Destined Martial God

Chapter 1020: Nothingness Condensation Technique (two more)

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Mountain peaks!

Looking at the second beast of Zhuanzhuang Zunjing who fled from the peak, a sneer of contempt appeared on the young man's face.

Then, he reached out and pointed at the second beast that had escaped hundreds of miles, and drank softly.

"Death is dead!"

A special force ignoring time and space shot into the strange beast of the Realm of Reality, which escaped from the peak.

Immediately after, the second beast of Zunzun Zunjing didn't even make a scream, and his body quickly disappeared.

In less than two seconds, the height of Erzun Zun, who was 70 meters tall, completely turned into a sinister bone, and then fell from the air.

Ignoring the spooky bones falling from the air, the young man in Tsing Yi folded his natal knife and then appeared in front of three pine trees halfway up the mountain.

"Blade spirit, please trouble you!" Looking at the three pine trees in front of you, Tsing Yi youth signaled to the blade spirit in the sea.

"The inferior dust-proof array of inferior products on the ground, to see how I broke it!" God thought swept across the three pine trees, said with a scornful expression.

Subsequently, a powerful divine thought condensed a long black sword, tearing all the points of the formation directly, exposing the openings under the three pine trees.

Without any hesitation, the Tsing Yi youth rushed directly into the hole.


Inside Dongfu!

With the imprint of the broken spirit, with the cooperation of the divine mind, it was continuously printed on the unique nine buildings of Dongfu. The ordinary Dongfu had gradually changed.

In the eyes of Hao Ran's anticipation, in Shen Haokong's incredible eyes, the ordinary Dongfu quickly became a fairyland like Dongtianfudi.

Taking a deep breath, the pure aura around the liquid is close to the surroundings. After entering the body along the pores of the whole body, Yu Haoran faintly feels a slight improvement in Xiuwei and physical grade.

Nowadays, his cultivation and physical grade are in the early days of the second martial arts grade. Only the pure aura absorbed by the body can reach the level of ascension, indicating that at least one spirit of grade five and lower grade is hidden in this cave. pulse.

Landing quickly on the ground, Yu Haoran reminded Shen Haokong, who was shocked.

"Shen Lao, there is no time limit for opening this cave. We can stay here for a long time."

"So, you can either use the pure aura of Dongfu to break through and repair, or you can go around and pick your favorite treasure."

"Master, the slave wants to make a breakthrough first." Taking a deep breath, suppressing the inner shock, Shen Haokong said firmly.

The three robberies in Zhunwu Zun's realm are heart robberies, soul robberies, and body robberies.

As early as decades ago, he has successfully survived the soul and body robberies, but only the heart robberies have not yet been overcome, but in the decades of fighting against the heart demon, his state of mind has been sharpened enough to break through Wu Zun realm.

Therefore, heart robbery is no danger to him, he can cross the robbery at any time.

However, since meeting and following Haoran, he has seen too many things that are difficult to understand, and he has accumulated more and more doubts. He is worried that if he continues to do so, he will likely form a new heart. magic.

Therefore, while he is still able to control the demon, he will immediately go through the heart robbery of the Three Calamities to avoid uncontrollable situations in the future.

"OK!" Nodded in agreement with Shen Haokong's choice, Yu Haoran stepped towards the Danfang.

And Shen Haokong did not deliberately choose the place to practice, and sat down with his knees bent, and began to make a breakthrough in cultivation by virtue of the rich and pure aura in Dongfu.

Reach out and push the door closed automatically by the formation!

Afterwards, a strong smell of Danxiang came on his face.

"Fourth-tier, nine-pin, five-elements also returned Yuandan!" Just by the smell of Danxiang, Yu Haoran knew the origin of the elixir of Danxiang.

Step into the Dan room, a three-meter-high Dan stove topped with a round cloud cover and a three-footed floor.

He slowly walked to the Dan furnace, put his hand on the Dan furnace, Yu Haoran experienced it carefully, and found that the Dan furnace in front of him was just the most ordinary ordinary product, which made him feel strange.

As a Dan room for alchemy, why should an ordinary Dan Pin Dan furnace be placed?

Because the fanpin furnace like this, the high temperature that the ground fire has, the powerful force contained in Yuanli can not be used to refine the elixir.

Shaking his head, Yu Haoran didn't pay attention to Fanpin Danluo, and began to focus on a desk behind the Danluo, next to the wall.

On the desk, there was a set of four treasures in the study, which made pen and ink on paper, which made Yu Haoran even more strange in his heart.

Walked slowly to the desk, glanced across the pen and paper, and finally stopped on a piece of white paper with a handwriting.

"Yin and Yang soften, with invisible heaven and earth as the furnace, supplemented by Dan Tian's heart fire, Fang Cheng's intangible Ning Dan Avenue!"

Although the words on the white paper seemed very mysterious, but for Hao Ran, it was equivalent to taking a few steps back in the thunderstorm, until it reached Dan Pinluo Dan, and then looked at the white paper on the table in shock.

Because the sentence just now represents a rumor, a realm that Dan Dao Xiu spent countless years pursuing to reach the power of the realm of Dan God, perhaps it is a secret method.

That is to take the invisible heaven and earth as the Dan furnace, and the most common Dantian fire as the refining means, so that any time, anywhere can be refining the medicine.

And this secret law is called by the powerful one!

But in the end it turns out that this idea simply doesn't work.

Because the heavens and the earth are invisible, it is impossible to gather the elixir of elixir. The fire of elixir is the refining method, and it does not have the ability to refine the medicinal materials into elixir.

However, from the typeface left by handwriting on the white paper, Yu Haoran knew that the Dan master who wrote the sentence seemed to have successfully mastered the Ning Ning Dan technique.

Taking a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the shocked expression in his heart, Yu Haoran directly picked up the white paper on the desk, then walked away from the Dan room and headed directly to the treasure house of treasures. He wanted to see if there was nothingness in the treasure house Gongfa Yujian.

But as he passed through the practice room, a kind of intimate feeling suddenly appeared in his heart, as if he had what he needed.

He did not venture into the practice room. Yu Haoran first checked it with his divine thought. After confirming that there was no danger in the practice room except for a corpse that had been sitting for several years, he opened the practice room. Door, step into the room.

But as soon as his legs entered the practice room, the door closed automatically.

Immediately afterwards, the corpse, which had been dead for many years, suddenly raised his head, and he immediately put on a defensive posture.

However, when he felt that there was no vitality in the body in front of him, his nervousness was slightly relaxed.

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