, and then turned around calmly.

At this time, Lao Li and Ding Shao were still lying on the ground, motionless.

Ding Shao was asleep, and Lao Li was... He didn't dare to get up.

Not far away, Zhou Xueguang heard the noise and looked over here, but did not approach rashly.

He and Lao Li were both very cautious people, and would not act on their own without Yu Hong's order.

"It's okay. It's okay for now." Yu Hong exhaled, picked up Ding Shao, and entered the stone wall inner courtyard with Li Runshan who got up.

"Enough, I'll catch up with you in the end!" Lao Li cursed and spit out the dirt.

"Dad!!" Aisina pounced and rushed into Lao Li's arms, causing Lao Li's chest injury to hurt.

"Ouch." He fell back to the ground, but his face showed a painful and happy expression.

After discovering the bandages and blood on his body, Nana panicked and apologized quickly, then stood up and asked Dr. Xu, who had also stood up, to come forward and check the wound.

The bandages were peeled off one by one, revealing a hideous dark red wound like a centipede.

The wound extended from the chest to the shoulder, and was as long as a forearm.

"It's a little infected!" Dr. Xu said in a deep voice, "There is still some iodine, I will use it for you, and then cut off the rotten flesh, and then use anti-inflammatory drugs to crush it into powder and apply it. It's a little painful, just bear with it."

"It's okay. I'm a tough guy, don't worry!!" Li Runshan let out a pig-killing scream before he finished speaking.

Yu Hong was too lazy to look at him speechlessly, so he sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and operated the black lizard to patrol the surroundings.

Especially the distance between the camp and the car, which was only a few dozen meters.

The eight black lizards shuttled back and forth, ran around the car several times, and did not find the white skirt man just now.

"It should be fine." He exhaled.

"Could it be a high-risk black disaster that makes you so serious, boss?" Zhou Xueguang stood beside him and looked into the fog, but he could not see anything.

"Well, I encountered it on the way back. The red value suddenly soared to more than 10,000, and this is not the extent of getting close to it completely." Yu Hong said solemnly.

"Can you be sure which of the three types it is?" Zhou Xueguang asked in a deep voice.

"It is definitely not the second type of tick ball. The other party is humanoid, either a speed man or a bug man," Yu Hong replied. "Of course, it is not ruled out that other types of high-risk black disasters will appear. There will always be accidents."

"It seems to have disappeared now." Zhou Xueguang guessed.

"Well, I'll drive the car into the outer courtyard, and you don't come out." Yu Hong was not sure of the details of the other party's intelligence, so he did not dare to act rashly for the time being.

The exaggerated radiation level of tens of thousands before he even got close, he was not an opponent that he could fight with his internal energy alone.

Internal energy does hurt Black Disaster, but he is not sure whether his internal energy can hurt high-risk Black Disaster.

‘I have to test the actual damage value of my internal energy. I must first clearly know how much my bare-handed lethality is to Black Disaster, so that I can know myself and the enemy, and not rush forward to confront him without knowing my own strength. ’

Thinking about the follow-up arrangements, Yu Hong walked out of the outer courtyard gently and quickly returned to the car.


He opened the car door and threw a radiation grenade in without saying a word.


Invisible negative radiation exploded instantly in the closed environment, offsetting all possible hidden dangers.

Then Yu Hong got into the car. The car was a bit crowded for him now. After all, he was bigger than normal in the suit.

The car started and slowly approached the outer courtyard fence.

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