Destined Antagonist: I Refuse To Annul The Engagement!

Chapter 4: Destiny Nangong, Did Not Divorce?

Meanwhile, on the border of the Eastern Divine Continent, in Hengyue City where the Nangong family resides.

Within the Nangong family, in a slightly barren training ground, the younger generation of the Nangong family sat cross-legged, listening to the guidance of the elder in martial arts.

In a corner of the training ground, a woman dressed in simple training clothes had her eyes closed tightly, as if she was diligently cultivating.

Although her training clothes were plain, they couldn't hide her stunning beauty.

Between her delicate eyebrows, there was a hint of determination, naturally exuding an indescribable ethereal temperament, as if a Celestial Immortal had descended to the mortal world, standing alone.

However, she was now covered in sweat, her face showing signs of struggle, indicating that the process of cultivation was not going smoothly.

The disciples listening to the lecture would occasionally glance at this woman, their expressions varied, filled with pity, indifference, and mockery.

The elder of the Nangong family glanced at the woman, unable to help but sigh.

Was it true that the pride of the Nangong family's younger generation would really fall like this?

Yes, this woman was Nangong Mingyue, the fiancee of Jiang Xuan, who had not yet met.

"Elder, I have done as you instructed, why is my cultivation still progressing so slowly?" Nangong Mingyue reluctantly opened her beautiful eyes, questioning the remnant soul that resided within her.

A year ago, by chance, she awakened the remnant soul that had been dormant in the ancestral shrine of the Nangong family.

The remnant soul claimed to be a close friend of the Nangong family's ancestor, once a supreme godly powerhouse known as Fairy Bright Moon.

Due to certain circumstances, she perished in a great calamity, with only a trace of her remnant soul surviving until now.

Nangong Mingyue was overjoyed and incorporated the remnant soul into her body, nourishing it with her own spiritual power.

The other party was also extremely generous, giving her a cultivation technique that, once successful, could reshape her physique and possess an invincible appearance.

Nangong Mingyue had no doubts and actively cultivated this technique. However, this technique was too domineering, requiring her to first destroy her dantian and meridians, and obtain creation from destruction in order to reshape her physique.

Fairy Bright Moon repeatedly assured her that with her help, she would succeed within a year.

But... a year had already passed, and she had only managed to restore her dantian and meridians, far from reaching the level of reshaping her physique.

She felt like she had been deceived!

Because... over the past year, she clearly felt that the remnant soul within her seemed to have become more abundant, which made her suspect that the other party was using her.

"How would I know that your lineage has fallen to such a state? You don't even have basic healing elixirs..." Fairy Bright Moon knew that Nangong Mingyue now held a grudge against her, but... she was also helpless!

In the era she existed in, the Nangong family of this lineage was on par with those immortal families, filled with powerful individuals and profound heritage, with several holy medicines at their disposal.

In her opinion, a mere healing elixir should be easy to obtain.

But she never expected...

Without healing elixirs, it took Nangong Mingyue a full ten months just to restore her dantian and meridians, and that was with the assistance of her soul power.

Otherwise, it was uncertain whether she could even recover!

At this moment, a clear crane cry pierced through the sky.

Everyone was startled and looked up at the sky.

A powerful figure wearing Daoist robes and carrying the Jiang family's divine command token, descended on a crane and landed in the training ground. The imposing aura of a Profound Earth realm naturally spread, suppressing the entire training ground.

The faces of the Nangong family members changed, it was a Profound Earth realm expert from the immortal Jiang family!

It should be noted that the strongest in their entire Hengyue City was only at the Dao Fusion Realm.

But anyone from the immortal Jiang family who stepped out was a powerful expert at the Profound Earth realm...

"I ask the esteemed one, what brings you here?" The Nangong elder stepped forward and respectfully clasped his hands.

The Jiang family expert glanced at the Nangong elder, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, and asked calmly, "Where is Nangong Mingyue? Jiang Xuan has a message for her."

Upon hearing this, the crowd's expressions changed, and they immediately began to speculate.

Is it about breaking off the engagement... or has it finally arrived?

The Nangong elder's face slightly changed, and he couldn't help but sigh. The inevitable had finally come.

Their Nangong family, a small family located on the border of the Eastern Divine Continent, couldn't even compare to a single hair of the mighty Jiang family.

Moreover, the Nangong family has been declining in recent years, and in the past few years, they have been suppressed by several other major families in Hengyue City, and they are already in a precarious situation.

However, it is also fortunate that the Nangong family has produced a talented girl who has gained recognition from Jade Mountain Mansion and has even caught the attention of the Changsheng Jiang family, resulting in an engagement.

Because of the relationship with Jade Mountain Mansion and this marriage contract, the Nangong family has overcome difficulties and has become stronger, gradually showing signs of becoming the number one family in Hengyue City.

But the good times didn't last long.

A year ago, Nangong Mingyue suddenly experienced a drastic change, with her meridians severed, dantian destroyed, and cultivation lost. The once talented girl fell from grace.

A month ago, a strong individual from Jade Mountain Mansion came to investigate Mingyue's injuries. Seeing that she had not recovered, they left with a cold face, taking away her status as a disciple of Jade Mountain Mansion.

At that time, everyone in the family speculated that the Changsheng Jiang family might soon break off the engagement.

After all... as the most outstanding genius of the Changsheng family, how could they tolerate having a partner who can no longer cultivate?

To be honest, they were mentally prepared for this.

However, when reality came, they still found it difficult to accept.

Upon hearing this, Nangong Mingyue calmly stood up and walked in front of the strong individual from the Jiang family. "I am Nangong Mingyue, the youngest daughter."

The Jiang family breaking off the engagement was something she had long expected.

She had reservations about this arranged marriage forced upon her by her parents, especially since she didn't even know what the other person looked like.

Now that it was broken off, it was also a good thing.

Although it was somewhat humiliating.

But... who knows, maybe Nangong Mingyue can rise again and reach the pinnacle of the Profound Heaven?

At that time, she will repay everything!

As the saying goes, do not underestimate a poor youth. She has confidence in herself.

The strong individual from the Jiang family looked deeply at Nangong Mingyue, feeling doubtful but not saying much. They directly handed over the letter and storage ring to her.

He had also heard about Jiang Xuan's refusal to break off the engagement, but that was an upper-level matter, and he had no right to interfere.

Taking the letter and storage ring, Nangong Mingyue remained calm as usual, without any fluctuations in her expression, not even showing any intention to open the letter.

"You don't need to be angry. It's only a matter of time before you reshape your supreme physique and rise again," Fairy Bright Moon said in a cold tone. "Although the Jiang family is an ancient family, if you achieve great accomplishments in your cultivation, there is still a chance to surpass them and avenge today's humiliation!"

After a year of getting to know each other, Fairy Bright Moon genuinely liked and pitied her successor. She was also extremely displeased with her successor being broken off from the engagement.

The elder of the Nangong family sighed inwardly, looking at Nangong Mingyue with some pity. This child had suffered over the past year.

However, the gazes of the younger disciples held a different meaning.

Perhaps there was some sympathy, but more of it was... greed!

Their eyes were focused on the storage ring in Nangong Mingyue's hand. It was obviously compensation from the Jiang family for breaking off the engagement, and it must contain many precious cultivation resources.

If they could seize it...

Suddenly, a junior disciple, Nangong Qingfeng, stepped forward, snatched the letter and storage ring, and sneered, "Nangong Mingyue, you are nothing but a waste now. Using these cultivation resources would be a waste on you. It's better to contribute them to the family, which can be considered as the family benefiting from your misfortune."

Nangong Mingyue's face turned cold, and she said in a cold voice, "I don't need you to tell me what to do!"

Nangong Qingfeng's face immediately turned ugly as he stared at Nangong Mingyue, his eyes filled with deep resentment. A waste like her dared to act so arrogantly?

Are you still the talented girl from back then?

Tightening his grip on the letter, Nangong Qingfeng revealed a cold smile and said word by word, "Cousin, why don't you read Jiang Xuan's letter? Are you too afraid to face the reality of being broken off from the engagement?"

"If that's the case, let your cousin take care of it!"

Tearing open the letter, spiritual energy surged out, and Jiang Xuan's concerned voice slowly sounded.

"The engagement is already set. You are my wife, and I will protect you. When I grow stronger, I will reshape you and step into the path of cultivation."

The whole scene fell silent, and everyone was stunned, unable to believe what they were seeing, as if they had seen a ghost.

No... it wasn't a break-off?

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