Destined Martial God

Chapter 1013: Breakthrough (five more)

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In Luoshui Town!

"Shen, please sit by yourself. I want to go out for a walk!"

After the separated consciousness returned to the body, Yu Haoran urged Shen Haokong, then got up and left the restaurant, and came to the street of the town.

Subsequently, he walked aimlessly along with pedestrians on the street.

When he felt no one around him, he accidentally found himself in a shabby yard.

Through the gap that could barely be called a wall, Yu Haoran saw a pair of sisters sitting in the courtyard.

The sister is about eight or nine years old and has a ponytail. Her appearance can only be considered as ordinary.

My brother is about five or six years old. He is very cute.

At this moment, the elder sister was holding needle and needle embroidery, while the younger brother looked at the elder sister obliquely, but from the eyelids that he lowered from time to time, he knew that he was already sleepy.

The constant difficulty of attacking eventually made my brother unable to support his body and fell forward suddenly.

Although the elder sister had been embroidering, she looked at her brother from time to time, just to see that he fell forward because he couldn't keep his balance when he fell asleep.

Regarding the iron needle in his hand, he stuck to his brother in time, and the sister hugged his brother in time, and then forced the pain that the iron needle pierced the palm of the hand just now, and took the brother into the room.

Looking at the warm picture in the courtyard, Yu Haoran felt a warm current emerging from his heart, and a happy smile appeared on his face.


It is an opportunity for him to get the care of God and change the tragic fate of the previous life after reincarnation.

Can't I allow others to get this opportunity too!

Moreover, the rebirth of preserving the memories of previous lives is just higher than the starting point of others. Future achievements also depend on their own efforts, their own hard work, and their own means.

In the previous life, the reason why he was not as good as those four reincarnation people was because of his potential, his origin, and his personal encounters were far worse than them.

Today, with the help of Taling, their potential has caught up with them, and the known and unknown opportunities are not lost to them.

So, do you have no confidence to catch up and surpass them!

Do not!

Since I Hao Ran vowed to climb the peak of martial arts, then the four people who were born again and reborn are climbing the four mountains on the peak of martial arts and waiting to conquer them one by one.

It is because when Hao Ran really figured it all out, and completely transformed the heavy pressure into the driving force for progress, a mysterious power let him enter the state of epiphany instantly.

"Not only does consciousness enter the state of epiphany, but it also breaks through the realm of martial arts!"

Hao Ran was influenced by his instinct. After sitting with his knees bent, he always used Shennian to secretly pay attention to him, and suddenly appeared in front of him.

After discovering Hao Ran's special state, there was a look of envy in his eyes.

However, constrained by the rules of the heavens, he quickly put away the envy he had just revealed, and then took out the seventh-order top-grade spirit pulse presented by Hao Ran from the storage ring.

Whether it is an epiphany or a breakthrough in the martial arts realm, a lot of aura is needed.

Although the heaven and earth aura in Luoshui Town is still sufficient, it must not be satisfied with Haoran's current situation.

Therefore, Shen Haokong intends to use the seventh-order top-grade spirit to help him successfully break through the martial arts realm.

The spell of the Seal Spirit Vessel was immediately lifted off, and the seventh-order superior spirit vein that had lost its seal power began to expand instantly, and soon became a white dragon that was several kilometers long.

"Break me!"

Utilizing the power of the soul and the power of the metamorphosis of the hands, the spirit veins that have become white dragons are directly torn into numerous pieces, and then the powerful veins are forcibly brought together by Haoran.


With the sudden roar of a thunderous sound in Yu Haoran's body, an unimaginable horror suction immediately formed from above his head.

The horrible suction directly forced Shen Haokong's spiritual veins into the body to force his cultivation into the realm of martial arts at the same time as the physical grade.

"Gas double repair!"

Feeling the two horrible momentums rising one after another in Hao Ran's body, Shen Hao Kong said to himself in shock.

"Moreover, Xiuwei broke through the realm of Wu Sheng at the same time as the physical grade. It seems that this boy's potential and mentality are far better than some core disciples in the inherited family."

"Perhaps with him for ten years, he can make a lot of money."

After Xiuwei broke through the realm of Wu Sheng at the same time as the physical grade, the sudden surge of suction directly consumed one tenth of the soul veins that came together.

In this regard, Shen Haokong was not worried at all.

Because he believes how the potential of Yu Haoran is against the sky, and the breakthrough of Wusheng Realm cannot directly absorb a whole seventh-order top-grade spirit vein.

With the momentum of Xiu Wei and the physical grade breakthrough reaching the peak, and then gradually began to fall, Shen Hao Kong frowned.

According to the normal breakthrough procedure of Wu Sheng Realm, the moment when the momentum fell back when Xiu was breaking through Wu Sheng Realm, the power of the laws he felt should be revealed.

However, the decline of momentum shows that his cultivation and physical breakthrough have ended, but why there is no fluctuation in the power of laws!


When Shen Haokong was puzzled, a dark thunder suddenly sounded from Yu Haoran's body.

With the sound of dark thunder, the momentum that had just fallen back and started climbing again.

"Breakthroughs and physical breakthroughs!"

Watching Yu Haoran's Xiu Wei and physical grade break through the middle, high, and peak of Wu Sheng Yipin, and then until the beginning of Wu Sheng Yipin, Shen Haokong finally knew why the power fluctuation of the law had not been demonstrated just now.

Because the power of the law will not be revealed until the realm breakthrough is over.

"Within five miles, who dares to break in and die!"

It is because when Hao Ran's Xiuwei and the physical class successively broke through the early stage of Wu Sheng Second Grade, Shen Hao Kong used the divine mind in advance to suddenly break into five strong men in the Wu Sheng realm. He immediately threatened with murderous spirit.

Feeling Shen Haokong's powerful strength, the five martial arts realms immediately withdrew from the range of five miles, and then looked at each other.

"I just inadvertently saw a strong young man sitting next to the strong one. It must be that the descendants of that senior are breaking through the Wusheng realm. Let's not bother them!" The strongest peak reminded the other four companions.

"Let's go!"

Xiu nodded for the highest Wusheng Qipin peak strongman, then turned and left Luoshui Town.

"The strong man just now is definitely a quasi-military respected strong man who has survived the calamity. He is a strong man whose Tianshui can't afford to fall apart."

Seeing the five Wusheng strong men who had just broken into the scope of Shennian just left obediently, Shen Haokong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued to focus on Haoran's breakthrough.

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