Destined Martial God

Chapter 1008: Battle of Bloodlines (Five)

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Guangling City, on the central square!

Accompanying the sound of light and crisp impact, the instinct sword of Lightning was bounced back by a strong force.

And the cyan sword that was hit by the native sword was directly crushed, and countless cyan fragments reunited as Xiu Ruojie.

However, at this time Xiu Ruojie looked very embarrassed. Not only was Tsing Yi's torn shirt ragged, but a trace of blood stained on the corner of his mouth showed that he had suffered a slight injury in Jiaofeng just now.

"Okay, good, very good!"

Reaching for a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, Xiu Ruojie's face appeared three times in a row.

Then he put away the blue sword, and said with a sneer.

"Yu Haoran, you have completely angered me."

"Next, I will let you see what kind of capital Xiu Ruojie has, and I can ignore what Yingjie said in your mouth."

With the arrogant laughter, Xiu Ruojie's body quickly stretched out and directly blasted his torn tattered T-shirt.

Along with the lengthening of the body, Xiu Ruojie's head gradually began to twist, eventually turning into a fierce snake head.

Five seconds later, Xiu Ruojie, who was handsome and handsome, became a giant python close to a kilometer in length.

"This, this, this is the ancient **** beast Ba snake, which is said to be able to devour the heavens and the earth!" Outside the square, the ancestors from the ancient clan shouted in horror.

"I understand!"

The ancestors of the Gui family, while looking dignified, couldn't help whispering to themselves.

"The original so-called family that inherited the bloodlines of ancient gods and beasts, the real way to dominate the Tianxuan continent is that they can transform into gods and beasts by virtue of their own bloodlines."

"Uncle Bian, will my master be okay?"

Seeing Xiu Ruojie who turned into a Ba snake, he still admired his handsome Yun Yun from time to time, and a look of disgust flashed in his eyes.

However, when Ba Snake's body was close to a thousand meters, and she was experiencing strong evil spirits, she couldn't help but grabbed Bian Shengrui's arm and asked with a worried expression.

"Xiang, don't worry, I believe Master Yu must have a solution." He reached out and patted Yun Xiang's arm, and Bian Shengrui expressed a smile of relief.

"Transform into ancestor Ba snake!"

Looking at Xiu Ruojie who turned into a kilometer, Yu Haoran murmured calmly.

Subsequently, he put away his sword, and slammed his chest with his fists, while roaring upward.


Along with the roar that rang through the clouds, Yu Haoran's body also began to climb quickly, and soon became a giant reaching a kilometer in height, like a mountain peak.

Originally, according to the division between the height of the ancestral witch and the realm, before the physical grade broke through the realm of Wu Sheng, the height of the ancestor witch after the transformation should be only 999 meters.

I don't know if it was because the physical grade was promoted to the ten-story perfection that made him the height of the ancestor and witch behind him turned up to a thousand meters.

It also allows him to exert the strength of the seven peaks of Wusheng without having to use the secret method of ancestor-witch blood lineage inheritance.

Compared to the shock caused by Xiu Ruojie's incarnation of nearly 1,000 kilometers, everyone's response to the giant who has transformed into a kilometer is relatively flat.

After all, there were many strong men and experts at the scene who had witnessed too much Hao Ran and turned into a giant of thousands of meters when they killed the quasi-special beast in Hengduan Mountains.

"This, this, this is the ancestor of the ancient Beast King who could kill the beast king!" Looking at the transformation of kilometers, with a huge body far better than the evil spirit of Ba snake, standing in the black ancestor of the square, An expression of horror shuddered to his face.

Later, he thought that the reason why the ancient Cuban snake and beast almost broke the inheritance was because the ancestor witch naturally liked to swallow the flesh and blood of the Ba snake. The voice reminded Xiu Ruojie to be vigilant.

Originally, because of the fear that suddenly appeared in my heart, when I was puzzled, when I heard the reminder of the old man in black, when Xiu Ruojie became enlightened, he felt a strong unwillingness.

On what basis!

Why can ancestors feed on their ancestors!

Why can't you turn it around and feed on your ancestors?

"Hmm ...!"

Unlike ordinary snakes, the roar of Ba snake is very similar to the sound of ronin.

After Yangtian roared, Xiu Ruojie transformed Ba Ba, raised his head high, and then opened the huge snake's mouth.

Then, an unimaginable huge suction began to devour everything in front of him.

"Get out of here!"

Feeling Xiu Ruojie's encroachment on the Ba snake's bloodline heritage, Yu Haoran immediately turned his head to remind everyone behind him to watch the war, and then supported his feet, leaned forward forty-five degrees, resisting the coming The stronger the suction.

However, in the face of increasingly strong suction, it is difficult to sustain it with the power of two feet alone.


The leaning body suddenly sucked hard, and then used the roar of the ancestral witch to temporarily offset a part of the suction, so that Yu Haoran directly rose into the sky.

The snake's head with a wide open mouth opened up as Yu Haoran soared directly into the endless void.

"Witch destroys the earth!"

Ignoring the strong suction that came quickly behind him, taking advantage of the opportunity to briefly escape the strong suction, Yu Haoran directly cast the boxing method created by the strongest ancestor among the twelve ancestors.

It is also by virtue of this set of boxing techniques that the strongest ancestor witch blasted the nine-pronged Zijin Shenlong, one of the nine gods and beasts, into a serious wound.

Accompanied by Yu Haoran's violent drinking, the quick punches gradually condensed into one person, although he could not see the appearance, but knew the extraordinary strong person at a glance.

The boxing method condensed a figure, and it rose to the wind, and soon became an Optimal Giant that is more than ten times larger than Hao Ran.

Facing the strong suction formed in Ba She's mouth, the giant opened his hands directly, just like tearing a cloth, tearing the invisible suction away from it, then lifted the huge and wide left foot, and stepped on Ba's head severely. .


Unable to withstand the pedaling force formed by the giant feet, Ba snake's huge head was directly stepped on the ground by the giant feet.

The powerful stepping force not only directly smashed a huge pit about tens of meters deep on the hard ground, but also completely interrupted the Bazhou snake ’s secret devour.


Just after the giant gathered in boxing, stepped Ba snake's snake head into the ground fiercely, Yu Haoran descended quickly and landed firmly in front of Ba snake's body.

Then, he clasped his fingers directly into the flesh of the snake's body, and then began to spin and beat the Ba snake with force.

"Boy, let go of Master Ruojie!"

The Haotian giant that Yu Haoran had just gathered with his boxing skills was so shocked that the old man in black was briefly lost in his sight.

When he woke up and saw the beaten Ba snake, he immediately yelled at him.

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