Destined Martial God

Chapter 1056: Gathered in front of the sword tower (three)

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In the valley!

At the same time, he is proficient in Dan Dao, Zhen Dao and Kendo, and has achieved very high achievements. Yu Haoran's amazing performance has made the world feel incredible.

Nowadays, in addition to the three auxiliary methods of practice, he is also proficient in the most complicated, and also tests the talent and understanding of the wizard.

This makes Jianyu really do not know how to express his feelings, and can only sigh with a grin.

Yu Haoran didn't care about Jianyu's sigh, he continued.

"Senior Jianyu, when we met for the first time, the junior accidentally saw that there was a bit of evil spirit between the predecessors' eyebrows, and secretly used the inferential numerology to calculate the divination.

"It turned out that the predecessors were in danger of weakening their fortunes and breaking their lives."

"Therefore, the juniors will take the liberty to ask the seniors why they came to Shuangniu Mountain, which is why I can appear in the sword domain in time without knowing that Haohai Jianzun left Dongfu."

"So it is!"

While understanding the reason for Hao Ran's adventures in rudeness, Jian Yu's heart was warming up.

Because he didn't expect that Yu Hao would care about himself so much, which made him reluctant to blame himself. He should not blame himself for turning his face suddenly.

So he immediately apologized in shame.

"Master Ma, everything is the fault of the old man. The old man is here to apologize to you."

He waved his hand to signal that he did not blame him for turning his face, Yu Haoran continued.

"The younger generation accidentally felt the breath of Brother Lu Yuan when he helped the elders in divination in secret."

"Brother Lu Yuan's breath gave the junior a very close feeling, as if we were the same brothers in the past."

"Master Ma, my husband understands!"

If the practitioner's practice reaches a certain height, he can use the inferential deduction to calculate a person's past and present life.

From the fact that Yu Haoran and Lu Yuan both possess the potential of demon evil level and kendo talent, and from the very similar working styles of the two, the previous life may be really brothers and not necessarily.

Moreover, this can also explain why in the case of no acquaintance, Yu Haoran was willing to give Jian Zun such an inferior opportunity to Lu Yuan.

"Senior Jianyu, through the contact just now, I found that Haohai Jianzun is not a very patient person."

Seeing that he used the technique of inferior numerology to make excuses, it was finally the reason why he helped Jian Yu and Lu Yuan. Yu Haoran secretly relieved and reminded.

"So, seniors, now you better return to Tianjian Sect immediately, and then arrange for Brother Lu Yuan to accept the test of Haohai Sword Master as soon as possible."

"Master Ma, that old man has left!"

Raising his hand and holding a fist, Jianyu directly rose into the sky, and then went straight to Tianjianzong in the central area.

After Jianyu left the valley, Yu Haoran glanced down at the stone sword leading to the sword domain. After a glimmer of expectation flashed in his eyes, he also rose into the sky and quickly returned to the Eternal Pavilion of the Heavenly World Chapter!


In front of the sword tower!

Since the birth of Jianlou Jianbang because of Yu Haoran, it immediately shocked many geniuses of the peerless and evil levels in the Central Region.

A small person from a remote sect in the Southern Region can even cause the birth of Jianlou Jianbang, so they are peerless and demon-level geniuses who enjoy ample world aura and have the best practice resources!

Therefore, these peerless and demon-level geniuses, while feeling quite dissatisfied, rushed to Shuangniushan one after another, intending to suppress Yu Ran's rising fame through his amazing performance.

But unfortunately, more than a month has passed since the birth of Jianlou Jianbang, and the number of peerless and demon-level geniuses who participated in Jianlou's breakthrough has exceeded 40.

The results of it!

No one can re-emerge the birth of Jianlou Jianbang, including the disciples from five top sects and a core disciple from Liu Yunzong, the top seven sects.

Lian Yunzong ’s core disciples are not as good as Haoran, and they further stimulate the pride of the seven top sects, as well as the core disciples of the inheritance family. They also rushed to the front of the sword tower and wanted to break through the sword tower Performance to prove the superiority of noble birth.

This day's passers-by are from one of the seven top sects, an inherited disciple Xu Ruwen, and a core disciple Ouyang Angtian from the inherited Ouyang family.

Both Xu Ruwen and Ouyang Aungtian are well-known young talents in the Central Territory and the famous Zhenxuan continent. Together, they moved through the barriers and immediately attracted the attention of thousands of warriors in Shuangniu Mountain.

"Look, Brother Xu Ruwen has already broken into the 60th floor of the Jianlou!" An elite disciple from Liu Yunzong shouted in surprise when he saw the light shining on the 63rd floor on the west side of the Jianlou. .

For more than a month, more than forty peerless and demon-level geniuses who came to Jianlou to break through the barriers had the highest number of layers in the sixty-two floors. Xu Ruwen successfully broke into the sixty-third floor, which is also a record.

"Look, Prince Aung Tian also successfully broke into the 63rd floor of the sword tower!" The surprise voice of the elite disciples in Liuyunzong just dropped, and a strong man from the Ouyang family reminded him with a loud voice.

"The sixty-third floor of the sword tower is only qualified to open the sword tower sword list, but whether it will eventually lead to the birth of the sword tower sword list depends not only on the length of their stay in the sword tower, but also on their beheading of Wu Sheng. The number of Jiupin swordsmen. "Wu Shengqiang, who has been selected by the crowd as the on-site judge, enjoys the attention of everyone and solemnly introduces it.

"Predecessor Qiu, how long do you need to stay in the sword list, and how many swordsmen of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin need to be killed? Is it enough to cause Jian Lou Sword List to be born?" Need to meet the requirements of the introduction, a handsome young man with white robes and sharp edges asked.

"It turned out to be Yunjie, the son of Tianwumen!" When someone was asked about the conditions that Jianlou Jianbang needs to be born, the enemies Wu Shengqiang looked up and greeted with a smile.

"Tian Yunmen, one of the three top wicked evil disciples of the young generation of Tianwumen!"

When the enemies named Wu Shengqiang pointed out the origins of the handsome young man, there was a burst of shouts from the scene.

Several warriors who knew and understood the situation of Tianwumen immediately introduced to the people around them.

"It is said that when the son Yunjie participated in the selection contest of the sectarian disciples and was tested for qualifications, his talent, potential, perseverance, and perception reached a deep purple color at the same time.

"It is said that when Yunjie first practiced, it took only three hours to successfully guide the heaven and earth reiki into the body, and it took only one year to successfully advance to Wuzong realm."

"It is said that the son of Yun Jie broke through the realm of Wu Sheng and fully realized the power of three rules."

"It is said that in the early days of Wu Sheng Sanpin, the son of Yun Jie once defeated a strong man who robbed Zun Wuzun."

"Supposedly ...!"

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