Destined Martial God

Chapter 1033: First exposure (five more)

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Right Niucheng, in the shops of heaven and earth!

"Why don't I know that there are still such young adults in the chamber of commerce!" Looking at Yu Haoran, who was led by the shopkeeper to the backyard, the shop guy asked in doubt.

Later, he suddenly thought of the request that Yu Haoran had just made, and the arrangement of the shopkeeper, and suddenly his face changed suddenly.

"Broken, I forgot to tell the shopkeeper that the six elders have arranged Yiyuan Pavilion to one of the inheritance disciples from the first-class sect Tianjian Sovereign, He Xilai, known as the Earth Sword."

Turning his head and beckoning to a buddy in the store's Wuwang Erpin, he beckoned to greet the guests for the time being, and then hurried to the backyard.

"Treasurer, I am very satisfied with this beautiful environment. When I see the elders in the future, I will definitely say something good for you."

Looking at the independent courtyard with sufficient aura and elegant environment in front of him, Yu Haoran nodded very satisfied, and then gave a short promise that he did not know whether it would be realized in the future.

"Thank you Master Ma!"

Just rushing to the other hospital just now, the shopkeeper has inquired about the origin of Yu Haoran, knowing the close relationship between him and the elder.

Now, after hearing Yu Haoran's promise, he immediately thanked him.

After all, after the powerful advertising effect formed by the Guangling City auction and the close relationship with Yu Haoran, the business of Heaven and Earth in the Southern Regions suddenly opened up, and even seized many of the sites originally belonging to Tianxiang Pavilion. The elders became more and more prestigious and powerful in the chamber of commerce.

If you can get the appreciation of the elders, you will surely be able to gain more power in the future.

"Master Ma, please!" Repressing the inner excitement, the shopkeeper approached and opened the courtyard door, signaled respectfully.

"The shopkeeper!" It was the shop hurriedly rushed to the shopkeeper when Hao Ran stepped into the other courtyard, looking anxiously to the shopkeeper.

"The shopkeeper, after nearly half a month of boat and car fatigue, Ben Ma is very tired now and needs a good rest."

Turning his head to glance at the anxious shop buddy, Yu Haoran reminded him considerately.

"If you have something important to deal with, you can go first and not stay with me."

"I'm so sorry, Master Ma, the little one has resigned!"

After making an apology with his fist, the shopkeeper turned and walked towards the shop buddy, but his gloomy complexion showed that his mood was very upset at this time.

With a wave of his sleeves, he used his strength to close the courtyard door, and Yu Haoran went straight to the practice room in the other courtyard.

After leaving Miao Cangshui's Dongfu, he took Shen Haokong to another dangerous place to practice.

After more than ten days of hardening, whether it is the cultivation and physical grade after the breakthrough, or the dual-rule martial arts that have been realized, not only has it been completely consolidated and mastered, but also its cultivation and physical grade have reached the edge of the breakthrough .

Therefore, he intends to break through the Xiuwei and physical levels first, and then go to the sword tower to sharpen his sword skills.

"what did you say!"

After hearing the report from the shop's buddies, the shopkeeper who was originally gloomy was now gloomy as if he could drip water.

"The shopkeeper, the younger one was the Chuan Xun Yufu from the six elders in the morning. At that time you were not in the chamber of commerce, so you were not notified in the first time." I can feel the killings emerging in the shopkeeper. Explained.

"When will He Xilai reach Youniucheng?"

If it wasn't for the buddy who has followed him for more than ten years, he is the confidant of his absolute trust, and because of the trouble he just caused himself, he would have slapped him.

Therefore, he can only forcibly suppress the murderous spirit that keeps emerging, and then start to think of ways to solve the trouble.

"Tomorrow at noon!" Feeling the murderous spirit disappearing, the shop buddy secretly relieved, and quickly replied.

"Lin Hua, clean me out of Xingyun Pavilion immediately!"

Thinking that Hao Ran had just said that he would bother himself for a while, the shopkeeper knew that he would not be able to leave the chamber of commerce in a short time, and could only arrange a place for He Xi to relocate.

"The shopkeeper, Xingyun Pavilion and Yiyuan Pavilion are several grades behind. Arranged for He Xilai, who is known as the Earth Sword, will it cause Tian Jianzong's dissatisfaction." Seeing the shopkeeper's plan, Yiyun Pavilion with ordinary conditions Arranged for He Xilai, the shop guy reminded worried.

"Then what do you say?" The shopkeeper asked, staring at the shop man dissatisfied.

"Treasurer, can you discuss with that person to see if he is willing to move to Xingyun Pavilion." The shop buddy carefully proposed.

"Lin Hua, if you want to find death, I have no opinion, but I hope you don't pull me!" The cold light in his eyes flashed, the shopkeeper's sleeves flew away, and left the shop buddies shaking their legs Warning.

With the help of elixir and more than a dozen fourth-order spirit stones, it took less than ten minutes to successfully break through the bottleneck of the realm, and repaired to the early stage of the promotion to Wusheng Sanpin at the same time as the physical rank.

After briefly consolidating the Xiuwei and physical grades after the breakthrough, Yu Haoran got up and left the practice room, then vacated and flew to the peak of the sword tower.

Although there are dozens of systems such as knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, puppets, hooks, and forks in the practice instruments in the Tianxuan continent, most martial arts choose sword techniques.

As a top-notch treasure capable of sharpening swordsmanship, the sword tower has countless swordsmen who want to enter it daily to practice.

However, limited by the influence of Jianlou space, each time only three warriors can enter it at the same time.

Therefore, this led to not only watching hundreds of people in front of the sword tower, but also often beating in order to be able to enter the sword tower.

Without any force constraints, the result of a big fight is either you or me.

"Let's go!" Yu Haoran shouted harshly at the several masters of Wuhuang who stood before him.

In Shuang Niu Shan, forbearance and concession will only make you more oppressed. Only when you show your powerful strength, domineering behavior and cruel means can you win the respect of everyone, and you can practice in the sword tower anytime, anywhere.

"Boy, uncle, let me see if you are impatient, and dare to scold us!"

Although Yu Haoran showed his domineerment at the beginning, due to the disadvantages brought by his own age, not only did he not let a few masters of the Emperor Wuhuang who were just scolded out, but he attracted one of the seven Emperor Wupin peaks attack.

Looking at the fast-moving Tekken, Yu Haoran sneered with a disdain, and quickly opened his left palm to hold the Tekken directly.


As the hand holding the iron fist began to exert strength, the strong man at the peak of the Emperor Qipin could not help howling.

"Boy, let me give it to Uncle!" The man with a terrible pain was threatened by the pain.


With the crisp crackling sound, the iron fist clenched in the left palm was directly crushed.

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