Destined Martial God

Chapter 1035: Sword House (second more)

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Right Niufeng, peak!


Even in the face of the strongest of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin, Yu Haoran's attitude and tone are still so domineering.


The thin old man in Tsing Yi, who also doesn't like nonsense, lies in the fact that Hao Ran's scolding character just said that he has a thin left hand like a claw and grabbed him directly at the heavenly cover.

The rule of quick movement is incorporated into the body, quickly avoiding the palm of the thin little Tsing Yi old man, Yu Haoran took the purple stick and took a deep breath.


The strength of the ancestral witch's body, combined with the stick method inherited by the monkey emperor, the purple stick was like a sickle of death, straight from the head of the thin little Tsing Yi man.

Feeling the power of the quasi-wuzun realm on the attacking purple sticks, the thin old man in Tsing Yi knew that he had provoked a demon-like genius against the heavens, and he knew that he was definitely not Yu Haoran's opponent.

Therefore, he wanted to talk and admit defeat.

But the stick method that suddenly accelerated the attack, when he just opened his mouth and conceded that the soft voice had not yet said, the purple stick banged on his head.

"Zi ...!"

The mighty strongman of the highest level of martial arts Jiupin did not resist even a trick, and was directly bombarded with meat. Yu Haoran's strength just showed that everyone at the scene couldn't help but take a breath.

The powerful flesh can directly clamp the upper-class weapon in the imperial realm. In the early repair of Wusheng Sanpin, it can directly kill the strongest of Wusheng Jiupin.

At this moment, even if Yu Haoran does not introduce himself actively, everyone knows that his origins are extraordinary, and it is likely that they are the children of the heir family who have been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years.

Since the powerful men in the state of the highest peaks of the martial arts Jiupin are not the enemies of this young man in front of them, of course, the dozen or so strong men who stand in front of the sword tower will certainly not find their own way.

It was that when Hao Ran's indifferent eyes were cast, they immediately cleared the way, allowing Yu Hao Ran to come to the sword tower smoothly.

The sword tower erected on the top of the right Niufeng Peak is only nine meters high, but it gives a feeling of looking up.

The exquisite and clear platform can make people see at a glance that the floor of the sword tower is eighty-one floors, which respectively correspond to the nine ranks and nine ranks of the martial arts practice.

Looking at the familiar Jianlou in front of her eyes, Yu Haoran's eyes showed a look of memories.

In the previous life, he entered the sword tower three times. With his practice and knowledge on the kendo, he eventually broke into the 60th floor, which is equivalent to the realm of Wu Sheng Si Pin.

Nowadays, although his cultivation is far better than the previous life, he is not very sure whether he can break through the 60th floor.

After all, after reincarnation, the waste on Kendo has gradually lost his grasp of the essence of swordsmanship.

Watching the floor where the sword tower glowed with sword energy just reached the thirteenth floor, Yu Haoran knew that it would take a while before the warriors entering the sword tower came out.

Therefore, he intends to take advantage of this period of time to carefully recall the memory of the essence of swordsmanship in the previous life and see how many times he can reach the first floor of the sword tower.

However, before that, he still needs to occupy a place that can enter the sword tower.

There are four doors on the ground floor of the sword tower, which correspond to the four aspects of east, west, south, and north.

Among them, the three gates from the east to the north are the entrance to the Jianlou, and the south gate is the exit from the Jianlou.

At this moment, in front of the three doorways of the east and west north, there are three strong men who look like ants and bend their knees.

Yu Haoran knew that this was an effect of the rules.

In fact, the sword tower, which seems to be less than nine meters tall, has a real height of more than ten thousand meters, but it was restricted by a special rule, which caused the sword tower to shrink to a height of nine meters.

Similarly, affected by the height rules of the compressed sword tower, all warriors close to the sword tower will automatically shrink, eventually becoming like the three strong men sitting in front of the building.

Of course, this shrinking is just a change in the eyes of the onlookers, but for the warriors approaching and entering the sword tower, there is no sense at all.

Stepping towards the sword tower, Yu Haoran, which was gradually shrinking under the attention of everyone, first came to the East Gate.

This is a middle-aged strong man in his fifties who is wearing a light blue sword robe.

Just seeing the appearance of the middle-aged strong in the sword robe, Yu Haoran turned to the north gate.

Because this middle-aged strong man in a sword robe is called Qian Shuhao, he is a casual master who is proficient in kendo, and he is a top strong man who has attained the realm of three martial arts.

With his current strength, even the secret method of overdrawing the blood of the ancestral witch is difficult to defeat the other party, and he can only give up helplessly.

Hurry up to the north gate.

This is a handsome young man under the age of thirty, dazzling starlight gown, set off his extraordinary origins.

Even with his eyes closed and his breath closed, his face still had a slight smile on his face, giving a gentle feeling of wanting to approach.

He sighed and shook his head, Yu Haoran stepped towards Ximen.

The star-shirt young man sitting on the north gate is named Liu Xing, nicknamed Meteor. It is from the Ling Xiao Pavilion, one of the top seven denominations, and the only disciple of the contemporary Ling Xiao Pavilion.

Although it is repaired to have only the peak of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin, but its real strength is not inferior to the strong in the realm of Er Zha Zhun Wu Zun.

Of course, if he uses the secret method inherited from the ancestral and witch blood, Yu Haoran is sure to take his life within three strokes.

However, in the previous life, the other party had shot three times to save him, and it was impossible for him to occupy the place where the opponent entered the sword tower.

After walking to Ximen, Yu Haoran flashed a gleam of cold light immediately.

Because the middle-aged warrior sitting at Ximen was named Zhuo Yucheng, a deacon from Yuxu Palace, and one of the enemies who led his team to chase and kill him.


Quickly walked to Zhuo Yucheng's presence, Yu Haoran forcibly suppressed the murderous spirit that constantly appeared in his body, and shouted like a frost.

"Boy, do you know who you're talking to!" Opening his eyes, Zhuo Yucheng asked with a somber expression.

"Three numbers!"

In order to avoid being found to be deliberately targeting the Yuxu Palace, Yu Haoran treats the temperamental young people from the Wu family, giving a time limit that he can endure.

"Boy, I think you're impatient!"

As the head of the top seven denominations in the Tianxuan continent, the deacon of Yuxu Palace and the Palace, Zhuo Yucheng will be honored as a VIP no matter where he goes.

Even in Shuangniu Mountain, which is not ruled by any forces, no one dares to provoke and embarrass himself. Otherwise, why can he use the cultivation of the peak of Wusheng Bapin to occupy a place that can enter the sword tower.

However, the boy in front of him not only did not give himself face, not to the face of Yuxu Palace, but also dared to threaten himself, how could this not make Zhuo Yucheng angry.

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