Destined Martial God

Chapter 1030: The Shen Family Is Immortal, Falling Forever

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In the cave, the practice room!

"Shen Lao, what I have to say next time is likely to make you into a crazy state, but I hope you can stay true to your heart and be absolutely calm."

Shen Haokong explained in detail just now, so that Yu Haoran finally determined that his speculation was absolutely reasonable.

But for Shen Haokong, it turned out to be a very cruel thing.

Therefore, before telling him the true truth, Yu Haoran needs to ensure his safety. He does not want to be his most powerful helper in the future, and he is in danger of backwashing his heart.

"Master, rest assured, the old slave just passed through the final robberies in the triple calamity in the realm of Zunwu Zun, and when his state of mind was repaired to be the most powerful, even if the sky is falling apart, I can face it calmly." Guaranteed.

However, Yu Haoran was still not quite assured of Shen Haokong's self-confidence. In the end, he took out a Ningshendan with a grade of 4th grade and 9th grade from Miao Cangshui's storage ring and let him take it in advance.

Ning Shen Dan can not only effectively disappear the demon, but also greatly improve the cultivation of mood.

Therefore, facing Hao Ran's numerous gifts, Shen Haokong did not refuse, and reached out to take Ning Shen Dan directly to serve.

When the effect of Ningshendan began to work, Yu Haoran said with a serious expression, and said in a painful tone.

"Shen old, based on my understanding of Yu Haoran in the poisonous way, and my understanding of ghosts and soul-stealers, I think your sister should now be in a state of complete separation of spirit and body."

"Why?" Frosted slightly, Shen Haokong asked.

"In order to prevent the poisonous effects of ghosts and souls from eating, it will erode the last vitality of your sister, which is also a trap set by your family elders, so that you can be hooked and then eliminate the potential hidden dangers of the family."

Always alert to Shen Haokong's emotional changes, Yu Haoran directly stated his speculation.

The hands placed on both legs clasped instantly, a scarlet Shen Haokong gradually appeared in his eyes, and his voice asked in a low voice.

"Then my sister is alive or dead now, is there any hope of rescue?"

"Shen Lao, when the warrior broke through the realm of Wu Zong, he would use the special energy generated in the sea of ​​knowledge to condense the three souls and seven souls into spirits."

"Similarly, if you use special means, you can also extract a certain soul or a certain soul from the soul alone."

Although Shen Haokong's emotions are relatively large now, under his own suppression and with the aid of Ningshendan's powerful medicine, he is temporarily in a controllable range, so Yu Haoran continued to express his guess.

"If I didn't guess wrong, the elders in your family must use powerful cultivation to extract life souls that can maintain the vitality of the front line, and then use the remaining two souls and seven souls to offset the poisonous spirit of the ghost. "

The violent anger in the imagination did not occur. After hearing Yu Haoran's speculation about her sister's fate, the scarlet emerging from Shen Haokong's eyes gradually dissipated, and his clenched fists slowly released.

Then he said calmly to Yu Haoran.

"Master, I want to be quiet!"

"Okay, then I'll go out and take a look to see if there are any treasures left in the cave."

Nodded, Yu Haoran made an excuse to leave, then got up and walked out of the practice room.

It was that Hao Ran had just closed the door of the practice room, and it was a terrible murderous horror that almost smashed the practice room.


Facing the intense murderous anger that erupted in the practice room, Yu Haoran just shook his head and sighed, and did not enter the practice room for relief, but turned to the few undestructed mission rooms in the entire cave.

Sitting on the ground in the mission room, Khan bent out, and Yu Haoran took out the ninety-nine pieces of Chinese traditional artifacts and ninety-nine pieces of traditional Chinese artifacts.

Later, Mind took out the Ruyi Bell integrated into the soul, and he planned to take the opportunity to raise Ruyi Bell's grade to the highest level in the realm.

Minds control Ruyi Bell to grow larger, use Zhongming's sound to shatter the instrument, and then devour the essence of the instrument.

It took almost four hours for the 198 pieces of the Zhongpin and Shangpin to be successfully refined and absorbed by Ruyi Bell.

Using God's thoughts, I carefully examined Ruyi Bell, who was promoted to the top of the realm. Yu Haoran was surprised to find that with the continuous improvement of Ruyi Bell's grade, not only the attack and defense became stronger and stronger, but also the quality was improved dozens of times.

At this time, Ruyi Zhong may be said to be the top-level existence in the realm of fine arts in the realm.

Mind controlled Ruyi Bell to reintegrate into the soul, Yu Haoran got up and then came back to the practice room.

At this moment, although the strong murderous spirit in the practice room has disappeared, the door is still closed, which makes him uneasy to worry about Shen Haokong, not knowing whether he has accepted the reality of his sister's being killed now.

Reach out and open the door of the practice room and step into the practice room.

After seeing Shen Haokong sitting there motionlessly, Yu Haoran couldn't help feeling a tremor in his heart.

Originally with the gradual recovery of the injury, Shen Haokong, whose silver hair became black, turned into white hair like frost and snow.

Quickly walked in front of Shen Haokong, two blood and tears that had completely dried up, indicating that the extreme sadness just now had completely hurt his internal organs.

"Shen old, are you okay?" Yu Haoran asked cautiously.

"Master, old slave is fine!" The closed eyes did not open, Shen Haokong responded hoarsely.

"Shen old, your eyes!"

Looking at Shen Haokong with her eyes closed, an unpleasant idea suddenly came to her mind, while Yu Haoran asked, and wanted to stretch out his eyelids to see if the situation was as he had guessed.

"The Shen family is immortal, and it will always fall into darkness!"

But Shen Haokong reached out to stop, and said why he closed his eyes tightly.

"Shen Lao, how hard are you!" Shaking his head, Yu Haoran rebuked with some heartache.

In this regard, Shen Haokong just smiled and did not explain too much.

Sitting on the knees in front of Shen Haokong, looking at the two bloodstains in the corner of his eyes, Yu Haoran sighed, and then gathered some water with his power, scrubbed out the dried bloodstains, and said solemnly.

"Shen, I will give you a choice now."

"Master, please." When he quickly put away the warm current that had just been scrubbed of bloodstains, Shen Haokong signaled earnestly.

"Shen old, now I can lift the constraints of the heavenly rules on you. You can either choose to leave or stay with me."

Yu Haoran gave his free choice to return.

"Master, the old slave will always be your house slave, and will always only be loyal to you!" Shaking his head, Shen Haokong made his choice very solemnly.

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