Meanwhile, in a divine peak thousands of miles away from the Tianlin Ancient City.

Zhao Fuyao, the divine maiden of the Zhao family, looked up at the anomaly with narrowed eyes. A brilliant starlight flashed by, and a cold smile appeared on her lips. "I didn't expect to encounter the opening of a secret place before finding Jiang Qiankun on this journey."

"Well, let's go and take a look. What kind of secrets are hidden inside this place that can cause such a shocking phenomenon?"

"Let's go!" Zhao Fuyao ordered coldly.

Immediately, the strong members of the Zhao family commanded the immortal boat, breaking through the sky and turning into a stream of light, rushing away.

Just like Henge and Zhao Fuyao, the geniuses who came from the Eastern Divine Continent, they were unable to find Jiang Qiankun after searching tirelessly. When they saw the anomaly appearing in the sky, they were all pleasantly surprised. They never expected that such a secret place would open in the Southern Divine Continent, and they happened to catch up with it.

Immediately, they all hurriedly headed towards it.

There's no way. Jiang Qiankun is too good at hiding, and there's no trace of him at all.

Instead of continuing to search in vain, it's better to go and see this secret place. If they can enter and obtain opportunities inside, it would not be in vain for them to come to the Southern Divine Continent.

Desolate Heaven Divine Sect.


An ancient and vast aura spread out. The Desolate Heaven Divine Lord hurriedly walked out with an eager expression. He first went to Luo Xinglan's dojo and took her away, then strode through the void, heading towards the True God's Secret Realm.

Luo Xinglan frowned and asked with some confusion, "Why did the True God's Secret Realm open ahead of time?"

"I don't know."

The Desolate Heaven Divine Lord's expression became serious, and his tone was deep. "Things have far exceeded expectations. The shocking phenomenon will surely attract the various sects of the Southern Divine Continent to come and join forces to demand entry into the True God's Secret Realm."

"This will probably have a great impact on your plans."

Luo Xinglan shook her head slightly, her beautiful eyes lowered, and she calmly said, "If that's all, it's not a big deal."

"What I'm worried about is... someone has already entered the True God's Secret Realm ahead of time!"

The Desolate Heaven Divine Lord suddenly stopped in mid-air, looked at Luo Xinglan in disbelief, pondered for a moment, shook his head, and said in a firm voice, "It's impossible."

"The True God's Secret Realm was personally discovered and guided by me. The passage was even forged by my own hands. Only a true god can open and enter the True God's Secret Realm without my knowledge!"

"The great era has not yet arrived, and even the virtual gods are still asleep in this era. True gods... Perhaps there are a few ancient true gods who have survived, but they are all decayed and near death."

"It's absolutely impossible for them to sacrifice their lives for the True God's Secret Realm."

"No force would be so foolish!"

Luo Xinglan nodded in agreement with the Divine Lord's words. No force would be foolish enough to waste a true god like that.

However, she couldn't help but feel that something was amiss in her heart.

After all, the fact was right in front of her. The True God's Secret Realm did open three days ahead of schedule.

With this thought, the figure of that person involuntarily appeared in Luo Xinglan's mind...

"If it's him, it would make sense." Luo Xinglan murmured to herself.

Outside the ruins of the Tian Di Melt Cave.

When the Desolate Heaven Divine Lord and Luo Xinglan arrived, thousands of figures had already gathered here. The powerhouses and geniuses from various sects stood tall in the sky, and the terrifying aura piled up and rolled like the great trend of heaven and earth, pressing down.

Mipo and the geniuses of the Desolate Heaven Divine Sect were struggling to resist, showing signs of being overwhelmed.


The Desolate Heaven Divine Lord's face darkened, and he shouted angrily. The terrifying desolate aura condensed into substance, forming a wasteland, dispersing the auras of various forces.

"Desolate Heaven Divine Lord, although your Desolate Heaven Divine Sect is powerful, it's unrealistic to monopolize this secret place!"

"That's right!"

"Open the secret place and allow us geniuses to enter, otherwise... don't blame us for being impolite!" The leaders of various forces responded one after another.

Desolate Heaven, the Heavenly Lord, glanced around and had a cold expression, not expressing any opinion. Instead, he looked at the Great Luo Holy Lord and asked lightly, "Great Luo Holy Lord, in your opinion, what should we do?"

The Great Luo Holy Lord chuckled, naturally understanding the meaning behind Desolate Heaven's words.

The True Divine Realm is controlled by the Desolate Heaven Divine Sect, the Great Luo Holy Land, the Extreme Dao Sect, and the Ancient Dark Holy Religion. With these four forces in control, it is indeed difficult for the Desolate Heaven Divine Sect alone to resist the pressure from all sides. However, if they join forces, it will naturally be much easier.

But why should he help?

The more chaotic the True Divine Realm becomes, the more advantageous it is for him. After all... he still has a trump card.

The Great Luo Holy Lord glanced at Desolate Heaven and said indifferently, "What difference does it make if the geniuses from all sides enter the secret realm? The treasures and opportunities are up to their own abilities. The Desolate Heaven Divine Sect, as the number one overlord in the Southern Divine Continent, shouldn't lack confidence in their own geniuses, right?"

Upon hearing this, Desolate Heaven's expression immediately darkened, and a cold light flickered in his eyes.

At this moment, Luo Xinglan also learned about the situation in the gray space at that time. Her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a hint of anger.

She could be certain that the person who entered the True Divine Realm first and triggered the early opening of the True Divine Realm was definitely Jiang Xuan, the young patriarch of the Jiang family.

She sincerely invited him, but he coldly refused. And now, he secretly sneaked in.

"Am I really that unwelcome to you?" Luo Xinglan gritted her teeth, full of resentment.

After taking a few deep breaths and doing some mental preparation, Luo Xinglan raised her eyes slightly and looked at the numerous geniuses present. There were thousands of them, many of whom possessed formidable strength, including dozens of Profound Earth realm experts.

If she allowed all these geniuses to enter, it would indeed disrupt her original plans.


Luo Xinglan's beautiful eyes narrowed, revealing a cold intent. Even if there were many people, she was confident that she could handle them all.

Immediately, Luo Xinglan transmitted her voice to Desolate Heaven, "Distribute the quota talismans and let them in."

Desolate Heaven was taken aback and replied in a deep voice, "...Are you confident?"

"No problem!"

Luo Xinglan nodded slightly. "Rather than blocking them, it's better to let them in. They are just a bunch of clowns who can't stir up any waves!"


While the situation outside was in turmoil, inside the True Divine Realm, there was a different scene.

Jiang Xuan led the little girl and entered the Heavenly Pillar unimpeded. What came into view was an endless gray-white color, just like the gray space they were in earlier.

But the difference was that the Heavenly Pillar, which supported the heavens and earth, was now lying in the center of the space.

It formed an ancient and heavy boundless ancient road, overgrown with weeds and withered trees.

Looking along the ancient road, one couldn't see the end, only a dim gray-white color, revealing a somewhat desolate atmosphere.

Jiang Xuan and the little girl landed on the ancient road.

A heavy and desolate aura rushed towards them, as if they were in a primitive wilderness.

Some information immediately surged in their minds.

It turned out... they had already entered the True Divine Realm.

Because the gray space they were in just now was actually a part of the True Divine Realm!

Or rather, it was the opposite side of the True Divine Realm.

This peculiar world is like a mirror, simultaneously existing in both the front and back spaces, and the Heavenly Pillar is the bridge connecting the front and back.

However, this world has already shattered, and the back side has been extinguished, forming the gray space they saw earlier.

The front side... is the true True Divine Realm they are about to enter.

"Interesting." Jiang Xuan murmured in surprise.

But when he noticed the little girl's behavior, Jiang Xuan's face immediately turned dark.

The little girl was... pulling out weeds one after another and stuffing them into her mouth.

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