As Taoist Saint Tiandao announced that the journey to Heavenly Saint would start in seven days, the Taoist Saint world was once again boiling. Many ancient beings came out of the secret place and wanted to seize a seat. With the help of Heavenly Dao's blessing, they could explore that place. A barrier to get a glimpse of the Saint Realm.

Of course, since all the fourteen seats have been claimed, the strong men who had the strength to seize the seats are now hesitant in their hearts, weighing which force to offend will pay the smallest price.

But now, it seems that no one can be offended by them...

This makes these strong men who are eagerly waiting for the start of the journey to Heavenly Saint feel extremely uncomfortable. They have been self-imposed for tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, just for such an opportunity, thinking that they can seize an incomparable power with their strength. Chairmanship, obtain the opportunity to become a saint, smash the barrier that has restrained them for a long time, and attain the holy status of immortality. But they never expected... there would be such a disgusting Chaos Saint!

Either don’t do it, or we must directly eliminate all four chairless seats! It’s true that no one is left for them!

It’s very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable!

On the other side, with the birth of Buddha Gate, Daomen and Immortal Gate also responded immediately, summoning a large number of powerful troops to press against the main domain of ancient Zen. However, there may be factors testing the reality of Buddha Gate. The soldiers and horses of the Fang forces did not directly launch a strong attack, but were stationed outside the main territory of Guchan, waiting for the next instruction from the higher-ups.

To this end, the leaders of the Three Dao Masters and Minghong Immortal Lord had a private meeting.

Minghong Immortal Lord bluntly stated that he, Immortal Gate, is willing to join hands with Taoism to uproot Buddhist Gate, and then continue to fight for Taoist luck.

Fairy Yuexia clearly refused to mobilize the powerful Immortal Clan reinforcements, which made Minghong Immortal Lord anxious. He was afraid that Buddha Gate would encroach on the interests that belonged to Immortal Gate. After all, Buddha Gate had four Saints stationed there. In terms of the number of Saints alone, it was already The sum of Immortal Gate and Dao Gate must be treated with caution.

Moreover, the great age is coming, and the Taoist world will only become more turbulent, and changes are happening all the time. We cannot sit back and watch the Buddhist Gate exist and develop into a three-legged situation. If that is the case... it will not benefit anyone.

Based on this consideration, joining forces with the Taoist Gate is a better choice for Immortal Gate at the moment. The Taoist Gate is an old rival after all. It is relatively well-informed and its background is relatively transparent. After destroying the Buddha Gate, the Immortal Gate also has the confidence to do so. Continue to compete with Daomen.

On the other hand, this is not the case with Buddhist Gate. If they join forces with Buddhist Gate to destroy the Taoist gate first, for Immortal Gate, this is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger, and it is easy to suffer backlash.

Furthermore, he would rather believe in Taoism than Buddhist Gate. Everyone knows the hypocrisy of practicing Buddhism.

However, the three masters did not give a clear answer to Minghong Immortal Lord's proposal to join forces. They only said that they would discuss it after the journey to Heavenly Saint was completed.

Taiqing Dao Palace.

"I dare to ask the three masters, why don't you join forces with the Immortal Gate to eradicate the Buddhist Gate first?" The great elder was puzzled and asked the three masters, with a look of concentration on his face, "The strength displayed by the Buddhist Gate is enough to defeat four Saints." , this power is not unpowerful. If we don’t take timely action to suppress it, once it takes hold...our sect may not be able to protect itself!"

The three masters shook their heads and did not resolve their confusion. They just said lightly, "Buddhist Gate, don't pay attention to it for now."

"Start the journey to Heavenly Saint first, that's the business."

"Apart from Jiang Xuan, have the candidates for the other three seats been determined?"

Seeing what the Third Dao Master said, the Great Elder could only temporarily suppress the doubts and concerns in his heart, and responded, "Back to the Third Dao Master, I have initially drafted a few candidates, namely the Third Elder, the Seventh Elder, and the ancestor of the Nangong family. Nangong Sheng is in the quasi-saint realm, and he hopes to seize the opportunity to become a saint with the help of heaven's blessings and enter the Saint Realm in one fell swoop."

"Nangong Sheng?"

The three Taoist masters were stunned, why did they choose someone from the Nangong family? Everyone in the Nangong family was almost gone, and Dao Zhan didn't make any effort at all! After this election, there will be no quarrel below?

"...What do you think?" The third master said with a hint of displeasure in his tone.

Great Elder: "..."

You didn't choose it!

"Reply to the Third Dao Master, I...all follow your instructions." The great elder responded in a deep voice.

The three Taoist masters were stunned for a moment, and suddenly recalled that when they were concentrating on observing the battle between Chaos Saint and Tiandao, they casually said to the great elder that they were talking about the Nangong family?

Thinking about it this seems okay?

It doesn't matter, so what if we have a falling out next? Anyway, the Taoist gate belongs to the Great Taoist, not him.

Who knows what the two "Jiang Dao Masters", the old one and the young one, are up to? Maybe they are part of the old one and the young one. Guessing, it is better to just admit the mistakes. If the Great Dao Master is finally blamed, He just pretended to be innocent. Who told you not to make it clear beforehand?

"Just do as you say." The three masters pretended to be deep in thought, and then said leisurely, "If there is any objection below..."

"Don't worry, Third Dao Master, I know how to do it." The great elder immediately expressed his stance, "As the great elder of the Taoist sect, it is my unshirkable responsibility to reform the Taoist sect!"

"My opinion is……"


This kind of problem will occur if you think too much!

The Third Dao Master saw the Great Elder's thoughts clearly, and he felt helpless in his heart. The Great Dao Master did not give clear information, and random guessing was bound to lead to various problems. If he continued to speculate, it is estimated that It's no different from the great elder. It's better to just let the situation develop.

Immediately, the three masters waved their hands, interrupted the great elder, and warned in a low tone, rather seriously, "Talk less and do more!"

The Great Elder's expression straightened, and he immediately understood. He nodded quickly and promised, "What the three Tao masters have taught me is that before the matter is completed, I will never say a word, and I will definitely not reveal the secret of the Tao sect's reform!"


The three masters nodded, "Let's go ahead and do it."


The great elder bowed and saluted, then turned and left.

Looking at the departing figure of the great elder, the eyes of the three masters flickered with a bit of shame. Great elder, don't blame me... This matter is unclear. If something really goes wrong, someone has to come out and take care of it. .

Of course, I believe in your ability. Since you think Jiang Xuan is the young Taoist master, and the Taoist sect needs to be purified and reformed to prepare for Jiang Xuan to centralize and take power, then there is a high probability that it is needed. As long as everything comes true, this will The immense merit of following the dragon belongs to you, and I won’t take away half of it from you.

At this time, the second Taoist master came out of the secret place, looked at the departing elder, showed a puzzled expression, and then turned to the third Taoist master, "What reform? What happened to the Taoist sect again?"

"It's nothing." The three masters quickly shook their heads and said calmly, "The Buddhist Gate, which is closed to the area, was born, and showed the powerful strength of the four Saints. I was just discussing with the great elder how to deal with this. misfortune."

"Buddhist Gate? Four Saints?"

The Second Dao Master frowned slightly, "What is the approximate level of strength?"

"I haven't had a direct confrontation, but according to my observation, except for the Buddha, the other three should be ordinary Saints who have not entered the fifth decline." The three Taoist masters recalled, "They are not like the monks in the Taoist world, and their auras are a little bit... Erratic, it is possible that it came from that place.”

The Saint gained immortality and violated the law of order. There were five tribulations of decline, that is, the Fifth Layer catastrophe, which can also be called the Five Tribulations of Saint. Before the Five Tribulations, he was an ordinary Saint, and after the Five Tribulations, he was a minor Saint, that is, Saint Great Completion. If you break through, you will enter the next level - Great Saint.

The Third Lord of the Dao attained enlightenment relatively late, and is still only a Saint of one kalpa. The Second Lord of the Dao is already a Saint of Three kalpas. As for the Great Dao Lord, according to his own words, it is a Saint of Four kalpas, while the Immortal Lord of Minghong is a Saint of Five kalpas. Saint.

"Come from that place..."

The second Dao Master frowned, his expression was a little solemn, and he was full of doubts and incomprehensions, "There is no abnormality in the boundary ring, and there is no overlapping of dimensions. How could they deceive the guardians of the boundary to come?"

"Boundary Keeper, is there no reason why you didn't notice anything unusual?"

"Who knows?" The three Taoist masters shrugged and joked, "Maybe... our noble boundary keeper is currently in a relationship with his wife and has no time to talk to her."


A sword energy appeared out of thin air and circled around the heads of the three masters, cutting off all the flowing hair that the three masters were proud of.

The three masters suddenly became agitated and turned pale. They quickly clasped their fists and saluted the void. They smiled dryly and said, "I was just joking. Lord Guardian, you have a lot. Don't be as knowledgeable as me."

The sword energy dispersed.

The three Taoist masters then breathed a long sigh of relief, brushed away the rootless hair on their heads with both hands, and began to use secret techniques to grow hair.

The Second Dao Master glared at the Third Dao Master, smiled angrily and cursed, "You'd better not be in a hurry to get angry. The boundary guardian's anger may not go away!"

When the Third Master heard this, his intuition made sense. He quickly stopped growing his hair, touched his bald head, and said, "The bald head is actually quite good. I have wanted to change my hairstyle for a long time."


The Second Dao Master shook his head and laughed, and then analyzed, "It seems that the boundary guardians are aware of the people at Buddhist Gate, but they have not taken action to clean up, obviously acquiescing to their existence..."

"Could it be...that something happened over there?"

Hearing this, the three Taoist masters also stopped joking, and their expressions became serious. After thinking for a moment, they nodded and said, "It's possible."

"The boundary keeper tacitly allowed those people from Buddhist Gate to come, perhaps to reveal a message to us..."

The third master and the second master looked at each other with extremely serious and dignified expressions, and almost said in unison, "The world ring is about to collapse, and the dimensions are about to overlap!"

"Not so fast."

At this time, the voice of the Great Dao Lord suddenly sounded in the hearts of the two of them, "It will take a hundred years at the fastest for the world ring to collapse. It is not something you need to worry about."

“Just feel free to prepare for the Heavenly Saint journey.”

When the Second Dao Master and the Third Dao Master heard this, they were all stunned, and they were suspicious in their hearts. They even knew when the world ring collapsed. Is the Great Dao Master really the Saint of Four Tribulations?

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